SoulSpirit67 vs amaterasuminerva

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On a beach on Cray, a hard splash could be heard as Thavas jumped into the ocean water, wearing a navy blue swimming suit which covered him from the neck to the knees.
"YAHOO!" Water spilled out and dampened the pale sand.
"We shouldn't be using this time to have fun sir," Nikki said. "We're going to war... On an island... In a beach... On Cray...." He sweatdropped.
"So? Can't we have fun while we're at it?" Thavas grinned.
"No, YOU CANNOT!" Nikki shouted at the commander, not realising under that brooding, serious look on his face was this sort of person.
"You're jealous because you're not in the water, aren't you?" Thavas grabbed Nikki and pulled him into the ocean, covering Nikki's mouth and sinking him and himself under the water. Bigbelly walked around, wearing green swimming trunks and looking around.
"Alright students, we're here at the beach!!" He announced. "Now, enjoy your summer break!!" Loud cheers could be heard as Units from the Great Nature clan spurred out and started to enjoy their way around the island.
"Bigbelly!!" Thavas jumped out of the water, holding Nikki underneath his armpit and pointing at the green trunked panda.
"Thavas...?" He raised a brow, looking at him.
"AQUA FORCE, ATTACK!!" Thavas shouted, as Units came out of the ocean and raced towards the Great Nature units.
"You have declared war...? So be it!!" Bigbelly replied as he charged it. "Students, we shall proceed to fight!!"

SoulSpirit67 vs amaterasuminerva , FIGHT!

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