Chapter 8:First Badge!

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A/N: Starting from this chapter, all of the upcoming chapters will be much better than my old ones in terms of writing style(spacing, vocabulary, grammar), courtesy of the advices of the numerous professionals I've consulted here in wattpad. (And now I sound like an smartass old man!)

On another note, this chapter will also be the start point for the feels chapters. So hop on to the feel boat, laddies! Fear not, there will still be some downtime and funny parts or chapters here and there.


"H-how...?"Ash asked as he stare at the burning gym. Gardevoir's mouth is agape, as she cannot believe someone would do such a thing. Even her past trainers can't be compared to this. Meanwhile, Mewtwo is also shocked as she stay invisible in the air. Fortunately, Ash got over his surprise.

"Gardevoir, we need to help the injured pokèmon!"Ash looked back with his serious eyes.

Gardevoir nodded. "Y-yes..." She said telepathically.

Mewtwo silently agreed, and was about to rush off with Ash and Gardevoir. but nurse Joy stopped them.

"Stop! How can you help me?! Please child stay away from this... If you want to help, then go back to your house!"She yelled, pointing back from where Ash came from.

"Trust us, nurse Joy. We can help."Ash said as he hold Joy's hands.

Joy was surprised to see the determination on the boy's eyes. She can't help but to nod absentmindedly.

"And nurse Joy, please keep the identities of my pokemon secret until we defeat Brock. Promise me. The whole pokemon organization will know my pokemon when I get my first badge, but for now, I'll keep it a secret." Ash said as he stare at her eyes.

"O-okay. I promise."Joy relaxed.

"Great. Let's go Gardevoir! Mewtwo, I'll let Articuno out to take out those flames, so keep her invisible while she does that!" Ash said as he ran. After that, nurse Joy felt something rush past her. She didn't see Mewtwo, but Mewtwo was floating past her that time. Then she heard a pokeball opening. When she turned round, she just saw Ash retrieving his pokeball back, without a trace of pokemon anywhere.

Then she remember the name Mewtwo and Articuno. From what she have read, they are legendaries. She can't help but smile as she now know someone will be able to help her and the city.


"What kind of fire is this?!We can't douse it!"One of the fireman yelled.

"Just keep on bombarding it with water!We can do this!Wartortle keep using water gun!"The leader of the firemen yelled.

"War wartortle!" Several other squirtles and wartortles also joined the leader's pokèmon on using water gun to the burning gym. But even with their combined water guns, the fire just seems to get stronger and stronger.

"Blizzard!" A voice yelled from nowhere. The firemen and the pokèmon were confused first on what they heard, but after a few seconds, a fierce blizzard suddenly appeared around the city. In a matter of seconds, the firemen and the pokemon were a clattering mess as they got hit full force by blizzard.

"W-where did t-this blizzard came f-from?!"One of the firemen said as he shiver from the sheer coldness of the blizzard.

"This...T-this will help us put out that fire! B-but, we need to go back! Retreat men!"The captain yelled as they retrieved their pokèmon and ran.

As this all happened, an invisible Mewtwo and Articuno are gritting their teeth as they exert more force to their attack. Articuno using blizzard and Mewtwo using psychic to control Articuno's blizzard and compress it to the location of the burning gym.

"What the...Is freaking Entei here?!This fire is so strong!"Mewtwo yelled.

"I don't know, but we need to kill this fire, fast!" Articuno frantically answered.

"I'm trying!"Mewtwo said as she let loose a stronger pulse of psychic.

The fire roared fiercely even if it was being bombarded by a shower of snow and ice. The blue flame remained strong, not even giving a hint that it's faltering down. This struggle continued for about five minutes.

But Articuno, being a very young Pokemon, was getting tired already.

" This is the time when I hate the fact that ice types are weak against fire types..."Articuno grumbled.

Mewtwo looked at Articuno, then she yelled through the icy storm. "Articuno! You can go back now, your blizzard will remain even without you! You're tired, so rest! I can do this!" Mewtwo reassured her lover.

"No... I... I won't be a wimpy bird anymore...! I won't be able to protect anyone if everyone is the one who's protecting me! No, not anymore..." Articuno's face was shadowed as she look down.

"NO MORE!" Then a shockwave of fierce snow exploded from Articuno. It even made Mewtwo plummeting down to ground, though luckily she's not injured. But she was more focused on Articuno who's killing the blue fire all by herself.

After the shockwave, Articuno's blizzard became more intense than ever. The size of the ice chunks falling can be compared to a Geodude, some even ranging to a full grown Blastoise. The snow was like ocean high up in the sky and raining down unto the poor gym.

"Articuno..." Mewtwo mumbled while staring at the glowing blue bird. Her eyes are glowing white, and she's flapping her wings as fast as she can, summoning even more blizzard.

After a few seconds of Articuno's outburst, the burning gym was turned into a huge igloo. When Articuno calmed down, she lost consciousness. But Mewtwo caught her, and hugged her to her chest.

"Articuno, you're making me so proud of you." Mewtwo comforted the sleeping Pokémon. Then they vanished, as Mewtwo flew towards the Pokémon center.


Ash ran faster as he got inside the Pokémon center, while Gardevoir flew faster.

"Come on Gardevoir, here!" Ash opened the room to the ICU with a slam. He immediately rush the crying gym leader.

"W-what are you doing here?! Get out!" Brock yelled, looking like angry, though he's crying.

"Nurse Joy sent me here, we can help, just please, trust me!" Ash answered back, then he opened up Celebi's pokèball.

"Ash, don't worry I can hear you from my ball. Let me heal them up!" Celebi squeaked, though she sounds serious.

"A Celebi?... P-please... Help my pokèmon, I beg you!" Brock continued to cry.

"I will. But for now, me and Gardevoir will be the only one remaining in this room. Now shoo!" Celebi commanded like a strict doctor.

"What are you standing there for?Get out!" Gardevoir had to use psychic to put them outside the room. When they were outside, Gardevoir closed the door with her power.

Gardevoir and Celebi looked at each other, then look in front of them. It was a burned Onix and Graveller.

"Now you two, calm down..." Then they started.


Outside, Brock was able to calm down, sensing that the Gardevoir was really strong and there was a Celebi there.

"Hey there, I'm Ash Ketchum. Those were Celebi and Gardevoir. Don't worry, just trust them!" Ash smiled, reassuring Brock even more.

"Thank you. I'm Brock by the way, Pewter city gym leader. I'm... I'm grateful for you and your pokèmon. I... I promise I'm going to pay you after this, I promise." Brock wiped his eyes.

"What? No no... I don't need any payment! I just want to help you and your gym. After this, I'm going to battle you and claim my first badge!" Ash grinned.

"... I know what I'll pay you now." Brock smiled.

"I said I don't need any payment..." Ash rub his head.

"I insist."Brock left no space for an argument, and Ash understood that.

They continued to wait, hoping for the best. An hour passed, then another. By now Mewtwo came back with an unconscious Articuno, and proceeded to get healed up by nurse Joy. Ash and Brock, being left alone there at the waiting chair again, sighed.

Right before the awkward atmosphere was about to set in, the door leading to the room where the injured pokèmon are resting suddenly opened.

"They're getting better now! Me and Gardevoir are the best!" Celebi cheered herself.

Gardevoir came outside too. "Hoo... Glad that was over. Now I can finally relax- I mean train." Gardevoir covered her mouth.

"Thank you Celebi and Gardevoir. Me and my pokèmon owe you our lives." Brock bowed.

"It's nothing, glad we were able to help there! Now, where's my ball Ash, I wanna sleep..." Celebi said as she collapse.

Ash swiftly catch the tired legendary. "Nice job Celebi." Then he rub her head. Ash turned to look at Gardevoir.

"You too Gardevoir!" Ash gave her a thumbs up. Gardevoir just smiled.


Ash also explained that his pokèmon helped on putting out the fire at Brock's gym. After Brock's infinite thanks to Ash and his pokèmon, they are now in the lobby of pewter city pokèmon center. Ash and Brock patiently waited for Ash's pokèmon to come out of the healing machine nurse Joy use.

"So, can I ask how you captured those two legendary? And you're Gardevoir looks pretty strong too." Brock said inspecting Ash from up to bottom.

"I myself don't mind. But I don't think the girls would like me doing that." Ash politely refused.

"I understand. You... really care for your pokèmon, right?" Brock inquired.

"Of course! I love them like my own family!" Ash proudly exclaimed.

"I see... Oh, about the payment..." Then Brock started digging through his pockets for something.

"Uh, really, I don't need an-"

"Here, the boulder badge! You've earned it, Ash. Take this as my thank you gift from me and my pokèmon." Brock handed Ash the boulder badge.

"M-my first badge...? Oh yeah!" Ash jumped in joy.

"Why are you screaming there Ash?" Mewtwo floated up near Ash, not bothering to cloak herself up since nobody is inside the center except Joy, Brock and Ash.

"Our first badge Mewtwo, see?!" Then Ash proudly presented his first and new badge to his traveling partner.

"Did you fight without us?" Gardevoir floated in too. Celebi and Articuno is right behind her.

"No fair! I wanna show you my ninja moves ever since!" Articuno spread her wings.

"Wow! It's shiny!" Celebi's eyes glitter as she stare at the boulder badge.

"Brock gave it to me as a thank you gift! Isn't it great? We have our first badge now!" Ash was really happy, since this is his first one after all. This just prove to Brock that Ash really is a beginner trainer. After all the scuffle, Ash and his pokèmon proceeded to eat dinner and sleep at their room in the pokèmon center for a well deserved rest.


At dawn, Ash, his pokèmon and traveling partner Mewtwo proceeded to continue their quest. Fired up from the recent events and their first badge, they traveled with high spirits as they conquer Mt. Moon.

The way out there was quite eventful, since they invited by the local cleffable to dance with them after Ash saved a Clefairy from a wild Golbat. Other than that, they were just training.

Ash used the darkness of the cave to his advantage. After walking away from the lighted path, he started calling out his pokèmon.

"Articuno, Celebi, come on out!" Ash yelled.

"Wawa! Why is it so dark? I can't see! Waaaa..." Articuno cried, hiding her face with her wings.

"Articuno we're just in a cave, don't be scar-- What was that?!Something touched me!Kyaaa!" Celebi panicked while flying in circles.

Then suddenly, a flashlight opened up, showing Ash's grinning face. "It's time for our training guys... Hehehehe." Ash said in a creepy voice.

"You're making yourself look like an idiot again." Gardevoir said from behind him.

"Wah! Gardevoir how did you get there?!" Ash jumped back in surprise.

"Just get started Ash, so we can leave this cave..." A downcast Mewtwo said.

"What happened to you horny?" Gardevoir teased.

"Don't, Gardevoir. Please don't. Not now... Ugh I hate dancing..." Mewtwo said in a low voice.

"Hey, you okay Mewtwo? I don't think that's because of the dance anymore." Ash walked towards her and rub her back.

"I... don't know." Then suddenly, she lost consciousness.


Mewtwo's POV

'Where... am I?' I sit up. It looks I'm in a city. But...

All of the buildings are on the verge of collapsing. They're all burning, lighting the dark night. I can see some silhouettes from afar, but I can't recognize them.

Wait, is that... me?

I'm... crouching, and I'm bleeding all over. I'm with... Gardevoir and Celebi! And Articuno too! But were all beaten up...

'What's happening? Am I dreaming?' Then I clutched my head in pain. The pain... I felt it. It's real.

But, I'm here! Not that other Mewtwo...

Then suddenly, a girl with long blonde hair and black dress ran up to my doppelganger.

" out of here!...on't come back! He...--ot th.. ame." She's talking to my other self, but I can't understand her.

But amidst their talk, a lone person started to appear. They all gasped, and the the blonde girl ran in front of them.

"Stop it!... want a fight, then... me!" She yelled, but I still couldn't understand her.

I... can't see the person, but he's definitely a male from his body. He's all just black. Then suddenly, he spoke.

"You, Cynthia, I'd let go. But yo... ided with... hem. I'm... Disgusted at you all. I would nev--"

Then, everything disappeared. All black, again. The voice was unclear, almost erratic. It made it impossible to recognize his voice. All I saw was his eyes... His sclera, black as the depths of the ocean...And his iris... blue, as cold as the ice of the northern regions. Blue eyes... That can't be Ash...



A/N: Can't wait for my own tablet, so I snatched dad's! XD Anyways, hope you like this chapter. I really wanted to get this out so badly, and now here it is. Goodbye for now!

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