Chapter 83

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This chapter contains written depictions of violence and murder which some readers may find it disturbing.

It is intended for mature readers. Reader's discretion is advised.

" We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it."

- Rick Warren

(MONTMARTRE RESIDENCE, Underground Triskelion Unit 302: 8:35 AM)

The alarm clock had loudly rung on the pink skinned Kree's right ear. Amnon grumblingly moaned and frowned when he slapped and turned it off. He slowly opened his eyes and felt nauseous after his happy hours with a fellow Kree. He stretched his arms and widened his mouth like a lion in yawning. He ended up in his briefs and covered himself in his blanket.

What on Hala had he done?! He could barely remember he had undressed himself after his parents left him in his room all by himself. He turned around, found no one sleeping with him, and sighed in relief. He slowly stood up, but he got stumbled down onto the floor and accidentally bumped himself.

" Ow..." the clumsy half naked Kree man mumbled in pain and heard the door knocking.

" Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, we have been waiting for you! It's already noontime! Wake up, sleepy head! " his mother's loud voice echoed. " Hurry up! We'll be leaving DC to New York in the late evening! We can't miss the flight! "

" Mom, it's just only 8:35 in the morning! I'm not yet dressed up! "

" No, buts! You can't miss your breakfast! "

Amnon exasperatedly sighed and had no choice, but to follow his mother's response. The hangover had diverted his thoughts and slapped his face to regain his senses. He took out his pair of khakis and a white t-shirt with a red and blue thunderbolt emblem, labelling The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. He headed himself into the shower and started refreshing himself. Moments later, he stepped out of the bathroom and dressed up, but his well-built frame was noticeable. He sighed, thought of packing up very soon, and left his room.

Going into the dining and kitchen area, he noticed his parents had finished packing up. The Kree Eternal Methu-Selah sat down, sipped his cup of tea, and held a magazine from the early twenty-first century. Amnon smiled and sat down beside his father as the ancient blue Kree gently messed up his son's short golden wavy locks.

" Morning there, my boy! " Methu-Selah smirked and happily greeted him.

" Dad, what on Hala are you doing to my hair! " Amnon chuckled.

" Just messing around with you, son! Why don't you start eating your breakfast? "

The pink Kree got embarrassed and heard his stomach grumbling. Then, he nervously laughed at his father.

" Hungry, Amnon-Selah? "

" You don't have to tell me twice, Father..." he grinned and took his plate and had servings of scrambled eggs, bacon, and two slices of bread. Then, he sighed and recalled, " Am I supposed to prepare breakfast? "

" Son, your mother and I found you unsober and left you in your room to rest, " his ancient blue skinned father reminded. " It was a quarter before one in the morning when you ended up in your slumber half-naked..."

" Dad..."

" You had a hangover, son. I understood that. "

" I'm sorry if I behaved that way..." Amnon sadly bowed his head and felt guilty. " I just didn't know what to do when Kai hit me. Then, you and Skoúro made me realise you're my real father. Dad, it's too..."

"...Complicated..." the Kree Eternal continued the thought and gently rubbed his son's back. " Remember about the time when you spoke something about a terrible experience is a complete understatement? "

" Yeah..." Amnon dryly chuckled and grinned. " How ironic that I spoke about that. "

" You're not only the one who suffers from that. "

" Wait, what?! Who?! Dad, please tell me! "

Elder Carol Danvers-Montmartre heard her husband and son's conversation and took her seat in between them as she said, " That complete understatement experience is also my biggest secret that I have never spoken to you, my dear boy. "

" Mom, you too?! " Amnon gasped in shock.

" Of course, " she seriously answered. " When we saw you last night, you reminded me of my younger years when I lost the war in Remnant five decades ago. I gave your older sister away from her father. I ended up as a drunkard before you were reborn. "

" Mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."

" It's okay, Amnon. You deserve to hear a story from me. "

" Then, you're gonna tell me how you and Dad had met. "

" Yep. "


" Aim...FIRE!! " a male voice loudly echoed when a barrage of guns made a shrill cry. The bullets kept raining as there were shots of photon blaster guns.

On the streets of the Remnite Capital, the intense dark clouds, smoke, and fire were lingering around. The Remnite Army along with the forces from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States gathered fighting against the humanoid and reptilian invaders.

The Remnite Army soldiers were consisted of exiled Kree, Faunus, Inhumans, mutants, and ordinary humans. As their enemies threw a smoke bomb of nitrogen and carbon monoxide, all of them were coughing and falling down into their demise. The other foreign armed forces were affected and joining their Remnite brothers to the afterlife.

The Kree and Lizard invaders remained unaffected since they were all wearing a protective gear and watching their armed adversaries die. Their commander halted them when the smoke had cleared. He removed his helmet and revealed himself a pink skinned one, resembling to a Caucasian man. The Kree man had a short brunette locks and signalled his soldiers.

" Colonel Yon-Rogg, " a female lizard lieutenant called him out and saluted him. " We have successfully killed an entire army of your exiled traitors and their allies. "

" Very well, then, " Yon-Rogg evilly smirked. " We're almost close in searching and killing Old Methu-Selah. "

" But sir, are we going to find that hybrid child of his? "

" Ar-Watt is making his way to uncover the secrets of the boy and his father, but our main mission here is to establish Lord Taryan's headpost. Now, I need you and the troopers to scout the right location in this city. "

" Yes, Colonel, " she saluted him.

" Make sure, you reptilians won't fail my expectations. "

The lizard woman understood and turned to her fellow hard scaled people, telling them to scatter around the city. They saluted in unison and headed out. The rest of the Kree forces under Yon-Rogg's command moved into another direction. Without their knowledge, there was a sudden bright and powerful golden-yellow explosion coming their way and sending them pushing back and rushing away. Yon-Rogg ended up, ducking under the vehicle and covering his head. The lizard and Kree soldiers became disoriented and thought of retaliating the mysterious assaulter. Some of them kept firing above the skies.

The surviving soldiers on Earth began striking the Kree and Lizards when they knew the signal coming from the sky. It was their perfect timing to seize their enemies. Yon-Rogg noticed them coming and spoke over comms to his army.

" Don't let them outnumber us! " he warned. " I repeat, don't let them outnumber us! "

" Attack! " the remaining Aussie colonel in his late fifties yelled as the combined Earth forces charged against the invaders.

The Kree-Lizard legion were battling against the surviving soldiers, however their intensity had ended up in bloodshed and disaster. Yon-Rogg evilly smirked and watched the skirmish of duelling forces, thinking that they would fall into their demise. Every human, exiled Kree, Faunus, and the other defenders of the planet Earth failed to survive. Some had thrived to fight back and survive. The cruel invaders were winning as a few of their fellow kind perished.

Just then, another flash of bright yellow radiance had stricken down the Kree and lizards into ashes. Some immediately scurried away.

" BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT! " a blue Kree lieutenant yelled in fear. " We have an intense coming from the skies! "

" That same photon energy blast..." Yon-Rogg angrily thought and replied. " Find that attacker and kill whoever it was! That's an order! "

" B-but, s-sir..."

" Are you coward or not? "

Another blast of radiant energy crushed their weapons and vehicles. Yon-Rogg and his surviving men watched the explosion and quickly dodged into safety. From that destructive and illuminating attack, it revealed to be a woman who descended from the skies.

" Are you going to surrender or continue this nonsense? " she sternly asked.

" Well, Danvers, what do you know? We are just starting to build another base for my superior, but you and your people are some hindrances to his plan, " the Kree colonel answered. " So leave Taryan's work to continue in this shallow planet. "

Carol Danvers or Captain Marvel furiously shot a glare at Yon-Rogg and crossed her arms. She already saw what his troops had done to the defensive forces.

" You guys have done terrible things for a year now. Why can't you just leave this planet alone?! " Carol harshly spoke.

" We are here to establish and make it as a territory of the Kree Empire. We are making this world a better place for humans. "

" You never make one, but you destroy our home! "

Yon-Rogg heard what the half-Kree woman had said and darkly chuckled, " I have enough of your insanity, Danvers. You can make your damn light show and threaten us, but you will never know what will happen very soon! "

The rest of the Kree and Lizard soldiers had left as Colonel Yon-Rogg signalled them to leave and gave Carol a cheeky smile.

" Are you gonna leave me like that after what you have done?! " she heatedly growled and saw them leaving. " Hey, come back here! We're not yet done! "

Carol heavily sighed and sadly bowed seeing the deaths of her squadron. She looked at the surviving group behind her when they approached her. One of them was a long haired mutant man in his late thirties who was a Captain of the Remnite Army. He was dressed in a white tactical jumpsuit with blue trimmings and held his claymore sword.

" Colonel Danvers, I'm sorry, we lost..." he calmly spoke and saluted her.

" We could have arrested these insurgents, Fernal, " she answered. " Your Head of State needs progress of this mission. "

Captain Gladius Fernal nodded in agreement and let out a deep sigh. He had understood that the war made them both unsuccessful and successful. He was composing his thoughts before he could speak and looked at her with concern.

" Every war leaves a death and disaster, Colonel, " he seriously broke his silence. " I understood that President Ironwood has high hopes on you. Regardless, we still need to fight and defend this planet. "

" Well, that's what we always do, " the blonde half Kree US Air Force personnel replied and turned to everyone. " All right, we still got to clean up and do some search and rescue for now. Chop, chop. "

" Yes, ma'am, " they responded in unison.


The Remnite officials along with their foreign counterparts and some members of the United Nations had a whole day virtual discussion and meeting with President James Ironwood. It turned out to be a long term emergency plan which the rest of the civilians and survivors of the first period of the Kree-Lizard invasion. Carol Danvers or Captain Marvel attended the meeting, representing the United States.

" Put the entire global population into a deep cryo sleep?! " a platinum haired Solitas State Senator raised her voice in shock and found the idea ridiculous. " Mr. President and everyone in the meeting, with all due respect, I doubt this survival status will work for all of us. Look the invaders can easily detect people underground and capture. "

" Senator Schnee-Knightfall, this is just a tentative concept from King T'Challa of Wakanda, " Ironwood answered and looked at T'Challa on the screen.

" We are still planning for an alternative, Mrs. Knightfall. The Wakandan Technology is very limited, " the Wakandan King replied.

" I would suggest an underground evacuation shelter, " the lady Japanese representative in her late fifties added. " We have been doing this one in Kanagawa prefecture since last year. There are humanoid security personnel and roving drones which they have been patrolling 24/7. Life support equipment, energy, potable water, and food are stored. The other prefectures are also following this evacuation and emergency procedures. The Prime Minister had conceptualised this before the invasion happened. "

" So, this reminds me of the World War II Bomb Shelter in Europe? " the male UK representative responded.

" Yes. "

" Currently, we have a public underground shelter in the State of Vale and here in Solitas " Ironwood said. " The states of Menagerie, Vacuo, and Mistral have not yet initiated for that. "

" They would be in danger, Mr. President, " the Filipino representative replied. " Manila and other provinces are no longer safe to inhabit. Casualties have been on the rise for more than a year. "

" I understood. We will expect the worst, Mr. Macaspac, " the Remnite President sighed and looked at Carol. " Speaking of casualties, Colonel Danvers. Any updates from your joint defenses? "

Carol deeply thought before she could answer. The rest of the officials from Remnant and the other nations awaited for response. For the past several months, she spent commanding the entire forces and raiding against the invaders and experienced a few of victories and some defeats throughout the country. She could only remember that she sacrificed her motherhood and married life for her combat global defense as an Avenger. President Ironwood and the other leaders truly counted on her which she felt being pressured to their expectations. She must not fail as she frequently thought.

" Colonel Danvers? " Ironwood called her attention. " Is everything all right? "

" Sir, half of the entire forces were being eliminated by the assaulters since yesterday on the streets of Atlas, " she broke her silence.

" How about the enemies? "

" Fifty were both arrested and injured. Around five hundred were killed. "

The Remnite President heavily sighed and fixed his glasses. The others were murmuring which they seemed to be anxious and bothered of this outcome.

" President Ironwood, it seems like we need more back-up forces aside from your own Army, Navy, and Air Force troops and personnel that consisted of local hunters and huntresses, " the Italian representative suggested. " The North Americans and their allies are losing. "

A business suited bald man on a hovering wheel chair who was a current Krakoan representative listened and looked at the moustached head of state, " President Ironwood, perhaps, my fellow Mutantkind is willing to assist with your cause. You need more manpower for Ms. Danvers and the other troops. "

" Prime Minister Xavier, thank you, " Ironwood slightly smiled.

" However what I am concerned that your people might lose a Head of State like you, " Xavier seriously warned. " My own people in my homeland prepared a contigency plan if I ever lose myself in such dire incident. Have you ever thought of it beforehand? "

The Remnite President remained silent and looked at the local officials. The question seemed to bother him and intently eyed at the Faunus Vice President, Leo Lionheart to replace him.

" Sir? " the second-in-command raised his voice.

" If something happens to me, you'll take over in leading this country, " Ironwood seriously replied. " The rest will guide you until this invasion ends. "

Vice President Lionheart seemed to confused and looked at the others, " Sir, I'm not sure if..."

" I'm counting on you, Leo. "

" Yes, sir. "

" Same to you, Colonel Danvers, " Ironwood turned to Carol and reminded her. " I'm still counting on you for assembling our forces along with the others. "

" Yes, sir, " she saluted, hiding her apprehension.


Walking around and hearing the conversations among the surviving soldiers in the premises, Carol was having flashbacks of the death of Colonel Rhodes who had spoken of his last words to her in New York City. From then on, she tried harder to become a leader of the defense forces on Earth and fell in love with an Australian SHIELD Agent, Timothy Hughes. Somehow, Carol gained inspiration from Tim and had a daughter out of wedlock. She wanted to raise her daughter Eumeralla and marry her new boyfriend, but this duty had pressured her to abandon her hopes of having a family.

This time, she remained focused in her duty as the commander of the joint forces in Remnant and other allied nations. The blonde half Kree lady felt carrying a twenty-five feet cross and sighed. She wished to have this invasion over so she could have a normal life which she desired.

Suddenly, a deep and smooth male voice echoed and called her attention, " Carol? "

The half-Kree woman turned around and looked at the tall bespectacled and moustached man with short wavy golden yellow locks. He was wearing a light blue shirt, a pair of khakis and brown leather shoes and a white lab coat.

" Dr. Montmartre, " she smiled and greeted him. " I didn't expect you to come here. "

" I'm finished with the clinic and lab duties, mademoiselle, " the doctor answered and shyly mused. " You know, I was wondering if I could have...."

"... A dinner date with me? "

" Ah, oui! C'est magnifique! If you really don't mind..."

" No, night ops, today, Doc..." Carol blushed and felt pleased at his offer. " I know you have been aware there are no available restaurants. "

" I actually live in the underground apartment. Perhaps, it's my treat for you. "

Finally, someone had called out her attention to break out of the chaotic mundane. Carol needed to talk to somebody for she could vent out her pressures and frustrations. Dr. Montmartre looked concerned at her and secretly read her mind. He intently raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

" Doc, are you okay? " Carol curiously asked and sensed him reading her mind.

" Nothing, Carol, " Dr. Montmartre dryly chuckled and made a flirtling excuse. " I just realised you're too lovely to be a commander of this allied joint forces. "

The blonde half-Kree blushed harder and softly giggled at him.

" Nevermind, Colonel Danvers, " he sighed and dismissed the thought. " I guess we have a lot to talk about at dinner. "

" Right, that's a good idea, Doc. "

Upon reaching the underground quarters, the former French-American SCP scientist and physician had let his blonde visitor inside and asked her to make her feel at home. He prepared Chicken Confit and Spring Vegetable stew. Carol aided him in the kitchen to finish working with the meal. They had done setting up the table as the two glasses of red wine were poured and set. The two were eating and discussing about battle plans against the Kree and Lizards which Carol kept asking him. Dr. Montmartre answered all her questions which they turned out to be detailed and well-versed.

" Wow, I didn't know you had such knowledge about military tactics, " she commented, after finishing drinking her glass of wine. " I thought you're just some lab junkie here in Remnant which Tim had introduced me to you. "

" Carol, it's just we have been friends for a year. You deserve to know what I have learned, " he said.

" It's true. Yet, I sensed something's special in you, Doc, " she replied. " Tell me, Doc, what was your previous job before you got here? "

Dr. Montmartre contemplated to tell her the truth and started to compose his thoughts. Was this the right time to tell her the truth of who he is and let her see the future through his Kree Cosmic Awareness? He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

" Carol, I used to work for the Foundation before I got here, " he seriously broke his silence.

" Wait?! What?! " she raised her voice in shock and recalled the video of the boy and Mar-Vell's story. " You're the one who created that young lizard boy?! "

" Yes, " he nodded and sadly sighed. " I'm sorry if I made my friend Valya let you see the video. Besides, you deserve to find out about my son. "

" So, he was a product of your experimentation? Why? "

" My son has both Kree and SCP genes. My fellow scientists labelled him as a threat. I couldn't have a chance to get near him in Site 19. The 05 Council had forbidden me to meet him in person. All I did was to observe him from the window. "

Carol gasped in shock and recalled the story of a Kree-Lizard hybrid boy which she learned from Mar-Vell and the others. Then, she looked at the French-American scientist and used her seventh sense to secretly read his mind. Dr. Montmartre tried to block his mind, but he gave up and allowed her to do so.

" You're not from this world, are you? " she cornered him with a question. " Tell me, who are you, really? "

The blond man heavily sighed and replied, " Fine, I'm not from this planet, but I have lived here for more than a century after venturing out from planet to planet and escaped from my corrupted brothers in Hala for more than a millenia. I made several disguises to avoid myself from being hunted. "

" You're the Kree Eternal which the enemies have been looking for? "

" Yes, my real name is Methu-Selah, the exiled Kree Eternal, " Dr. Montmartre seriously answered. " I'm sorry I have concealed myself in this disguise. "

Carol remained silent and slowly began to smile, clearly understanding who he really was. She tightly hugged the disguised Kree Eternal as he hugged her back.

" Why have you been in hiding for such a long time? " she curiously asked. " I mean you are the highest form of the Kree. You could have prevented your fellow people to invade this planet. "

" They refused to listen to my warnings before you and your mother were born and labelled me a traitor of the Kree Empire, " the Kree Eternal seriously replied. " I spent myriads of time in hiding elsewhere in the cosmos and made several disguises. I returned to Earth and landed in Japan as a lizard during the Meiji period. Thus, my additional long-term journey had started. Life on your planet is difficult and primitive in Kree description, but I gained and embraced humanity despite of such endless corruption. "

" Then, you worked as a Foundation Scientist? "

" Spot on, Car-Ell, " he nodded. " I hoped to see my son in the future. "

" Then, why don't you try to find him? "

" I can sense and find him through my Kree Cosmic Awareness, but he cannot find me. It will take years for him to search for me as his father due to this prolonged Kree invasion. "

" Prolonged? "

" Yes. "

Carol widened her eyes in shock and felt anxious. She never realised that the Kree-Lizard invasion would take a toll onto the entire mankind for a long time. Dr. Jean Meir Montmartre or Methu-Selah crossed his both arms and let out a deep heavy sigh. His eyebrows weren angrily meeting each other on his forehead.

" Doc, perhaps you can help us and show up to them in your true form, " the blonde half-Kree Avenger suggested and raised her hand in interjection.

" I can't, Carol. "

" Why? "

" My life has been in-danger ever since the Supreme Intelligence has chosen the House of the Kasius, " he seriously explained. " If I expose myself to them in my real form, I would be killed for good. Besides, I have to meet my son in the future. "

" But why not try to find him? "

" Carol, the Foundation has forbidden to get near him and its troopers are still hunting him aside from his enemies, " he replied.

Carol sadly sighed and felt sorry for Dr. Montmartre. She understood him and became remorseful for not letting see her own daughter to grow and be with her. These difficult situations they faced had made them abandon their own child. Methu-Selah or Dr. Montmartre secretly read the half-Kree woman's mind and gave her a concerned look.

" You missed Timothy and Eumeralla, didn't you? " he calmly broke his silence.

" Yeah, " she answered. " This invasion and war is taking us nowhere if I don't meet them. "

" I know, there will be the hardest times we have to face. We wish we could do something more, " the Kree Eternal leaned his back on his seat and intently looked at his female friend. " You traded your family for this war that you never wanted. I couldn't meet my son personally. Everybody dies, especially President Ironwood who will be next in line..."

Carol widened her eyes in both shock and disbelief. Then, she chuckled and found him too ridiculous, " Doc, what are you talking about?! You can't be joking! Perhaps, you're too dilusional."

" Dilusional?! Tell me, Car-Ell, why is this planet suffered too much? Had you seen your first love dying in your arms in Manhattan during the first day of this invasion? Did you see all the people who perished and displaced? The Avengers and SHIELD have sent you here in Remnant as one of the most highly affected country in the entire globe. You are assigned as an American representative and commander of the United Forces. "

" How did you know everything? " she asked in shock.

" Because I secretly read your mind and predicted your future when I met you back at the Site 19 Foundation Facility in California, " Dr. Montmartre sincerely spoke and held the half Kree woman's hands. " I left that place and started working in Remnant while locating our son. "

" You're the mysterious cloaked man who found me there, " Carol muttered and asked. " What do you mean our son? "

" The boy from that damned facility, he has already escaped. "

" Should we find him after this? "

" Yes, but you will need to deal with Ironwood, first. "

" Doc, maybe you can help me to defend and spare the president's life. "

" You may try, Car-Ell, but he will never survive. "


Carol Danvers headed back from the frontlines which the resistance against the Kree and the Lizard became too intense. She was finished talking with the Remnite Army general and reporting of the progress. The official and his subordinates escorted her to the Head of State's office. While walking around the hallway, the half-Kree woman recalled the night when Methu-Selah or Dr. Montmartre reminded her of President Ironwood's death. Was he serious about it or bluffing to catch her attention to him? Regardless, she needed to find out for herself if this prophecy would come true.

Carol took a deep breath and walked along with the Remnite soldiers. She looked at tall moustached man with an olive skin who wore a dark suit and a coat. He intently smiled at her and blocked her way.

" You must be Captain Marvel, " he calmly broke his silence and showed his badge. " Dr. Arthur Watts, first Remnite-American CIA Agent and scientist. I got assigned by my boss, Everett Ross. I am here to observe your activities. "

Carol looked dubious at the CIA agent-scientist and replied, " I didn't know that Agent Ross sent you here. "

" Well, I'm just new here for the job, Colonel Danvers. I want to make sure my first homeland is well protected, " Watts answered. " Plus, I'm here to see President Ironwood and Dr. Montmartre. "

" What's your purpose, Doctor Watts? " she curiously asked and tilted her head upon hearing him mentioning the two men.

" It's classified, ma'am, " he instantly replied, hiding his true intentions to her. " Besides, it's an official CIA business in relation to our current situation. "

CIA Business? Carol's face grew awry and shot a glare of suspicion at the man. Dr. Arthur Watts of the CIA was more than meets the eye. He could be somebody else. Hearing the names Ironwood and Montmartre, she used her seventh sense upon the man and crossed her eyebrows. Watts grinned and chuckled.

" What's wrong, Colonel Danvers? " he dryly chuckled and shrugged. " Why? "

" You're not a CIA Agent, Watts..." she sternly retorted. " Definitely, you're not from this planet. Tell me, are you a Kree in disguise?! "

" Dammit for Hala's sakes..." the olive skinned Kree angrilly muttered. " Why the hell did you blow my cover?! "

" I can see what you're upto! That badge is a fake! I have never heard from Ross that he has sent you here! "

The moustached Kree spy took out his taser pistol, pointed at Carol, and hissed, " You're not gonna succeed in defending this planet, Car-Ell! Lord Taryan asks me to subdue all of you including the Kree Eternal and his son! "

" I'm not gonna let you! " she heatedly responded and illuminated her both hands.

Watts triggered his pistol and aimed at the half-Kree woman, making her stunned and falling unconsciously. She ended up blackened, but her quarter light soul secretly absorbed it. Moments later, she instantly woke up from a sudden sleep and heard gunshots in the hallway as she saw it using her seventh sense. Just beside her, there was a platinum blonde lady in her late twenties to early thirties who stood beside her. Carol recognised the person and intently looked at her.

" It's all right, Colonel Danvers, " the woman assured in her serious low tone.

" Where the hell is that Kree rat?! " Carol angrily mumbled.

" Kree rat?! Who?! "

" Arthur Watts, the man who claimed he's from the CIA! Senator Schnee-Knightfall, I really need to deal with him right now! "

" Carol, I understand what you're upto," Winter Schnee-Knightfall seriously answered. " Dr. Montmartre asked me to look after you while you're resting. You can't go outside that quickly. "

" Winter, we have a Kree spy within our turf, " she reasoned. " He's pretending to be from the CIA. He might be after Ironwood and the doctor. Who knows, that maniac is also looking for the Kree Eternal wherever he is! "

" Kree Eternal?! What are you talking about?! "

" He's an ancient blue man from Hala who had been exiled for several years in the cosmos! "

" Wait..." Winter widened her eyes in shock and recalled. " Christopher and the President might have known this man. Do you know where he is now? "

" I don't know, " she quickly replied hiding the truth from her and changed the topic. " But we need to get Ironwood and Dr. Montmartre out of here! "

Carol stood up from her bed and saw what was unfolding in the hallway from the hospital's window. She widened her eyes in shock to see the mad moustached Kree spy taking lives of each nurses, doctors, and patients. A state governor from Mistral warned him to stop, but he immediately fell down and shot into his bloodshed.

Just then, the Head of State's bodyguards and LMDs were also falling in the hands of the Kree assassin. President Ironwood was seen taking his pistol, but the moustached one punched him on his face.

" Agent Watts, I thought you're helping us..." the Remnite President moaned in excruciating pain and panted.

" I don't support half-Kree men like you, Mr. President," Watts evilly grinned and pointed his pistol on the Head of State's face. " Your planet will fall down in the hands of a true savior! Lord Taryan will take slaves like you. "

" Slave? What the hell..."

Watts or Ar-Watt pulled the trigger from his pistol when some bullets fell into the Remnite President's chest. Ironwood instantly closed his eyes and met Lady Death as his blood splattered and flowed on the floor. Carol and Winter widened their eyes in shock. Suddenly, there were security personnel who attempted to shoot the hitman. The late President's wives were heard loudly wailing. The half-Kree woman had enough in seeing skirmish and radiated her both hands, rushing towards the mad assassin.

" Carol, look out! " Winter loudly yelled in warning.

Carol Danvers or Captain Marvel readied herself to blast the murderer down using her light soul and changed into her Binary form. Watts grinned and pointed the same pistol to end her for good. He was about to shoot her when a ray of bright bluish-white light immediately grabbed her away into safety. Ar-Watt got distracted and blinded as he angrily muttered in his language and rushed away.

She ended up kneeling beside the deceased Remnite President's body and bitterly wept as her instant rescuer had disappeared. The rest of the surviving people scornfully glared and murmured at her.

" Is that what you call a heroine?! " a male bear Faunus patient on a wheelchair retorted.

" We trusted you, Captain Marvel! " an African-American lady from the US Army added. " Why can't you spare President Ironwood?! "

" Captain Marvel turned out to be Bloody Hell Captain No-Good! " an elderly Aussie man heatedly scorned. " You, Yankee Shiela don't deserve to be called an Avenger! "

Winter Schnee-Knightfall sadly bowed at the half Kree woman and felt sorry for her. The repetitive and shameful remarks had lingered into her ears when she wept and bowed her head to her despair. The medics had come to check and take the late Remnite Head of State's body. Carol bitterly wailed as her tears watered her face. Out of desperation, her quarter light soul had triggered her Binary form and instantly created a blast on the hospital's ceiling as she flew away.

Just then, she ended up levitating above Earth's orbit and depressingly sulking. Carol watched the world in shambles and thought that everything was all her fault. She silently wept and covered her face. Without her knowledge, she leaned on something muscular and felt being tightly hugged. The blonde Avenger looked at the blue skinned man with long silvery-white hair. He was wearing a white battlesuit and green trimmings.

" D-Doc, I-is that really you?! " she shakily asked and wept.

" Yes, but my real name's Methu-Selah..." the Kree Eternal calmly replied. " This is my true form. "

" Did you rescue me from that madman? "

Methu-Selah sincerely smiled and nodded, " Car-Ell, I know your life is at stake. That's why I came to spare you. "

" Doc... I mean, Methu. Everyone hates me..." she sobbed and tightly hugged him. " It's all my fault! I haven't rescued President Ironwood. I let him die! "

" I'm sorry to hear that. I know you tried so hard to be a hero which people expect you to be, " he calmly answered and touched her face. " No matter what, I'm still there for you and our son. The past and the present may be a living hell, but we can be better for the future. "

Carol heard him and helplessly wept, leaning on her future husband's chest. Still in the vastness of space, sadness and emptiness lingered into her mind.


" So, you have been through in everything, " Amnon surmised and heard his mother's story. " Now, I know why you're so ashamed in telling your past. Everyone expects you to be the hero that you used to be. I'm sorry, mom. I understood why you're so angry and drunk from the first time I met you. "

" Past is passed, Amnon, " Elder Carol Danvers-Montmartre sighed in reply. " I can't relive those days anymore. I'm too old. "

" Why is that? "

" I was too young and angry in seeing how the world crumbled. Those invaders had begun their skirmish in Remnant before any nation they had been. Seeing the Remnite president dying on my arms, it crushed my heart. All the people blamed for my carelessness and extreme impulsiveness as they began to express my hatred towards me. I felt being hopeless in saving the world. Even I tried to fight, I thought I did my best as the hero they expected to be, but I felt like I did nothing at all..."

" Mom, please don't say that..." the young pink Kree gently held his mother's left hand and sincerely spoke. " Long before you met me, Dad just gave you an idea of who I was. He was fated to be with us. Then, you met me in Rouen and raised me as your true son. Indeed, I am. Now, here we are in America and united as a family. I am still grateful of what I have become and changed. It's you and Dad who rebuild my life. The both of you are real heroes to me. I don't even care they harshly criticise you. I have found a real family. I won't give up on you as you never gave up on me. "

" Thank you, my dear son, " Carol wept for joy and heard her son's response as she tightly hugged him.

" Son, you still have our backs, " his father also placed his arms to his son and wife. " When you get older, you will share the same love we have to your children and for the future generations. "

" Thanks, Dad, " Amnon smiled at his father and changed his topic. " Before we go tonight, I still owe you guys a story. "

" A story from what happened to you, yesterday? " his mother queried.

" Yeah, " he nodded. " In discovering about the Kree Eternal as my real father. "

(Gladius Fernal belongs to Knightfall077)

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