The Grandmaster's Return Update

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So, this deck I made actually is doing okay. I end up riding into Luard sometimes, and that means rip cb, but when I don't, I have a stupid amount of open counterblast I should just use it with Knies to Spam draw.

The deck is actually fairly consistent, the draw triggers means I can swing with the vanguard at a rear and not give a shit about having to possibly get a crit. Cursed Eye is a stupidly good call target on Luard turns, not only does he filter the deck, he lets me get cards on field for Carnivore and Liafail to eat so they can get their effects.

Charon is also a life saver, because of my awkward 7 Grade 3 slots, I don't always pull that G3 to stride when I go for my first one, and cause of it, Charon's saved my ass a couple times due to lucky draws. I can search out for that second BDD, and at the same time filter my deck.

I'm just thinking that Shadow Paladin heal triggers hate me altogether. I always draw into Flatbau, I have shit luck with Healing Revenger, and Abyss Grail... Idk how to explain her. Oh well, it's not like I needed that emergency cb -_-

Thinking about switching starters. Getting Fullbau Brave means I can search for my BDD, or I can use Rute which can give power to units to help make columns (preferably Liafail, I end up with a vanilla 11k swing with him cause I usually retire his booster for free draws.)

I'll probably cut a Trumpeter for another Charon for consistency. Sure Dark Heart's extra call can be useful, but I don't really use cause either I draw into her, or I draw into Dark Saga or Night Sky Eagle, my main target for her. With Charon, I can make more sack targets I guess? (Plus her and Liafail clashing for soul somewhat hurts, but Owls can supplement that)

Overall, going into Blaster Dark Diablo means less board presence (Macha can assist, but it's not really enough) so I end up calling from hand so Liafail, Knies and draw triggers help. But on a Luard turn, I end up having a nice board, at the cost of almost all of my CB.

There's no in between if you get what I mean. Dorint + Claudus is a Blaster restricted card, so on Luard turns they're 9k and 7k vanillas. (Not necessary bad, but I mean, a vanilla 7k boost... Is eh.)

Anyways, I'll be testing Rute, 1 Dark Heart and 2 Charon for now.

That's all, Fox out.

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