Chapter 50

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" Sibling rivalry is defined as the jealous and competitive spirit that often exists between brothers and sisters. Rivalry is typical in any family with more than one child. "

- Felicity Bauer, Siblings Without Rivalry


" Master, I understand how siblings fight. I saw how the Bradford brothers messed things up more than twenty years ago in Moscow, like you know what I mean? " Amnon held his ice bag and placed it on his left cheek, while sitting on his bed beside his father and letting his bad experience out of his chest. " But I didn't know mom had a secret too which she never told me I have an older sister from overseas?! Well, she could have told me in the first place. Ella just gave me another black and blue situation. Is it my fault I exist and she's becoming less to mother's attention?! Why is she so upset at us?! "

Methu-Selah paid attention, heavily sighed, and crossed his arms, deeply thinking and remembering what he saw from the minds of the Kree-hybrid women. Looking sincerely to his son, he understood what they had been through and composed his thoughts before speaking up.

" Your mother and older half-sister had a rough experience during this unending disaster. You have to understand what they have been through, " the Kree Eternal calmly broke his silence. " Please don't be so hard on them. "

" What do you mean? " Amnon queried with concern.

" Well how can I say this? " Methu-Selah scratched his chin and replied. " If you've experienced so much hardship to a severe degree, they also face the same thing in common, but some different scenarios. "

" You mean this prolonged invasion? Did you mention a different scenario? What kind? "

" Your mother fell in love with someone and had a child out of wedlock, " he seriously explained. " She wanted to have a normal family life, but this situation forced her to leave the child to the other parent for their safety. "

" Did you know about this? " Amnon asked. " Were you even mad and jealous of her? "

" Yes, " his father sincerely spoke. " I had no choice, but to help her after she gave birth to Ella. "

" Right, she's obliged to deal with her duty, " the young Kree man understood and heavily sighed. " But it's unfair for Ella that she grew up without a mother all these years. Perhaps, she has spoken ill of mom to her family if she has one. "

" Son, most humans have some complicated issues among themselves. They all start with themselves and their own family. "

" No wonder why 682 hates people with a burning passion, but I hope we can sort them by ourselves, right? "

" Well, it is for certain, Amnon. "

" Master, what should I do with Ella? " the blonde pink Kree anxiously asked. " What if one of these days, she will hate me the most or even hurt mom? I'm afraid I might hurt her. I know you can see that future. "

" Yes. In a way, you might experience such difficulties with her, " his father answered. " I know you're trying to be patient very soon enough, but keep yourself cool. Understand? "

" Yes, sir, " Amnon nodded no furiously and slightly smiled. " Thanks for listening and giving me such advice. "

" You're welcome, my boy, " the Kree Eternal smiled back, gently rubbed his son's back, and joked. " Now, get some shut eyes and don't ask me to draw another sheep. "

" I will! " he chuckled and saw his father standing up and stepping out of the room. " Goodnight, Master. Say goodnight to mom, for me. "

" Of course. Goodnight, Amnon, " Methu-Selah greeted and left the room.


" Mum, I am sick and tired of hearing your lamest excuses! " Ella disgustingly rolled her eyes and placed her left hand on her face. She and Carol had a serious discussion which the middle aged Kree-hybrid Australian lady was very frustrated and fed-up to hear further. Ella instantly stood up from her seat in the kitchen and dining corner of the house. " You're wasting our time, I reckon. I should have left earlier. Thanks for the rubbish dinner which you all have made. I hope I will get sick and poisoned. Soon enough, I will join my late father, Uncle Rune, and husband into another life. Just to let you realise, you have some grandchildren in Down Under. They won't see and hear anything from you when this global mock-up is done! "

" Ella, please, don't go! " Carol instantly grabbed her daughter's right hand when Ella struggled to break free from her mother. " We're not done here! "


Carol widened her eyes in shock and slowly grimaced when she intentionally slapped her daughter's face, just to let her feel how she had beaten her half-brother earlier. Ella's face got enraged, angrily clenched her right fist, and readied to give her a fatal blow, but her mother instantly grabbed it and gave her a stern glare.

" Now, that's being disrespectful, my dear, " the elderly half-Kree calmly spoke as her Australian daughter widened her eyes in shock. " We are both wretched and stubborn in some ways. I am sensing that you never inherited the photonic soul I have, but you still have the superstrength and endurance of the Kree. "

" It's just because I still have my father's dominant human genes! I am not a freak like you who does the damn light shows! "

" Fine suit yourself, then, Ella, " Carol exasperatedly sighed and let her daughter's fist down. " All I just want is to talk and let you realise how difficult we have been through in these dire times. I reasoned out that my priority was to help the Rebel Forces in Remnant first after I asked your father to leave for Australia upon your date of birth. Yet, your anger issues are still domineering as you failed to understand. Honestly, you don't even care for me at all. "

" You know the reason why?! " Ella raised her tone and retorted. " I grew up without a mother for more than four decades! Dad has been waiting for your return, but it was too late! He was long gone, Mum! It was on my twenty-first birthday when he passed away! You can't raise someone back from the dead! You also don't care how I suffered that much! "

Carol was dumbfounded as she recently heard that her second previous boyfriend had entered into a different universe for his next life. She sadly sighed and bowed her head. Ella crossed her arms and indignantly glared at her mother, showing no mercy on her. The elderly half-Kree woman silently wept.

" E-Ella, I-I am so sorry. I-I loved your father so much, " Carol shakingly spoke and sobbed.

" Really, mum. Did you even care for us?! "

" T-the t-things were hard for me to decide! I just didn't know how to choose the right thing! I really want to spend my life with you and your father, but the people needed me the most! I sacrificed my desire to have a normal life and a family! I just did what I had to do! "

" How about that ugly bloke who's my new half-brother?! Did you even know who he was?! I had heard all the rumours from my people in Australia, he's a clone from that mad lizard who murders everybody in America! Did you even know how dangerous he was, when he became that killer for those bloody invaders! He should have been..."

" ...Dead?! Really?! " the elderly half-Kree woman continued the thought and gently wiped her face with her red scarf. " That bloke was part-Kree from Methu-Selah's damned genes! He has a new body thanks to the Kree Eternal's DNA and mine. Amnon is also my biological son as he is your younger half-brother! Before that, he had a lot of hardship from the MTF Facility in California until he finally met his father in Ethiopia, three weeks ago! I raised him for more than two years before he got abducted! Everytime I see Amnon, I always think of you as someone that I should have taken care of in the first place! Taking care of him reminds me of how I should have been a mother to you! Now your brother and Methu-Selah are with us, I will do my very best to be a mother to the both of you until the last day of my life! I know you will understand! "

Ella remained silent and heavily sighed as she heard her mother's words. Carol wept and rubbed her eyes to pacify herself.

" If you wish not to believe in what I said, please leave us in peace, " she continued and sincerely smiled. " Anyways, I'm glad we're able to reunite and talk to each other. That's fine with me. If you want to pay a visit, then make it a habit to rekindle those lost times. Eventually, you and Amnon will get along. Ella, it's not too late to sort out the holes in your heart. "

" Fine, " she sternly spoke. " Thanks for your time, mum. "

The Kree-hybrid Aussie lady brought her rifle and walked away from the door. Carol gently closed the door and watched her daughter from the window as she sadly sighed. Her memories had lingered from almost fifty years ago in Remnant as she regretted leaving her.

" Is everything all right? " a familiar male voice curiously echoed from the living room. Methu-Selah stood beside his girlfriend as Carol turned to him.

" Not good, " she answered with a hint of guilt and regret. " It's just that I felt sorry for Ella. Things aren't easy for us to talk about. How about you and Amnon? "

" He vented that one too, " the Kree Eternal replied. " He's unhappy about what happened earlier. "

" Now, I am feeling sorry for him too, " Carol replied with concern. " I'm thinking he will be having a hard time with her too. I understand he has been through those troubles for the past five decades, but keeping up with Ella will be another challenge for him. "

" I'm sensing the same struggle to keep up with Skouro. We understand that we also have a connection with that dark angel by our Light Soul. And Ella? "

" She doesn't have one, " Carol instantly spoke. " We have to make a way to accept our family. "

" Right, " the Kree Eternal nodded and assured. " Before the time comes, this will be sorted out. "

" I hope so. "

(TWO DAYS LATER: MTF Facility, 3:00 PM)

Amnon walked around the busy corridors and focusedly spent reading a paperback module after attending his lecture sessions of his training. Some of his fellow trainees from the Rebel Forces and newly recruited MTF troopers eyed him and kept murmuring. The young pink Kree slowly turned his head and got conscious as he wryly grinned at them.

" Great Pama, why can't you stop staring at me like that?! " he thought annoyingly. " Like seriously, why can they mind their own thing? "

He continued reading the material as he was unaware that he accidentally stepped on someone's right foot. Amnon widened his eyes in shock as the man moaned in pain. It was Roosevelt who gave him an uneasy stare.

" Sir, I'm really sorry about..." Amnon paused.

" Nevermind, " he sighed and seriously spoke. " Next time, watch your step. It's not advisable to study your training modules while walking in the busiest area of the facility. You know what will happen next, Montmartre. "

The young Kree man was surprised that an MTF official who he met in Ethiopia was calling him by his last name. Amnon slightly smiled at Roosevelt and said, " Yes, sir. I'll keep that noted. "

" Anyways, it seems you're enjoying the first day of training like it's your first day of school, " Roosevelt smiled and changed the topic.

" Pretty much, sir. I was homeschooled by my mother and some friends for almost three years. I'm willing to read and learn the module topics both in English and French. I'm more engaged in some writing and translating tasks which I usually do with Dr. Vandark. "

" I have never heard anything like that from you before! " he replied astounded. " Amnon, I would like to read your works soon. There might be a possibility that you could be assigned in the documentations team, but accomplish first with your joint training lectures and drills. So far, we haven't assigned you for your second field work against the invaders, yet. "

" No worries, sir. I'll wait for your announcement and do my best to finish this. "

" Glad to hear that from a neophyte like you. "

" Neophyte?! I have been working with the Rebel Forces, before? Well, I have no choice, but to follow them, " Amnon thought as he wryly grinned and chuckled. " Yes, sir. Thank you. "

" Speaking of that, I would like to meet you with your immediate Supervising Officer from the Rebel Forces who will mentor you and observe your progress for the duration of eight weeks, " Roosevelt reminded while walking along with the Kree trainee.

" Who is it, sir? Commander Smolder Ryliea? Alexi Shostakov? "

" Both retired. "

" Commander Absalom Bav-Tek? "

" Still busy leading with the lower ranks in field missions. "

" Jared Coulson, Jake Fury. "

" Nope, they're still in America. "

" My master, Old Methu-Selah the Kree Eternal and my mother, Elder Carol Danvers? "

" Close, but no cigar. "

" Then, who? " Amnon asked intrigued and scratched his head.

" Well, I would like you to meet Captain Eumeralla Hughes-Knightfall from the Australian Rebel Forces, " Roosevelt answered and turned to the dark blonde Kree-hybrid who walked over to the MTF Official and to her younger half-brother.

Ella sternly glared at him when Amnon became startled at his older half-sister and nervously gulped. This time, he was more uncomfortable and dumbfounded in acquainting her than last week. Roosevelt noticed the tensions between the two and got curious.

" Montmartre? " he again called the young Kree by his last name and snapped his fingers to call his attention. " Montmartre!! Hey!! AMNON! "

" Sir! " Amnon instantly responded and returned to his consciousness.

" Why? What's wrong? "

" Sir, I don't think this is a good idea..." the pink Kree tensedly answered. " I just met her last weekend as I found she's my older half-sister from my mother's side! "

" Hmmm, I see. That's a new discovery from you, then," Roosevelt intently looked at the resemblance between Amnon and Ella and became dubious. " Right, Montmartre. I get what you mean. Perhaps, I shall assign you with a different..."

" No dramas, Commander Roosevelt, " Ella interrupted and intently smirked at him and her brother. " Absolutely, I am willing to take charge of this trainee. "

" Are you sure? "

" It is my job to gage my younger brother's capability, if he were really worthy to be in this joint task against the Kree-Lizard forces, " she confidently spoke. " I will report on his progress within the given timeframe. It will be done as soon as possible. "

" Poor, Amnon. I really don't like the sound of this, " Roosevelt anxiously thought, looked at Amnon, and turned to the other official. " All right, just make sure you can handle Agent Montmartre. We expect results, Captain. "

" Affirmative! " Ella smiled and saluted.

" Sir...I...." Amnon hesitantly called the official's attention.

" Goodluck, Amnon..." Roosevelt helplessly sighed as he had no choice, but to smile and give him a pat in the back.


Amnon finished eating dinner with his parents and washing the dishes in the kitchen. He headed himself into his room to finish his reading homework. The pink Kree sat on his chair near his study table and began browsing his book as he carefully skimmed the pages in French and began writing some important keywords in his notes to remember. Without being aware, his older sister stood on his room's doorway and gave him the most sinister death stare, crossing her both arms. Turning behind his seat, Amnon was uncomfortable in seeing her again when he quickly held a book and covered his face.

" Hi Ella, aren't you supposed to..." the Kree paused.

" I just spoke to mum and Methu-Selah when I came here for my eight week probationary stay in the flat to check and monitor your progress, " his older half-sister sternly replied. " It's Captain Hughes or Captain Hughes-Knightfall once you address me in the facility and on field duty. Do you understand that, Montmartre? "

" Such formalities...I..."

" This is our official arrangement while I am your immediate supervising officer. Do I have to reiterate everything until dawn? "

" N-no, ma'am..."

" Good. Now, finish your tasks before you get to sleep. You will be within the facility at 0600. "

" Yes, ma'am, " he nodded and watched her older half-sister leaving his room. Amnon heavily sighed and anxiously thought, " For Hala's sakes. This is not a good idea to let Ella take charge of me. "


After attending the lecture classes, Amnon headed himself in the firing range area and focusedly aiming at the target board. While triggering his pistols, the bullets never reached the center of the target as the pink Kree trainee repetitively made sure to aim it. The bullets were almost reaching the target area, but he was losing them and thinking of reloading his pistol. He paused for a while and took another reload before shooting another target board. Then, he instantly saw his older-sister behind him and felt uneasier to see her.

" Montmartre, you spent more than an hour in your firing range! " she angrily spoke. " Are you late for your next task?! "

Amnon nervously gulped when he heard his older half-sister's ranting. He was about to start, but he placed his firearm on the bench and removed his headgear. The pink Kree was reluctant in removing his bulletproof vest and confronting his older half-sister.

" Ma'am, I'm still taking an accurate bull's eye, " he reasoned. " I really need to take two to three rounds to perfectly hit it. "

" Look, your firing range sessions are for thirty minutes, not an hour and fifteen! " Ella retorted and facepalmed. " Aren't you aware what time it is?! "

" But ma'am...."

" No, buts, Montmartre! You have a hand to hand combat training schedule to do at exactly 16:00! It's 16:16! "

" Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. "

" Don't say sorry, Just do it, you pathetic and lazy bloke! My goodness, you're such a rubbish mongrel without any discipline! "

Amnon heavily sighed and placed his belongings into his locker as his older half-sister waited for him and heavily sighed. Ella sternly glared at him when he walked over to her. They headed to the gym and reached the corner where the green rubber mats were placed. The pink Kree moved his head around and saw his fellow colleagues enjoying what they had been focusing on. At the moment, he was experiencing hell with his older half-sister or immediate superior officer.

He curiously looked at her and asked, " Ma'am, is there another trainer for combat skills? "

" No, " she instantly answered and placed both hands on her waist.

" Then, who? "

" Me! " Ella clenched her both fists as she was in a fighting stance and gave him a serious look. " If you claim to be part of the Rebel Forces, then prove me and act like one! "

Amnon took his deep breath and tried to recall what he had learned from Spider-Man or Peter Parker when he was a Kree-Lizard hybrid. He thought of doing the similar combat techniques to his older half-sister. Ella was waiting for her subordinate or younger half-brother to act.

" Ladies, first, " he confidently smirked and readied himself in a defensive stance.

Ella was the first to take a low kick to her brother as Amnon quickly dodged from her attack by rolling himself. He was sure enough to take an exciting blow from him. Amnon instantly grabbed his older half-sister's right foot and pulled her down.

" Sneaky move, but weak! " she harshly remarked and stood up, instantly jabbed him on the face, leaving the Kree to spit blood from his mouth when he fell down.

" I don't want to hurt ladies, but you're forcing me to do so, by triggering me and disrespecting our mother, " he sighed heavily and asked. " Is it your intention to talk trash? "

" Absolutely. "

Amnon instantly stood up and rubbed his face when he kept sparring fists with his sister. Ella kept dodging from her younger half-brother uppercut and lower cut strikes at instantaneous speeds. She studied how he was striking. The pink Kree was about to kick her, but she copied the move from him by pulling him down. Ella was evilly smirking and thinking about crushing her half-sibling's feet. Amnon was rising up and gave her lower cut blow on her gut. The Kree-Aussie woman was still not affected by his strikes. Amnon was still giving her another blow, but it was still ineffective for her. Ella was still grinning, giving him a blow on his gut, and sending him flying into the wall. Suddenly, the other people in the gym noticed the hole in the wall.

The MTF Troopers and the Rebel Forces staff looked at the young pink Kree man with concern and then the captain. Ella was putting her hands on her waist when Amnon slowly opened his eyes and became disoriented.

" Are you all right, mate? " a brunette Englishwoman approached the pink Kree and aided him.

" Not so good..." Amnon weakingly spoke.

" My goodness, Montmartre, " she sarcastically said and confronted her younger half-sibling. " You can't deal with such horror and rubbish! What a piece of $#!t you are! "

" Hey, is this how you treat a trainee, madame? " a French MTF Trooper asked.

" I'm his immediate supervising officer. I'm just testing him on what he's capable of, " Ella replied snarkily. " Please bring him into the infirmary. Our shift is finished. "

Amnon moaned in pain when a male and female MTF trooper aided him. Ella was satisfyingly grinning and mercilessly seeing her younger half-brother and subordinate got injured. The pink Kree was aware where he was going as he sadly sighed.

" When I was a Kree-SCP 682 hybrid, I faced the worst things in life, " he gloomily thought as he was brought to the infirmary. " Now, I am facing the same thing all over again in my new body?! What's the matter with her?! Why is she so hard on me?! I hope her madness against me won't go over the roof."


The pink Kree was still recovering and ignoring his injuries as he decided to attend the lectures and combat training sessions with his older-half sister. He told his parents about what happened as Carol and Methu-Selah were worried for him. Still, he had to follow his schedule, but he ended up getting injured. This time, he spent time reading books in the library after training instead of going to his older half-sister's combat training which he was slowly realizing he was being bullied by her. Amnon decided not to continue and thought of changing into a different SO. He was no longer happy with Ella.

Taking and borrowing an Astronomy book in French, he headed to the librarian as he had to register in lending it to him. Amnon left the library and walked around the hallway. Just then, he saw his older half-sister leaning on the wall and crossing her both arms. She narrowed her eyes on him. The pink Kree nervously gulped in meeting her again as his heart was quickly pounding. Tensions were heightened as his face began to sweat.

" Aren't you supposed to do some important tasks, Montmartre? " she indignantly asked. " I will report you to Commander Roosevelt for being noncompliant in following your schedule! "

Amnon took minutes to compose for his response as he felt more strained than ever. Ella was still glaring at him and waiting for her subordinate's answer.

" Y-you know what, Ella? " he shookly spoke and finally vented out. " Forget about it! I'm not happy with you as my immediate SO. I'm gonna ask for someone else to replace you. Then, we're quits. Go home to Australia for good! "

" Heh, really?! " she scoffed. " What's the matter? Are you afraid of dealing with my harsh way of training?! What a pathetic and cowardly bloke, you are, Montmartre! By the way, just to remind you, you're supposed to call me captain! "

" But you're still my sister! Aren't you even aware of what our mother had said?! " Amnon angrily stressed his words. " What you have been doing to me is horribly frustrating and unfair! For the past thirteen days, we have had combat training, you never gave me a chance to take you down. It was always you who overpowered and made me injured! You never let me win and learn! Is it because I don't have powers, yet? You just act like a total jerk! Everybody sees and knows what you're doing to me in the gym! How many times do I get into the infirmary? My dear sister, it's been twenty-six times that the doctor has been telling me to take a rest, but I ignored his advice! I followed your damn orders, but you're always putting me down! You're not helping me at all! Why? Is it because you don't like me or mom?! What's the matter with you, Ella?! "

" Are you trying to be condescending?! I am one in-charge for you here! "

" No, I'm not trying to be condescending to you! I'm telling the truth, because you really hate me with a burning passion from the first day you met me. I'm going to let anyone know what you have been doing to me these days! "

" How dare you! "

" I should be the one who tells you that phrase. See you never, Ella, " Amnon seriously spoke and immediately walked away. The Kree-Australian lady exasperatedly sighed and helplessly saw her half-sibling from a distance.

Supposed to go home early, Amnon noticed moderate to heavy showers of rain from the window as he forgot to bring his umbrella. He found a couch in the lobby where the others spent resting and waiting, but the seat was occupied. He had no choice, but to lean himself on the wall, waiting for the rain to stop. Skouro Valour saw him gloomily and silently staring at the window.

" Mind if I borrow your time talking to you? " she asked in a sweet voice.

" Sure, until the rain ceases, " Amnon slightly smiled.

" So, how's your training? "

" Sometimes good, sometimes bad. "

Skouro got intrigued and queried, " What do you mean by that? "

" Well, I enjoyed learning new things and meeting everyone here, " Amnon answered, changed his facial expression with a hint of disappointment, and sighed. " It's just I have endured my immediate SO's abusiveness. She happened to be my older half-sister from Australia on my mother's side. I recently found that out too. "

" How did you find out about her? " she curiously asked.

" Well, my master just explained to me a couple of nights ago. I was shocked to hear the news that my mother fell in love with someone and gave birth to my older half-sister almost fifty years ago. "

" Did you feel disappointed that Carol had kept that secret from you? How about Methu-Selah? Did he react negatively towards her? "

" Well, I was angry, but I had no choice and accepted it. Even my master as well, " he sighed and seriously replied. " But I was dismayed at Ella for how she treated my mother. It's also getting harder for me to deal with her these days. Ella has been living within the flat ever since. She's giving us too many problems. I heard how she and my mother argue every day. I'm getting sick and tired of them, but I tried to be patient with her. "

" I'm so sorry to hear that, Amnon. You surely have a bad experience with her. "

" Everytime I had some combat training skills with her, she frequently beat me up in the gym and spoke to me harshly, " Amnon sadly sighed. " I understood that you won't get easy in winning fights and training yourself with anyone, but I ended up in the infirmary twenty-six times. I just got injured recently, but I ignored the doctor's advice. "

" My, you should have reported that earlier. Do Carol and Methie know? "

" Yeah, they got worried for me. I told them, I'll be alright. "

" I'm sorry if this had happened to you, " the dark angel sincerely spoke. " Maybe you should have talked to her. Just tell her what you mean. "

" I did, " Amnon instantly said. " I don't know if she would understand that further. She's too stubborn, full of hubris, and bitter. Well, Ella couldn't forgive my mother. I don't even know if she could accept and respect me as her younger half-brother. "

Just behind the corner, Ella overheard the conversation with the pink Kree and the Dark Angel. She bowed her head in shame and felt guilty and sorry for him.

" I'm sorry, Amnon, " she sadly thought and looked at him and Skouro still talking with each other. " My long-term bitterness and rage against our mother has been upsetting you. It's all my fault I dragged you into my troubles. "

(Skoúro Valour and Commander Roosevelt belong to FlashlightMan)

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