Luard Texts Ahsha

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Luard: Hey

Ahsha: Oh God

Luard: I know my situation looks bad

Ahsha: Dude why are you texting me now?!

Ahsha: I already know about your dreams about me!

Luard: But look Ahsha

Luard: I'm sorry

Ahsha: Eh?

Luard: I'm sorry for my perverted dreams

Ahsha: ..right.

Luard: I've never mentioned it

Luard: Shiranui Dominated me, it was out of my control

Luard: And I know I've been an idiot

Luard: And I've basically thrown Altmile in jail and I regret it

Luard: You're my only hope left

Luard: You're the only person who actually treated me decently and introduced me to so many other friends

Luard: I don't know what else to say

Ahsha: ...what?

Ahsha: I don't get it tho...

Ahsha: Your nowhere near like this when talking to others

Luard: I know which is why it's annoying me

Luard: I can't control myself

Luard: But around you...

Luard: I can feel calm enough.

Ahsha: Why though??

Luard: Like I said, you invited me to the server

Luard: and basically changed my life.

Luard: I am forever in your debt.

Luard: You even helped me when I was on the run!

Ahsha: Wow...

Ahsha: Uh...

Ahsha: Why are you flying to Zoo then??

Luard: To see you

Ahsha: Are you trying to rely on me...?

Luard: yes...

Luard: I'm sorry

Luard: I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong

Luard: I don't know what else to do

Luard: I'm stuck

Ahsha: Okay, okay just breathe and calm down

Ahsha: I'll call everything off for you

Luard: My God...

Luard: I'm...

Luard: I'm speechless

Luard: I thought you'd hate me...

Luard: Especially after all I've done

Luard: My dark sick secrets revealed and I revealed Altmile's secret

Luard: I basically broke your trust

Ahsha: it's okay Luard.

Ahsha: It's okay.

Luard: ...thank you.

Ahsha: I can't hate you...

Ahsha: But I don't like that you had that dream of me you know.

Luard: It's... Understandable...

Luard: I'd probably be pissed too

Luard: if someone had dreams of raping me

Luard: and getting pleasure out of it...

Ahsha: Well, the damage has been done.

Ahsha: Ah, your on your flight aren't you?

Ahsha: Want to stay the night till you can get a flight back to the United Sanctuary?

Luard: Sure

Luard: Thank you.

~meanwhile in the chat~

Sanctuary Guard: False alarm?

Sanctuary Guard: Altmile was never in possession of child porn?

BDD: what?

BDD: Then... Why'd he run?

BDD: And why did Ahsha say everything was fine?

BDD: What is going on?

Shiranui: Dark ive DM'd u

BDD: ...well shit.

BDD: Now this makes much more sense.

Nightrose: I've forwarded something to you Gurguit, Sanc Guard, Chaos

Gurguit: Ohohohoho.

Altmile: Yea, do you guys now know what's going on?

Gurguit: He really went this far?

Rising: :D

CBD: Oh great

CBD: Now I can't cause Chaos

CBD: O well, but daaaaamn.

Nightrose: that CP pic looked legit tho.

Altmile: Nope, it was all photoshop.

Nightrose: Damn.

BDD: He is "smart."

Shiranui: I was a bit skeptical at first

Shiranui: But I gave in

Rising: And all I did to help Luard was help get Shira-kun into helping 🤗

Shiranui: You say it like it's proud holy fuck

Shiranui: inb4 Ahsha reads this

BDD: I've just made her stance on this server mute

BDD: So now she can't read this

Shiranui: This guys a G

Shiranui: So do you think Luard's plan to ask out Ahsha will work?

BDD: ...probably not.

BDD: I don't think Ahsha likes him in the romantic way

Altmile: TBH I was kinda surprised

Altmile: But you know what

Altmile: Let's help the guy out

Chronojet: I got notification bombed.

Chronojet: But I came cause I heard Luard was asking out Ahsha 😏😏

Gurguit: Hey Jet

Sanctuary Guard: apparently he is tho XD




Shiranui: old McDonald had a gimp ei ay ei ay... Oh

Gurguit: shiiite XD

Rising: Jack and Jill went up the hill to do it in the water

Rising: Jack slipped the condom ripped and then they had a daughter ^^

Gurguit: OML XD

Gurguit: I didn't know Rising had it in him XDDD

Rising: Mhm ^^

BDD: So this is what this Chat devolved too?

BDD: Alright...

Nightrose: Baa Baa Black Sheep can I ride you?

Nightrose: Yes ma'am yes ma'am if you want your womb full

BDD: Jesus lmao

Gurguit: Heres the lil slut, short and stout, bend me over and i will shout, so lay me down and eat me out!

Rising: Twinkle twinkle little slut, you like dick up your butt

CBD: I'm weak after this 😂😂😂

Nightrose: jingle bells seniors smell, juniors all the way! Sophomores suck cause they're sluts and tthe freshies have no say, hey!

Shiranui: Little Bow Peep fucked a sheep, blew a horse and licked his feet

Shiranui: She ate his ass so very nice tongued his balls not once but twice

BDD: I'm done w/ this lmao

Altmile: I found this amusing tbh

Chronojet: When is Gavrail coming??

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