Chapter 93

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'' If thou didst ever thy dear father love . . . revenge his foul and most unnatural murder..."

- William Shakespeare's Hamlet: Act 1, Scene 5

(Streets of Manhattan, New York City: 1:19 PM)

A transport ship arrived with a small squad of Buck, Alpha and three more ARC Troopers as every MTF unit immediately saluted to them in response. The other members of the Rebel Forces arrived at the premises.

" Guess, this is already growing by the minute, " Buck said.

" You said it sir, not me, " Alpha replied.

Amnon quickly approached them as the others were surprised to see him. He was also armed like anyone else which his disposition became more serious than he was before.

" It's Agent Montmartre, " the ARC Trooper recognized the pink Kree holding a pistol and checking his load of bullets. " What's with him? "

" Something happened sometime ago. I don't know why. "

" Few of our troopers have perished, " Amnon sternly replied. " We need to defeat these undesirables at once. We don't need to waste much time chattering around. "

" Montmartre, what on Earth?! " Buck muttered in shock.

" Like I said, we don't need to waste much time! "

" Slow down, Montmartre. Please. You're acting really strange. Did something happen? "

" Acting strange?! So what, Henderson?! Are you bamboozling me again just like you did in Paris before?! My father has already passed away for Hala's Sakes! Are you happy now?! " Amnon furiously retorted. Buck, Alpha, and the others exchanged glances and felt sorry for the armed pink Kree. He heavily sighed and stressedly remarked, " You know, what? This is hopeless. I'm not going to waste my time talking to you. I'd better go. I need to settle my late father's unfinished business with Kasius and end this. "

" Montmartre...slow down...please, " Buck pleaded and empathised, blocking his path. " Look, I can't blame you why you feel this way, but I'm sorry for what happened before and we're sorry for your loss. We know your father has played an important role in the latter parts of your life. It's just we want to know what happened earlier, so we know how to help you."

Amnon became hesitant to respond, looked at the skies, heavily huffed, and silently wept. He instantly rubbed his eyes with his dark leather jacket's sleeves.

" Sir, I guess we should let him mourn for a while and do what he needs to do, " Alpha looked at Buck and said.

" That's why we're here, so we can aid him, " he replied and turned to the pink Kree. " You need to slow down, Amnon. We'll just let you grieve and..."

" And you're going to hinder and kill me? Then, that's it?! " Amnon angrily responded and flashed his eyes in bluish-white radiance with tears dropping on his face.

"'re here to help, " Buck answered, avoiding to look at him. " If your father were here with us, he would have told you to calm down and talk it over before getting to Kasius. Please tell us what happened. "

The flashing on his eyes ceased as Amnon instantly wiped his teary yes and took deep breaths to pacify himself. Then, he emotionlessly replied, " My father had passed when he tried to save Mist. I can't waste much time and I need to do this for them. "

" Mist? Who was she? " Buck curiously asked.

" The shadow lady who was killed in the encounter. "

The other elderly blue Kree Galenn-Konn heard the discussion and sadly sighed, " May they rest in peace. "

Buck also sighed and nodded in agreement with Galenn, " Anyway, what's the plan, Montmartre? "

" We have to infiltrate the entire place and get rid of those lizards, Kree, and cyborg guards, " Amnon seriously spoke. " Back-ups are needed from SHIELD. " Then, he turned to Jared and Absalom and reminded them, " Perhaps, you will just bring your weapons, divert the guests, and release the slaves."

" Got it, Amnon, " the half-lizard man nodded.

" We'll be doing it, " Absalom responded.

Buck drew his dual custom made pistols from his holsters, " Lead the way, Son of Methu-Selah. "

Alpha drew her rifle from her back when the ARC Troopers and the other forces did the same as Alpha. Amnon looked at them, nodded and said, " We'll take the One World Trade Center. This is where the overlord has remained. "

" You might be needing this one, Amnon. " Jared gave the Cursed Blade to the pink Kree. " Your old man wanted to defeat Kasius. It's your chance, now. "

" Thank you, Jared, " Amnon received and slightly smiled.

" Roger that, Troopers, let's move out! " Buck called out when he and his squad took the long, but in a secretive way like going within the ocean near the docks. The others joined as well.

" Sir, we've got a footage within the Kree base, and it appears someone had already breached through, " the MTF Captain reminded.

" It's about time to teach them a lesson, " the armed pink Kree stressed.

(Former One World Trade Center Building: Manhattan, New York City: 1:50 PM)

Within the slave den compound, the security base outside the building was now now ruined and flaming. The bodies of the Kree, Lizards, and the cyborg guards were found lying in a pool of blood. The remaining Kree guard rushed towards the main building into his safety after seeing his comrades' demise. Just then, he saw the intruder coming and gasped fearfully.

" Lord Kasius, the intruder is approaching this way, and he is very angry...." he spoke over comms when he was interrupted by slashing. There were screams of pain and agony before it was cut off.

Just inside the slave den building, the blue overlord frowned and angrily clenched his fingers, removing his audio device. His brother, Faulnak looked concerned at him.

" Brother, what's going on? " Faulnak asked.

" The prophecy has come true..." Kasius emotionlessly replied. " Those insolents have come to overthrow me. "

" Well, then. Let me deal with them. "

" Oh, bloody hell, mate! " an Englishman zombie named Deadeye Jake rushed towards to the Kree brothers. " You won't gonna like this boss. The Lizard guards and slaves have gone mad and so are the others! I'm quitting this joint! "

" Jake, you are not going to quit! " Kasius heatedly growled.

" Yes, I am indeed, because your fantasy world is gonna be shambles! I swear! " Jake exclaimed in fear and ran away.

" Indeed, he is right, my love, " Basha the lizard woman replied. " Your forces are losing. The Kree Eternal Methu-Selah has returned..."

In the slave den area, the mixed race slaves continued toiling as their handlers observed them. Suddenly, the door that kept them protected started to break down before it was completely destroyed by a giant beam of soul mass energy with crystals inside of the beam. The entire slaves paused their work and ducked themselves down into their safety. When the explosion had ended, everyone looked up and saw the large opening of the door. On the other side, it revealed Shade and no one could behind his neck sleeve and iron hat, other then a red glow where his eyes are piercing out from the darkness of his head. He raised his Great Sword and pointed at their direction and rested his other hand on his rear arm. The Inhuman slaves began to attack their handlers and started their riot.

Dennis looked closely and muttered, " It's him...."

" So......Who wants to die first? " Shade emotionlessly asked.

" Well, it's an honor serving you, " he quickly pulled out a bone and crushed it. Soon after, his body disappeared after a gust of wind blew into the room.

" Coward......" Shade remarked and slowly walked to them. " Now, who's next to run or fight? "

Suddenly, a bright bluish-white radiance flashed and found Dennis the Reptillian hiding. Then, he got blinded as the lizard man yelled in fear. Shade was surprised to hear a familiar voice as he turned his head to the radiance.

" I CAN'T SEE! I CAN'T SEE! " Dennis screamed and kept tapping on the floor.

" LEAVE HIM ALONE! " a man's voice echoed.

" Who's there?! " Shade apprehensively asked.

The bluish-white radiance ceased and revealed himself to be the blonde pink Kree man. He held his pistol pointing to Dennis's tail, pulled the trigger, and fired out the bullets. The lizard man screamed in excruciating pain and found himself bleeding. Amnon finished shooting the lizard and assisted Shade as he slowly stood up.

" Now, go join the slaves! I'll deal with him alone, " he sternly spoke.

" You're not the only one who wants him dead, " Shade replied.

" Let's just say, I'm doing it for Mist and for my late father. "

" You don't understand Amnon.....You truly don't understand why I want to kill him too. "


" Enough, the both of you! " Dennis called their attention and tried to stand up, limping and trying to attack the Kree Eternal's son and the Abyss Watcher.

Amnon kept his pistol and released his cosmic energy blasts, electrocuting the lizard man and his neck inhibitor.


" Shade, it's your chance! " the pink Kree exclaimed and levitated the lizard, bringing him to Shade. " Now! "

" LET ME GO! "

" One... " the Abyss Watcher enhanced his greatsword and chopped Dennis head cleanly off as he splitted Dennis's torso in half and kicked the corpse towards Kasius.

Suddenly, some bits of darkness was formed as Dennis's head was chopped off. The other shadowed being appeared and grinned at the two.

" May I join? " he asked.

" Do I have to listen to you, now? " Shade sighed and dashed directly towards Kasius.

" Let me deal Kasius alone, " Amnon replied.

The Shadow Reaper took out the katanas from flames and replied, " You may listen to me more. " Then, he looked at Amnon and said, " As for you, good luck, and don't die. Or I'll have to reap your soul."

" I will. I need to go, " the Kree nodded and rushed away.

Seeing the chaos from a distance, the blue skinned tyrant shot a glare to the three who killed from a distance. He angrily glared at the pink Kree who approached him.

" The son of the delinquent has returned, " Kasius seriously spoke.

" I am just here to settle my late father's unfinished business with you and at the same time making my retribution from what you have done to me and everyone else, " Amnon sternly replied.

" This looks very entertaining..." the Shadow Reaper evilly grinned and heated up his blades, watching the confrontation of Amnon and Kasius.

" That despicable brat of Methu-Selah, " Faulnak angrily glared and held his weapon to kill the pink Kree.

" Kill him! " Monika ordered as the other blue Kree dashed to take Amnon's life. Amnon instantly took out his pistol and shot Faulnak's feet, leaving him bleeding and yelling in pain. Kasius frowned at the Kree Eternal's son and looked at Shade.

" Oooohhh, what a big shocker. You all are truly the dumbest overlords and supporters I've ever killed! " Shade dashed towards Kasius. " THEN, I'LL END YOUR PATHETIC LIVES! "

He quickly switched his dagger with his staff and summoned a blast of pure soul mass at them. The blue skinned overlord immediately evaded the Abyss Watcher's attacks and summoned the Kree woman. Sinara emotionlessly looked at Shade and held her metallic balls, making them levitating towards her opponent.

Shade activated his phantom mode as he became transparent. Sinara was too dumbfounded as she couldn't find her opponent. Just then, the Shadow Reaper sent an energy into his blades and sliced at the air, creating a wave of fire that quickly spread. With that, Sinara's weapon was destroyed and burned.

" Try harder! " the Abyss Watcher reappeardx behind her and amputated all of her limbs and ended her life by decapitating her. Soon after, he looked behind him and saw the frighten subjects and overlord. " Who next step on the chopping block? "

Wounded and injured, Faulnak got a blade and attacked Shade. The Shadow Reaper looked at Faulnak and sent some tendrils of darkness at his legs.

" What..." Faulnak angrily muttered and yelled. " NO! "

" It's over! " Amnon replied and snapped his fingers, flashing a bright bluish-white radiance from his hands and making Kasius's brother blinded by it.

Shade crossed blades with Faulnak and said, " You know, I've heard many horror stories about you, but all I see is a scared, pitiful man. He headbutted Faulnak and stabbed him through the heart with his Great Sword. " And you will see me after this soon. "

He raised his dagger and slitted Faulnak's throat, leaving him to die. The blue blood was spilled on the ground until the blue Kree tyrant's eyes slowly closed.

" Well, lookie here..." the Shadow Reaper grinned, summoning a fire ball and throwing it at the body to burn it. The young woman gasped in horror and saw Shade pulled out his Greatsword from the deceased Kree. Then, he continued pressing on and threatened her, " wanna play too? "

"" Monika muttered in fear.

" Hey, Shade..." the Shadow Reaper called him and turned to her.


Monika turned around and looked at the others. She wanted to escape from this sudden mutiny. Shade ignored Reaper as he was blinded by revenge. He replied to her, " You have five seconds to run...."

Amnon looked at the other two intruders and seriously spoke, " I'll let you handle them. "

Then, he immediately left and rushed to find Kasius. Monika and the other loyalists became more threatened than ever. Shadow Reaper raised his sword and charged at the loyalists.

" Vengeance is in his eyes..." he thought and made the loyalist die in his hands.

Shade summoned the same red aura in his left hand and at speed faster than light. He reappeared again with several souls in his hand and crushed them, converting their energies into his own dark powers.

" Kasius is still next.... " he waited for a little bit and also rushed off the find the blue tyrant.

Witnessing and losing all his allies and forces, Kasius had enough seeing the intruders penetrating the slave den. He clearly remembered the warning of his late father Taryan about the prophecy of the Kree Eternal's son and his two allies. He became too trembled as his mind had drifted to his fears. He kept running until the lights had shut off. Kasius couldn't see his surroundings which it was enveloped in darkness.

" Who goes there?! " he loudly yelled. " SHOW YOURSELF! "

" Kasius, the little damned bastard of Taryan. Your ancestors banished my late father from a very long time ago, I take it..." a stern male voice echoed. " You betrayed your race because of your selfish ambition. Then, you and your father made me and everyone else victims of your horrors. "

" Amnon-Selah! " Kasius recognized the man's voice and defiantly asked. " Where the hell are you?! "

" Why don't you try searching me through the darkness, Kasius..." Amnon emotionlessly replied. " Come on, can you even use your eyes? Are you even that blind?! "

" You are just like your despicable father, Amnon-Selah! Stop stalling and wasting my time! "

" I am not wasting time, Kasius! You are telling that to yourself! It's all because you never listened to my late father's warnings! "

" Don't you scare me, Son of Methu-Selah! "

" I don't have any intention to frighten you, Son of Taryan. I'm just here teaching you a lesson which my late father would have done, " Amnon continued. " Your ignorance and ego have blinded you. With those, you're bringing this world into your downfall! Give up now, for Hala's Sakes..."

The lights had returned. Kasius kept moving his head around and seeking for the intruder. Amnon was not even present at the area, but all he could see was Shadow Reaper and Shade coming to him.

" .....Kasius......." the Abyss Watcher slowly and steadily walked
towards the blue overlord.

" Aww, he beats me to their soul. Well... Nothing, I can do now, but collect more and enjoy the show, " Reaper evilly grinned and covered his swords in his black flames

" Stay away from me! Methu-Selah has sent you! " the blue skinned tyrant frantically yelled.

" Well, for me I sent myself here... "

" I'm going to enjoy this more than your merciless slaughtering, " Shade began dashing towards Kasius.

" Your days numbered..." Amnon seriously spoke behind Kasius.

" YOU! " the blue Kree tyrant angrily gritted his teeth and looked behind, indignantly glaring at the pink Kree.

Shadow Reaper flicked his fingers or claws to summon green
flames underneath Kasius's feet. The overlord loudly yelled in pain.

" Die! " the Abyss Watcher did a clean and fast slashes across and through Kasius's body and awaited for the reaction.

The blue Kree tyrant became bleeding and weakened. He was falling down onto the floor. Amnon indignantly glared at the tyrant and released his pure powerful cosmic energy inherited from his late father. Kasius got blinded from the radiance and loudly yelled in excruciating pain. He became more weakened than before since he was being drained.

Shade's left hand was engulfed more red aura, " It's time for you to feel everyone's pain! " He plunged his hand deep into Kasius's body and pulled out his soul.

" What are you going to do with it? " Reaper asked and looked at it.

" He must be banished into this universe for good, " the pink Kree sternly spoke.

Shade crushed the soul and absorbed its energy where it originated.

" We still have one more. Basha, the Lizard Lady, " Amnon reminded.

" Where is she? " Reaped asked.

" She must be going to the topmost floor of this building. "

" She's already taken care of, " Shade replied and walked off from the room.

" I see, " Reaper nodded.


The rest of the slaves, guards, and the troopers ceased fighting as they saw a woman on the top of the building. The others were being evacuated and gathered out of the slave den area. The Shadow Reaper headed to check it out. The brunette woman removed her false humanoid skin and revealed her reptilian self. Then, she glared at the people under the building.

" This is my chance to rule this planet and get rid of you! " she angrily yelled. " Lizards, Kree, Inhumans, Humans, and the rest, you are all nothing, but useless people! "

The MTF Captain overheard her and lookeď up from his scope and saw the reptilian woman, " Shoot her down. "

" Roger that, sir, " the MTF sniper loaded up the weapon with mixture liquid of the crystal and the plasma based substance. He took aim at Basha's head. " Tell me when. "

" Well, then. Don't come to me and say I didn't warn you, once you die that is..." Reaper sternly warned.

Amnon quickly rushed and instantly slashed the lizard woman using the Cursed blade. She was bleeding and indignantly glaring at the two men infront of her.

" You fools! " Basha furiously hissed.

The MTF Captain held up a megaphone and called her out, " Basha! This is the MTF, please surrender or we will end your life as we speak! We have Omega Warheads ready to fire down upon this city and will most likely destroy this state! "

" Never! " she indignantly growled and found herself bleeding.

" You should listen, lady. The clock's ticking..." Reaper sternly spoke.

" Our lives is at stake here, Basha! Surrender, now! " Amnon yelled.

The Shadow Reaper's eye had let out a red glow and chimed in, " And your blood is leaving you! "

" Don't say we didn't warn you! " the MTF Captain added and deactivated his megaphone. He sighed and then inhaled heavily, " LAUNCH THE WARHEADS AND EVACUATE NOW! "

Shade came out from Reaper's shadow and kicked Basha. The Shadow Reaper grinned and chuckled, " Surprise!! "

Amnon targeted Basha using his energy blast as she fell down. Then, Shade summoned a replica of the Chaos Blade from dark magic, threw and plunged it into Basha's head, falling with her. The Lizard lady fell as the war heads targeted towards her. Everyone watched the scene as the others went away. Close to an hour passed by, where the warheads would arrive, Everyone evacuated except for Shade who still remained to keep Basha in targeted range.

" So, first time experiencing death? " Shade asked.

Basha's body was lifeless and burning as everyone looked at it.

" Thought so....." he looked at everyone and got off, summoning a portal to Paris. " Everyone, get in there, or else you all will be dead! "

" ALL RESIDENTS EVACUATE! " Jared called out and gestured them to leave.

The Shadow Reaper summoned his scythe and reaped Basha's soul, " You better go as well. I'll, catch up. "

" ....Nah.....I'm fine....besides.....I'm sure I can take a few warheads, " Shade replied.

" You 100% sure? "

" I have nothing left in my life now so you go on ahead, " the Abyss Watcher said and looked at the Reaper.

" Trust me, I've got nothing left as well. " It's the reason why I got here. See you soon, Shade, " he looked at the blast before heading towards them, being swallowed up by the explosion.

The others joined going to Paris before the place would get exploded. The pink Kree sadly bowed and heavily sighed.

" For every destruction, there is a rebirth..." Amnon said to himself and looked at the portal. His feet began to levitate above the ground and watched the explosion. He immediately
flew away when the portal closed before the blast could reach it.

" I hope they all return here. I will see you soon, New York City. "

(Scenes on this chapter is based from Great War RP by FlashlightMan, Budderwriter1 and yours truly. )

(Additional scenes and editing by yours truly.)

(Shade, Buck Henderson, and Alpha belongs to FlashlightMan)

(Deadeye Jake belongs to valorithsaga)

(Shadow Reaper belongs to Kaiju Reaper)

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