Episode P.5

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Previously on Captivity...

The search for the elusive crown princess intensified. Awandea and Lumin sped through a vibrant tricolored garden on their sleek motorbike, only for it to vanish into sparks upon their arrival. As they marveled at the beauty around them, a rival team led by Hinata approached, taunting Lumin. Despite the tension, Lumin remained cold and focused, brushing off Hinata’s jabs.

Meanwhile, Demnin’s team prepared for their own search, relying on their jetpacks to cover more ground, though doubts lingered about their effectiveness. With time running out, each team scattered in different directions, hoping to be the first to find the crown princess.

Back in the garden, Lumin led Awandea to a desolate and lifeless patch of earth. Despite her skepticism, he revealed a mysterious bottle, shattering it and triggering a shift in reality. The world transformed around them—a once vibrant sky turned murky, and the ground shifted to a sickly brown. Through the disorienting change, Lumin remained steady, guiding them into a strange forest of golden flowers.

At the heart of the forest, they encountered the crown princess—an ethereal girl with golden hair, surrounded by animals and wearing a rose crown. Lumin, focused on their mission, demanded the crown, but the princess refused. She claimed it was essential to maintaining order in the forest. With the quest timer ticking down, Lumin realized their time was running out and the stakes were higher than ever.

Quest Two: Preliminary Rounds Target: Win a rose crown
Time remaining: 1 hour, 20 minutes
Obstacle: Your team
Reward: Coins, a dozen healing potions
Penalty: Suspension of status until the next quest


Time ticked away mercilessly, and the princess remained unyielding, her refusal as firm as her delicate smile. Lumin’s patience thinned with each passing second. Awandea could feel his agitation rising like a tidal wave about to crash. They needed that crown—desperately. Yet, no amount of reasoning or persuasion moved the forest princess. As more teams swarmed the chaotic garden, vying for the prize with increasing aggression, Lumin spat in frustration. Grabbing Awandea’s wrist, he dragged her away without another word.

“Lumin! Where are you taking me?! We need that damn crown!” Awandea shouted over the noise of the clamoring teams.

Lumin didn’t respond. He stopped abruptly in front of their sleek, black motorbike. The glowing blue eyewear he wore snapped over his eyes and extended into a full helmet that shimmered under the sunlight. Without wasting a moment, he straddled the bike and started the engine with a roar.

“I don’t understand why we’re running away!” Awandea’s voice was laced with frustration. “We need the crown—what are you doing?!”

“Get on,” Lumin commanded, his voice flat and devoid of emotion.

With a reluctant sigh, Awandea swung onto the bike, gripping his jacket as tightly as she could. The engine revved louder, and they shot forward, leaving the garden—and the crown—behind.

Meanwhile, back in the garden, Hinata stood with his arms crossed, casting a glance at Nia. His team watched as chaos unfolded, with players from every team trying to coax, bribe, or even attack the princess, only to be met with failure. One by one, their efforts crumbled under her mere words. The princess didn't even need to lift a finger; a simple command like "fall" sent waves of fighters crashing to the ground, unable to move.

Hinata crouched beside Nia, his voice low but firm. "I don’t know what you’re doing here, Nia," he began, glancing at the princess seated regally atop the grassy boulder. "But since you're here, prove yourself to us."

“Wh-what do you mean, Brother Hinata?” Nia’s voice trembled, her small frame shrinking beneath his intense gaze.

"You’re a child," he said, his tone almost calculating. "You can speak to that girl in a way we can’t."

Wei, standing behind them, furrowed her brow, considering Hinata’s words. Nia was indeed young, innocent—perhaps that could be the key to reaching the princess. Botan, ever the kind-hearted one, offered her an encouraging smile, though it was tinged with stress. “No pressure, Nia,” he said softly. “But if you can do it, we might be able to win. Just give it a try.”

Nia swallowed her fear, stepping cautiously toward the princess. Her small feet barely made a sound on the soft grass as she approached, but her heart pounded in her ears. She tried to muster the courage to speak to the mysterious, intimidating figure sitting before her, but the princess’s otherworldly demeanor made Nia freeze in her tracks.


Awandea’s anger simmered beneath the surface as she clung to Lumin during their swift ride back. The wind whipped against her face, her mind racing as fast as the bike beneath them. She knew she couldn’t overpower Lumin, but that didn’t make his actions any less infuriating. They reached their base quickly, the motorbike skidding to a halt in front of their rooms. Awandea leapt off the bike, ripping off her helmet, which instantly transformed back into glowing blue eyewear.

Her temper flared, and with a sharp toss, she hurled the eyewear to the ground, storming inside her room. The door slammed behind her with a resounding crash, rattling the few items on the table. She half-expected Lumin to follow her, to explain his bizarre actions, but no footsteps echoed in the hallway. No knock on the door. Nothing.

The silence gnawed at her.

Minutes passed. Awandea’s anger ebbed, replaced by confusion and curiosity. She swung the door open, and there stood Lumin, his gaze fixed on the floating player’s screen in front of him. Various items appeared around him in rapid succession, weapons, potions, and tools filling their inventory.

“What are you doing?” Awandea asked, her voice softer now, but still tinged with irritation.

Lumin didn’t answer, his eyes glued to the screen. Awandea sighed, sitting down in the corridor, pulling her knees to her chest. She watched him, waiting for an explanation. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, Lumin spun around, his voice cold and business-like. “Do you need any magical potions?”

“What?” Awandea blinked, taken aback by the sudden question. “What do you mean?”

“I already have healing and buffing potions,” he said, his tone matter-of-fact. “Anything else you might need?”

The abrupt change in his behavior left her unsettled. Lumin had always been quiet and reserved, but now, this detached version of him made her uneasy. She frowned, her mind swirling with worry. "Are we… in trouble?"

Lumin’s eyes narrowed slightly. “We’re in a game we don’t want to be in. What can be more troubling than that?”

“You’re scaring me, Lumin,” Awandea admitted, her voice wavering. “Why are you buying all these items instead of taking the crown—”

Before she could finish, a loud bell echoed through the hallways, announcing the end of the level. Awandea’s heart sank. She snapped her fingers, summoning her player’s screen. Time was up. They had failed the quest. The penalty remained unclear, but the weight of their failure settled over her like a thick fog.

“Lumin… we’re screwed.”


The eerie silence that followed the bell was shattered as they were transported into a vast, dimly lit chamber. Players from all the teams stood huddled together, their eyes wide with fear and anticipation. In the center of the room, atop a raised platform, stood Adrena, her smile sharp and predatory. She looked over the assembled players like a lion surveying its prey.

“Welcome to the Adrena Halls, players,” she announced, her voice sickly sweet. “I assume we all know why we’re here.”

The players shifted uncomfortably, casting their gazes to the floor. No one dared to meet Adrena’s eyes for more than a fleeting second. The air was thick with tension, and a chilling silence descended over the room as they awaited whatever punishment—or fate—was about to befall them.

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