Chapter 50

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" There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. "

- Elie Wiesel

(Two Hours Later: Berlin, Germany)

Dr. Wynter Baranowski spent driving the truck on the way to the German National Capital where they had left the affected towns. The old tall man and the Kree-Lizard hybrid had conversed about their lives before the aliens invaded the planet. Morgenthau was a former espionage agent who used the name Flagsmasher, a global terrorist. The boy and the female physician became more interested in hearing the backstory of the schizophrenic elder.

" I admit, " he sadly sighed and spoke. " I infiltrated a cargo area in Vale City, Remnant. "

" Why did you do that? " the Kree-Lizard boy asked.

" You know I worked for the ULTIMATUM once, before I ended up as a sickly and crazy patient. I got interested with Kree weaponry as I found worthy to steal. "

" So, you're a thief and a terrorist? " Baranowski queried.

" That is right, " the old man nodded. " But something had changed my life on that day, I met a strange handsome man with flashing hands. He was awfully strong and intimidating. I was supposed to attack him, but he instantly took me down. He infiltrated my mind upto my soul which it caused me to become weird. "

" What do you mean? What did that man look like? " the boy curiously raised his voice.

" That man disguised as a warehouse guard, but he revealed himself to be superhero from another planet. He had a blue skin and a long silvery white hair, " the German-Swiss Elder explained and turned to the hybrid. " Your green irises in your eyes reminded me of that mysterious Kree man. "

" Really?! "

" Of course, Svet. That's why I realized you're more than an indestructible monster. You are something else, mein freund. "

" If only I have more time to analyze Svet's health condition, " Baranowski added and slightly smiled. " But I guess my family is more important than my work. "

The old man got curious of the physician's words, as he never realized what she meant and looked concerned at her. The Kree-Lizard boy sadly sighed and understood of what had transpired since last night. The widow's grief was still present in her mind.

" Karl, Dr. Baranowski's husband just passed away seven days ago, " he said and turned to Morgenthau. " We found his body in an abandoned house near the mountain. "

" That is very depressing for you, " Morgenthau sadly spoke. " My sincerest condolences to you and your family, Dr. Baranowski. "

" Thank you, Mr. Morgenthau, " she nodded.

The old man smiled back and looked at the window as the vehicle reached the streets. The quiet buildings had greeted them along with the remnants of the famous Berlin wall. The Kree-Lizard boy became very curious as he wanted to see the sights of Berlin, but silence and danger was still roaming around the city. The threats of their enemies would hinder them if they continued further. The Schnee manor in Mitte was just few blocks away from the Reichstag building. Wynter felt pleased to see her home for years as she was longing to see her children. She parked the truck as everyone got out. The white haired doctor pressed the doorbell and waited for anyone to open the gate.

 " Is anyone there? " the hybrid boy curiously asked and scratched his head.

" I hope Ada could open it for us, " Baranowski replied.

" Who is Ada? "

" My trusted caretaker and maid..."

Just then, a middle aged fat brunette woman came out of the house and opened the gate. Morgenthau and the hybrid boy became very nervous in seeing her. Ada the caretaker looked suspiciously at the two men and raised her eyebrows. Baranowski reminded her that they were guests, but still the German woman glared at them.

" Why is she glaring at us, Doctor? " the old man asked and felt uneasy to look at her. " Her looks are killing us! "

" Yeah, are we even that bad? " the Kree-Lizard boy added.

" Ada was a former slave of those enemies two decades ago, " she explained. " Before I got here to Europe, she was saved by the German Rebels when she was twenty-five years old. She was brought to my relatives as they decided to keep her from them. "

" She surely had a tough life back then. "

" Yes, she did. Infact, Ada was the only person who acted like my own mother and pushed me to marry her nephew, Dieter. "

 Ada nodded and guided the three to the living room. Dr. Baranowski offered her two guests some seats as they sat and waited. The Kree-Lizard boy looked around as he saw three children coming from the stairs and heard of their laughter. They hugged their mother as they were all pleased to see her. He sadly sighed and remembered his longing to have a family to be cared. Morgenthau looked at him with a concern and gently patted the boy's back.

" Svet, are you okay? " he asked.

" I'm so envious and sad to see families together, " the hybrid gloomily replied. " I was born in an MTF Containment Cell and being observed and experimented. I have no family. I still don't know who my parents and siblings are. Karl, why I can't have a normal life in times like these? "

" That is very complicated to hear from you, mein freund. I have never heard of a sad person like you have this kind of personal issue, before. I am no psychiatrist, but I think you can only help yourself and find your true meaning of your life. "

" What do you mean by that? "

 " It's too very broad to explain, Svet. But once you get that point, you will know how your life is worthy to experience everything, " the old man smiled and turned to the family. He understood and heard the conversation as the two eavesdropped. " You know, these children were sad to lose their father after all this problematic situation. It is very hard for them to stay with their mother. "

" I see, even I don't really understand what they are saying. Their faces tell how they feel. " 

    Ada arrived with some drinks and snacks to the two guests as she served them on the table. The two guests slightly smiled at her, even she had a very stern face to confront them. She was crossing her arms and watching at the old man and the hybrid while eating. The two were still uncomfortable looking at her. 

" She still freaks me out, " the hybrid boy whispered at the old man.

" I know, Svet..." Morgenthau nodded. " Let's try a different approach. "

" What is it? "

" Be nice to her. I will translate your words into German and let me interpret her response. Is that clear? "

" Yeah, but she doesn't seem talking to us at all. "

" Right now, let's finish this food and assist her to the kitchen. Clear? "

" Got it."

The two finished eating as Morgenthau brought the utensils to the househelp. The boy also helped the old man, but Ada sternly glared at the two and instantly grabbed them. She was not happy to see them helping her and pointing at the backyard porch. The two men sighed which they had no choice, but to follow her instructions. They went outside and found the chair to sit. The trees waved at them when the wind was helping.

" Now what?! " the boy raised his voice.

" That old fraulein has some issues towards men like us. Yet, I wonder? "

" Dr. Baranowski mentioned she was a slave before. Probably, the Kree and the Lizards treated her badly. "

" I think so."

Without their knowledge, the Kree-Lizard boy felt itching and scratched his back and tail. The old man noticed his companion's uneasiness as he widened his eyes in shock.

" Oh, crap! " the hybrid cried. " Not again! "

" Svet, are you having allergies? "

" No, something had bit me! "

" Why don't you ask the doctor to get you some ointment? It's an insect bite, Ja? "

 " Yeah, hold on. Karl..." the boy nodded and stood up as he thought of meeting the doctor again. Suddenly, the two insect sized people instantly grew in size when the boy got dumbfounded and accidentally fell down in shock. He yelled as the middle aged insect faunus couple from Russia was happy to see him again.

" Long time, No See, Svet!! Welcome to Berlin!! " the brunette wasp man grinned.

" How did you get here?! " the hybrid exclaimed.

" We have been following you all the way from Russia! Man, you made yourself here! " the dark haired ant woman laughed. " Remember us, Svet? "

" I think so... Sorry, what are your names again?! "

" It's me Tahu and this is my wife Michelle! "

 " What on Earth?! " Morgenthau cried as he got surprised from what he was seeing. " You guys are from Remnant, aren't you? Ja or Nein?! "

" Well, yeah, " Michelle nervously grinned and laughed. " But we have lived in Russia for sometime and followed Svet all over Europe to track him. "

" So, Old Smolder just asked you to follow me? " the boy asked.

" Do you even think he would forget you, Svet? " Tahu shrugged. " That spaceman wants you to be safe all the way in your trip to France, whether you see the Kree Eternal or not! We knew you have been chased by the MTF guys or the big baddies, so we have a way to divert you from them. "

" Are these your friends, Svet? " the old man asked and pointed the couple.

" Yes, " he nodded. " I don't even expect them to follow me, but thank you."

 " You're welcome, " Michelle smiled. 

" Anyways, we have some bad news, " Tahu added as the two men turned their attention to the Faunus couple. " The abduction and slavery cases in Berlin are on the rise. You guys need to be careful in meeting these goons. "

" Ja, I better stay in the manor, " the German-Swiss elder replied and returned to his seat. " I almost died with that encounter. "

" We need Svet's help this time, " the ant woman turned to the hybrid and confidently smiled.

" My help?! " he curiously repeated the words. " But why?! Why me?! "

" You rescued an Inhuman and some people back in Poland. So, you, the 682 clone and future Avenger, should do it. Don't worry we're gonna help you! "

" Aside from that, " Tahu added and scratched his chin. " You're gonna aid a group of mercenaries who infiltrate the slave den. They knew the ins and outs of the whole place. " 

 " Where and how am I going to meet them? "

" Well, not so sure about that, " his wife answered. " You better meet them in the alley. Besides, we just heard rumors about them. "

" Okay..." 

" I'm so sorry for not introducing myself, I am Karl Morgenthau, a free man and a retired terrorist. " the elder broke his silence. " If you need my help in breaking down these enemies, I can help you in making my plans for them. "

" It's nice to meet you, sir. " the wasp man smiled. " Yeah, we need your wisdom right now. " 

Ada the househelp walked over and crossed her arms as she glared suspiciously at the four people from the backyard. She intently stared at the Faunus couple as Tahu and Michelle got surprised to see her.

" Who is that? " the wasp man asked.

" That's Dr. Wynter Baranowski's housemaid, Ada. " the boy replied and felt more uncomfortable in seeing her. " She looks nice, doesn't she? "

" I don't think so, " Michelle nervously smiled.

" You people don't know what you're going to do..." the middle aged woman sternly spoke in her heavy German accent. " Those men are deadly and dangerous..."

" I didn't know you talk, fraulein! " Morgenthau chuckled and scratched his head.

" I am very doubtful of your visit! If you dare to hurt Wynter or her children, I will all kill you! "

" No, no, no! We're not here to hurt anybody, " Tahu added and waved his hands. " We are following Svet and his new friend here. "

" Who is Svet? What is Svet? "

" The Russian Lizard who speaks English! " the German-Swiss man pointed at the hybrid as the boy laughed.

" Russian Lizard?! " she doubtfully repeated the old man's words and glared at the boy.

" YA govoryu na russkom yazyke! YA priyekhal vsyu dorogu iz Moskvy, spasibo vashemu vladel'tsu! (I speak Russian! I have come all the way from Moscow, thanks to your owner!) " the Kree-Lizard politely spoke.

" What does he mean? "

" He says he has come all the way from Moscow and speaks Russian..." Michelle translated the boy's words.

" Russland..." Ada nodded and sternly spoke. " I see. My grandparents said that Russians were more ruthless than Germans. I hope you're not following from your communist roots, Svet. "

" I don't understand what you're saying, but I am not that ruthless like you mentioned, " the boy answered and wryly smiled.

" Then prove it, boy. Make me convince that you are trusted like my late nephew, Dieter. Actions speak louder than words. "

" I will do my best, Ada. "

" So, you are all looking for pertinent information about the slave den in the city, " she changed her topic and raised her eyebrows. " I doubt you all succeed in your exploits. Most of the people failed and died when they fought the blue skins and some lizards. "

" But you were rescued, right? "

" That was the only successful mission that the Rebel Forces did. Afterwards, they all failed. So, that's why I never joined not supported their job. They all perish anyways. These so-called heroes get stumbled everytime they encounter those demons. My nephew became a casualty, because of his involvement. He never listened to me. He was just like his parents and siblings. "

" I wonder why she's too harsh? " Tahu whispered to his wife.

" That's her observation, " Michelle replied. " We need to prove her wrong. "

" If you're going elsewhere in Berlin to infiltrate a slave den, you will just end up in horrible bloodshed and despair. You will never succeed at all. "

" Are you going to help us? " the Kree-Lizard boy asked.

" NEIN! " she instantly replied. " You people from the Rebel Forces are nothing but foolish heroes! You just don't know how you will use your brains for your dumb tactics. "

Ada instantly left the group and entered the house. The four of them remained silent after listening to the housemaid. Morgenthau heavily sighed and looked at the other three.

" I could have hit her with my mace, " he muttered. " Never mind, let's plan your operation before you go there. "

(Kreuzberg, Berlin: 8:00 PM)

This place was once famous for it's Turkish ambience where students and artists had resided. The 18th century buildings were still standing in the midst of this extraterrestrial chaos, as some were dismantled by weathering and invasion. On the dark alleys of this district, the Kree-Lizard hybrid was still in his cloak as he pretended to be a patron looking for interesting human women as prostitutes. He and his miniscule companions had entered the building where it was deemed to be a slave den. Walking around the place, he saw some rich blue skinned men and other aliens watching an Inhuman tournament match. He took a glance of it and turned away. Just then, he saw a lizard man blocking his way and grinned at him. The boy rolled his eyes in disgust and heavily sighed.

" Do you have a business here, mein freund? " the reptilian spoke in German accent.

" I am looking for women..." the boy cleared his throat and replied in his Russian accent. " I have come all the way from Russia. Those women are very hard to please for my satisfaction. "

" Ah...I thought it's for our skirmish, but something else, " he gave him a hardy laugh and guided him on the hallway. " Come right, this way..."

The hybrid nodded no furiously as his eyes moved around the premises. He saw some Inhumans walking around as they were all lined up for the tournament. Tahu and Michelle hid under the boy's cloak as they saw their way to the prostitute's corner. The Kree men took the ladies as they headed to their personal rooms. The boy never wanted to see those as he reminded in those things in Moscow. The boy heard of loud cries of females being daunted by males in each rooms.

" Svet, this is too much! " Tahu whispered.

" These girls need our help! " Michelle added.

" I know," he spoke lowly. " This is more devastating than what I have with 682. Can we do something right now? "

Suddenly, he saw a blue haired girl who just came from the tournament and being grabbed by the blue Kree men. She was being brought by a group of grey humanoid bald men as a weapon and a prostitute. She was incessantly yelling when the boy heard her. He approached the group and halted them.

" Hey! " the boy called their attention. " Why and where are you taking her? "

" And why are you meddling with our business, lizard? " the pink-Kree handler indignantly spoke. " She's about to be taken from our customers! "

" For a price? How much?! "

" 20 MILLION EUROS in your currency. In our counterpart, it's 100 BILLION PAMAS! "

" Dammit, we can't afford that..." Michelle whispered.

" Where the heck are we gonna get that money?! " her husband replied. " We just came from Wynter Baranowski's house, eh? "

" What's the long silence, boy? " the handler taunted. " This girl is already sold to them! You can no longer purchase that Inhuman! "

" Crap, I'm too late for this..." the hybrid thought and heard a commotion from a distance. Everyone turned their attention as they saw two mercenaries shooting the lizards and blue men along the way. Tahu and Michelle turned around as they heard what's going on. The others got distracted to continue their business. A male insect Faunus with a yellow jacket used his two katanas to slash the guards. On the other hand, his partner was a white haired insect Faunus woman who used her pistols in shooting the wave of attackers coming their way. 

   " I think that's our signal..." the wasp man smiled and grew in size as he punched the blue skinned man.

" Game time! " the bullet ant lady also grew and stung the other lizard guard who hindered the way. Then, she turned to the hybrid and said, " Svet, you know what to do! "

" Got it! " he nodded and began to punch the walls of each rooms where the women were enslaved. The male patrons widened their eyes as they got exposed. Suddenly, the other Faunus man slashed each one of them. The others got shot and fell down. The white haired woman signaled her partner to leave.

" We got some new intruders, Skeer, " he said. " I thought it was just us. "

" Korven, I guess they're doing the same motive, " Skeer replied and saw the other three escaping the slaves from den. " Now, we've got company. "

  A group of Kree and Lizards had remained and kept fighting, but Tahu diverted them to Michelle by confusing them and his wife had stung them. The blue haired Inhuman also joined the two as she saw a large drum of water and summoned it using her hands when the enemies got wet from the water splash she made. The Kree-Lizard boy smiled and saw her ability made it.

" You have an interesting power, " he commented. 

" Thanks! "

Korven and Skeer approached the other group as they joined them. Tahu and his companions noticed them coming when some of the remaining enemies surrounded the group.

" You guys need our help, " Skeer said and held her pistol. " I knew you're working the same page with us. "

" How about we team up? " the hybrid asked.

" Good idea, " Korven nodded.

" Okay, so what now? " Michelle shrugged.

" Now, we beat 'em! " her husband smiled.

" I'm in! " the Inhuman girl nodded in agreement. 

The Kree handler confronted the group and signaled his minions to begin their execution. Korven menacingly grinned and took his blades to slash the men down. Skeer instantly shot the others. Tahu and Michelle both stung the remaining guards. The others fled when the boy instantly grabbed their legs and crushed them. The blue haired Inhuman girl bent the water coming from the buckets and splashed them into their faces. The other troopers cowered and quickly fled. Finally, they had successfully made their mission at this time around. The Kree-Lizard and his companions were pleased which they had saved a crowd of slaves by defeating a slave den handlers.

(Moments Later: Mitte, Berlin)

The people from the slave den had come to converged at the Schnee Manor where Dr. Baranowski had welcomed them to remain as their shelter. Karl Morgenthau was happy to see more people had saved this evening. Korven, Skeer, and the others conversed when they met and got to know of each other after that incident. Ada the Househelp was surprised to see more of the former slaves had been freed which she had never expected it to happen. She turned to the Kree-Lizard and felt guilty of the harsh criticism she had said.

" Svet, I am so sorry for my words earlier, " she humbly spoke. " I didn't know you and your friends have... "

" It was Karl's idea, " he smiled and placed his left hand on her shoulder. " You don't need to apologize, Ada. "

" I'm so glad you have done it. After all, you have brought more people to be saved. "

" Well, we asked other people who wanted to aid us, " he nodded and turned to Korven, Skeer, and Aqua.

" We were once slaves like you, " Skeer the white haired insect Faunus said. " I met my friend Korven in the slave den. We experienced that same trouble from those evil men back in New York City a decade ago. They brought us here in Germany. "

" Then, thanks to our decision, we fought and rebelled against the guys, " Korven shrugged. " That's why we made our way to save slaves. "

" Thank you, Ada for helping us. " Aqua added.

" It is my lifelong obligation and passion to help you all, " the middle-aged househelp smiled and wept for joy.

(More than Two Decades Later: Rouen, France)

" So, you have done a good work in Europe, " Carol smiled and gently patted her son's back. " After all, you deserved to be an Avenger! "

The Kree-Lizard boy blushed harder from what he heard from his mother as he looked at her and smiled. He leaned on his seat and sighed in relief. The elderly half-Kree woman was pleased to hear her son's story which she knew everything from him.

" It was nothing, mom, " he replied. " I just needed to do the right thing which I learned from my friends, but now you also inspired me more. "

" I'm very sure you will learn a lot from me, Kid. "

" Yes, mom. I'm glad you're interested hearing about my experiences. Well, I hope you will like to hear more from me. "

" Of course. "

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