Chapter 37

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" Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven..."

- Luke 6:37

(Paris, France: 5:03 PM)

Hours after that sudden tumult near Moulin Rouge, the Kree Eternal's family found a place where they could remain for the meantime before returning to Rouen. The MTF troopers and the French Rebel Forces gave them clothes, food, and supplies. Amnon-Selah and his father took the clothes when they had changed.

The Kree-Lizard boy was no longer wearing the accuser uniform. He wore a navy blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of khakis which he found more comfortable to wear. On the other hand, his father was wearing a blue sweater with a white shirt underneath and a pair of dark slacks. His hair was ponytailed with some bandage strips. Carol looked at the two men in front of her and smiled.

" You two look more handsome than before, " she commented.

" Thanks, Mom, " Amnon smiled back. " The old man helped and taught me how to wear these. "

" He's been struggling with how to wear his pants and shirt, " his father added and pointed at the spikes and tail on his son's back. " So, I put those holes on them to make him fit. "

" That makes sense then, " the elderly half-Kree chuckled. " Now, you look like a real gentleman even in your monstrous shell. "

" Thanks, Mom, again... " Amnon blushed in blue and smiled back to his mother. " I'm thinking I can get used to wearing normal clothing rather than a cloak or that ugly Kree uniform. "

" It would be better if you have a new body moving forward, " Methu-Selah blurted out.

Amnon-Selah remained silent and heard the Kree Eternal's words when he got surprised. He curiously looked at his parents and scratched his chin.

" Master, Mom..." he broke his silence and asked. " Is there something you guys have in store for me that I really need to know? "

Methu-Selah and Carol exchanged glances and understood what their son had said. They thought of telling the truth about the Project Marvel which they had reserved the new body for the hybrid boy. Amnon-Selah waited for their response and put both his hands on his waist.

" Kid, it's a long story, " his mother replied. " The Kree Eternal and I wished to tell that to you. I know you have been wondering about it. "

" Well, yeah, " he nodded. " I have been searching for answers for decades now. I know you have to tell these to me. I'm willing to listen. "

" Maybe later, son. Your mother and I will take more time to talk further as you have more stories to tell too, " his father said and heard his son's stomach growling loudly . " You're hungry. "

" Oh, you're right! Sorry...." Amnon chuckled and turned to the kitchen, seeing the ingredients at the table and smelling them. " Hmmm...these look perfect for a soup. "

" Son, you knew how to cook? "

" Master, my late girlfriend and my mother taught me how to prepare and cook food. That's one of my favorite things to do, " the Kree-Lizard boy replied and inspected the food in the kitchen. " Let's see. We have a can of cream, potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms, and a large chunk of chicken breast. Voila! I could make a chicken soup out of them! "

" Good thinking, Kid, " Carol said and gently patted her son's shoulders. " There's something missing in that soup you will make. "

" What is it, Mom? "

" Bread Bowls! "

" Bread Bowls? " Amnon curiously repeated the words from his mother. " I didn't see those when the people delivered them earlier. "

Methu-Selah checked at the refrigerator and brought out the large bread when his friend and son turned to him and asked, " Are you looking for these? "

" Oh, yes! " Carol and Amnon happily beamed.

" You're the chef, my boy! Make it very special! "

" Yes, sir! "

Gathering and preparing the ingredients for the soup, Amnon-Selah focused on chopping and slicing them. He took a large pot of water and placed the chicken to be boiled. Finishing the other ingredients, he carefully added them into the pot along with the cream. He got the stirring spoon and carefully mixed the soup. On the other hand, his parents used their photon energy from their both hands in heating the bread bowls.

" Mom, Master, the soup is ready! " Amnon called them.

" The bread bowls are done too, " Carol held a tray of three bread bowls. " They're like fresh from the oven, but our photon energies have made them just right. "

Amnon carefully placed the soup into the three bread bowls and smelled as he felt pleased for his kitchen delicacy. His father took a bottle of champagne while his mother brought the utensils on the table. Finally, the Kree couple had sat down and saw their son holding a tray of soup inside the bread bowls. They were all looking forward to the Kree-Lizard hybrid chef's specialty.

" Bon appetit! " he gleefully called their attention and served the meal on the table.

Carol and Methu-Selah took each of the bread bowl soup and used their spoons to taste the meal. Amnon instantly sat down and waited for his parents' reaction and response. They felt pleased and liked the soup as they enjoyed eating it.

" This is really good! " the Kree Eternal widened his smile and exclaimed. " That cream has fitted the chicken and the other vegetables involved. The soup is either salty or savory, but it has satisfied the Kree man's sense of taste and delight of Earth cuisine. Simple, but exquisite! "

" Thank you, Master, " his son blushed harder and felt pleased to hear his father's comment about the soup.

" Just to add this, " Carol broke her silence. " The chicken here has blended well with the cream. It's just right to have the cream soup for it. The ingredients are well done. "

" Thanks, it's just because I missed cooking, " he slightly smiled after he ingested a spoonful of mushroom with a slice of chicken. " Cooking makes me happy. If I see people who like my dishes, I become happier than ever. "

" What else can you make? " Methu-Selah asked.

" My mom taught me how to bake bread and cookies back in the mansion. It's tricky at first, but I got used to it and enjoyed eating some of my baked goodies. "

" Methie, I used Amnon's recipe and got some of his baked biscuits for my visitor this morning. "

" Really?! " the father and son raised their voice in unison.

" He ate and appreciated those chocolate chip biscuits that you have for him. "

The Kree Eternal got surprised and turned to his son, " So, baking and cooking has become the most integral part of you? "

" Yes, master. It has given me the true joy and passion and helped me not to think about 682. If only some people from the MTF could hear me right now, I don't know if they could understand me about breaking the curse of that indestructible lizard and then the overlord. For those months I was in the slave den, All I did was to toil harder and kill people who opposed. I just didn't want those things anymore. Just earlier, the people got tensed to see me, because they thought I was still that mad lizard and accuser. They just don't know how hard I have been for years. "

" That's understandable, Kid, " the elderly half-Kree gently held her son's right hand. " You have the right to make things for the better. Like you have satisfied us for making an early dinner. So, after this invasion, what's your next step in life? "

" Well, I want to live a normal and simple life with you guys. Honestly, I really wanted to become a farmer and a chef, " he sincerely smiled. " Perhaps, I could have a supply of food and find myself working at the restaurant. I will be happy to serve more people who appreciate my work in the future. "

Methu-Selah secretly read his son's mind and thought of more different than Amnon's goals in life. He became skeptical and then understood his son's passion for food and preparing it.

" Amnon, if that makes you happy, then I support it. I won't judge you for that decision, " he said.

" Thank you, master. "

" But there's more to life, my boy. "

" I don't know about what you're saying, but I hope it's for the best, " he chuckled.

They spent eating and talking when someone knocked on the door. Amnon-Selah and his parents sensed the person from the outside and exchanged glances. They knew who it was, but the Kree-Lizard hybrid was contemplating to stand up and open the door. He understood that he would get harmed once again from them. Carol and Methu-Selah gently patted their son's back and gave him an assuring smile. The boy sighed and had no choice, but to confront the same people who badly hurted him earlier.

Amnon slowly stood up and opened the door, seeing a female ARC trooper named Alpha. He was wryly smiling and becoming more nervous and uncomfortable to confront her.

" H-Hi? " he greeted her and asked. " A-Are you trying to contain and kill me numerous times? If you will...."

" No, no, we're not going to hurt you anymore, " she said. " I just smelled something delicious inside your place...."

" mean that soup? "

" Yeah, " Alpha nodded. " Mind if I could stay and eat here? "

Amnon-Selah was compelled to let the ARC trooper enter the flat. He remembered she was responsible for putting him to the brink of death. For him, he thought of not letting her visit the place and having a bowl of his special soup for dinner. His father stood up and approached him. The Kree-Lizard boy turned to the older blue skinned man and felt nervous. Alpha was waiting for their response as the hybrid gave her a please wait for a while facial expression. The father and son headed at the corner to talk.

" Master, I just don't know if I could welcome her, " Amnon heavily sighed and shrugged. " That lady almost killed me earlier with that enhanced blade. Now, she wants to have dinner with us? I don't think so! She might be spying on me and calling anyone to contain me again! I just don't want to be bothered anymore! "

" You know I felt the same way when I returned to this planet and landed in Japan two centuries ago, " his father said.

" Master, this is another story...I don't...."

" Son, please listen to me, I'm trying to relay my experiences to you. Then, you will understand, " Methu-Selah seriously replied.

" Okay, so what happened when you were there? "

" The villagers at a town in Yokohama prefecture were afraid to see me. At first, I was in a disguise of a lizard like you. They labeled me as a monster from the sea or the evil gods from the heavens and said I could bring misfortune to their place. "

" So, they thought you're also an Indestruc? "

" Yes, " his father nodded and recalled. " At that earthquake, I was able to rescue some of the villagers who survived. They discovered my true form as a blue skinned Kree when I started flying around and taking them away from the prone area. From then on, they accepted me as I have forgiven them. That community was once harsh, but they turned out to be my greatest friends. "

" So, that wasn't easy for you too, but you were able to forgive them, " Amnon said and understood his father's story. " How come? Why did you do that? "

" Well, you have to learn to let go of the past by forgiving them and doing things right. Even the bad ones treated you harshly, you have to remain as a good person, " the Kree Eternal put his right hand on his son's shoulder.

Amnon got surprised and turned around as he saw the female ARC trooper had entered the flat. His mother offered the visitor a seat and a bowl of soup.

" Mom! You have just..." he paused.

" You guys are still talking and taking so long. Then, she's really waiting for you and wanting to have a bowl of soup for dinner. That's all, " Carol shrugged.

" This is better than the food in the MTF cafeteria! " Alpha happily beamed and tasted the soup. " I wonder who made this? "

" My son did, " Carol smiled and pointed at Amnon.

" Oh, can he cook? " she curiously asked and was astonished. " Like this reminds me of my mother's cooking when I was a kid. "

" Well, yeah, I taught him. When he saw the ingredients at the table, he was so delighted that he thought of making a bread bowl soup for the three of us. It is too much for us to finish. Perhaps, you can have a second round or call your friends to help us finish it. Go on, enjoy your meal! "

" Thank you so much, Ms. Danvers. I do deserve a second serving, " the female ARC trooper replied and turned to Amnon. " By the way, this is the best soup that I have ever tasted and eaten. Thank you, Amnon. "

" Yeah, you're welcome, " Amnon smiled and replied to the visitor." By the way, I have forgiven you from what you have done. You almost took my life, but now you're enjoying my specialty. Don't worry, there's no poison in it. They're just normal ingredients that I have used. That's all. "

" Oh..." Alpha paused and remembered what she had done earlier. " I'm sorry, but that soup is very fine and you call it quits. Thanks for giving me a smile on this one."

" That's right, but still you're always welcome. "

Suddenly, the family turned at the doorway when they saw a group of RR and ARC troopers who came to visit at the flat. Amnon got surprised to see them all and scratched his head.

" We smelled something delicious in there, " an MTF trooper echoed.

" What on Hala are they doing here?! " the elderly half -Kree muttered to her astonishment.

" Mom....Master...." he nervously gulped, called his parents, and asked. " Are we going to feed an entire MTF legion here? "

" Well, you have prepared such a delicious soup earlier, son, " the Kree Eternal laughed and assumed. " So, they smelled and got curious about it. That's why they're here! "

" Master....I don't think I could forgive all of them and serve that...."

" Son, this is how you confront and deal with your enemies. Show them kindness. Understood? "

" Oh...okay... I guess this could help me settle my long term trust issues with the MTF! "

" Now, let's start serving and make sure we can put a smile on their faces and have them in full stomachs! " Carol reminded as she had let it slide.

" Got it. "

Methu-Selah's family kept serving the bowl of soup to their visitors until the pot got emptied. Amnon was happier to see the MTF troopers enjoy a hearty meal which he made. He realized he was instantly fulfilling his dream to become a chef and making the others satisfied at his dish. Carol looked and sensed her son's positive glow in his aura. She was also happy that he revived his true passion and skill after being enslaved after six months.

The rest of the MTF troopers appreciated their dinner and thanked Amnon and his family for their warm generosity. They left the flat until the remaining was the one of Roosevelt's personnel who finished the bowl of soup and made his third serving. He was pleased and satisfied from that soup.

" That was the most delicious soup that you have ever made, " the MTF trooper broke his silence after he made his last spoonful serving into his mouth. " I'm glad you were able to use those ingredients we have given to you. Thank you, Amnon-Selah. "

" You're most indeed welcome, " the hybrid boy answered. " By the way, you have fulfilled your promise to me by letting me see my mother. "

" Well... Captain Marvel just popped out of nowhere earlier, but I guess I never forgot that I need to keep an eye on you and her, " he laughed. " I'm very glad you have reunited with her. "

" Yes, thanks for remembering that. "

" You're most welcome. By the way, the feast will start at 9:00 PM. You guys can catch up, " the trooper stood up from his seat and returned the bowl to Methu-Selah.

" We will, thanks a lot! "

" See you later. "

The MTF trooper left the flat as the family sighed in relief. Amnon looked at the pile of bowls and spoons on the sink and nervously chuckled when he turned to his parents.

" We can't be late at the festival, but they have left us a pile of dishes that need to be washed, " he shrugged.

" Don't worry, Kid, " Carol smiled. " We're right behind you in helping the dishes to be cleaned. "

" We still can catch up, son. Now, let's start working and finishing this one. Shall we? " the Kree Eternal added.

" Okay. "

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