Judgement has fallen upon us

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So, its that time of year where I go either-

Completely crazy hype


Completely crazy hating

So because I was bored, I decided to look at G-BT08, "Absolute Judgement"!

First off, this sounds like it came from a video game, secondly, I already hate this line up of clans-

"Includes further support for the Royal Paladin, Neo Nectar, Genesis, Gold Paladin, Link Joker, Dark Irregulars, Pale Moon and Granblue clans, as well as Cray Elemental cards"

...still no Shadows? I'm really losing all hope for our keyword...

Anyways, so we have Royal Scrubs, Perfect Fields, Deck Out, We shoulda been called Silver Paladins, Lock, Deck Out Number 2, Trolls for heavy retire clans, We need more lady pirates, And we'll never recieve a grade 3!

This brings me absolutely no hope whatsoever, except Gold Paladins... (Because I run GP... Suck it Ayato)

Secondly, I hope Bushiroad reads this, or this book or whatever. They need to listen to the community goddammit, and I want my hours work being heard!! (Someone email this to them and tell them about this community)

Thirdly, I hope your ready for LOTS of pictures! (I give no more hope)

So, lets see the revealed cards for starters...

Silent Sage, Sharon

...do... Do we really need a reprint of this card? I mean, stands with Margal effects are "ok" (I hate stands), but... Did... Did THIS card need a reprint? And if they did, why is this so goddamn sexual looking?!

Now to be fair, G Royals work very well with stands (I've faced them and Stands are the bane of my existence. But hey, atleast their not draw triggers! (I also hate draw triggers. Only good thing about them is hand advantage...))

And these are some of their stands-

So you give a +3k and return this to deck? No draw? This is meh at best

Brave... So we force ourselves to low hand... (Why did they get this Bushi? Why?) And we shuffle back this guy and draw one. So, this is, good? Idk, I'd just run him XD

So, why did Sharon need a reprint? We have a better g0 if you wanted to give 3k! Unless you need soul (which I doubt it unless your gonna run Starlight Violinist and Hopesong Angel, which are both excellent cards) then I honestly doubt you actually need the card, plus the most you'll be running these guys and using their effect will be 2-3, so ya know... But I digress. Continuing!!

Blazing Sword, Fides

So, this guy. His name is Blazing Sword, Fides... Blazing? Your in the wrong clan bud... Sword? Right clan bud. Fides? Oh, wasn't in the Kiba Family thing? So this guys either G4 or G3 if he's on a sleeve, so I'm just gonna call 4 just to be safe. He's in a "charging the energy around me" pose, sooo....

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[AUTO]:[Counterblast 1 & choose a face down card named "Blazing Sword, Fides" in your G Zone, and turn it face up] When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck for one grade 2 card, call it to (RC), shuffle your deck and this unit and that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. Then if the number of face up cards in your G Zone are two or more, until end of turn, this unit gets "[ACT][VC][1/Turn]:[Choose a card in your hand, and discard it] If the number of rear-guards you have it three or more, this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn."

So, this card can basically used as a first stride and set up GB2, which is always useful for Altmile decks, get a plus 5 to front row. (It makes vanilla triggers a 10k swing)

Its second effect can not only help activate Brave, but get give this guy 10k and an added crit. So nothing to special, but pressurey, which Altmile decks seem to love with their high power swings and millions of attacks...

Thats my guess anyways. Moving on!

Setting Sun Knight, Henrines

No need to guess this effect. The skill is basically, counterblast 1 and soulblast 1, when its placed on rear guard, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at top three, call one and if you have a vanguard with "Gurguit" in its card name, he and the called unit gets 3k each (making it a mini Scourge Point). Now I really like this card for two reasons-

The call isn't Gurguit restricted, and Liberators wont be using this anyways, so Ezel and Spectral, you better be happy!

Its a plus 3! What I find most common while using Gurguit is that you can get over 20-25k swings easily, and this guy can do it well. So, lets say your on Gurguit and strode Scourge Point, use the stride skill, cb 1, look at top 4, call Henrines, it gets 2k (11000), use Scourge's skill to give it and Henrines 5k, (16000) (31000) use Henrines' skill, cb and sb, look at top 3, call one (we'll just use Jeffrey for example, as he is one of the best GP I've seen) and Scourge's skill gives it and Jeffrey 5k (12000) (36000) and since this is a Gurguit vanguard, add 3k to Henrines and Jeffrey (19000) (15000) And if Jeffrey boosts Henrines, it makes an impressive 24k column, even more with triggers!

So, I'm just gonna use this card over Perimore, because honestly, this is a better version. Next up!

Golden Dragon, Glorious Reigning Dragon

Well, I have high expectations for this guy... Glorious Reigning? Epic sword? Pink energy?

This means one thing-

Restander confirmed

Next up, *laughs* No, but seriously, I feel like he's our generic restander. Either that or he gets some insane power boost and goes glory. (For those of you know don't know what glory is, you can't guard with grade 1 and above from hand... Its scary)

So, lets do both!

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[AUTO][VC][GB2][1/Turn]Unite (This ability is active when you have called two or more cards to (RC) or (GC) during this turn) [Counterblast 1, Soulblast 1 & choose a face down card named "Golden Dragon, Glorious Reigning Dragon" in your G Zone and turn it face up] At the end of the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do and you have three or more rear-guards, [Stand] this unit and this unit gets drive -2.

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[AUTO][VC][GB2]Unite (This ability is active when you have called two or more cards to (RC) or (GC) during this turn) [Counterblast 1 & choose a face down card named "Golden Dragon, Glorious Reigning Dragon" in your G Zone and turn it face up] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, until the end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1, and your opponent cannot call grade 1 and higher cards from hand to (GC).

So pretty "eh" cards... But I would use 'em XD

Next up!

Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir

So we have our wolf boy, Fenrir. His art looks awesome btw, but what is his skill gonna be? I feel like shuffle back drop (except the cards used to pay the effect) then look at top cards of deck equal to amount of face up copies of this guy are in the G Zone and place back in any order... Sounds good, lets go! XD

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT][VC][GB2]:[Soulblast 6 & choose a face down card in your G Zone and turn it face up] Choose all cards in your drop zone, except the cards used to pay the cost of this effect, return those cards into your deck, shuffle your deck, and for every face up "Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir" in your G Zone, look at the top card of your deck, and place those cards back on the top or bottom of your deck in any order.

So its a drop zone shuffle and check atleast 3. Good right?

So, lets move on XD

Now its Next Era Regalia, Skuld!

So its skill is that at the end of your turn, you may shuffle back 3 "Regalia" from drop zone to deck, and if there was three or more soulblasted that turn, draw one and soulcharge one. I find this card very, very good, as-

1) You get a plus 3

2) Soul is very good

3) Could be that one card that saves you from DECKING OUT.

Its extremely annoying and FRUSTRATING when you deck out, and it just pisses me off, as you lose the game for not being able to draw or drive check... (Makes life harder huh?)

And cards that like to mill the deck (soul based decks are a big target for this) are basically fucked over.

And don't get me started on why I hate draws so much...

But this card is very good in Regalia decks.

Anyways, moving on!

Genesis Dragon, Flageolet Messiah

So we have Flageolet, which is the card Ibuki used in an ep of the anime, which I find pretty interesting. The skill shown is that when it attacks, counterblast one, unlock any number of rear-guards, then Omega Lock any locked rear guards. If the number of unlocked units are 3 or more, it gains a crit.

So like a normal Messiah, you unlock and gain a boost. In this cards case, its an Omega Lock, and just like the rest (I believe) if you unlock three or more, add a crit. A pretty useful first stride, if you ask me.

Next up is Banishment Deletor, Gieron!

It has two skills. The first CONT skill being that when during your turn, it adds 1k for every FACE DOWN *cough* Bushi did you just do what I think you did *cough* card in the bind zone *cough* Thank you, you didn't *cough* it gains an added 1k. Not even GB restricted, so thats nice. Second effect is that at the end of the battle that your "Deletor" vanguard attacked, your opponent must choose a card from their drop zone and bind it face down (Vanish Delete). This increases this card's weak power of 7000 to something else and makes the CONT ability stronger.

I don't really know much about Deletors, so lets move on.

Next we have One Steeped in Sin, Scharhrot!

And is he surronded by butterflies? Wait a sec...
Am has a butterfly hairclip...
Granblue is also getting support...
*plays X Files theme*
Am x Enishi confirmed

Anyways! This guy is the stride form of Scharhrot! (Still have no fucking clue on how to pronounce that goddamn name)

And he should hold a wine glass... For his skill I'm guessing-

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT][VC][GB2][1/Turn]:[Counterblast 1 & choose a face down card named "One Steeped in Sin, Scharhrot" in your G Zone, and turn it face up] Darkness (This ability is active if cards have been put into soul this turn) [Soulcharge 2], then until end of turn, if the number of cards in your soul is six or more, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and if the number of cards in your soul is ten or more, this unit gets [Critical]+1 and "[CONT][VC]: While this unit is attacking, your opponent cannot call grade 1 or higher cards from hand to (GC) until the end of that battle." and if the number of cards in hour soul is fifteen or more, this unit gets "[AUTO][VC]:[Counterblast 1 & choose a card from your hand, and put it into your soul] When this unit attacks a vanguard, [Soulcharge 2] and choose two of your opponents rear-guards, and retire it."

So combined with the strider, your gonna waste 3 cb for a retire of 3, glory and 10k and added crit.

I fucking love what I made

Next up!

Greedy Succubus (I think I just heard Ayato's ovaries explode)

Is she spitting poison? XD

So this is Dark Irregular's bounce back to hand Perfect Guard, and I HATE, yet LOVE this card with a burning passion.

So its skill is the normal PG AUTO effect and Sentinel... But the ACT is the real kicker. When Darkness is active, and this card is in soul, you can kill one of your grade 1 or less rear-guards to bounce this to hand.

An SP knock off that has a skill that I absolutely ADORE. Most of the time, your gonna be able to PG maybe once or twice per game as you soulcharge the other two or three (or the even worse scenario of all of them), by a simple eat of a rear guard, you bounce back the card to hand. Sure its a minus to soul, but the PG might just save your ass! And this gave me an idea for the SP PG...

[AUTO][GB1]:When this card is retired by the effect of your cards, add this card to your hand.

So its a basic, when used as a fodder, bounce to hand. Go ahead and insert a key word, I don't care, but it makes calling Perfect Guards viable XD

So thank you Greedy Succubus you poison spitting, bouncy shielding, Shadow Paladin rip off!

Now its Carnivorous Megatrick, Prana!

She looks like she has gone mental and uses venus flytraps to swallow up enemies...
Hey! That gave me an idea!

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
Magia-[ACT][VC][GB2][Counterblast 1 & choose a face down card in your G Zone and turn it face up] For every face up card named "Carnivorous Megatrick, Prana" in your G Zone, choose one of your opponents rear-guards, and put it into their soul. Then for every rear-guard put into soul by this effect, choose a card in your soul, call it to (RC), and those units gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn. At the end of that turn, the units called by this effect return to the soul.

So its a minus 3 to your opponent and a temporary plus 3 to you. If it has an effect like that, I'll defo run it XD

Now is Storm-calling Pirate King, Gash (I already hate this name)

He looks like a G guard... Wait, could he be a G guard? Would they reveal G guards this early? Meh, I'm just gonna give him a Stride skill thing XD

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[AUTO][VC]:[Choose a face down card in your G Zone and turn it face up] When this unit attacks a vanguard, choose the top two cards of your deck, and place those cards into the drop zone. Then choose one card in the drop zone, and call it to (RC). If the unit called with this effect was hollowed, this unit gets [Power]+3000/[Critical]+1 until the end of that battle.

So this effect can basically be used as first stride to set up a GB2 skill (which Nightrose's is ok at best) and can be used as a pressure card when your opponent has no PG in hand and is sitting on a pretty 4 damage XD
It also stops the Grenache abusage
By unflipping two, so we basically made him half useless as if Granblue players keep abusing him like this, he'll probably get banned, just like Conroe, Doctroid Refros and Lizbeth... So please. Stop the Abuse.

Use the hastag #freethegrenache and get this thing trending! Please... So our white haired friend wont have to suffer this fate...

Anyways, moving on!

Rambling Shade!

This guy is just mad XD
It has Hollow, and two different skills. First being when it attacks (not GB restricted) mill 2 and it gets 2k. So thats good. Other skill is when it intercepts and you have GB1 active and 4 or more cards with Hollow in hour drop zone, it gets 5k shield, effectively making it a reusable 10k wall! Both offensive and defensive... I like it XD

Now we have our final two cards!

Arboros Dragon, Ein Soph Ohr

So the Arboros ride chain will probably get some support! XD
The grade 4's skill is that once per turn, you may soulblast 1 and if you have a heart card with Arboros in its card name, when it attacks, clone a unit, and it gets an Altmile GB2 skill for only Arboros units! So GB2, +5k to front row Arboros units. So you can clone and give a front row 5k, which will make Arboros decks decent!

Now is the final card!

Flower Princess of Balmy Breeze, Ilmatar

So, shes is using a big ass scythe to kill enemies... A princess aswell? And shes also shooting a blizzard of petals... Huh, lets see what I can make...

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT][VC][1/Turn]:[Counterblast 1 & choose a face down card in your G Zone, and turn it face up] For every face up unit named "Flower Princess of Balmy Breeze, Ilmatar" in your G Zone, choose one of your rear-guards, search your deck for a unit with the same name as that unit, call it to (RC), shuffle your deck, and if all units called with this effect has the same card name, choose up to five units with the same card name as the called units, and they get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.

So its pretty much a call three, Bloom a bit, and add 5k. (Its just gonna make Bloom even more better, huh? XD)

So that was- Wait a sec!!

I need to announce the winner of my tournament!!

Congratulations Lucaruth for managing to be able to crush everyone and become the President of Cray!! Good job, and well done for doing this well ^^

And with that, I'm out! Peace

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