Theory Time with 8mefox

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Holy shit

The new episode of Vanguard G NEXT (episode 22) is legit a fuck fest of Units riding people?

Ok, so spoiler alert, but this is THEORY TIME WITH 8MEFOX!!

My theory is that players with the clan symbol have been "ridden" by their vanguard. We get to know this as Chaos Breaker Dragon rode Noa at the end scene.

When I mean "ride", I mean that it's the reverse of what we'd normally do in vanguard.


Let's say I was playing and I'm about to ride Luard.

Instead of that happening, Luard becomes the player and I become the card, thus making me the Vanguard and Luard the player.

So, basically: Kazumi is actually Shiranui, Miguel is actually Mia Reeta, Noa is actually Chaos Breaker, and Kazumi's two other team mates are their actual avatars.

Now, Bushi can use this to retcon Miguel's death, and say "Oh, it was actually Mia Reeta who died" and then make Miguel Tokoha's hubby to piss all Chronoha fans, *cough* Me *cough*

I'd like to add that all players who had been ridden by the vanguard have become extremely unlucky and become really good at vanguard, cause their the actual units and they know what's best.

Also, let's slap on the fact they need to hear their avatar.

When all this is achieved, Kazumi will transform the players, and these are the ones that will "carry" this thing when he can't continue doing so, like how he said so to Ibuki in his match

While I could be completely wrong, using all the clues I've gathered, I came up with that as what the new threat of this series will be.

What are you opinions on this?

That's all, Fox out!

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