Chapter IV: Saving Grace

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Eight Years Earlier

The designated 'supply team' from Windenburg race into an abandoned pharmacy. Everything else that had anything good were picked apart by other groups of desperate survivors, since they made their way to the area. Eric, the leader of the mission, makes it a point to move quickly. Growlers surround the building; however the four have the ability to take the supplies and just leave.

Gardener Moira gathers several bottles of unknown medicine, Eva finds a snack bag, and newcomer Johnny rescues some cans. Eric has little luck with the run, but the four all have something on their minds. Moira hears drawn-out growling noises, with that being nothing new three years into the apocalypse.

"Look, they might find a way to get in," she tells Eric in one of the aisles. Eva seems worried and turns to Moira.

"Exactly. That's why we should go. I'm the one that brought you guys here in the first place, remember? I know where the growlers hang out."

Soon enough, the scary, decomposed creatures wander into the pharmacy, dangerously through one of the doors. They, very briskly manage to infiltrate the majority of the room.

"Oh, shoot!" Eric orders for Moira, Johnny, and Eva to exit through the front door, as there is still time for all of the survivors to escape. Decisively, Eva is the first of them to leave for the overrun place, but Moira spots Eric attempting to kill the growlers just as her, Eric, and Johnny are about to stray."

"Eric! Stop! You don't have to, we can just leave!" Eric continues on with his hatchet.

"No! Go with Eva. Just leave..." Struggling to honor his wish, Moira and Johnny finally give in to his demand and open the door.

Once the three are outside, Eva has the sound of Eric struggling and screams, more like eccentric human growling, in her ear. Manly ones.

"Shit." Moira has the look of absolute despair.

"Well. We gotta get the hell out of here. Let's go home." Johnny stares down at the floor.

The survivors walk melancholically back to the safe zone. Moira has something to say to Eva and Johnny.

"I knew... why he wanted to do it." Eva is prompted by this statement.

"Want to? He wanted to be eaten?" Sadly, Moira nods.

"He lost his wife and kid. And all his family... I can relate, you know?"

"I just... he didn't seem like that type of guy. Always happy. All around nice. Didn't expect that out of him," Johnny remarks, staring confusingly at Moira. She glances at Johnny.

"It's the mysterious ones you have to watch out for."

They are let in to the safe zone by one of Windenburg's teenage leaders, Sofia. She is stunned to hear that Eric was devoured, and not bitten.

"Winter's coming, you guys," she informs the three, plus Sergio and Bella. Sofia then turns to Eva.

"I really hope you brought enough. For everyone's sake." 

"We got a decent amount of supplies. Hopefully that can suffice. Otherwise..." Sofia shakes her head, slowly.

News is eventually broken to everyone except Nina that Eric is gone. At the plaza, Moira hugs Bella tightly. The friends decide to sit together at a nearby bench.

"So," Moira begins, in a soft tone. "How's Alex? He's an extremely brave little boy. Is he... getting by?"

Bella pauses.

"My son? Yeah. He's just... extraordinary. And very lucky. Ever since he was born, I knew he was something special. He may have a disability. But he lived. I guess that's what's important." Bella displays a warm smile on her precious face.

Moira reminds herself of how she was astonished when little Alex barely survived his growler bite. She wanted to ask one last question to Bella.

"Where's Marcus?" Bella raises one eyebrow.

"He's being watched by Nina. Oh, wait, shit. That poor girl. I wonder how she'll react when someone tells her both J and Eric are dead."

Moira shakes her head, woefully.

"I heard Mortimer say once that she lost her entire family. Gruesomely... sad." Bella frowns widely. Then, Bella's husband arrives to interrupt their conversation. But Bella is quite surprised at Mortimer's expression, despite everything that had just transpired.

He waves at Moira.

"Hello. Okay. There's one thing I need to make, painfully clear." Bella becomes irritated. "What, honey? Just say it. I can take it."

Mortimer wears a gloomy expression he had never worn before, as if a mass murder had just took place.

"Look, Sofia and I, we counted all our rations. Everyone's. And, I hate to say this, but there's not enough food for everyone. And basically every house, every building around here, they're... they're picked clean."

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