Chapter 1

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I was walking in the forest with my boyfriend Felix, he's a
Lost boy, actually he's my Dad's best friend. I love him, but I knew that when I was 18 that I couldn't stay with him. I started to cry but not letting him know that I was, I just sniffed and tried to keep it in until, "What's wrong?" Felix asked me, "it's just that, I LOVE YOU!!!!" I started to cry into his shoulder, hugging him tight. He didn't know about the deal that my dad made. "I love you too, but why are you crying?" He asked, "I'm leaving you..." He looked heartbroken, I just ran away from him, to my tree house crying. He didn't follow. I'm glad that he didn't, only because my tree house was a secret place that my Mom (Snow white) used to live in. I laid down on my bed crying and fell fast asleep.
The next morning, my dad woke me up, I through a punch at him on accident. I had dried out eyes from the crying, and I think my dad noticed because he asked me, "Why were you crying?" "I-i wasn-n't crying, I-i don't know what you mean?" I tried to lie but I don't think he fell for it. So I just told him the truth, "I told Felix that I was leaving him..." "YOU DID WHAT!, I mean, why would you do that?" I could see that he was holding in the anger. "I did it because it was for the best, and because I didn't want to say goodbye when I still loved him." I mean its 3-4 more days till I'm 18 and I'm gonna be leaving with Hook. "YOU KNOW THAT WE DO NOT USE THAT NAME IN NEVERLAND!" I just rolled my eyes, and told him to leave so I could get dressed, and that I would meet him at the camp site with all the lost boys. After he left I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of Black skinny jeans, a Green tank top, with black boots. I put them on and put my long Blonde hair in a high ponytail that reached my lower back. I looked in the mirror and saw my mother, really skinny and beautiful, and I actually looked like I could be a pirate. I climbed out of my tree house and walked a mile until I reached the camp site, everybody stared at me. My dad told me to come to him with a sad look on his face. I went to him, " on...his way..." He said in a soft voice,"he will be here in 6 days" said a voice behind me, I turned around, my eyes started to tear up when I turned around to see Felix. I walked away into the forest, Felix followed me until we got far enough from the camp so no one could here or see use. "You know you could of just told me about this deal" "yah, but I didn't want you to fight" " well that's not your decision, you should be able to choose where you go" "have you thought ever thoughts that I wanted to go with Hook!?" "Why would you-?" He stopped and I stared at him with a *What?* Look on my face. "What exactly was the deal?...." "Its nothing..." By that time he was holding tight onto my arms. I pushed him off, "NO, what was the deal Emma!!!??" "I Love hook, but the deal was that when I turned 18 years old that I had to go with him and work for him, I never told anybody but you that I loved him!" He looked at me and ran to my dad and told him. I ran to the beach and started to swim into the mermaid territory, since I'm a girl, the mermaids and I are like best friends, there is an under water cave that has air that I can swim to hang out with them. Sometime I even had sleep overs with them. Anyways, I swam to the cave, Ariel my best friend saw that I was crying and came over to me. He gave me a sea shell on a string. I slept in the cave until the day of my birthday/ Hook was taking me. I sad my goodbyes and thanks to the mermaids, it was hard saying goodbye to Ariel because we are like sisters. I dove into the water and swam to the land. My dad was waiting there, with Felix, of course Felix was there because that makes things just peachy and perfect! I turned around to see Hooks ship getting close.......

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