We gotta go find them!!!

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Hey guys !! It's me Alexa. I'm sorry I haven't posted lately but I've just been really busy with summer homework and stuff. So here is what you really came for:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild

Nobodies POV

Erza smashed her hand on a table making it brake in half. " I can't take it Master! Natsu and Lucy have been gone for over a week. Mira described to me what the job was about and it had to take them at least 2 days to complete it!!!" Barked Erza in complete and utter rage. " I gotta agree with her Gramps, they should have been back by now. " said Gray not wanting to show that he really cared about Natsu's disappearance(which he did) "I know children and I'm just as worried as both of you but we don't have enough information about the situation to go out looking for them." said Makarov in a worried tone. Erza and Gray looked down at there feet in disappointed. "But we could send some of our members to ask civilians if they saw anything. " said Makarov. "I volunteer Master" said Erza raising her hand with a serious expression. " Yeah, me too Gramps" said Gray also raising his hand. "Then it's settled. Gray and Erza are going to ask around Magnolia to see if they can find any witnesses with information." Said Makarov. "You can count on me Master/Gramps!" Said Erza and Grey simultaneously. After that they left the guild to start on their journey. "I'm counting on you children. Bring Natsu and Lucy back to Fairy Tail" whispered Makarov worried for the sake of his children.

Setting: Random Locations in Magnolia

Nobodies POV

"I've seen nothing so leave me and my property alone!!!" Said a cranky old man while pushing Erza and Gray out the door. "Well that was a waste of precious time" said Erza with and irritated expression. "You got that right " said Gray with the same face. "Ughhhh, on to the next house" said Erza and Grey simultaneously with the same groan. So far they got no information from anybody. 3 hours have passed and they found nothing. " This 'going from house to house' plan isn't working Erza. " said Grey, tired of being kicked out of houses several times. "Hmm I agree" said Erza thinking of what other approach they should take. "I got it!!" Said Erza with a plan. "What is it Erza?" Asked Grey. " Mira told me what the job was about. They had to find a rare plant and bring it back to the buyer, right?" Said Erza. "Yeah, so ?" Asked Gray. "So the plant's name is Hulious, right ?" Said Erza. " Yeah, but was does this have to do with finding Flame brain and Lucy?" Asked Grey with a confused look on his face. " The Hulious plant is only located on the top of Mount.Sinai. We should go to Mount.Sinai and see if there are any traces of them." Said Erza as if she solved a world mystery with a proud look on her face. "That's actually not that bad of an idea. " said Grey. Erza's face went dark. "Of course it is 'cause it's mine Grey!!" Said Erza with a death glare. Grey's face went white. " Of course Erza ,anything you say. Please don't hurt me!!!!" Said Grey in a high pitched voice shielding his face with his arms even though it wouldn't protect him from the all powerful Titania. "Good, now let's go back to the guild. I know a few people who would be useful on our journey." Said Erza now back to her usual calm state. Gray just nodded his head several times still in fear.

Setting: Guild

Nobodies POV

Erza and Gray entered the guild. "Grey,Erza you guys have returned! Have you guys found any information about the location of Natsu and Lucy?" Asked Makarov with newfound hope. "Sadly no Master" said Erza with a sad expression. Makarov's smile disappeared in an instant. " But I do have a plan " said Erza trying to lighten the mood. "Do tell child" said Makarov. " OK so the only location were the Hulious plant is located, which is the plant they were supposed to find, is Mount.Sinai. So we should go and see if there are any traces of them in Mount.Sinai. But we need help, which is why Gray and I came back to the guild. " said Erza to Makarov " What is it you need child ?" Asked Makarov. " What we need is a nose of two dragon slayers to try and find the scent of Natsu and Lucy. Then follow it to find their location." Said Erza looking at Gajeel and Laxus. " Noooo way am I going to help you on a stupid adventure on helping Natsu and Lucy. They probably got lost and are on their way back. " said Gajeel with a piece of iron that he was about to eat. Laxus then nodded his head to Gajeel's statement. Erza's face turned dark again. She took a few steps closer to Gajeel and Laxus. " You two are going to help us and smile while doing so. If you still refuse I will go over there and gladly beat the yes's out of BOTH of you, do I make myself perfectly clear!" Said Erza with a glare, already starting to walk towards the two dragon slayers. The two dragon slayers shivered and looked at each other. Then nodded their heads vigorously. Erza then got calm again. "Good. See that wasn't so hard." Said Erza with a smile. The two dragon slayers then smiled back nervously. While that happened Gray was standing their covering his mouth taking all of his willpower to not burst out laughing." Julia wants to go to!" Said Juvia with a smile looking directly at Gray. "The thing is Juvia didn't really want to go on an adventure but it if meant spending more time with Gray-sama Juvia would gladly go!" Said Juvia still looking at Gray. Gray looked at Erza pleading her not to let Juvia come. But Erza didn't pay any attention or just didn't care. " I think that's a wonderful idea Juvia. We'll take all the help we can get." Said Erza " Now let us go. We mustn't waste more time" said Erza heading towards the Exit of the guild. Now it was the two dragon slayers turn to try and not burst out laughing. And with that the five wizards left.

So here's the chapter. I'll try updating more often but no promises.

See you next chapter !!!!

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