Ayato49 vs NafiKagurai

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On the Dragon Empire, the Royal Paladins seek revenge on the Narukami, after they destroyed and killed their leader, Alfred. Royal Paladins charged foward, with the lead of Blaster Blade, they rushed to the twin dragons, who commanded the Narukami, Crimson and Vermillion.
"All troops, ATTACK!!" Commanded Crimson. There were roars of dragons, sword clashes of humans, and bloodshed from all races.
"Crismon Catasprophe!!" Crismon yelled, shooting a yellow green lightning to the Royal Paladin troops. Blaster Blade swiftly dodged them, and flung himself up, with the support of Constance.
"Nobody is getting through us, VERMILLION DESTRUCTION!!" Vermillion screeched, he shot his hand out and a swirl of blue lightning shocked the knight named Constance, dropping him.
"No!" Blaster Blade cried out. He used all his hate and anger in this strike against this fatal swoop against Crimson. But, that's when Blaster Blade saw it. The figure in the light, casted a familiar shadow. That was... Alfred? He couldn't believe it. He fell back to take closer look. Chatura charged forth, but the heavily damaged Constance took it for him.
"Blaster Blade..." Breathed Constance. "Win for us..."
Blaster Blade gritted his teeth. He shook it off, tears falling. Constance saved his life. He took a look at the figure. It really was him. Alfred. Blaster Blade tightened his fist, as he looked at the bloodshed. This is how Alfred was killed in the first place. War. He wasn't going to let that happen again, the twin dragons were laughing as they killed. Blaster Blade became one with light and surged with power. His helmet broke and reformed. His long blonde hair flowed, his swords gone, replaced with literal light on his arms. He flew high, the war had stopped for a second to see this sight. This sight of Blaster Blade becoming Exculpate the Blaster.

For Ayato49 vs NafiKagurai match.


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