Chapter 89

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" The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. "

- Mark Twain


The elderly half-Kree woman remained sleepless and prepared her cup of green tea which she saw her son's room from a distance. She was concerned and deeply recalling her husband's words which his prediction found it very disturbing. She held her cup, smelled and slowly sipped her tea.

Carol looked at her sleepless blue skinned spouse who was sitting alone on the couch and thought of talking to him. The Kree Eternal seemed to be silently solemn, thinking of the days ahead. She finished drinking her tea and washed the cup into the kitchen sink. Then, she sat down beside him on the couch and held his left hand. Methu-Selah turned his attention to her and sweetly smiled.

" You seemed very restless these days, dear, " she said. " Look, I'm not gonna read your mind like you always do to anyone else. We need to talk like any ordinary human being would do. "

" Car-Ell, did you remember what I told you back in Paris? " he asked.

" Your days are numbered, aren't you? " she sadly replied, let out a sigh, and wept. " Methie, I understood what you really meant. You wanted to spend more time with Amnon and then we got married. You have fulfilled your prediction of having a family. It's just I am hurting to hear that you're dying. Our son is also hurting. It's just so unfair that you sound like a ticking time bomb. "

" I'm sorry. It is what it is. I wish I can do something to change the fate, " the ancient Kree gloomily spoke and hugged his wife, comforting him. " I will never leave you. I'm always there in your heart. I will live through our son. Amnon is the rightful heir of my light soul. You can still see me through him. "

" Have you told this to him? " she meekily queried and rubbed her eyes with a tissue which her spouse offered her.

" Not yet, but time will come to let him realise this. "

" Then, why can't you tell it to him? Our son deserves to know. He's also concerned about you ever since you have taken care of him. I just need you to spend your last days with us as a family, " Carol pleaded and held her husband's hands. " Methie, please. Make your life worthwhile until it lasts. "

The Kree Eternal listened and sincerely looked at his wife. He gently touched her face, hugged her, and calmly replied, " I will do my best to live with you both before something will happen to me. I will never forget the woman whom I have waited for centuries and fallen in love with. "

" I love you, Methie..."

Despite the sad and impending death of the Kree Eternal, he managed to express his love to his dear wife. Carol thought of what she would do to make his life the fullest.


The sweet aroma of cooked bacon and scrambled eggs was emanating from the kitchen and lingering around the Montmartre family flat. The blonde pink Kree man was pleased in preparing breakfast for his family. He took some three glasses, dishes, and utensils onto the table and held a cold pitcher of orange juice. Amnon carefully placed the breakfast meal individually and thought of waking up his parents to start the day.

Amnon looked at the door of his parents' room, walked over, and, gently knocked on the door. He waited as no one responded.

" They're still sleeping right now, " he thought with concern and scratched his chin. " One more door knock, I hope they can wake up and respond. They can't miss their breakfast."

For the second time, he was knocking on the door and waiting for them to respond. Suddenly, it slowly opened as he peeked and saw his parents sleeping peacefully on their bed. Methu-Selah and Carol were both in sleeping clothes and embracing each other. From their slumber, they seemed to be in love. Amnon made an awkward grin and felt too embarrassed as his action could let him in big trouble for disturbing his parents.

" Should I wake them up? " he contemplatingly thought and scratched his head. " For Pama's sakes, this is gonna be a big disaster if I do it. "

He took a deep breath and walked closer to his parents. Then, he slightly shook his father's feet. Carol slowly opened her eyes and saw her son waking up his father. Amnon nervously grinned and placed his left index finger on his mouth. His elderly mother smirked and understood of what he would do. The pink Kree grinned at her and tickled on his father's feet. Carol silently giggled and saw him doing it. Old Methu-Selah grimaced and groaned as his son kept gently stroked on his feet.

" Dad...breakfast's ready..." Amnon cheerfully mused. " You can't start the day right if you keep on sleeping. "

" Not now, Amnon! I'm too sleepy! Go there and prepare something to eat! You're such an early bird, my boy! " the Kree Eternal grumblingly said.

" Come on, Dad. You will end up eating and swallowing the entire planet. You don't want that to happen, do you? "

" Just give me ten to twenty minutes..."

Amnon turned to his mother who became awake and laughed. Carol instantly sat up and whispered at her son's ear. He evilly smirked and nodded at her as he understood of what she instructed him.

" Dad! The Skrulls are invading the entire planet! " he loudly alarmed and shook his father's both legs. " They have started invading Paris, France and fought the Kree-Lizard legion! They all killed the Rebel Forces and MTF troopers in action! The shapeshifting bastards are here! We need Old Captain Methu-Selah's help!! "

" I said, not now! " the ancient blue Kree angrily muttered.

" Kid, Plan C..." the elderly half-Kree woman lowly whispered at her son as Amnon nodded.

The pink Kree stepped away from his father and headed to the bathroom. He took out a cold bucket of water and slowly walked over. Carol softly giggled and watched her son splashing his father and making him wet. Old Methu-Selah instantly widened his eyes and felt his entire body dripping with water. He sat up from the bed and shot a glare at his wife and son chortling at their practical joke on him. Then, he exasperatedly sighed and stood up, taking his towel and rubbing himself to dry up.

" I understood you want me to get up, " he calmly spoke. " I have already predicted this to happen. "

" You don't have to tell me twice, my dear spouse, " Carol grinned and crossed her arms. " I already knew that when I met you back in Moulin Rouge. You dreamt of our son as an accomplice to this practical joke. "

The Kree Eternal understood and smiled at his two family members when he instantly made a group hug.

" Anyways, what's cooking? " he asked and placed his right forearm to his son's left shoulder.

" Menu for today is scrambled eggs, bacon, two slices of french toast, and a glass of orange juice, " Amnon replied. " The meal is served. "

" Our chef has prepared our meal, " Carol interjected. " Let's dig in. "


Busying himself working with some files, Amnon was about to finish encoding a document related to Doctor Stephen Strange and his sorcery. He recalled of such peculiar encounters with the beings from the dark forces and read carefully from the written hard copies which he was virtually transferring the data. Amnon noticed the time when the holographic clock showed it was 5:45 pm.

" Cheese, it's getting late! " he anxiously thought and sighed. " I got sidetracked in reading and encoding at this file. I need to go home very soon. "

Just then, he heard his elderly supervising officer talking to someone from a distance. The blonde pink Kree secretary cocked his eyebrows and heard a familiar male voice. He paused working, swiped an icon to save the file, and looked at the two elderly men coming into the holographic records office. Amnon intently looked at the other senior citizen and recognized him a couple of years ago in France. The long grey old man was wearing a long white coat with a green shirt and a pair of dark pants.

Elder Tony Stark smiled at his subordinate and said, " Montmartre, I would like you to meet my fellow engineer-scientist friend way back from fifty years ago at Stark Industries. This is Dr. Chris Halsey. " He turned to his friend and introduced the secretary, " Chris, this is Agent Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, MTF and SHIELD's admin. "

Doctor Chris Halsey intently eyed at the pink Kree and his forest green irises in his eyes and scratched his beard. Amnon looked uncomfortable at the scientist's stare and managed to slightly smile at him.

" Your eyes look very familiar, kid..." Halsey smiled back and asked. " Have we met before? "

" I guess so, sir..." Amnon responded and had his holographic computer shut down. " Have you met a young reptilian man back in a French slave den? "

" I think so, kid. If I can remember correctly, he has his two friends who joined him and caused a riot there. They rescued a couple of people including me and my daughter. I got reassembled with a group of people. I didn't know what happened to Svet the Lizard. I can only meet his friend Jared Coulson here. "

" How about the other person? "

" You mean, Ignatius Knightfall? " Halsey surmised and snapped his fingers. " He's now in Bahamas with his wife, supporting a group of Rebel Forces fighting against the invaders. Hold on, why did you ask young man? "

" Sir, I believe we have met before, " Amnon blurted out. " I really remembered those days learning from you as a scientist and inventor. You had developed weaponry and an AI that could scan everything. "

" Remember?! Look, Kid. We have just met today. "

" Sir, I'm still Svet the Lizard in a brand new whole package. "

Dr. Halsey widened his eyes to his surprise and slowly turned to his friend Elder Stark. The retired Avenger and former playboy billionaire nodded at him and grinned.

" Is this young man really telling the truth or is he being nuts, Tony? " the scientist-inventor curiously asked.

" Chris, why can't you let Cortana do the lie detector scan? " Stark raised his right hand in interjection. " Go ahead, check the Boy Scout. "

" Fine, then, " he heavily sighed and turned to his watch. " Cortana, did you record Agent Montmartre's statements? "

" Yes, Doctor Halsey, " a female voice instantly replied.

" Please listen backtrack his verbatim and scan his vitals. "

" Yes, sir. "

A radiant blue holographic radiance flashed in front of the pink Kree secretary and made him startled. Amnon shrieked to his surprise and saw an image of a short haired woman wearing a body suit. She cheerfully smiled and scanned him.

" I'm so sorry. I really don't mean to scare you, " she chuckled.

" Right..." Amnon nervously grinned and then curiously raised his eyebrows. " You really sound familiar. Have we met before, miss? "

" Well, you may be changed physically. But mentally and personally, you are 100% matched to Svet the Lizard, " Cortana mused.

" Wait, what?! " Halsey raised his voice in shock. " Cortana, so he's not lying?! "

" Of course, I have detected his neuron activity, heartbeat, and vocal tone. This man is telling the truth, " she smiled.

" See, Halsey? You have just met a man who started from scratch, " Stark grinned and humorously interjected.

The elderly scientist intently looked at the pink Kree and recalled the same eye color from the former Kree-Reptilian rebel wanderer. He smiled at him and gave the young one a friendly hug and a pat in the back like he was reuniting with a long lost friend. Amnon hugged back at the scientist.

" It's been a while meeting you, Svet! " he happily exclaimed. " Look at you, now! A human being learning and catching up. "

" It's Amnon now, Doctor Halsey. I've been a Kree in my entire life, " the secretary said.

Halsey cocked his eyebrows and slowly parted from the young man. Then, he turned to Stark and his AI Cortana. Amnon heavily sighed and thought he had offended them.

" Doctor, look. I'm not those guys who invaded this planet for fifty years, " Amnon reasoned. " I have discovered who I really am. In my previous form, I was different from SCP-682 as I had the same blue blood inherited from my father which ran through my bloodstream. Now, I'm in my new body. I have found my parents. I understood my people took advantage of you by making you as a slave. " Then, the pink Kree knelt down and humbly bowed at their feet on the floor. " I apologise for my horrible mistakes when I was under mind control of Kasius as well as my people who tremendously harmed you in the past. Doctor Halsey, Mr. Stark. I'm really sorry. "

" Montmartre, you're a good young man, " the former billionaire playboy genius gently patted Amnon's back. " You're just a victim of several tremendous hardships. "

" Amnon, I have seen and heard of your exploits as a hero and such crimes made as a brainwashed death accuser. I never condemened you in the first place, " Halsey calmly spoke. " I am glad to see you in your new body as you are rebuilding your second chance of life. "

" Sirs... " Amnon paused and remained speechless.

" I agree to what they have said, " Cortana smiled and nodded. " Your name Svet means 'Light' in Russian. Your name Amnon means 'Faithful' in both Kree and Hebrew. Agent Montmartre, your radiant faith remains within you even in your times of agony and darkness. "

" Thank you all, " the pink Kree commented and sighed in relief. Then, he asked. " I was curious what were you discussing? "

" Oh, right, " Elder Stark snapped his fingers and recalled. " Halsey and I were talking about new designs and development for armors. "

" I have some holographic blueprints to present so far, " Halsey added. " Those new armors will be useful and functional in the near future. For now, I'm working with him for prototypes. "

" I would like to see those, " Amnon mused and crossed his arms.

" Listen, Boy Scout, we will be releasing those soon when this prolonged war is over, " Stark answered and shrugged.

" But why? "

" The armors are being created in Wakanda, Amnon, " Halsey interjected. " I have met Tony's daughter Natasha and some Wakandan engineers around three weeks ago. They have been developing those Spartan-Mark armors for decades. "

" So, Cortana has been helping them? "

" Yep, we have kept some people and stuff under wraps away from your pesky people and their lizard friends. No offense, Amnon, but you're exempted from them. "

Amnon chuckled and understood what the elderly scientist and engineer had humorously pointed out. Cortana looked at her master, implying him for a reminder. Halsey stopped laughing and cleared his throat.

" As you're supposed to tell me, Cortana? " he asked her.

" Doctor Halsey, are you forgetting to visit your wife at the infirmary? " she reminded and crossed her arms.

" Oh, right..." Halsey nodded and changed into a solemn tone of voice. " Why would I forget that? "

" Chris, is this Emerald's third cycle of chemo? " Stark asked.

" Yeah. She may be getting better, but there are downsides for that treatment. She became too lanky ever since your men found her at the slave den in Cape Caneveral, Florida, " he sadly sighed. " I'm not a doctor of medicine, but I can imagine her pain is too horrible to witness and experience. "

Amnon heard the elderly scientist's dilemma and felt sorry for him. He recalled of his beloved first girlfriend, Nancy Johnson and a family friend, Amélie Glenat. The both of them suffered from the same terminal illness which they had.

" Sir, mind If I could visit your wife? " he requested.

" Sure, " the elderly scientist and engineer nodded and turned to his colleague. " Tony, I guess my young friend and I need to go. "

" Of course, " Stark nodded him back and turned to Amnon. " Well, Boy Scout. See you tomorrow. "

" Yes, sir. See you tomorrow, " the pink Kree secretary greeted and picked up his things.


Reaching the hallway, Dr. Halsey and Agent Montmartre had seen a couple who was more than ten to twenty years older than him. A man with green locks and some white highlights was seen talking to his turquoised haired wife with an olive complexion. The spouses hugged the elder as he sadly smiled.

" How's your mother, Jade? " Halsey asked.

" She's resting, Dad, but ailing, " Jade sadly spoke. " The chemo is taking a toll on her. "

Dr. Halsey heavily sighed and looked at the window which his wife was lying on bed. His son-in-law and daughter gently patted his back. Amnon noticed the family and then the terminally-ill mother inside the room. Jade and her spouse looked at the visitor.

" Dad, who is he? " his daughter curiously asked.

" Oh, right. I believe he's a long-lost friend, " Halsey responded and introduced the pink Kree secretary/SHIELD Agent. " Amnon, this is my daughter, Jade and my son-in-law, William. Everyone, this is Amnon. "

" Uh...hi? " Amnon awkwardly greeted at the two, recognising the middle-aged woman whom he rescued and pretending to be oblivious.

" It's nice to meet you, " William shook hands with him. " I'm William Knightfall. "

" Right. Amnon Montmartre, likewise it's a pleasure. "

" It seems you just have come from work, " he chuckled.

" You're right, " Amnon nodded and smiled back. " I just need to see and talk to your mother. "

" Thank you, how thoughtful of you are, young man, " Jade slightly smiled.

" I'm sorry that I didn't prepare and bring much. I can only give a portion of my pay, " the pink Kree brought out the envelope of money and gave it to the daughter. " It's not that much, but it helps for you all. "

" Amnon, how about you? " Jade asked and got surprised to her guest's generosity.

" I still have some spare money I have saved, " he answered. " It's fine. "

" Thank you so much, " she smiled.

" You're welcome. "

" I guess you should come in, " Halsey gestured his guest to enter the room and entered with him. Then, he greeted his wife and kissed her cheeks. " Honey, we have a visitor. "

" You mean this man? " she asked meekily and pointed him.

" Ah, yes. He's a long-lost friend of mine who rescued me and our daughter back in France, " he introduced. " Emerald, this is Amnon Montmartre. Amnon, this is my wife Emerald Sustrai-Halsey. "

" It's nice to meet you, ma'am, " Amnon greeted.

" It's nice to meet you too, " Emerald weakingly smiled. " I'm sorry I can't shake my hand. I just came from chemo. "

" Chemo? You mean your treatment? "

" Yes, son. I've been diagnosed with Stage IV Lymphoma. The doctor said it came from Kree experiments which they inject me something to cause this illness, " she sadly sighed and explained.

" I'm sorry to hear that, Mrs. Halsey. On behalf of my..."

" You don't need to apologise, young man. My destined fate is to die with my family, " Emerald replied. " I have been an Inhuman slave for fifty years before I married my husband. We met in the slave den back in Boston. Chris has been working as an engineer for them. "

" I regretted to work with them to be honest, " Halsey sadly bowed his head. " All they did was I have been monitored and controlled what I need to do for their weaponry. "

" Not gonna lie, I feel the same way, too. Dr. Halsey, " Amnon nodded in agreement. " But this is gonna be a long story for me to tell you both. "

" You were a slave too? " Emerald asked.

" Yeah, but pretty worst case scenario. You won't like it to hear from me, " the pink Kree replied and placed his hands on his jacket's pockets.

" We respect that, " the scientist and engineer agreed. " It's okay if you don't want to discuss it, but surely you seemed to be recovered. "

" Slowly, but surely, " he nodded and turned to the ailing Inhuman lady. " If only I could do something to your wife, she has received this illness from my own people. "

" Look, Amnon. I know you want to do something to help my wife to recover. I felt the same way too when I learned that she suffered from an illness. I couldn't do anything to give her cure. "

" I understood of your intentions, boys, " Emerald slightly smiled. " But my time in this ailing body and problematic planet is fading, I'm really sorry to say this. "

" Mrs. Halsey..." Amnon sadly muttered.

" Life goes on you with you, young people. You still need to fight and keep on thriving. "

(Former One World Trade Center Building: Manhattan, New York City: 10:00 PM)

Heading on the hallway, the blonde cyborg slave held a tray of red wine bottle and glasses to offer them to her master and his guests. She was carefully walking and carrying them to the room. Suddenly, she was accidentally being pushed by an elderly pink Kree man, dressed up in a white kevlar suit from the MTF. Hec-Bron evilly smirked at her and crossed his arms. The bottle of wine and glasses were fallen and broken on the floor. Gourai was left dazed and anxiously looking at him.

" What's the matter, lady?! " he scoffed and laughed, giving her a cheeky grin. " Can't even fix this mess? Your boss is gonna feed ya with the roaches! "

Gourai couldn't hear a word which the man was saying. For her, he was just talking and taunting inaudibly at her. She didn't understand and cocked her eyebrows.

" My, my, this cute blondie slave has an inhibitor! What a shame! Ya know what?! I could have done something better to ya instead of being a pushover. Let's say, we should get outta here and be married! "

Hec-Bron seducingly grinned and gently touched the woman's face. Gourai became uncomfortable and instantly punched his gut. She shot a glare at him and kicked his groin.

" For Hala's sakes! Damn ya, cyborg b!tc=! " he angrily moaned in pain.

Gourai quickly rushed away from the perverted Kree and left him in pain. She didn't care if she never wiped the floor from the broken glasses and spilled red wine.

" I really need to get out of here! Find the Kree-Lizard man who attempted to rescue me! " she anxiously thought and felt the adrenaline running from her veins as her mechanical side recorded the data of the flirting. " He could only spare me from this mess! "

Just then, she saw Kasius talking to Basha and felt more apprehended than ever. Gourai slowly stepped away and knew her master would punish her. The blue Kree tyrant walked over to her and made a poker face.

" Gourai, where are the drinks? " he calmly asked.

" Lord Kasius! " she humbly bowed at his feet on the floor. " I'm so sorry. I was being pushed by a man who tried to seduce me! "

" A man you say? "

" Sir, he played tricks on me and touched my face! "

" What did you do? "

" I defended myself and fought against him, " she replied. " Then, I ran away. "

Kasius heard her as his lizard girlfriend glanced at him and the cyborg woman. Basha thought intently and interjected, " Kasius, my dear. Why not make your slave girl as a tourney fighter in lieu of your failed champions and accusers. She could be a potential. "

" I am thinking what you are thinking, Basha, " the blue tyrant smirked and clasped both of his hands. " If Gourai can prove herself to be a worthy fighter, why not make her an accuser. "

Chris Halsey, William Knightfall, and Jade Halsey belongs to Knightfall077

Hec-Bron/Hector Bronco belongs to valorithsaga

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