Floop 7: Match Of The Century

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Yza rushed into Library, hoping his after school detention haven't ruined his chances of seeing the match of the century, or so they say. The 2 strongest players Rino and Max was sitting across each other, ready to play a game of Card Wars. Max had black short cut hair, hazel brown eyes, and wore his school uniform. (His usual attire was a black jacket ontop a black t-shirt with a skull which had a crack in it which wad made by a sword. He wore blue jeans and black school shoes.) He was a popular and clever student, and alot of guys and girls follow him.
"Ok, I rolled 8." Rino said. Yza squeezed through the crowd to pop next to a boy in his classes he has, (which were art, history, english, religious studies, music, geography, dance, P.E and drama.) He was Aiman. He had short black hair, black square glasses, and wore the school uniform. (Which wasn't his normal attire, that consisted of a yellow t-shirt, black trousers and white shoes.)
"Y-you play Card Wars too?!" Yza said amazed.
"Yep." He said. Aiman was quite shy.
"I rolled 10." Max said.
"Ok, you choose." Rino said.
"I'll go second." Max said.
"Ok. You ready?" Rino asked.
"Yep." Max said with a smirk.
"Floop... AND FIGHT!" Everyone shouted.
"Draw! Call, Bellona to the field!" Rino said.


In a Stadium with 4 Landscapes appearing on each side appeared.
A upright lion with humanoid limbs and blur armour and sword and large blue shield appeared on the arena.
"Prepare to die!" He shouted. "Wait... NO ONE'S HERE?!"


"Draw! Call, my Star Card! Armoured Zombie!" Max said. There were people in awe and shock at his awesome card. "His Ability! He gets 3 Undead Counters."
"He has 0% Health! He should be dead..." Rino said.
"I haven't finished! The only way off destroying him is to destroy him 3 times. You see, everytime that this card is destroyed, I get rid of 1 Undead Counter. When this card has no Counters left, I destroy him ammediately. His next Ability. I discard a card and add a Undead Counter on him!" Max said.
"He basically has infinite Soulguard!" Exclaimed Rino.
"Yep." Max said.


A green skinned, brown armoured zombie appeared. "Prepare to die!" He said in the classic zombie raspy voice. 3 skulls on purple fire surronded him, with thr numbers 1, 2 and 3 written on them. Another one appeared, this time with a 4 on it. "Undead strike!" He charged up, opened his mouth wide and bit deep into Bellona's shoulder.
"Damn it!" Bellona said, as the zombie swallowed his shoulder, which left it to crumble into orange dust.
"Delicious..." Armoured Zombie said.


"Draw! Call, The Riderless Chariot! It's Ability!" Rino said.
"Bring out Julius! I'm prepared for anything!" Smirked Max. In his hand was a Nulifier.
"You read my mind! Call, Roman Emporer,Julius Caeser! Riderless to the soul, then soulcharge 3! Then call upon the Legend that truly started this Clan's history! I activate, Legendary Emporer's Attack! Call from my Legend Zone on top Julius, Heavenly Legend,Roman Emporer,Augustus Caeser!" Rino said.
"This is the Legend of the Gladitors? Bring it on!" Max smugly said.


A roman emporer with beatiful golden armour with his robes underneath shined into battle. He had brown hair and his brown eyes pierced fear into the enemy. He had a large golden spear that he held with a single hand.
"I've came down from the heavens to slay you... Let my Legendary appearance be know! Augustus wind!" He shouted. A wind surronded his spear, the he shot it out at Armoured Zombie.
"Grr..." He said. A skull burned up.
"My second attack! Heavenly Piercing Swipe!" Augustus said. He threw his spear at Armoured Zombie and burned up another skull.
"You'll... Pay... For... That..." He said.
"My final attack! Triple Heavenly Blades!" Augustus said. The wind surronded him and made 3 swords. They shot straight at Armoured Zombie, and burned up another skull. One skull remained at the gritted teeth zombie.


"A Triple Attack at Armoured Zombie." Rino said.
"Dang, that's 3 counters off." He said.
"End." Rino smirked.
"Draw. Discard one, Armoured gains 1 Undead Counter. Call, Puppet Skeleton! Then I call! Undead Skeleknight,Aphotical Blade! Then I activate! Undead Evolution! Call from the Legend Zone on top if Aphotical! True Skeleknight,Twin Blade,Aphotical!" Max said.
"Legend Vs Legend? Interesting." Rino said.
"Now I activate Final Shockwave! I discard my hand, then I target one Creature. I destroy all the other Creatures on my side of the field and give the targeted Creature +10% Power. Then I destroy all Creatures in your side of the field!" Max said.
"Grr..." Rino said. He placed all his Creature cards into the discard, and his Legend card face up in the Legend Zone.
"I remove one Counter from Armoured Zombie." Max said.


"FINAL SHOCKWAVE!" Screamed Aphotical. A blue aura surronded the skeleton knight with two blades, one with a pure white blade and the other a blood red blade. The exerted aura burned up a skull and destroyed the Puppet Skeleton into orange dust.
"I'll be back." Whispered the Puppet, before being shattered into orange dust.
The aura reached Bellona and Augustus, which destroyed them into orange dust.
"I'm an Emporer! I will never dieeee-!" Augustus said, before being shattered.
"I'll accept my fate valiantly." Bellona said.
"Twin strike!" Aphotical said. He slashed through one Landscape with his blood red blade, another with his pure white blade. "Easier said than done..."


"End." Max said confidently.
"Draw! Call, the jeweled knight! The once that shall destroy all enemies in his path! Calling, my star card! Jeweled Colossus!" Rino said. "Call, Invisible Knight! Next, Hoplite! Hoplite's Ability! Call from my deck a comrade! Call, Storm Gladiator, but it loses all of it's Abilities until the end of the turn!"
"That means Storm Gladiator's restriction is gone. Good move." Max commented. People started cheering.
"Rino! Rino! Rino!" They chanted. Yza was shocked at that small combo.
"Pretty impressive right?" Aiman said.
"Yeah." Yza said in awe.
"Call, Janus Knight! He's my newest addition to my deck." Rino said. "This 80% Beater with Double Attack and Penetrate SHALL KILL YOU!" He shouted.


Hoplite, Storm Gladiator, Invisible Knight, Jeweled Colossus and Janus Knight. Janus wore black armour, and had 2 large broadswords in each hand. He was riding on a horse.
"Prepare to meet your doom..." Janus said.
"Lets attack! Avenger our Emporer! Attack!" Jeweled Colossus shouted. He charged up, and stabbed Aphotical.
"That was painless." He calmly said.
"Really? Then let what's happening to us?" Jeweled Colossus smirked. The stabbed place started becoming orange dust.
"What?!" Aphotical screeched.
"This is my... Finishing Move!" Jeweled Colossus shouted. They both became orange dust.


"Nice move." Max said, returning his card into the Legend Zone, face up.


"CHARGE THROUGH! SWIFT BREAKER!" Janus screamed. The final skull burned up.
"My time is up..." Armoured Zombie said, breaking into orange dust.
"PENETRATE!" He sliced through a Landscape once he killed Armoured Zombie. "Double Attack!" He attacked another Landscape.
"Sword of the wind!" Storm Gladiator screamed. A large sword made of wind destroyed a Landscape into orange dust.
"Invisible Slash!" Invisible Knight shouted. He destroyed a Landscape into orange dust.
"Lion's Roar!" Hoplite shouted. He roared loud and finished off a Landscape. It was now 4 Creatures and 2 Landscapes to 1 Landscape. It was all or nothing now.


"They call me the Miracle Fighter for a reason." Max said.
"Why's that?" Rino asked.
"You push me to the limit? I turn everything around. Draw! I activate Undead Rising! Add 3 cards from the Discard to my hand! Add, Puppet Skeleton! Add, Armoured Zombie and Booster Pack! Now I call Armoured Zombie! It gets 3 Undead Counters. I call, Puppet Skeleton! Then I activate Booster Pack! Discard my hand and draw 5 cards! I don't have anything to discard so I draw 5! Call, Skeleton Knight, Call, Plaguespreading Zombie! Call, Keeper Of The Underworld,Renge! Now I activate Rising Power! If I have 5 or more cards in the discard, all my Creatures gain 10% Power. 10 or more, they gain 10% Power and Double Attack! 20 or more, 10% Power, Double Attack and Penetrate! 25 or more, +10% Power, Double Attack, Penetrate and when they attack, the attack can't be stopped and Effects and Abilities my opponent uses will be Nulified!" Max said. "I get up to 20 or more, I hav
"What?!" Rino said.


Armoured Zombie, Puppet Skeleton, Skeleton Knight, which was a skeleton with silver armour, and a sword, Plaguespreading Zombie, a large zombie with a purple skin and his face on fire and warts all over his body, and Renge, which had a large purple body, blue piercing eyes and a small head. His skin was purple and he wore large orange gloves with a blue ball on them.
"Prepare to die! My Double Attack!" Armoured Zombie shouted, destroying Bellona into orange dust. He Penetrated a Landscape to half health.
"Die! Puppet Breaker!" Puppet Skeleton said, he squeezed Janus Knight to death, then Penetrated the Landscape into orange dust.
"Spread the Plague..." Plaguespreading Zombie bad odor disprupted Storm Gladiator to orange dust.
"You stink-!" She screamed before being destroyed. The smell Penetrated the Landscape.
"Gatekeeper Breaker!!" Renge screamed. He destroyed the Final Landscape into orange dust.
"We won!" Cheered Skeleton Knight.
"Just barely." Added Armoured Zombie.
"Yeah I guess." Skeleton Knight said. They disappeared into the darkness, until they were called upon again.


"Ah, you won." Rino said.
"GG." Max said. They shook hands. People started playing their own matches after being pumped up by that match.
"You want a match?" Asked Aiman.
"Sure! To the tables!" Yelled Yza.

Aiman Parkar is owned by: parkaraiman


Card of the Floop
Armoured Zombie (SP)
This devastating card shall live on the field! Instead of bringing him to 0% Health, you must get rid of all if his Undead Counters off him. His next Ability is that if you discard a card, you can add one Undead Counter! A powerful never dieing card! You can find this card in BT03, Shadows and Secrets! Can you pull one?


Next Time
A battle from the Cyber Networks and Kings of the Lands shall behold! Aiman Vs Yza, a intense battle! Who will win? Find out next time on Card wars!

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