chapter 4:Tragedy

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A/N:Change in writing style, I'm not gonna write the pokespeech in bold letters anymore, since I've figured out that this story will have a lot of pokespeech. It will be faster for me to write when I'm not writing them in bold letters. Thank you.

Chapter status: Polished!


As Ash and his friends started to walk and near the city of Viridian city, Ash can't whip out the feeling that something bad is gonna happen to him. But thinking that it doesn't make sense, he just shrugged it off.

To Ash's left, is Gardevoir, looking as impassive as ever. She's just floating above the ground and sometimes glances to Ash, but then she'll continue looking forward when Ash looks back at her. To Ash's right is Celebi and Articuno, playing tag as they flew everywhere and sometimes almost smacks into Ash. And behind Ash, is Mewtwo, who is by some reason, walking instead of floating like she usually do. Of course she's still keeping her distance from articuno as the young ice type legendary can get a little too yandere sometimes.

"Hey, I can see the Viridian city from here!"Yelled Ash as he ran to the top of the elevated ground, over looking the beautiful city of Viridian.

"Wow, It's pretty!"Articuno squealed.

"It's just an ordinary city."Mewtwo shrugged her shoulders.

"I agree."Gardevoir piped in.

"Well, what are we waiting for?Let's go!"Ash yelled as he ran. His companions followed suit.


As Ash arrived in the city, Mewtwo said that it won't be good if the people there see Ash walking with legendaries. She suggested that he should keep Celebi and Articuno into their poke ball. This resulted in Celebi whining, Articuno praising Mewtwo for being such a genius and also Ash as she said that Ash already knew that. After that commotion, Mewtwo made herself invisible while the two young legends returned to their poke ball.

"First up, let's go there Gardevoir to the Pokemon Center to heal up, and get a room for us to sleep in. Then by noon, maybe we'll have a break in training and look around the city? Sounds good to you Gardevoir?Mewtwo?"Ash as he looked at Gardevoir and the invisible Mewtwo besides Gardevoir. Ash was able to see Mewtwo because of her footprint on the ground.

"Yeah, that would be great. Let's head to the Viridian forest tomorrow. Tonight, we'll all rest!"Gardevoir yelled as she threw her hands upwards.

"How are we supposed to enjoy it when us legendary can't come out?"Mewtwo asked, a little bit ticked off.

Ash scratched his head."Oh...yeah...hmm... Lemme think about it."

After a short walk they arrived in the Viridian city's Pokemon center.

Ash walked to the nurse behind the counter. "hello ms. Nurse can you please heal up my pokemon?"

Joy answered."Of course!I'm nurse Joy of the viridian city pokemon center. I wil do anything to help your pokemon heal!"Then she handed Ash a tray explaining that he should put his poke balls there and she will put it into the healing machine. Ash obeyed. First he said to gardevoir that she needs to go back to her poke ball for a minute so that she can heal up. Gardevoir nodded.

As ash waited, the video phone beside him started ringing. He looked around, and seeing that nobody is gonna take it, he figured out that it might be for him.

"Hello?"Ash asked as he answered the video call. As soon as the video opened up, he saw prof. Oak's face completely filling up the whole screen.


"What?how did you know professor?"Ash was shocked that Oak already knows that he captured two legendaries.

"Of course I'll know!I'm the one who registered your pokedex, so I know what pokemon you catch!" Oak said showing a Ytransciever with it's screen showing Ash's current status, and his Pokemon.

"Uhmm...It was kinda a long story..." and so Ash told prof. Oak the truth.

"...What...?"Professor Oak can't believe it.

"Yeah I know it's kinda weird..."Ash rubbed his head.

Meanwhile, Mewtwo sat at the top of the pokemon center, not bothering to cloak herself up since in her position, no one can see her as she is hidden. But then suddenly...



After telling to prof. Oak that he should keep it a secret, and Oak agreed, Ash said goodbye and picked up his pokemon. Gardevoir's pokeball instantly opened, and she was grumbling something about 'A minute your butt'.

But then, they sensed Mewtwo sending a psychic signal to their brain, telling them that they should get out of there, fast. Ash being confused, he stayed and asked why, but Gardevoir grabbed hold of him and floated away from the center, since she heard Mewtwo's voice panicking and terrified.

Sooner after that, Celebi and Articuno came out of their balls too, and immediately did their antics.

Celebi flew in circles as mewtwo, Gardevoir and Ash flew past towards the viridian forest. "Oh no, what is mother doing in here?!" Celebi yelled as she hid her eyes in her hands.

"Yey!Mom's gonna try to find Ash's chocolate too!"Articuno yelled as she followed mewtwo.

"AAAAHH!Put us down put us down!Don't let go of me Gardevoir!"Ash yelled as she hang on gardevoir's hand for dear life.

"And Celebi, Articuno, you didn't told me that you have a mother!And is she the one who's chasing us right now?" following Ash's line of sight, Mewtwo sweated as she saw Arceus from afar, almost catching up to them.

"Yep!And you better pray that she's not angry to you or you're dead!"Mewtwo yelled, looking like she's late for her first day of school.

"What?!Why?!"Ash's eyes were wide.

"I don't know!She doesn't usually go here in the human's realm, so this must be a serious problem..."

"...---EEEEEWWWWWTWWWWOOOOOOO!"Arceus yelled as she flew faster.

"Uh-oh, here she comes!"Gardevoir said, trying to fly faster but can't.

Mewtwo thought fast a plan."Quick!Dive into the forest!We might lose her!"Mewtwo yelled as they all dived towards the forest.

"Aaww...but I want to see mom!"Articuno whined.

"Sshhh!Articuno be quiet!"Celebi shushed.

"O-ok...."Articuno sniffed.

Arceus landed, and started to search for Ash the 'kidnapper'. "Show yourself, scum!Release my children at once, and I might spare your petty life!"Arceus yelled even without moving her mouth.

Ash grunted, and he got away from Gardevoir's clutches. "Wait Ash what are you doing?!"But she was too late as Ash already showed himself to Arceus.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, and I did not capture your children!"Ash yelled.

"Liar! I saw you, capturing my helpless daughters, tricking them into getting jailed into that tiny balls, you're the worst!You even kidnapped Mewtwo!Why are you doing this to us?and where is Mewtwo?Did you hurt her?!" Arceus rapidly asked as she walk towards Ash, but Ash stood his ground.

"I would never think of anything like that, let alone do it!They are my friends, and I would never hurt my friends!"Ash countered.

"Stop fooling me, human!Where is my daughters?!If you ever dared to touch them, I swear I'll--"

"Stop this Arceus!"Mewtwo yelled as she jumped into the scene.

"Mewtwo!Get out of there!I'm here to help you, we'll defeat this human toget--"

"I said stop!"Mewtwo yelled as she closed her eyes.

"M-mewtwo..?"Arceus stepped back from the outburst.

Mewtwo brushed away the tears forming in her eyes. "Ash here is a VERY good man, and he would never hurt us!He's telling the truth mother!"Mewtwo yelled at the top of her lungs. Everyone holded their breath.

Arceus was silent for a moment, but then she spoke up. "...Y-you....You've corrupted mewtwo!How dare you human!"Arceus yelled as she stomped towards Ash. Mewtwo looked like she was gonna blow up from anger. As arceus neared him, Articuno and Celebi stand in between Ash and Arceus.

"No mother Arceus, you don't understand!"Celebi yelled as she spread her tiny arms. Articuno did the same with her wings.

"Don't hurt Ash please mother. He's very nice!"Articuno pleaded.

Arceus teared her eyes."No...not Celebi and Articuno too...GRUWWAAAGGH!"Arceus yelled as she charged towards Ash, who just closed his eyes and awaited his fate. "Forgive you're mother, mewtwo. She's just making sure you're all okay.."Ash whispered. But before Arceus touched Ash, a barrier appeared around Ash. Still, Arceus continued her charge, and clashed with the greenish barrier.

"I will not let you hurt my trainer!"Gardevoir yelled as she gritted her teeth. 'She's so strong!'

"Out of my way, Gardevoir!"Arceus yelled as she prepared a full on tackle towards the barrier.

The barrier immediately cracked as arceus hit it, and after a minute full of struggle, it got destroyed. Gardevoir was sent flying towards Mewtwo,who caught her. "No!"Gardevoir yelled as she hugged her wounded stomach.

Up above, a dark figure watched the scene unfold with enthusiasm. "Yes...yes....Kill him you fool!"It said in a dark female voice.

Back to the scene, Arceus was just a few meters away from Ash. Ash moved a little, alerting Arceus if he will do a counter of some sort. But what he did surprised her.

He opened his arms wide, and as she hit him, he hugged her.

Arceus eyes widen, as Ash flew to the forest from the impact, destroying a couple of trees as he smashed through them. With a loud thud, he fell to the ground.

"ASH!"Mewtwo, gardevoir, Celebi and articuno yelled. After that, Celebi started crying while articuno just widen her eyes in shock, her fragile mind cannot comprehend what just happened. She silently cried inside as tears started falling down her blue feathered cheeks. Gardevoir cried too, as she hug Mewtwo. Now, Mewtwo has stopped crying, and just looked angry. Really angry.

"No..A-Ash...."Celebi said with wide eyes.

"T-this is my fault...I should have been stronger..."Gardevoir said as she kneel, her tears falling onto the ground.

""Articuno just stared at the direction where Ash flew.

Arceus stayed still as she looked shock at what she just did. She just killed a human. She looked behind, seeing all the mourning pokemon at his death. They were not hypnotized, nor corrupted.

They were telling the truth.

That last moment just before she hit him, that confirmed it. He hugged her, like comforting her and making her forget all of her problems...He was really a good guy after all....

"No...what have I done...?" after Arceus said those words, the figure from above started cackling  as she laughed and laughed.

"Yes!My stupid sister finally killed the chosen one...Now, my species will stomp over my sister's!Hehihihihihihi!"The figure that vaguely looks like arceus herself said. The only difference between them is that she's colored black and gold. Then,she flew away from the scene.

Before Arceus could get her bearings again, a resounding sound echoed around them.

Arceus' head recoiled, as Mewtwo slapped her in the face.

As Mewtwo slapped her, she remember her joke to Ash when they were flying away from Arceus.

'He...  Really died.' Mewtwo thought as she cried again. 


A/N:...sorry, I had to do it. Wait for the next chapter to see what happens next. っ╥╯﹏╰╥c

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