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The rain splattered onto my cheeks as I hurried off the beach with a laughing Harry, who had tilted his head back and was fully embracing the downpour. His hair was stuck to his face, and his face was glistening with water. He looked simply adorable.

The sea suddenly sprung to life and crashed into the cliff, the roaring sound was overpowering and I found myself being overwhelmed by both the monsoon like rain and the thundering noise from both the sea and sky. Grey clouds littered the sky and I could tell that the rain wasn't just a passing shower.

Clambering off the beach, I noticed how soaking we both were and I smiled as Harry danced around like a fool whilst singing 'Singing in the Rain'. A small cafe was hidden in the abandoned car park by the beach and I hurried inside, wanting to feel warmth. Harry joined me after he had finally got bored of the rain.

We both stood ,with awkward smiles on our faces, by the door while the waitress and customers looked at us like we were aliens. I suppose the general age of the population in the village was around eighty and the sight of any teenagers was rare.

The waitress politely took us to a table and offered us some towels which we gladly accepted, both of us shivering despite the cafe being relatively warm. There were only three other people in the small room; two old men nursing a mug of tea and a middle aged man who was sipping at his coffee whilst reading a newspaper.

"We don't have any money," I whispered to Harry, realising that the cafe staff wouldn't be too happy with us just sitting inside without buying anything.

Harry pulled a face and then looked out the window to see if the rain was still beating down- it was. The kind waitress came back holding two fluffy looking towels and I wrapped one round my shaking shoulders, enjoying the warmth of it.

"You two look cold!" She said in a thick accent, "Just because you two lovebirds had your time at the beach ruined, I'll give you both hot chocolates on the house. How does that sound?"

"Great!" We both gushed, surprised by her kindness; I suppose we were both used to seeing the worst in people.

The cafe was decorated with antiques and quaint objects scattered about; fairy lights hung between the exposed wooden beams in the roof and various pieces of local art work hung on the walls. Scenes of the sea sitting beneath the prestigious and stern cliff, of boats bobbing in the turquoise current and of small children licking ice creams which were already melting.

Two hot chocolates were placed in front of us, completed by a mountain of whipped cream and three marshmallows. I could almost smell the sugar in it and I wanted to gulp the whole thing down, but managed to slowly sip it so I could savour the flavour.

"You have a milk moustache!" I giggled quietly, not wanting to disturb the other people in the cafe. He looked ridiculous with his hair still slicked to the sides of his head and on top of that a frothy moustache.

"Maybe I want a milk moustache," he retorted back, raising an eyebrow at me before taking another sip of his drink. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, not caring if I gained some glares from the other customers.

Suddenly, as if dictated by some god above, the pattering of the rain on the roof stopped abruptly and peace fell over the beach again. Even Harry looked amazed by the quick change in the mood of the sky but I wasn't complaining. I never really liked rain, it was too cold and unforgiving.

The middle aged man reading a pretentious newspaper stood up, smoothed out his collar and then made an effort to bash into our table as he left, showing his distaste for us. The waitress couldn't help but grin at his childish behaviour.

"We should go back to Judy's before she starts worrying," Harry said after finishing his hot chocolate. We thanked the waitress before we walked out the door, and the minute we got outside we were greeted by a rainbow. It shone over us as we walked back to a place we called home.

The silly thing was that I had believed the rain would last forever, that it was some sign that the world was going to end. The way it pounded and crashed onto the ground- it was like nothing I had ever seen. It was violent, fast and badly timed. I would later use this comparison for Harry and I's 'companionship'.

What the rain taught me was that as permanent as things seem, nothing lasts forever. Not even the good stuff- especially not the good stuff.

Is this some foreshadowing for what is to come? Yes I think it is. So this was a kind of calm before the storm chapter so get ready for the next one ;)

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Sorry this chapter was a day late- I've kind of got sucked into Orange is the New Black and I am losing track of time!

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