Chapter 99

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“ Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”

― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

[Mons Martyrum, Lutetia, 4:50 PM]

With his younger sister's warning, the Kree Eternal Methu-Selah immediately flew above the skies. He stood within the clouds, closed his eyes, and used his Kree Cosmic Awareness which he needed to locate his girlfriend. From his meditative state and super clairvoyance, he was able to find Camilla in the forests. He immediately flew there and descended to the ground.

The blonde cousin of Caracalla was found wounded and severely beaten. Methu-Selah instantly carried her as his girlfriend wept on her boyfriend's strong chest. He kissed her on her forehead and waited for her to get pacified.

" Tell me who did it to you? " he asked with concern.

Camilla remained silent and tried to recall those days when she was under captivity. She collected her thoughts before speaking. The blue skinned one patiently anticipated for her to speak up.

" M-Manus...the Dark Mage..." she broke her silence with a trembling voice.

" What?! "

" Everyone called him the Young Master of Dark Arts. He's been looking for you, Methu! He abducted and used me as a bait to confront you! "

Methu-Selah remained dead silent and understood of his visions of the man in a dark hood, including Selene's warnings. He instantly hugged his girlfriend. Suddenly, there was a strange dark aura lingering around the forests. The Kree Eternal became more over protective than ever. Camilla tightly hugged her boyfriend as she was becoming fearful.

" Methu-Selah from the Heavens...." the deep male voice echoed.  " The man with a quarter Light Soul, the one who helped the feeble Roman Empire. I have been longing for your defeat..."

" Manus, why are you doing this?! I am not threat to anyone on this planet?! " Methu-Selah angrily retorted and stood in defense to his girlfriend.

The voice revealed to be a tall lanky man who had long straight locks which color matched with a red wine. He was wearihg a dark robes and a grey tunic. He had a red gemstone pendant hanging around his neck. He stood across Methu-Selah and Camilla. The Kree Eternal radiated his eyes and both hands with a radiant cosmic bluish-white light orb. Manus casted his hands with a dark shadowy energy.

" I have come to observe your actions man with a light soul and sensed that you have allied with those futile people. You are not a human and you're not welcome here! " Manus stressedly retorted. " Only darkness can conquer this world! "

" You don't understand! I came here for much benevolent reasons and no intention to destroy anyone including you! "

" Foolish, man of light soul! Only Dark magic is necessary! Soon, I will be the most powerful mage in this world! Your pitiful ideologies will satisfy nothing! Your powers of the light will never prevail here, even the one you love will forget you! "

" LIES! "

" Let's see how your fate goes! "

Manus raised his right hand skyward and summoned a dark energy, creating a rain of dark homing missiles and aiming at Methu-Selah. The Kree Eternal was struck from the barrage of dark rain spells. Camilla gasped in fear to see her boyfriend defeated, but he slowly stood-up.

" CAMILLA, GET OUT OF HERE, NOW! " he sharply cried.

" But..."

" Just go! "

The blonde woman nodded in obedience and felt sorry for her boyfriend. Manus darkly chuckled and watched his victim going away. Methu-Selah retaliated and made his cosmic energy to become more intense than ever. He gave his opponent a blasting punch on the gut. Manus felt a powerful blow from the Kree Eternal and darkly chuckled.

" My! Such a powerful blow you got me there, extraterrestrial! " he remarked. " But I won't give any chances this time! "

Manus threw an intense hand slam to his space alien opponent which Methu-Selah was sent flying and pushing onto the tree. He moaned in excruciating pain, yet he managed to regenerate himself.

" I have enough of this nonsense, Manus! " the Kree Eternal angrily spat. " You are getting too far! "

" What's the matter?! Your light soul can't handle such darkness I have! "

" You're such an arrogant fool! "

Methu-Selah used his combined cosmic radiance and bioelectric energy to stun the dark mage. Manus was instantaneously dodging from the attacks. The Kree Eternal repetitively struck his opponent until he managed to stun him.

Manus widened his eyes in shock and received another powerful blow from his intergalactic opponent. Then, he fell down on the ground. Methu-Selah panted and felt drained from this brutal duel. He thought of walking away and checking on Camilla. The young master of dark arts managed to stand-up.

" We're not done here...YET! " he furiously shrieked. " I cannot be defeated by you! "

" I don't want to inflict another serious injury, Manus! That's enough! "

" It's never enough for me, Methu-Selah! I'm the most powerful being in the universe! You can never defeat me! "

Manus casted some spawns waves of dark bolts in a rough cone shape in front of him and aimed at Methu-Selah, giving the Kree Eternal a powerful blow. The azure skinned alien instantly dodged away from the attack by flying. The dark mage saw the act and angrily gritted his teeth.

" I said, ENOUGH! " Methu-Selah heatedly growled.

" I won't be satisfied until you are defeated and leaving this world! " Manus spat and summoned many orbs created as a ring. The dark energy from the orbs forcefully thrusted Methu-Selah into the ground and struck him down.

The Kree Eternal fell down and moaned in excruciating pain from the intense crash. He felt bleeding on his left side. His helmet was smashed into half, revealing his face. Methu-Selah slowly stood-up and radiated his left hand with bluish-white cosmic energy and regenerated himself.

" If you stay here on Earth any longer, I shall make sure that you and your descendants will be cursed and defeated by me! " Manus stressed.

" Fine..." he sternly spoke at the dark mage. " If this is what you want, I'll leave Planet Earth! If I return, don't you dare to put a hand on me or even my son! I shall never forgive you on this! "

(Year 2070: MTF Headquarters and Facility, Montmartre District, Paris: 5:24 PM)

" Avec ce combat contre Manus, j'ai décidé de quitter la planète et je suis retourné sur la planète Hala. Bien qu'il y ait eu tant de difficultés de mon côté, j'ai quitté l'Empire Kree pour de bon et j'ai pensé à me lancer dans mon voyage avant de rechercher les descendants de Camilla et de créer mon fils. "  Amnon continued reading and translated it in English. " With that fight against Manus, I decided to leave the planet and returned to planet Hala. Although there were so many difficulties along the way on my end, I have left the Kree Empire for good and thought of setting on my journey before searching for Camilla's descendants and creating my son.  "

" Goodness, that must be rough for him, " Christopher heavily sighed and remarked.

" Yeah, " the blonde and pink skinned Kree nodded. " I completely understood why my father has been disguising and using so many aliases. With that reason, he's trying to protect himself and even me. "

" What about Camilla? "

" I'm having a feeling that my mom could be Camilla's living descendant. "

" Why did you say that? "

" Well, Dad just exactly described a blonde woman with blue eyes who looked very uncanny to my mom, " Amnon deduced. " Possibly, he waited for many centuries and searched for Camilla's descendant who happened to be my mother. That means he wanted her to put me into an existence in my new body. "

" This is a very interesting discovery, Amnon."

" Yeah, " he nodded and picked up a folder from the New Project Marvel. " There's so much to learn and confirm from her. " 

" Did you ever feel frustrated upon your discovery as the Kree Eternal's son? " Christopher asked and gestured Amnon to leave the archives room.

" Yes, I did. "

(Three Weeks Ago, A Day After Methu-Selah's Demise)

Carol Danvers-Montmartre finished cooking for supper and noticed her son sitting alone on the leather chocolate brown sofa. She understood of his grief and sighed. Amnon seemed to be losing appetite.

" Kid, you're not gonna help me setting up the table? " Carol asked with concern.

Amnon remained nonspeaking and gloomily nodded at her. His mother placed down the bowl of mashed potatoes on the table and sat down beside her son.

" Kid, I have been longing you to tell this. I'm so sorry if I take it so long to let you know. Your old hybrid body was just a Kree-SCP experiment. Your friend Skoúro has already known this before. She didn't want to let you know this, even your father. He had been longing to see you, Amnon, but the people don't want you to know the truth. Ever since you have escaped, your father searched and watched over you, " she sincerely said.

" Why did they keep the truth from me? I deserve to know everything! They made me believe to be like that damned beast, but I was born part-Kree! " Amnon wept. " The MTF lied to me and ruined my life! Why, mom?! They should have told me the truth! I wished I met him in the first place! Methu-Selah could have spared me from being abused by 682. "

Carol picked up her crimson scarf and gently rubbed her son's face. She sighed and recalled the day when Skóuro shared the documents to her.

" Amnon, it's not too easy to keep and tell the truth. I wanted to tell this to you, but I'm too afraid to let you know. You will end up despising me. I'm so sorry..." she calmly reasoned.

" It doesn't matter! I don't want to suffer anymore from him! They don't really understand how I despised him! The truth is the most important to me! I don't even care if I get confused! I have been looking for a family in my entire life! This is why I can't stop finding out about myself, you, and then my father! "

" That's why your father decided to meet me along with the Foundation. We have created and contained you in a test tube for a long time. It's not a coincidence that I found you in France. You met your father in Ethiopia. We're making the lost times with you. I'll find a way to let you know the truth. "

" So, you're doing this out of love? "

" Yes, you are our true son, Amnon. That's what I have told you before. You will always be my son, no matter what. Your father and I love you so much. You have known and felt that, " the elderly blonde half-Kree calmly answered and gently rubbed her son's back.

" I love you too, mother...." he broke his silence and hugged his mother.

(MTF Headquarters and Facility, Montmartre District, Paris: 5:55 PM)

Christopher listened to Amnon's story while they were walking out of the archives room. He sincerely smiled and gave him a gentle pat on the back.

" I can see what you were rooting from, Amnon, " he calmly broke his silence. " You're still longing for the truths about you and your family. Yet, someone had prevented you from doing so. "

" Yeah, it's just too late that my father was no longer living with us. I missed him so much. "

" Your father was a great man, Amnon. Several years ago, he saved my life from that danger. This time, he also saved you from such trouble you have done. I'm glad you had a chance to be with him until his final day. I'm sure you're very thankful for those moments with him. I knew you truly loved him as he had loved you. Your father lives in you through memories. You should cherish them every day until you will tell stories to your children and descendants. "

" I will, Christopher, " Amnon sincerely smiled at the elder. " Thank you. "

(Author's Note: Sorry for not updating the series, I have been very busy at work and the other fic. So, the next chapter will be Finale and Epilogue and a Bonus chapter will be included.

Anyway, I have chance to write this chapter as a Post-Father's Day tribute. So, Belated Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!)

(Plot idea on the first half FlashlightMan)

(Christopher Knightfall by Knightfall077)

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