Experimental IRL Deck 1- Cursed Eye of the Dragonshift Revenge feat. Diablos

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Grade 4
4x Dark Dragon, Phantom Blaster "Diablo"
2x Dark Dragon, Carnivore Dragon
2x Dark Knight, Grim Recruiter
1x Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon
Grade 3
2x Dragheart, Luard
2x Blaster Dark "Diablo"
2x Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom
2x Halberd Revenger, Peredur
Grade 2
3x Darkness Revenger, Rugos
2x Nullity Revenger, Masquerade
2x Dragwizard, Liafail
2x Dark Night Maiden, Macha
1x Blaster Dark Revenger
1x Koilbau Revenger
Grade 1
4x Transient Revenger, Masquerade
3x Dragwizard, Knies
1x Night Sky Eagle
1x Tempting Revenger, Finegas
1x Black Sage, Charon
4x Little Skull Witch, Neman
Grade 0
1x Promising Knight, David
4x Revenger, Undead Angel
4x Grim Revenger
1x Leaping Knight, Ligan Lumna
3x Cursed Eye Raven
4x Healing Revenger

Deck Core Idea:
No matter which G3 I get, they are all rideable, and thus I can access either a standard Luard route (and use the dead Revenger units as free call fodder to sack off using Knies, Liafail, Carnivore or Phantom Blaster) which can help drag along the game, or I can go down the more aggressive harder hitting swing route, with Mordred's Break Ride help fuelling Peredur for a healthy 31k+ swing (depends on the booster) with two critical, and Masquerade can be an easy 10k beatstick and Big Bro Masquerade is a 12k swing which can force atleast some cards out of your opponent's hand as it's the easier to guard attack. Macha is there to call a Knies for Big Bro, and force atleast 15k shield from your hand. Or that's the plan anyways. The general winning image is a Phantom Blaster to the face, or going aggro with your Revenger side late game and when your opponent is exhausted from PGs and G Guards, Peredur's 31k+ swing and a critical might end the game. If the game drags out too long, the deck will be deprived from its much needed CB (which is why I've tried to keep the counterblast costs fairly low) and will either be frozen in a state of not being able to do anything, or deck out because the game dragged on for too long.

However, one of the main stars of the deck will be Cursed Eye Raven, where on sack turns I can call it, get my free sacking units, and can get me free Revenger fodder on the Peredur turn, hence me recycling triggers and getting free units to sack. (If I'm lucky enough to get Revengers, but with Luard's Ritual, I can filter back in Revengers that I've killed to ensure a greater number of Revengers in deck.)

Deck Choices/Options:
The deck was one of the hardest I've had to make, because the G2 and G1 spaces are too tight, and I needed to find a balance between Revengers and non-Revengers. I've added the Koilbau tech for the case where if I have less rears then my opponent because I've sacked that many off (David is the only 2 cost), I might be able to swing for a solid 11k and force another card out of my opponent's hand, even if it's not much. I wanted to run Blaster Dark Revenger and see how that worked (even if it's in a cb heavy deck) mainly because it's Blaster Dark... Which is a bit dumb, but screw it. I cut a Rugos for him, because I realise while 10k generics are nice, my board will most likely have the other cards, so I cut one for the Dark Revenger tech. I'll test it out and see what happens. Choosing the G1s were really, really hard. Masquerade and Finegas are the only Revenger G1s I put in, so pulling the, out might be hard. I really wanted to run Puzzled Owlner, Clothru for the easy +3k, (helps Masquerade hit numbers and free 3ks are fun in general) or even Killermyu for that free 10k boost, but because there are more needed units (such as Knies, Night Sky Eagle) I just cut them out. I'm a bit shaky on Knies, so I'll have to try the deck.

Stats (so far; theory):
So this is my major budget trying to do good deck, and I've yet to play it. But, I think I've got a rough idea on the stats. (Based on Living Proof's Deck Metrics)

Attack (a measure of three things; meaningful attack bonuses, attacking multiple targets at once, and restricting guard. Does not include Trigger Line-up.):

I'd give this a 2/5, as the deck in general lacks a really strong swing bar the vanguard attacks. Looking to fix this issue and make the deck hit numbers somehow.

Defence (a measure of locking, drawing, gaining power on an enemy turn, and/or ruining an enemies attack.):

I'd give this a 3/5. The drawing is the strongest asset in this deck for surviving, with Liafail and Knies, but the usage of resources can hurt it, and the lack of draw triggers could possibly hurt the deck.

Endurance (a measure of how well the deck can play into late game):

An easy 3.5/5. The deck's main idea is to lead into an exhausting game, and finish the opponent off for a simple 2 counterblast, or one depending on how you can end it.

Speed (a measure of how fast the deck hits its strongest turn):

1/5, as the strongest turn is near the end, so it doesn't get there very fast.

Recovery (a measure of how well can the deck recover hand/field after a devastating turn from the opponent):

2/5. It depends when your opponent drops the turn. If it's early where you still have ways to recover, the deck might stand a chance, but when your low, the deck falls flat and you might aswell scoop.

Finish (a measure of how fast the deck can finish the opponent):

1/5. Similar to the Speed to strongest turn.

So, there's a beta report, for my new budget irl deck which I have yet to test. These are my predictions so far. Fox, out!

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