Chapter 35

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" A society without mothers would not only be a cold society, but a society that has lost its heart, lost the feel of home. "

- Pope Francis

(More than Two Years Ago: Rouen, France)

The nearby trees had been waving their leaves by the soft breeze. The blue skies with fluffy white cumulus cirrus clouds had drifted and were roaming around. Elder Carol Danvers or Captain Marvel busily spent gardening in her mansion yard. Touching the earthly soil, she took the new plants and carefully planted them. Then, she noticed the Kree-Lizard hybrid boy staring at the vivid fair skies. Amnon-Selah remained silent and pondered about those nightmares he had. Carol remembered the other night when she comforted her son awakening and weeping. Looking at him, she thought of diverting his attention to something else.

" Hey, Kid! " she called the hybrid boy's attention. " Hey! Hey! "

Amnon slowly turned around and became curious if his mother was calling him. He approached and felt shy to confront her. Carol smiled at him and paused at her gardening.

" Come on, Kid, Don't be so shy. "

" Why are you calling me? " he curiously asked.

" I'm just thinking of you doing something else, aside from watching the clouds go by. "

" What is it? "

" Can you help me plant this bunch of lettuce here? "

Amnon raised his eyebrows and got dumbfounded at what his mother was referring to. He was unfamiliar with the edible plants being placed in the vegetable garden box. He scratched his scaly head and intently looked at the leafy greens. The elderly half-Kree woman noticed his long silence.

" Kid? " she raised her voice. " Is there something wrong in what I have said? "

" I don't know anything about it, " Amnon broke his silence, wryly smiled and chuckled.

" Kid, you're just placing the lettuce into the soil. That's all. "

" How? "

" I'll show you. Now, squat beside me and watch what I'm doing. "

" Okay, " he nodded and squatted beside his mother.

Carol took another lettuce and her shovel. She was digging the soil outwards when the small rocks had ricocheted. The Kree-Lizard boy curiously looked at the pale Earthworms inhabiting the ground. He felt uneasy to stare at them as his face got grimaced. The elderly half-Kree woman smiled and chuckled at him.

" What's wrong, Kid? " she asked.

" 682 just said humans are disgusting, but these are more disgusting than people! " he exclaimed.

" Kid, don't you ever judge any living thing by its looks. Each of them has its own useful purpose. "

" Useful purpose? What is that? "

" Like the Earthworms here, they help to get much air and water that gets into the soil. They break down organic matter, like leaves and grass into things that plants can use. When they eat, they leave behind every fragment of these plants, " she explained.

" So, they're very useful then, " he commented.

" Well, If you can suit yourself to be one, " Carol smiled and pointed at the lettuce beside him. " Okay, Boy. Kindly get that plant into the soil. "

" Got it, " he nodded and carefully took the plant as his mother did the same. Amnon had placed the leafy green into dark brown soil. He turned to his mother and asked. " What should I do now? "

" Now, cover the plant's roots with soil, " the half-Kree woman instructed and demonstrated to her son.

" Okay, " the hybrid boy responded and followed his mother's instructions.

Later, they dug another hole for the remaining plants which the mother and son spent working on the garden. Placing the shovel and the watering can, they were finished working their lettuce corner together.

" This is lovely, " Amnon commented and felt pleased to see his work along with his mother. " I didn't know I could do this! "

" See, Kid? You're diverting your negativity to positive productivity, " Carol replied.

" What do you mean? "

" Well, you're changing your focus into work instead. This could help in breaking down that horrible lizard's memories running from your head. "

Amnon heard his abuser being mentioned and remained silent. He never refused to talk about it, but he had opened up to his mother a few nights ago. It seemed he had no choice, but to accept it, since his mother already knew.

" Kid, I'm sorry if I brought that up..." she sadly spoke.

" No, it's fine..." he sighed and slightly smiled. " You're right. I should have gone working and doing things without thinking about it. "

" Well, if that suits you, then do it. "

" I will. Thanks. "

" You know, Kid, " Carol thought of diverting the topic and said, " Gardening teaches you hard work, responsibility, and fulfillment. "

" Why? "

" Well, first off, you're planting, watering the plant and waiting for it to grow. Then, it takes time to nurture a mature plant, witness, and harvest for its fruits. "

" I see, " the boy smiled and understood.

" It goes along with people too. If you care and help them, you will gain more from them and pay them in return. "

" Now, I know what you're teaching me about gardening. "

" You have a lot to learn, Kid. Anytime soon, you'll see more trees and plants that you have nurtured. "

" Really? "

Carol laughed, " Don't take it literally, I mean you'll be meeting with different kinds of people. "

" Right, " he smiled. " I knew what you meant. "

" Yeah, you will, " she smiled back and instantly stood-up. " The sun is setting now. It's time to get inside. "

" You mean it's getting dark? "

" Yep, Let's go..."

(Year 2068: Skies on the way to France, 10:30 AM)

" You missed her a lot, didn't you? " Methu-Selah asked his son who was stuck inside his mind. After the conversation with Roosevelt and the others ended, Amnon-Selah began to talk about his memories with his mother. It spent time discussing telepathically even the others couldn't hear and understand them.

" Yes, " the hybrid boy smiled and felt homesick. " I mean if we can only get to Rouen right now, we can see her. "

" Patience, my boy. We'll get there anytime soon to meet her. "

The MTF Commander approached the disguised Kree Eternal using his son's body. Methu-Selah and Amnon-Selah turned their attention to him.

" Just to inform you both, " Roosevelt broke his silence. " When we get to Paris, we should chat about finding the "BMS" for us to have an even greater chance. From Legends, we've heard that he is fully capable in battle against any large army of demi-gods without effort. The only problem, if he'll accept our offer. "

" This is your chance to speak, son, " the Kree Eternal reminded his son.

" Got it, Old Man, " Amnon-Selah agreed ,switched back, and asked. "Sir, where could we find this guy? Is he going to help us with this exploit or not? "

" Well, the only major problem is to find the guy. No one knows where he could be. "

" All right then, " the Kree-Lizard hybrid nodded and recalled a person's name mentioned in his days back in Russia. " Sir, perhaps someone named Absalom has those exiles from the Inhumans' world. They will convince him to help. At the same time, Andrew, Alicia, and I are the witnesses of Kasius's lair. We can convince him. My master's prophecy in joining forces against the tyrant must be fulfilled. We will deal first with Kasius and Basha to free the slaves. "

" Of course, that will be top priority. "

" We will rescue the one who has the mask. "

" Of course. "

(After a couple of hours: Bois de Vincennes, Paris, France)

A dozen of the MTF Troopers and the others were carrying the cage that Amnon and his father had remained in. The aircraft landed on the serene and naturistic public park where it was left untouchable by the invaders. Everyone was preparing to go to the streets of Paris. MTF Trooper was slightly tired as he slowly looked at his grip

" I forgot how heavy.....Amnon was, " he commented and heavily sighed. "

" Thanks to the old guy, he gave me more appetite! " Amnon-Selah happily beamed and switched into his father.

" Well, I haven't eaten in hours! " Methu-Selah laughed.

" The body still could die of starvation though. "

" When I was disguised as a lizard, I ate ten times more than humans did! "

" Well, that's the very nutrition requirement for lizard and hybrid species, " the other trooper added.

" Yes, but as a human in my previous lives, I always stay fit. "

" You have an interesting life, you experience, master, " Amnon-Selah commented.

" Yes, it is, son. "

The two MTF Troopers heard the disguised Kree Eternal's words and exchanged glances as they got conscious with their body figure. They scratched their heads and shrugged while murmuring.

" Well, isn't everyone supposed to stay fit? " his fellow asked.

" Not really, anyone could still live a decent life if they are offense, " the other trooper replied and raised his right hand in interjection.

" You humans could have one, I hope, " Methu-Selah spoke.

" Our rebel brothers are here, " Kamal the Ethiopian Inhuman used his binoculars and saw the people coming from a distance.

" How far? " the MTF Sergeant asked.

" 7 meters away. "

" Absalom's forces, " Elder Galenn-Konn muttered and recognized the men.

" I'll be interpreting as well for the non-English speakers, " Dr. Pyromaniac said.

" Of course, the language of love! " his blonde wife laughed.

" It's just a language Madame Firefly, but a good one, " Roosevelt chuckled.

" I could have my turn to talk with them, " Amnon sighed in his mind.

" Nevermind, son. Just let them be, " his father spoke.

Waiting for Dr. Pyromaniac and the others, Amnon-Selah secretly used his cosmic awareness to overhear the conversation. He understood what it meant and turned to the French guard. He reminded everyone to wait for more people to come.

" Amnon-Selah, are you trying out your other ability? " Methu-Selah asked.

" I'm getting the hang of it, master. It seems they have agreed. "

" You, stalker! "

" Heh, you stalked me for years, but I couldn't find you! "

" Oui, nous attendons Monsieur Bav-Tek. Ravi de vous connaitre, monsieur, " Dr. Pyromaniac nodded to the guard and turned to the others.

" What does it mean? " the Kree leader asked.

" We'll wait for Absalom Bav-tek to come. He and the others will be arriving ten minutes from now. "

" I see. "

Amnon remained observing the external environment as he had never been to this tourist attraction in Paris. The last time he could recall when he and his mother had visited famous attractions where he spent his last days with her before he got abducted. Methu-Selah noticed his son in silence and thought of asking.

" Reminiscing? " he queried.

" Master, there's something I want to tell you, " the Kree-Lizard hybrid broke his silence. " I have been here in Paris six months ago with my mother. "

" Was that your last trip with her? "

" Yes, I have been to the Louvre museum, the Church of Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower. She brought me to those places. "

" I'm glad you have remembered, son. I take it you had enjoyed every minute of sightseeing at those places. "

" Yeah, it's a ghost town, now. I don't even know if they could be revived. So, I take it too, have you been to France several times? "

" Yes, a lot, " Methu-Selah smiled and turned to the city view. " I used to meet your mother and her friends in Moulin Rouge. "

" Since when? "

" More than two years ago, it was the day after she met you in Rouen. She was talking about you to me. "

Amnon-Selah was surprised when he heard his parents and a group of friends had met a few years back. He clearly recalled that his mother was going to visit a friend. Somehow, he was getting a gist that the Ethiopian encounter was not an accident or a coincidence. It was a predicament in which he and his father would reunite.

" So, my mother knew this all along, " he said.

" She was the only trusted person whom I have kept your secrets. I'm glad you have found her before me. "

" Thanks to her, I am considered a sane person now. But if only that abduction had never happened, I could have stayed and helped her at the mansion. Perhaps, I could spend time with her in Paris, " Amnon sadly sighed. " I regretted being abducted. This could never happen! I wished she was here with us right now! "

" Well, son. It has happened, " his father calmly answered. " You can't bring up the past, but there are chances to see her again. "

" I hope so... It's just that I really missed her so badly. "

" You will reunite with her, Amnon. On the lighter side, Do you want to continue this Parisian escapade, later on? "

" Yeah, " Amnon replied. " I still want to see more of Paris before the Kree-Lizard invasion happened."

" So, it's like a flashback to Old Paris. Those memories of Old beautiful France should be revived someday. "

" Maybe we could see more of those, too. "

Suddenly, Amnon sensed something from a distance using his cosmic awareness. It was not a warm welcome, but a big trouble from a distance. It could be incoming. His father also sensed it and turned around.

" Master, did you sense it too? " he queried.

" Yes, this is not right..."

" Hm? " the MTF Sergeant noticed something in the distance, grabbed his scope and zoomed into the direction of what he would say.

" What is it, Trooper? " Roosevelt asked.

" I saw movement within the rooftops, within the building nearby. It seemed to be our own men or our enemies, but why are they preparing to have a long range attack? "

" What?! There's no way....." he anxiously looked at Amnon and his father and then turned to the direction of the nearby building. " Oh no...."

(Scenes on this chapter is based from Great War RP by FlashlightMan Budderwriter1 and yours truly. )

(Additional scenes and dialogues by yours truly.)

(Commander Roosevelt by FlashlightMan

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