Chapter 78

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" If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared. "

- Niccolo Machiavelli

(Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, 10:30 PM)

The pale yellow crescent moon peacefully sat beside the charcoal cirrus clouds and watched the lifeless bodies on the streets going to the most famous structure. The cold breeze strolled around the place with such strong snowfall. The vehicles parked around the place when some men and women in kevlar suits had scattered around and searched for the murderous being.

Karena Lesproux and Allen Stroud joined along with the MTF troopers and the Rebel Forces on the other side of the street. Amnon and his father were headed to the White House which they decided to be separate from the group. They were careful in walking on snow and moving their heads around in case someone or something would cause their attention. Amnon held his pistol which it was loaded with bullets given to him from the Foundation. His father illuminated his hands in bright bluish white radiance. They noticed a fallen and rusty security gate in front of them which it remained for five decades.

" We can easily get inside, let's go..." Methu-Selah lowly spoke.

" Got it, master, " Amnon nodded no furiously, still holding his pistol.

Entering the area, the Kree Eternal looked at his son with concern and secretly read his mind. He noticed there were fear and anxiety lingered in him without expressing it. His son remained focused in taking down the murderous menace in this night operation.

" Son, I know what you're feeling right now, " he calmly spoke. " You told me that I would possibly die from your dream despite of this mission. "

" Master... I don't want that to happen, " Amnon replied. " Isamu is going to help us before we set him free. You can't leave us that instantly. You still have some very important businesses to do before you kick the bucket. Then, you promised me that you will set me free as your servant, because you'll be my stepfather for good. "

" You don't have to tell me twice, my boy, " the Kree Eternal chuckled and used his radiating hands as his flashlight. " I predicted this beforehand. I know it will happen for sure. "

" Can you tell me about your vision on this? "

" I can't spoil you the details. I will let you see it unfolding. "

" Bummer..."

" That's a complete understatement. "

The two reached into the main entrance where the door was ruined. They easily entered the premises and found it too dark. The furnitures and fixtures were damaged which some objects were scattered. Amnon's bracelet began also radiated in white light.

" Spasiba, Isamu, (Thanks, Isamu,)," the pink Kree sighed in relief and smiled.

The Inhuman soul remained inside gem also helped the Kree Eternal's light and broke the envelope of darkness. The father and son roamed around the hallway going to the West Wing. The entire area was present with decaying bodies and skeletons. There were mice chattering and running along. The cobwebs were covering the walls and the ceilings. Amnon remembered the dream he had before which it happened to be a different building in the nation's capital. This time, he started to feel a sense of nostalgia and fear which the vision in his dream would happen.

" Hey, Comrade, did you find it yet? " Isamu's voice echoed from the Kree's bracelet.

" Not yet..." Amnon instantly answered and kept his eyes on the surroundings.

" What did you find? "

" Just dead bodies, skeletons, and that awful smell..."

" He needs to be stopped, my friend, " the Japanese-Russian soul reminded. " If that abomination hurts the both of you, just give my turn to control your body. "

" Sure, " the Kree nodded.

" Mr. Belitrov, we will keep an eye of your corrupted body and end it, " Methu-Selah added. " After this, you will leave this planet and rest in peace. "

" I am looking forward to it, Old Methu-Selah, " Isamu answered. " I have put my trust on you two. I will attain my freedom very soon. "

Entering the American president's oval office, the two found the room vacant. The glass windows were shattered. Amnon moved to his left and got startled to see a human skeleton lying on the floor. The Kree Eternal noticed his son's demeanor and pointed his radiating hand to the deceased one.

" Son, are you all right? " the ancient blue father asked with concern.

" A...d-dead m-man just..." Amnon shakingly answered and paused.

" I know, son...He's not going to bother you, anymore. Just calm down. "

" Right. "

The Kree Eternal fixed his eyes and used his Kree Cosmic Awareness. He frowned, sensed something unusual in this room, and walked over to the bookshelf. Amnon curiously gazed at his father pulling up a book. Suddenly, the shelf automatically revolved and opened the passage. The pink Kree was surprised that bookshelf turned out to be a secret passage.

" Master, what did you just do?! " he exclaimed in awe.

" Son, that monster we're looking for is under the White House. I can sense more skirmish and death in this place, " the old blue man seriously replied.

" My comrades, we need to get going before it gets to kill anyone including you two! " Isamu cried. " We can't waste much time here! "

The two instantly rushed inside into a secret passage where the metallic walls remained silent and watched the newcomers. On the walls, there were stains of bright to dark crimson liquid. Some of them were splattered in blue blood as the Kree also died with them. Amnon heavily sighed in seeing blood all over the place.

Suddenly, they found stairs going to the White House's basement. On it, there was some Kree letterings on the wall which it remained for decades. The father and son paused running and read. It translated as, ' The Head of State in an Earthian nation has died along with his people. This place is now occupied by the people of Planet Hala. ' Amnon exchanged glances with his father and understood what it meant.

" Son, this place is an abandoned Kree-Lizard base. It was a former research facility like the Foundation, but my own people planned to be another slave den, " Methu-Selah explained. " Originally, the White House was meant to be a residence of the United States President and the family. "

Amnon exclaimed in shock, " What?! Why did they ever do such a thing?! Did they ever get some samples of forbidden SCP objects or other resources? "

" Yes, they did. Some of them came from a suspicious organization called Umbrella. My younger sister, your aunt used to affiliate with them. Then, my own people exploited those assets even from the Foundation. "

The young pink Kree heavily sighed and remembered what he had learned from Elder Tony Stark or Iron Man's files. He picked up some information by reading them from the holographic data.

" For Hala's sakes, they have been enslaving people and controlling them, " Amnon sighed and broke his silence. " Please don't tell me they chased me back then. "

" They did, " Methu-Selah instantly answered, slowly giving some clues to his son. " You still have that gene coming from me. My own people wanted to abuse you and end your life..."

" Oh, goodness..." the blonde pink Kree muttered and wanted to hear more from his father. " Master, I just really have to ask you that, too. Perhaps, we need more time to talk before you get married.

" Amnon, I really need to tell you something, but our time is too limited for Mr. Belitrov's final day on Earth. I apologise I have to interrupt this. Going back to that topic, they moved out to New York, ten years after the first invasion. "

" You already knew it happened? " Amnon asked.

" Yes. "

" The Rebel Forces took over this place as an underground residence. Yet, the Kree and the Lizards made this a place of mutiny when they found the resistance in 2035. "

" I'm sorry to hear that..."

" You don't need to say sorry. We have to..." Methu-Selah paused and instantly widened his eyes in shock when his Kree Cosmic Awareness became wilder. He saw a vision of the monster devouring the flesh of his prey.

" Master? " Amnon curiously raised his voice and tilted his head, waiting for his father to respond.

" For Hala's sakes..."

" Master, what is it? "

" That abomination..."

" Where?! What?! "

" He's eating human and mixed race flesh! He's growing bigger than Mr. Belitrov's normal size! "

Amnon nervoulsy gulped in fear, turned to the bracelet, and said, " Do you hear that Isamu? Your body is becoming an overkill freak of nature! "

The bracelet's gem became too radiant when the soul inside was flushing in extreme anger and disgust. Amnon and his father knew what to do and ran towards the direction of the loud clashing noise. They reached into the bunker area where it turned out to be a Kree-Lizard facility. Suddenly, they noticed a large hole on the wall that could be a doorway to a truck.

There were debris of broken concrete walls scattering the floor. Amnon slowly moved his head and saw a tall hulking male abomination. The creature's face showed a rotten flesh with races of blood. The pink Kree's pistol was loaded with bullets as his bracelet turned into the most radiant white light. The late Isamu Belitrov became the most furious soul ever. Methu-Selah radiated his both hands when the enormously tall living corpse. He was growling like a lion and preparing to take his prey.

" This is it, " the Kree Eternal seriously spoke. " We're on this together, Amnon, Isamu. "

" Let's ditch this indestruc into ashes, " his son replied.

" I will lend you my powers, Amnon, " Isamu echoed from the bracelet. " If you get into trouble, I may need your body to help you ditching this f@#×!+g bastard. "

" Yeah, temporarily. "

" Let's do this! " the three men spoke in unison.

The monster generated a series of long and thick tendrils from his upper limbs. He was preparing to clobber and grab the Kree father and son. They dodged in instantaneous speeds. For Methu-Selah, it was his natural powers, while Amnon borrowed Isamu's superspeed. The beast kept growling and tried to attack them.

" You ain't gonna get us, freak! " the pink Kree heatedly spoke and pulled his pistol's trigger, releasing a barrage of bullets.

The bullets struck and left some puncture wounds on the monster's body. Amnon kept targeting as he could, but he was losing his bullets. He got surprised to see the abomination, regenerating and growing another limb with a sharp spike. The living corpse hissed at Amnon and aimed to strike him.

" Amnon, Look out! " his ancient Kree father loudly exclaimed and instantly grabbed him away into safety.

The abomination missed hitting and pinning the young man and growled. He sounded like a mad roaring lion which he wanted to take down his prey. Methu-Selah defended his son and fired his radiant bluish-white photon blasts from his both fists. He sent the creature being pushed and exploded into smoke. The father and son panted and watched their monstrous enemy being blown away.

" Is he dead? " Isamu curiously asked.

" I don't think so..." Methu-Selah sternly spoke.

" What?! You have got to be kidding..."

" Master, he's rising up! " Amnon loudly yelled.

The monster grew twice as his size. He turned to be larger than a sixteen wheeler truck with an irregular shape. He was like a giant cocoon, but he broke out from his obnoxious skin-like covering. The same living corpse roared and showed his sharpest teeth and claws from his limbs. He kept striking and pinning down the father and son. Amnon was bruised and wounded which his blue blood splattered from right leg. Methu-Selah became alarmed for his son sudden injury.

" Dammit..." the young pink Kree fired another round of bullets from his pistol.

The projectile strikes didn't affect the creature. He growled and aimed at Amnon which he started to strike the young Kree for the second time. His father instantly hugged and covered his son into safety. Then, he gave the abomination his powerful blasts to weaken and destroy him for good. The monster roared in excruciating pain as Methu-Selah gave him a third round of cosmic energy strikes.

" Master, it's working effectively, " Amnon commented and watched the onslaught.

" Son, leave this to me..." the Kree Eternal replied and kept targeting the monstrosity.

" Isamu, let's hope for your victory. Old Methu-Selah's winning. "

" Finally, I can leave this rock in peace..." the Inhuman soul answered.

" I hope..." Amnon paused and widened his eyes in shock, seeing his father being pinned and wounded by the living corpse. " METHU-SELAH!! "

Bleeding profusedly in blue blood, the ancient Kree tried harder to strike down the monster. He was still regenerating and aiming more of his photon blasts to the monster. Remembering his encounter in Danakil, Amnon became guilty in fighting and killing his father's persona. He knew that Methu-Selah would die in the hands of the cold blooded creature. He bitterly wept and rushed towards the Kree Eternal, grabbing and sparing him from his instant death.

" Amnon?! Why did you..." the ancient Kree muttered in shock, instantly regenerating from his wounds.


Methu-Selah sincerely smiled at his son and hugged him back. He really wanted to tell Amnon about the truth. Isamu overheard the discourse and illuminated the double helix bracelet. The deceased Japanese-Russian Inhuman felt an onset of homesickness in reuniting his family from the other side and understood of Amnon's emotional outbursts. Recovering from the Kree Eternal's blasts, the monster regenerated and grew the largest. He angrily glared at the father and son, forming several tendrils. He was ready to grab them into their demise.

" Amnon, can you do me a favour? " the ancient blue man politely asked and parted away from his son's arms.

" What is it? " Amnon curiously asked.

" There's a large blaster gun on that containment cell near the stairs which I saw earlier. I need Isamu to control your body. You need his strength as I will help you both. "

" Then, what will happen? "

" Just do it, son. I will not spoil you further. "

" Right, " the blonde pink Kree nodded to his obedience and turned to his bracelet. " Isamu, it's time. "

The monster was about to grab the two men when Amnon lost his consciousness and a different soul switched into his body. The tendrils became closer than ever to grab them. Then, a right hand instantly grabbed and broke the tendril as the living corpse yelled in excruciating pain.

" Nobody takes the old blue man away from my living friend, EVER! " a gruff voice with a strong Eurasian accent retorted and brushed off. " HOW DARE YOU TO EXPLOIT MY PREVIOUS FORM! I WILL SHOW YOU MY FINAL UNFINISHED BUSINESS ONCE AND FOR ALL! "

Controlling the pink Kree's body, Isamu Belitrov instantly grabbed Methu-Selah away from the position. The living corpse loudly growled and grew another tendril to take the two men away. Suddenly, they heard gunshots within the area as the abomination shrieked in pain. Going into the stairs, Isamu saw the blaster gun made by Kree Technology. It was longer than a rifle and more powerful than any projectile weapons on Earth. The Japanese-Russian man slammed the glass with his right fist and made it shatter. Then, he effortlessly carried it.

" Now, what, Old Methu? " Isamu gave the Kree Eternal a suggestive look.

" Those stray bullets will buy that mad man sometime, " Methu-Selah replied and held the weapon, channeling his cosmic light soul energy. Isamu watched him doing it and waited for him to finish transferring.

The barrage of stray bullets and the loud roaring were heard from a distance. The Kree Eternal was done in his act for transferring and charging when he handed Isamu the weapon. The two returned into their position and prepared to end the corpse for good.

" Ey, syuda, urod! (Hey, over here, you freak!) " the deceased Inhuman carried the weapon and called the creature's attention. " YA dolzhen poproshchat'sya so vsemi. Togda ty prisoyedinish'sya ko mne. YA popadu v ray, a ty sgorish' v... ADU! DASVIDANIYA! (I have to say goodbye to everyone. Then, you will join me. I'm going to heaven and you're going to...HELL! DASVIDANIYA!) "

Isamu pulled the trigger and aimed at his previous body. The bluish white cosmic energy was released and targeted at the grim hulking abomination. Yelling in excruciating pain, he was exploded into fire, smoke, and ashes, giving such ultimate end. The Japanese-Russian Inhuman sighed in relief smiled at the Kree Eternal, and respectfully bowed at him.

" Domo arigatō gozaimashta, Methu-Selah sama. (Thank you very much, Methu-Selah sama.), " Isamu calmly said.

" Dou itashimashte, Belitrov-san. (You're welcome, Belitrov-san.), " the Kree Eternal responded with same gesture.

" Isamu..." Amnon echoed from the double helix bracelet, illuminating its gem. " I think you should get out of my body now. You're now free to go..."

" Oh, I'm sorry about that, " Isamu sighed and chuckled. " I guess my unfinished business is over. Thanks to the both of you, I am now free of those sufferings. "

" Yep, no dramas. "

" Before I go, I wish you and your family with such blessings, peace, and love beyond this prolonged trouble. "

" Wait, how did you know? "

" I'm a lost meddling and nosy soul, remember? I heard everything from you and anyone else! "

" Isamu..."

" Oh, come on! I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you! " Isamu reasoned and sighed. Then, he turned to Methu-Selah and said, " Please take care of your family, Old Methu-Selah. I shall never forget you all. "

" I will. Sayonara...Dasvidanya..." the Kree Eternal greeted and smiled.

" Bon voyage, mon'ami! (Enjoy your trip, bud!) " Amnon also greeted.

" Farewell, my comrades..."

Isamu smiled back and he was in tears of joy, after saying his last words. It was the most memorable moment on Earth. The deceased Inhuman soul departed from Amnon's body and faded away. The double helix bracelet was no longer illuminating when the pink Kree fell down. Methu-Selah carried his son when Amnon slowly opened his eyes and gained consciousness

" He's gone too soon, I take it? " the pink Kree asked.

" Yes, son. We did it, " his father calmly replied and smiled.

" I'm glad he made it, " Amnon managed to stand up when the Kree Eternal aided him. " Master, I just..."

" I know what you're going to say, my boy. Honestly, I really wanted to tell this to you for a long time. "

" What are you going to tell me, then? "

The former Kree Army officer and Foundation scientist took a deep breath and composed his thoughts. Then, he looked at his pink skinned son and cleared his throat. Amnon anticipated for his old man to confess and curiously raised his eyebrows.

" Amnon-Selah, I mean Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, I am your..."

" Amnon! Old Methu! " a familiar male voice echoed and interrupted the father and son's sincere conversation. " Hey! "

The blonde pink-skinned one noticed his friends Allen and Karena along with the members of the Rebel Forces and the MTF troopers. Along with them, there was a smiling elderly man with crimson and white locks who held his rifle and saluted them. Methu-Selah helplessly smiled at them and sighed to his disappointment when he got interrupted.

" Guys, I thought you were raiding the slave dens in the city? " Amnon asked.

" Commander Roosevelt, Lord Hood, and Old Man Stark asked us to check on you two in the White House, " the dark haired mercenary shrugged. " We'd just found out that you two just blasted a Project Nemesis from a Kree Experiment. That could be a suicide mission that you've done. "

" Yes, of course...we already knew that. I predicted this to happen, " Methu-Selah nervously smiled.

" That's why we're shooting that monstrosity, messieurs, " Karena added. " We don't want to see you lifeless. "

" We did this to avenge Amelie Glenat, Maria Hill, Isamu Belitrov, and the rest who died in that indestructible accuser. I guess this one is done, but the war isn't over. "

" Yep, I agree on that, " the elderly redheaded man smiled.

" Sir, may I know your name please? " Amnon asked.

" Jack Redfield, retired SHIELD Agent, current member of the Rebel Forces. It's an honor to meet and work with you all. "

" Tony Stark mentioned you to me just recently, sir. "

" Yep, There's a lot to talk about. I've heard some people from the French Division are helping us, Americans for this resistance. I appreciate your efforts, " Redfield said. " The most highly affected part of America is in New York City. If I were you guys, you should go there, before it's too late. "

(Jack Redfield and Allen Stroud belong to Knightfall077  and for the plot idea.)

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