Keywords and Kanzaki

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Fox back at it again with the white vans, haha...

Ok, so most clans recieved their fancy exclusive keywords. Lets run them down so everyone knows whats going on-

Royal Paladin- Brave (active while 3 or less cards in hand)
Shadow Paladin- ...
Gold Paladin- Unite (active when 2 or more cards were placed on (RC) or (GC))
Oracle Think Tank- Oracle (active while there are 4 or more cards in hand)
Angel Feather- Rescue (Heal damage, take damage, and trigger effects are applied) *cough* AF 12 crits *cough* 12 crits *cough* CRIT STACK!! *cough* I'm sad *cough*
Genesis- ...
Kagero- Blaze (when this unit attacks, if you have more rears then your opponent at that time, it becomes blazing)
Narukami- Thunderstrike (active while the needed amount of cards in the bind zone equals or is greater then the required amount)
Tachikaze- Engorge (when it attacks, you may retire one or more rear-guards, and that unit becomes engorged)
Murakumo- ...
Nubatama- Afterimage (when your opponent grabs a card from bind zone to hand, if you have 6 or less cards in hand, you can put that card back into your hand)
Gear Chronicle- Time Leap (choose one of your rear-guards, bind it, search your deck for a grade +1 of that card, call it (RC), shuffle le deck, and at end of turn, send the called unit with Time Leap to bottom and call the bound card)
Oh, before we continue, I want some confirmation. Because alot of my friends at school were arguing about how Time Leap works, when you Time Leap a grade 3, you can't bring out a unit as you have no grade 4 units in your deck. But my friends say that since you can't grab a g4, you grab a g3. I don't think this rule is right, as it states +1, not, "if you can't find a higher grade, call the same grade" rule... For now everyones agreed on "if you can't grab a g4, grab a g3" rule (even I, because it was me against all my friends ll-_-) and I just want confirmation on this, because I hate when people don't do card effects right. (Its a pet peeve ll^_^)
Ahem, lets go on now.
Dark Irregulars- Darkness (activates when you get one or more cards in soul)
Pale Moon- Magia (soulcharge 1, choose a card in soul, call it, and at end of turn, return it back into soul)
Spike Brothers- Charge (when its placed on (RC), you may have it charging until end of turn. If you do, at the end of its battle, return it to the bottom of the deck)
Bermuda Triangle- Harmony (when a unit is placed on the same column as this unit, both units become in Harmony) First I ever heard of this keyword. Probably because I never met anyone who played Bermuda Triangle before XD
Granblue- Hollow (when placed on (RC), you may have it Hollowed until end of turn. If you do, retire the unit)
Aqua Force- Wave (when the attack of the same number stated next to "Wave", it activates)
Neo Nectar- Bloom (whena unit of the same name is placed on (RC) with the unit that has the "Bloom" ability, the ability activates)
Great Nature- ...
Megacolony- ...
Nova Grapplers- Rush (this ability activates when this unit becomes stand)
Link Joker- Lock, Delete, Vanish Delete (Choose one of your opponents rear-guards, turn it face down until end of turn. That unit cannot move, retire, boost, attack, etc. At the end of the owners turn, it gets unlocked) (Choose one of your opponents vanguards, turn it face down, and it loses its power and text until end of turn. At the end of the owners turn, its gets undeleted) (Choose a card in your opponents drop zone and permantly bind it face down)
Dimension Police- Burst (active while your vanguards power is equal or greater then the power needed to use the effect)

Phew! So it look like Shadow Paladin, Genesis, Murakumo, Great Nature and Megacolony haven't received their yet.

Genesis will probably get theirs because Shionome...
Murakumo, GN and Megacolony have a Technical Booster coming their way for their boost...
Which leaves Shadow Paladin...
So unless Kanzaki gets some new toys or Ren becomes a major character (which I highly doubt) I think SP will get their Keyword last. I can see why, you can't find a good Keyword effect for them... But its kinda sad because,
1) I'm an SP player
2) We get last picks
So I'm hoping Kanzaki gets a revamped Claret Sword deck with horse SP units!

Yes I said horse SP units! Grave Horn Unicorn was the foreshadow, soon, their will be "Claret Sword Dragon's Steed" the Claret Sword Heart searcher, "Black Dash Unicorn" which will be some insane grade 1 all SP players need, including Revengers! And the most deadly of them all...
Supremacy Black Horse, Aurageyser Dragon "Unicorn"!!!!!
Here's its skill!!

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them][Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT][VC][GB3][1/Turn]:[Counterblast 1, choose a face down card in your G Zone, and turn it face up & choose two of your rear-guards with "Horse" or "Unicorn" in its card name, and retire it] Until end of turn, this unit gets [Critical]+1 and "[AUTO][VC][1/Turn]: Reveal the top two cards of your deck. For each grade 1 or less card revealed, choose one of your opponents rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. Then if the number of revealed units which had "Horse" or "Unicorn" in its card name was two or more, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn."

Goddamn it, Kanzaki is one of my fave characters xDD
Like, how the hell do you take a guy seriously when he wears purple eyeshadow and basically preaching how to use Psyqualia without having it himself XD
(Plot twist, he has Psyqualia XD)

Ah... Although a horse/unicorn sub-clan would be cool.

Anyways, voice your views and ideas on the missing Keywords! Thats all from me, and the question answers will be up soon... Thats all (once again), Fox out!

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