Chapter 6:The Storm Is Coming

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Chapter status:Not yet polished.


Ash's P.O.V.




O-ow. My head hurts...what happened...?

Oh yeah...I was tackled to death by arceus...but...

Why am I still alive..?

I looked around. It's a bit blurry,but I can make out figures inside the room. I'm not alone here. I looked behind me to see a window partially open,letting the night breeze come in. The starry sky is quite clear tonight.

" I...?"

Mewtwo instantly teleported near my...bed...and said something. "You're on a hospital ash,don't worry. You're gonna be okay now..."She said as she rub my head.

"'re all here...thank you."

Celebi flew near me too,her face has slight tinge of panic in it."Ash,we were so worried about you..please,if you know you're gonna die from something,then run from it!Don't hug them or anything!"She yelled.


[Mr. Ketchum..]I heard gardevoir said in my head. I looked to the sofa on the right side of my bed and saw a rather angry gardevoir. But then,her face soften and she walked towards me.

[Ash...don't go away from us,okay?You're our friend...we can't lose you..] She said as she looked at my eyes.

"Yes ma'am.."I smiled.

But I almost got a heart attack when articuno came falling down from the ceiling and right into my belly. She was crawling up there the whole time!For what reasons and how she did it,I don't know. And now my tummy feels cold.

"A-articuno!You scared me there!"

"Heya ashy!I was just practicing my ninja skills,so my opponents won't know what hit them!"She said as she puff up her chest,which is kinda cute.

"Ahaha..good girl!So you've been training when I was out cold huh?That's pretty responsible from you articuno!"I said as I ruffled her feathers on top of her head. She purred,like a cat,which is funny since she's a bird. I just shooked my head as I laughed mentally from the thought.

But,surprisingly,arceus is here,sitting in the corner of my room,barely visible as she tried to conceal her presence from me by hiding behind the bookshelf. But she's failing miserably though,since she just knocked the bookshelf down with an eep.

"O-oh!I-i'm sorry I did'nt mean to--"

"It's ok are you here?"She looked hurt after that. Realizing my mistake,I swiftly followed a reassuring word.

"No,no,not like I don't want you here arceus,in fact,I'm happy to see you here. Don't blame yourself from what have happened,okay?You were just being protective over your daughters."Her hurt look vanished,but she still looks guilty for me.

Mewtwo suddenly spoke up. "Okay,we've talked this over,let them have their privacy. Shoo shoo!"She yelled as the other pokemons either teleported,or flew away into the window. Arceus looked at mewtwo,as mewtwo teleported away.

"..Actually,their not really my daughters...I just call them that because my mother,our mother,the first arceus,calls them her daughters and sons,so when I took over her throne,I got used calling them my children too...And I'm not that old,In fact,i'm quite young...too young for the throne..M-my see,she died from an unknown illness that even us legendaries can't cure,and I'm the one choosen to be the next god of creation..."She explained.

I scratched my head. "Wait,you were 'choosen',then that means you have a sibling?"

She glanced at me then looked away. "Y-yes,but after she got rejected and I was the one choosen to be the heiress of the throne,she just vanished. We never saw her again....She was my only remaining real family..then she left....I was so devasted back then. But,the senior members of the legendaries,the ones who are part of the first legendary council,the first generation,the generation of my mother,has been training me to be a better leader for them."

Thirdperson's P.O.V.

"I..I see. That's quite a sad story,arceus. I'm sorry."

Arceus looked at ash's eyes directly."Why...why are you so nice to us?I'm the reason why you're hospitalized,and yet your pitying me...why?"

"Should you,as arceus,know why?I'm juet being a nice person!Y'see,I saw this beautiful young la--"but ash was cut off as a tin can from outside came flying towards his head,a nasty whacking sound reverbrating through the whole room.

"Ow!Hey who did that??"

No response.

"...weird. As I was saying,I met this beau--"But ash anticipated the tin can and catched it.

".....Celebi,you're gonna break my skull!"

"What?!how did you know it was me?!"A tiny voice said outside.

"I just guessed it and you confirmed it!I'm gonna tell mewtwo if you don't stop hitting me and eavesdropping on us in three...two.."But a loud swooshing sound was heard signalling celebi's fast wings flapping away from them.

Arceus chuckled. "Ahahaha..I think she hates it when you praise someone beautiful other than her."

"What?Y-you think so?"Ash asked dumbly.

'....he does'nt know they all love him!...well,he is a human,and their a pokemon,so it must be hard for them to admit that they love him..'Arceus thought.

"you were saying something before celebi threw a can at you?"Arceus changed the topic. Ash understood.

"Y-yeah...I saw this young lady,a tourist in pallet town,and said that I'm the first person to make her smile again after several years. I was really happy after that. She said that she's not the only one whose suffering in this world,so if I ever see someone like her,she said that I should make them smile like her too. I forgot her name though...Something with...cyn....ka?no that's not it. I can't remember,it's embarassing."Ash said as he looked away scratching his head.

Arceus said something."....I understand. You're right,I should have known that. Making everyone smile....If mom was alive,she would have taught me the same thing...she must be angry at me for trying to attack and kill a human..."she said as she looked at the night sky from the window,a single.tear sliding down her silver colored face.

"'re berrating yourself again. Promise me that you won't do this again,please?"Ash said.

"O-ok. I promise."As arceus looked at ash's pleading face,she can't help it but to smile.

"Hey!You're smiling now!That's great!"Ash yelled as he suddenly jumped out of the bed,the dextrose long gone and hugged her.

Arceus widen her eyes as she was caught completely off guard from the friendly gesture. But when ash touched arceus body,arceus grew anxious and weirdly...she felt heating up as ash hugged her. Arceus quickly scrambled away from ash.

Ash tilted his head. "What's wrong arceus?Am I not suppose to hug legendaries like you?"

"N-no,i-it's not that,oh would you look at the time,I need to go now!Bye!"Arceus said as she teleported away in a flash of light.

As arceus appeared at the hall of origin,she can't help but pant from the weird sensation she felt from ash touching her. 'what was that all about??!'She thought.

Ash, suddenly left alone in his room,just plopped down on his bed and think of the things that he had done this past week.

'....Oh poop gary's way ahead of me right now!'


On the route 4,the route leading to cerulean city,Gary oaked sneezed as he drive his car on the road,almost crashing on a person with a pikachu sitting on his shoulder. The pikachu did'nt even looked bothered as the car drove near to them. Surprisingly,the person speedily stepped out of the way.

"S-sorry!"Gary apologized.

"You should be more focus when you're driving."The teenager-looking boy said in a cold voice,not even turning around.

"Yeah..sorry again. Hey,tell me you're trainer name and I'll deposit some pokèdollars on your account as a way of saying sorry to you. Sound's good?"Gary asked.

The boy turned around,showing his fierce red eyes staring at gary,looking like he was assesing gary for something. Then he talked.

"You're a trainer right?How about a pokemon battle?Me and my pokemon is kinda itching on finding someone worthy to battle with,and you look like a pretty decent trainer." the boy with the red eyes said.

Hearing that,gary grew a smirked,his arrogant side switching on as he got out of his car. "Ha!I'll let you have the honor of fighting the great gary oak!"He said as he drew a pokeball.

"Oak huh?I've heard of your...grandfather,correct?he was a very famous pokemon trainer and then he became a world class professor. Let's see what you're made of. 1 Vs 1 battle,let's go!"The mystery boy said.

[insert a-trainer-wants-to-battle sound here]

Gary yelled first. "Wartortle I chose you!"Gary thew a pokeball and out came a wartortle,looking ready as ever.

"A wartortle huh?....So you're a begginer trainer.."The boy said.

"A b-begginer??!I already have my first badge!see?"Gary opened his badge container and let the boy see his boulderbadge.

" would be unfair if I use my stronger pokemons...I've decided. Time to see the results of your training,aggron go!"He said as he threw a great ball. When it opened,gary was shocked to see a very large pokemon towering over his wartortle.

"H-heh!We can take him on,wartortle,go use bubble!"Gary yelled as wartortle spout out a large amount of bubbles.

"Aggron,autotomize then dash behind that wartortle."The boy cooly said as he stare at the wartortle. Aggron suddenly vanished.

'I-it's fast!'gary thought as aggron suddenly appeared behind the confused wartortle.

"wartortle withdraw!"gary frantically commanded.

The boy spoke. "Finish this with an iron head."

Just after wartortle used withdraw,aggron's head shone light and swung it towards the withdrawed wartortle. Gary smirked,thinking that he outdo the mystery trainer now,but was shocked when wartortle's shell started to crack.

"Wartortle no!"Gary yelled.

"Aggron stop."The boy said. Aggron obeyed and looked at the beaten wartortle beneath him. The boy recalled aggron and walked near wartortle. Gary ran towards his injured pokemon too.

"Wartortle,are you okay??"

"war....tortle.."It weakly replied. The red-eyed trainer suddenly picked a potion of some sort from his bag,and sprayed it into wartortle.

"War wartortle!"it squirmed as his body shooked from the intense pain it was feeling.

"Wait what are you doing?!"Gary yelled.

"I'm using a master potion at him. Don't worry,I made this myself,it'll fully heal your pokemon in a few minutes and fix his shell in an hour."The boy said as he stand up and turned around.

"H-hey!thank you...and your prize money,he--"

"Naa,the battle was enough. Thanks for the warm up. Goodbye."The boy said as he continued walking.

"Wait!Can I at least know your name so I'll know who to find when I want a rematch?"Gary said with a smile. But the boy's answer left his mouth hanging open.

"Just call me Red. Hoenn,johto,and future kanto champion."Red said as he walked away,his pikachu just munching down on his biscuit not even acknowledging the things that happened the entire time. Then suddenly,a large charizard landed near the boy and continued walking beside red. It was flying there the whole time...Gary's neck grew cold.


A/N:And bam!Red is here!I really wanted to do this eversince I read my first pokemon fanfic. Seriously,I have'nt found a story where ash and red is there at the same time!and that's saying a lot because i've been through different story websites. If you know a story like that here on wattpad,then please tell me!Anyways,Red will have a very important role in this story too. Since he have a quite dark past....ah screw it. I'm not gonna spoil anything! Beh. :p but just remember....I'm the plot twist master. *insert evil laugh here*


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