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"You know when we were talking about songs that I had written about you?" I lifted my head at the sound of Harry's dry voice which was nothing more than a whisper in the attic. We were stood, bodies pressed together, as tears streamed down both our faces.

"Yeah?" I said, looking at his eyes as if trying to solve some puzzle. I couldn't ignore the change in the way he spoke to me, in the way he held me. Something had changed.

"There is one song that was so defiantly and utterly about you that I thought someone would find out. But I didn't care," he was looking into the middle distance, his eyes glazed over slightly, "Walking in the Wind. It was an ode to you and everything that had happened."

"Thank you," I placed a hand on his heart, "That means more to me than you will ever be able to imagine."

"I thought I would never see you again," he choked out almost as though he had a lump in his throat. I didn't want to see him cry because I knew it would make me weep again so I stood up taller and leant in to kiss him when he moved his face away.

I froze in that moment and stared at him with both anger and confusion. Why wouldn't he kiss me?

"I can't ruin you Matilda," he cried out, tears now streaming down his face which he didn't even bother to wipe away, "I can't hurt you again. I don't want those memories that we had to be tainted by my lifestyle."

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I mumbled, afraid that if I spoke any louder I wouldn't be able to control the tears that were threatening to come out.

"You have to go Matilda, you can't be here with me and be surrounded by people all day who don't care about you. Who want nothing more than a bigger pay check," he stroked my cheeks as he spoke with a voice filled with more sadness than I had ever heard, "You will grow to hate me. You'll blame me for the unwanted publicity you get, the hate you will receive-"

"I can stand that all and more if I get to love you Harry! I would do anything to be by your side," I cried out and clung to him even tighter as if to prove my point. I wasn't going to let him go after years of being apart.

"This isn't something you can understand, this isn't something that is in your control. You will get mobbed everyday- we won't be allowed a second of peace. I'll be gone half the time and you'll resent me!" he unlatched his arms from round my waist and ran his hands through his hair which was untamed and sticking out at odd angles.

"I don't care about all that stuff Harry. I don't care what people will call me or that I won't be able to walk in peace. As long as I am with you, I will be more happy than I could ever imagine!" I wanted him to believe me, to trust me but he looked to the ground in angst and I felt my body go limp. He had already made up his mind and nothing I could say would sway him.

"You are willing to throw away love for what? My feelings? The fact that you believe I will not be happy?" My voice was now angry but also uncertain. Without Harry, I had no idea what I would do. Would I be forced to go back to Derek- again?

"Yes, exactly that. You do not know this lifestyle as I do Matilda, it will break the toughest of souls. I cannot be the reason for your unhappiness. I refuse to be," he was trying his best to stop crying and he was constantly wiping his eyes with the corner of his jumper.

"You will cause me more unhappiness by casting me away than keeping me here!" I didn't know why I was still trying to reason with him, maybe I was so lovesick that I couldn't stand the thought of being alone again.

"Here is a credit card with one million pounds on it, the PIN number is 2966. Make yourself a new life, one that doesn't include me in the slightest," he handed me the plastic card like a peace offering and I took it wearily, knowing that he would force me to take it if I did not accept it wilfully.

"You can't do this to me!" I breathed out and glared at him, willing him to change his mind.

"I'm doing it for you," he whispered and then disappeared down the stairs while I was left to stand in shock. The idea of leaving Harry, a man who I loved with my whole heart, was immobilising.


"If you're lost, just look for me, you'll find me in the region of the summer stars," Harry's voice blasted through my headphones as I walked away from his house, tears falling with every note he sang.

"But it's not the end, I'll see your face again," I whispered along as the song played from my iPod.

But it was the end.

And I didn't know if I would ever see his face again.

Really sad chapter here :( was Harry in the right? Is Matilda going to thank him for his choice in the future? This is not the end of the book fyi but there are only three chapters left of Cardboard Houses!

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