Floop 10: The Sky High Fight

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It was another day in Yza's school, the library was filled with Card Wars players. Shika came to the school finally, and was making his deck better. A middle lenghted, brown haired boy with a green strip of fabric tied around his head, and wearing the school uniform (which was DEFINITELY not his normal attire. He was more scruffy, wearing a white shirt with the sleeves torn off, and green camo shorts) and black shoes which were worn out. He was Ryu. Yza and Ryu went from the lunch hall to the library, Ryu wanted to introduce an old friend of his.
"Slow down!" Yza said, frantically trying to keep up. Ryu was quite good at P.E, he was one of the best in the class.
"You hurry up!" Ryu said, jokingly.
"YOU KNOW I'M BAD AT RUNNING!" Yza said, trying to catch up.
"We only have 20 or so minutes left until lunch is over, hurry up!" Ryu said, getting slightly mad now.
"It's not my fault I like large packlunches... I'm a growing boy! I need the food." Yza defended. Trio entered in the library.
"Hey Ryu." He greeted him.
"Hey Trio." Ryu said back, happily. They were at the library.
"Are you here to play a match?" Asked Trio.
"No, here to show Yza an old friend of mine." Ryu said.
"Cool! He now goes to this school?" Wondered Trio.
"Yep. I could show you if you want." Ryu said. Yza came, panting heavily.
"I'm here..." Panted Yza.
"Oh, hey Yza." Trio said.
"Hey!" Yza said to Trio.
"Come in, I'll show you my friend." Ryu said. Trio opened the library door, and Ryu and Yza entered in. Followed by Trio, of course.
"See the silver haired kid. That's my old friend." Ryu said, pointing at Shika, who was playing a match against Rino.
"Wait a sec..." Yza muttered. Shika looked similar to him. "I know him!" Exclaimed Yza.
"Impossible!!" Ryu exclaimed.
"I saw him in Floop and Fight, he was playing against Ayaza!" Yza said, frantically.
"He didn't arrive into this town until this saturday!" Ryu said.
"Guys..." Trio said.
"Leave outta our business!!" Ryu and Yza said in unison, mad at Trio. All he could do was stand there looking like an idiot while Ryu and Yza were in a heated debate.
"CAN WE JUST GO?!" Yza said, getting tired.
"I don't see why not. TO SHIKA!" Ryu exclaimed.
"Better hurry, we only have 20 minutes left from your scrambling debate." Trio said. He turned away, only to turn back and notice that Ryu and Yza were at Shika and Rino's match.
"Huh?! WAIT UP!" Trio said.
Meanwhile, the match between Rino and Shika was roaring on.
"Now, Janus Knight, break through and Penetrate Unite Attacker!!" Rino exclaimed.
"I activate Foul Tackle!" Shika exclaimed.
"Ah come on..." Rino said.
"When Foul Tackle activates, I can target one of your attacking cards and send it to your hand!" Shika said, excitedly.
"No matter, I'll just wipe you off your Unite Attacker with Jeweled Colossus and his Finishing Move Ability!" Rino said.
"You know you coulda attacked with Bellona and Storm Gladiator, and saved Jeweled Colossus, other then killing him off." Ryu pointed out.
"Do you know better?!" Rino shouted, angrily.
"Well I'm not the one with the poorly constructed deck." Ryu joked. That made Rino mad.
"SHUT IT! WHAT CLAN DO YOU PLAY?" Rino asked angrily.
"Death Mechs, why ask?" Ryu said.
"Death Mechs huh? Another Other Dimension user huh. Well we should have a game. Right here, right now!!" Rino said.
"Your still playing me..." Shika pointed out bluntly.
"Oh yeah! I'll finish you off next turn. End." Rino said.
"Wasting attacks? Rookie mistake!! Now Unite Attacker, ATTACK!!" Shika screamed.
"Alright..." Rino said, placing the Creature into the discard pile.
"Ability Activates! Call, Brakki to the field!!" Exclaimed Shika. "Now he'll attack!!" He shouted.
"Damn it..." Rino mumbled, placing another Creature card into the discard.
"Now his Ability!!" Shika said. "Shuffling back Brakki into the deck, Call! Juggernaut Maximum. He Soulcharges 2. Now he'll launch an attack!!" Shika said.
"Alright. That should be your turn over right?" Rino asked.
"Nope! His Ability activates!!" Shika said.
"Alright, your Pile Driver Tackle Finisher I'm guessing!!" Ryu said excitedly.
"What's a Pile Driver Tackle Finisher?" Asked Yza.
"Juggernaut's Ability. It activates after a sucessful attack," Trio said. "You reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a Creature card, he can attack again!"
"What?! He has an infinite attack if you can reveal Creatures!!" Yza said.
"Yes, but the revealed cards go into the Discard, weakening his attack force, and making the Ability less effective overtime." Ryu pointed out.
"True." Yza said.
"Lets see..." Shika said. He turned the top card of his deck over. "Sweet! A Creature card! Attack once more, Juggernaut!!" Shika said.
"You need to reveal a Creature 7 more times to win. I doubt that will happen." Rino said.
"Luck is on my side." Shika smirked. He revealed another Creature.
"His luck is godly." Trio commented.
"Of course." Ryu responded. "He almost died a total of 9 times in his life, but survived all 9. They say a car has 9 lives, but Shika seems to have unlimited." Ryu joked. Rino placed the Landscape into the Discard Pile.
"9 times?!" Yza exclaimed.
"Shika is more then meets the eye. His luck is amazing... It's unnatural almost..." Ryu said.
"I wouldn't think to deep into it." Shika said. "Another Creature, your Landscape is going down!"
"Stop pulling Creatures..." Rino grumbled, annoyed.
"I can't. And it's another Creature!" Shika exclaimed.
"His luck is amazing!" Yza said, excited.
"That or he put alot of Creatures in his deck." Trio said. "But the Sport Maximum's don't have a big library to work with."
"Good point. So Shika really is using this deck well." Yza analysed.
"He's nearly won!!" Ryu said.
"This card depends on the outcome of this game." Shika said. Rino looked in his hand.
"I have Spartan Shield to stop this attack.." Rino thought. He looked at his hand. He didn't have a card to discard. "Great... I forgot this was my last card in hand." Rino thought. Shika turned the card over. It was a Creature.
"I pulled it!" He said. Yza and Trio were in shock.
"That's Shika for ya." Ryu said.
"Y-you wiped my entire field on the 4th turn!!" Rino exclaimed. "HOW ARE THOSE CARDS NOT BANNED?!" He screamed.
"I bet he doesn't know about the Magic Ball lockdown..." Yza said quietly, snickering.
"Anyways.. Ryu, a match." Rino said.
"Sure." Ryu said. Shika got up and sat on the table. Ryu sat in his old seat and got ready.
"To warn you, the Gladitors are ruthless." Rino said.
"To warn you, the Death Mechs control the DZ2." Ryu mockingly said.
"DZ2 huh. This will be interesting." Rino mumbled.
"Floop.. AND FIGHT!" Ryu, Rino, Yza, Trio and Shika shouted.
"I'll take first turn!" Ryu said. "Draw. Call, Toolbox Kid! His Abiity, I reveal a Death Mech Creature card from my hand. Then, I add a card Called Toolbox Dragon to my hand." Ryu searched his deck for Toolbox Dragon.


On a rocky, harsh enviroment, Landscapes appeared on either side. A boy with a builder's helmet and brown hair, with green eyes and wearing blue shorts, a tea coloured jacket and a dirty white shirt underneath, which held a toolbox in his right hand, and a screwdriver in his left hand.


"Draw. Call, Hoplite. His Ability! Call, Storm Gladiator from the deck. The card Called with this Ability loses their Ability, which is fine, because Storm Gladiator can attack immediately." Rino said.
"He used this tactic against Max..." Yza thought.
"Now, Hoplite, attack!!" Rino said. "Follow him Storm Gladiator!" Ryu put Toolbox Kid into the Discard Pile.


Hoplite charged forth, he slashed through Toolbox Kid with his sharp claws.
"Spiraling Storm!!" Storm Gladiator screamed. Her weapon gathered air around it, and she threw it foward, creating a vortex that swallowed Toolbox Kid into orange dust.
"I'll fix thisssss!" He screamed.


"End of my turn." Rino said.
"Draw." Ryu said. He looked at the drawn card. "Perfect." He thought. "Sending the top 2 cards of my deck into DZ2!! Call, the Sky High Mech! Skyshot Mecha!! My Star Card!!!" Ryu shouted. He slammed the card on the table.
"Skyshot Mecha..." Rino mumbled.
"Bringing out the big guns I see." Shika said.
"Skyshot Mecha?" Trio said confused.
"Leader of the Death Mechs, Skyshot goes sky high with elite Death Mechs, who earnt the ability to fly." Ryu said. "His Ability is to drop the top 3 cards of your deck into Dimension Zone 2. If you do, you can Call a Creature card from the deck. The called card and Skyshot gain +45% Power, but Skyshot also gains Double Attack until the end of the turn. He also has Levitate, so that could also be a problem." Rino said.
"I'll activate the Ability! Call, Ironstrafe Mecha! His Ability, when he gains Power, he can shuffle 2 cards from DZ2 into the deck." Ryu said.
"Levitate?" Yza said.
"Levitate is a Ability when only cards with the Levitate Ability can attack the Levitate Ability cards. To put it simply, Levitate cards can only be hit by Levitate cards, but they can still attack everything on the field. Me and you don't have any cards with Levitate in the deck." Trio responded.
"Cards with the 'Ability Can Hit Levitate Creatures' can still attack Levitate Creatures, even though they don't have Levitate." Shika said.
"Wow! I'm learning so much from this match." Yza said.
"You still have alot to learn, like me!" Trio said, laughing.
"Ironstrafe attacks Hoplite!" Ryu said.


A blue and white mecha with green piercing eyes, a mouthplate and rounded shoulder pads with smaller wing shaped bits attached to it, along with large white and blue wings that casted a shadow on Hoplite and Storm Gladiator appeared, holding on two swords, with platinum blades and a metal handle. He was Skyshot Mecha. On the ground was Ironstrafe Mecha, a mecha with silver and white colour scheme with yellow eyes and large boxing gloves, that were metal and had red stripes on it along with a mouthplate aswell. He wore a boxing style helmet.
"I'll strafe around and hit them with my Platinum Hit move, while you break down the others with your swords." Ironstrafe said.
"I like that idea. Lets do this!" Skyshot said. Ironstrafe strafed to Hoplite and punched him hard, breaking him into orange dust. Meanwhile, Skyshot was in the air, slashing his sword around, creating blue lines that crossed each other in the sky. They over lapped each other, and he pointed in his swords. A blue sphere charged in the middle.
"Sky Blasterizer!!" Skyshot shouted. A thin concentrated blast pierced through Storm Gladiator, and destroyed her into orange dust.
"I'll live to see another day..." She mumbled, before being obliterated. Skyshot dived down to a Landscape, his swords becoming a light blue, and a blue aura surronding it. "Sky Slash!!" He sliced through the Landscape, breaking it in half, into orange dust.


"End." Ryu said, with a confident look on.
"Draw." Rino said. He looked at his hand to see what he could do. "Huh." He finally said.
"What, your stuck on what to do?" Ryu said.
"No. No I'm not!" Rino said, smirking. "Wingblade Gladiator... I forgot I put him in. He's my only hope to destroy that Skyshot Mecha. Let's just do this..." Rino thought. "Cleanse the sky with your mighty blade, and soar past the limits!! Call!! Wingblade Gladiator!" Rino screamed.
"Wingblade Gladiator?!" Ryu said shocked.
"The Gladitors only Levitate card. I pulled him from a pack I opened yesterday." Rino said. "I forgot I added him."
"Nice. Well, he doesn't have enough Power. I'll finish him next turn." Ryu said.
"Who said you had a next turn?" Rino said.
"You planning to beat me now?" He asked.
"No. But I'll finish Skyshot right now!! His Ability! I can search my deck for a Effect card and add it to my hand, for a small cost of discarding a card. I add Gladitor's Blaze. Now I discard Bellona. Next, I activate Gladitor's Blaze to give my card Double Attack! But at the end of the turn it get's burnt." Rino said. "Call, Janus Knight! Call, The Riderless Chariot! Chariot's Ability! Call, Julius Caesar!! Soulcharge. Next, Wingblade will attack Skyshot!"
"A sky high battle huh. Well to bad.. The first attack is Nulified!" Screamed Ryu. "Nulified by Mass Shield Mecha!"
"Rino nearly had him!" Trio exclaimed.
"Ryu has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve." Shika said.
"Wait he has cards up his sleeves?! He's cheating!!" Yza exclaimed.
"N-no..." Shika said, looking at Yza like he was an idiot. "He's a sneaky fighter. One moment you know what he's gonna do, bam! He does a different move.


A human in purple, white and yellow gladiator armour, with a silver gladiator helmet, with the bristles purple with yellow streaks appeared. He had white wings with purple streaks attached to his body, coming out of his back, and the armour he wore. His purple eyes locked on Skyshot Mecha. He floated above the ground. He was Wingblade Gladiator. He held 2 weapons with 2 blades at each end, but was held by a cylinder in the middle, in each hand.
"You'll be my opponent.." He said, pointing at Skyshot Mecha.
"Is that so? Give me your best shot." He said. Janus Knight appeared, followed by The Riderless Chariot, holding Julius Caesar in his carrage.
"Slaying Double Blade!!" He flew up and tried slashing him the first time. A Mecha with a silver and orange colour scheme, along with blue eyes and 2 large shields by his arms, which were silver, and had a blue orb in the middle, appeared. He threw the shield infront of him and Skyshot. He was Mass Shield Mecha. Many hexagonal, clear shields appeared, stopping the blade in it's track. Mass Shield Mecha became orange dust.
"To bad, DOUBLE ATTACK!" He sliced through Skyshot, and made a few dents in him.
"I'll finish you when I have the chance..." Skyshot said.
"We'll see." Wingblade said, with a smirk on. He flew down.
"Here comes a Broadsword Bone Breaker!!" Janus Knight screamed. His steed ran quickly, and he sliced through Ironstrafe, making a sliced spot through him, where orange dust came from it. "PENETRATE!!" He crashed through a Lanscape.
"Here comes my charge!!" Julius Caesar said. The Riderless Chariot charged foward, allowing Julius Caesar to charge through Ironstrafe. "Dammit!!" Ironstrafe said, becoming orange dust.
"I can attack once more after destroying a Creature! Second charge!!" Julius Caesar said. He destroyed the Landscape Penetrated by Janus Knight.
"My Double Attack!!" Janus Knight shouted, he destroyed a Landscape.


"End of turn.." Rino said, slightly disappointed.
"Draw." Ryu said.
"Why are you so disappointed Rino?" Asked Yza. "You made him to 1 Creature and 2 Landscapes! You should be proud."
"I didn't take out his Levitate Creature... I shoulda did it this turn." Rino said. "But no matter."
"Dropping the top 2 cards into DZ2! Call, Tigerblaze Mecha!!" Ryu said. "Tigerblaze's Ability! When calling cards this turn, I can send 1 card from the top of the deck into DZ2 instead of doing the normal cost. And I will!" He took the top card and put it into DZ2. "Now, with that done, CALL!! Toolbox Dragon! His normal cost would be to discard 2 cards with Toolbox to Call him, but this is much easier. His Ability! Soulcharge 1 and he gains +20% Power. Then, I activate the Effect, Toolbox Upgrade!! I choose one card with Toolbox from the Death Mech Clan card name, Soulcharge 5 cards! Toolbox Dragon, Soulcharge 5!!" Ryu said. He placed 5 cards into Toolbox Dragon's Soul. "Got it!!" He said. "When Toolbox Soul is counted as 2 cards in the soul! Now I can activate his Megablast!!" Ryu said.
"Megablast?!" Yza said, confused and scared.
"A Megablast is when you Soulblast 8 cards to activate a Ability." Shika said.
"What's Toolbox Dragon's one?" Asked Yza.
"He gains a Power boost of 40% Power, Triple Attack and you draw a card for every attack you make with Toolbox Dragon." Trio said. "This lasts for 3 turns."
"3 turns?!" Yza said. "So he can draw um... Lets see..." Yza mumbled.
"He can draw up to 9 cards in those 3 turns. Plus the draw phase makes it a staggering 12 cards. More if he can gain attacks." Shika said. He laughed a little when Yza was struggling to do the maths.
"I was gonna say that..." Yza said.
"Now, Skyshot attacks at Wingblade!!" Ryu shouted. "I activate Swordclash!!" Rino said. "I target a card, it can't be hit this Battle Phase. You wont hit Wingblade." Rino said with a smirk.
"Then I'll redirect all my attacks at Julius Caesar!! Start the assualt Toolbox Dragon." Ryu said.


A Mecha with a tiger like face, he had a orange and white scheme of colour, with green eyes, and a tiger like chestpiece. He held a large sword. The top of his head was a blue hatch. He was Tigerblaze Mecha. Followed by him was a mechanical yellow dragon, with turqoise green wings, with his arms and joints being a silver, and exacvator claws as hands, and red beady eyes. He was Toolbox Dragon.
"Prepare desctruction!! The kind where you can't fix it!! MEGABLAST!!!" He screamed. 8 white cards from his chest appeared, and became white dust. His eyes lighted up. "EXACVATION BREAKER!!!" He screamed. He threw his arms up and launched them back into the ground, making a deadly earthquake, that shattered Julius Caesar around. He broke into orange dust, only to become green dust and back to himself.
"A warrior never dies. Even in the face of combat!" Julius Caeser shouted.
"EXACAVATION BREAKER!! BUT WITH DOUBLE THE POWER!!!" Toolbox Dragon yelled. He did Exacavation Breaker, and destroyed Julius Caesar again. But his Soulguard saved him. Toolbox Dragon atta ked him again, but Soulguard made him survive once again.
"Go get them!!" Toolbox Dragon screamed.
"The sky is my field!!!" Yelled Skyshot Mecha. "SWORDSMAN SKYDIVE!" He screamed, diving down to Julius Caesar. He sliced him, but Soulguard saved him, once again.
"We are the Gladitors! WE SHALL LIVE!!!" Julius Caesar shouted.
"I don't think so. Taste defeat! My Infinite BLADE!" Skyshot shouted. He slashed Julius Caesar twice into orange dust.
"DAMMIT!!" He screamed.
"Take down the rest!" Commanded Skyshot Mecha.
"Burning Blade!" Tigerblaze shouted, slaying Janus Knight into orange dust.


"Alright. That's all I have. You go now." Ryu said.
"This game is going slightly slow... Draw. I'll finish it now!" Said Rino.
"You just committed to a Final Turn." Ryu said.
"You haven't seen anything yet! Call, Skeletal Lich! Call, the unknowing blade and the expensive soldier! Call my Star Card! Jeweled Colossus!" Rino said. "3 Creatures and 2 Landscapes stand in my way. With Skeletal Lich, I can destroy Toolbox Dragon, and with Wingblade, I can defeat Skyshot. Then with a suicidal attack with Jeweled Colossus... I can't reach the Landscape. Wait a sec..." Rino thought. "I activate Everfight! Gladitors shall never die! Call from the discard, Janus Knight! After that, Call, Invisible Knight." Rino said. "I can win now." He thought, with a smirk. "An attack with Wingblade at Skyshot!" Rino declared.


"Time for me to go sky high." Wingblade said. He flew high quickly.
"You'll never reach me!" Skyshot shouted. "We are the Elite Mechas!"
"Well this ordinary Gladiator will break you! FINISHING WINGBLADE!" Wingblade screamed. He stabbed Skyshot in the heart. He short circuited.
"I'll be repaired and back! Just you wait!" He cried, exploding into orange dust. Wingblade panted heavily. On the ground, Jeweled Colossus used his Finishing Move on Tigerblaze Mecha.
"Finished." He mumbled, destroying himself into orange dust and Tigerblaze.
"Skeletons still have power.. BECAUSE WE HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS!! DARK DESTRUCTION!" Skeletal Lich screamed, his sword made a dark purple wave, with a black aura around it.
"THEY'LL FIX US!!" Toolbox Dragon screamed. He became orange dust when the wave hit.
"Bloody Charge!!" Janus Knight announced, charging forth and slaying the Landscape.
"And this is the finisher!! INVISIBLE BLADE!!" Invisible Knight screamed, destroying the final Landscape. The Gladitors disappeared, until the next Calling.


"I won!" Rino cheered.
"Even with a powerful Megablast, Rino won?!" Yza exclaimed.
"W-what are the odds?" Trio asked. Ryu got a pat on the back by Shika.
"You did well!" Shika said.
"Haha, I'll never be as good as you." Ryu said.
"That was a good match. We should play another game. But we've got classes now." Rino said, packing up the cards.
"I'll see you in the class Rino!" Trio said. Trio left.
"Shika, we got a class." Ryu said.
"Right." Shika said. Both Ryu and Shika left. Yza smiled.
"Race you to class Rino." Yza said, smiling.
"Sure!" Rino said. Yza ran off. "Hey you cheat!!" Yza stuck out his tongue. Rino raced after him.

Trio Mato is owned by: TrioMato


Card of the Floop
Toolbox Soul (R)
This card from the Death Mech Clan is really useful to use when Megablasting! Part of the Toolbox Archetype, this card counts as 2 cards when in the Soul or Soulblasting. This is really useful, for 2 reasons. Soulguard and Megablasting. When Soulguarding, you get basically an extra soul with this card, and this card helps you make Megablasting easier! What a Flexible card when placed in the soul. You can find this card in BT04, New Realms! Can you pull one?


Next time
The most richest kid in the school begins to play Card Wars?! And the Clan he uses was one nobody expected! And Yza decides to face him... This can't end up well can it. Who will win? Find out next time on Card Wars!

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