Ayato's Worst Nightmare: The Halloween Special

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Ayato: Hello. My name is Ayato Korastacker. I am made from Ayaza's DNA. The explanation of how is complex and shall be explained in a later chapter.

Fox: Oi, no breaking the fourth wall

Ayato: ...fine. And today's Halloween Special features all of your favourite Cray's Collapse characters.

Fox: I don't think anyone likes you

Ayato: Fair enough I suppose.

Ayaza: Awww, that's mean Fox

Fox: I kid

Fox: Some weird fan girl is out there cumming over the fact that Ayato-senpai has appeared

Payic: *swallows cereal bar* What? I'm hungry. Leave me alone and don't watch me eat.

Zeon: Oh hey! Wait, why is everyone staring at me?

Backlion: Oi, I'm his dad, no incest you freaks

Ayato: ...and apparently I'm supposed to talk about my worst fear

Ayaza: So not what you hate.

Ayato: But I wanna say what I hate!

Ayaza: Bad Ayato

Ayato: Sad now

Ayaza: I'm sorry, you can continue

Ayato: I hate, Gold Paladin, butter, weeaboos, Fox, Ayaza, and just about everyone else

Ayaza: ...thanks

Payic: The feeling's mutual

Ryuzaki: 👀

Kinjuzo: Oi, Ryuzaki... stop being such a stalker...

Ryuzaki: I must protect Payic at all costs from that weirdo Ayato... I bet he's been drugging her then fucking her silly....

Kinjuzo: Now you sound like a weirdo.

Ryuzaki: Okay then Ju, imagine Mai getting drugged and being fucked by another guy. How would you feel then?

Kinjuzo: Ayato would never drug Mai because she uses Gold Paladin.


Kinjuzo: ....true but that's not enough in my opinion.

Ryuzaki: Nibba, imagine someone else then, not Ayato, but some weirdo random pedo

Kinjuzo: His eyes won't be able to see no more once I'm done with him

Ryuzaki: Now put me in your position but it's with Payic.

Kinjuzo: Fuck, we need to kill Ayato

Ryuzaki: Exactly. And if we don't, he's gonna drug and rape more girls!

Ayaza: Rape allegations ruin lives


Kinjuzo: Where'd you come from Ayaza?!

Ayaza: You tell me Kinjuzo -_-

Fox: Oi Oi Oi, Ayato's the star today

Ayaza: He left

Fox: Motherfucking white piece of trash


"Oi, Ayato!" Zeon ran after his friend, him breathing heavily. "Don't walk away so fast dammit!" Ayato, being the edgy yet cool badass like he was, turned his head slightly, his mask off. Zeon was the one of the few people he let see his real mask.

"Yes, what is it?" Ayato said, his steely glare piercing on Zeon, who stopped in his tracks looking at it. His mouth was a frown yet he looked super cool with his leather jacket, and the cold grey sky being a backdrop. The clouds themselves were clear, but the air was chilly and it seemed Halloween today would be a cold one. Zeon wore his winter clothes, a thick, grey jacket and gloves, with a scarf and a woolly hat in a rich purple. Zeon walked closer to his friend, him nervously walking over for some reason, while Ayato's hands were deep into his pockets. He turned to face Zeon.

"You almost forgot this." Zeon presented Ayato a pumpkin carved statue of Ayato.

Ayato's eyes widened slightly. He took the pumpkin statue and looked at it. "Did you make this?"

"Yep. Just for you." Zeon smiled warmly, his cheeks red from embarrassment presenting the gift.

"Thanks." Ayato nodded and chucked it into his mouth, before eating it. Zeon's heart was struck.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH AYATO NO!" Zeon dropped to his knees, anime crying. "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT IT YOU-"

Ayato started to give a genuine laugh at Zeon, as he rolled on the floor, agitated his gift was eaten. Then, Ayato stopped laughing and covered his mouth.

"Eh?" Zeon looked at him weirdly. "What's the matter?"

"...I can't laugh..." Ayato mumbled to himself. "I can't laugh..."

"Ayato?" Zeon looked at his friend.

"Hey, did I ever tell you about what I'm scared of?" Ayato stared down at Zeon.

Zeon's face turned into a bored one, before he took off his hat and scratched the back of his head. "You barely tell me anything. You're such a closed book." He laughed. Ayato gave a hand out to Zeon, as he helped him up. Both of them walked towards the bench.

"Well. I'm scared of being happy, or showing that I'm happy." Ayato replied.

"Well, that's weird." Zeon muttered. "Whys that?"

"...I'm not sure myself. Just that when I laughed just then... it jut felt off." Ayato admitted with uncertainty. "To be honest." He sat down at the wooden bench. "I'm scared of showing any emotions."

"...okay then Mr. Emo, where are you?" Zeon asked as a joke. He saw the deadness in Ayato's eyes when he looked at Ayato sit down and look at Zeon. Sitting down, Zeon took a sharp breath in and out.

"Sorry for getting emotional Mr. Dead Sister." Ayato said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Zeon gave a small chuckle at the joke, clicking his tongue.

"Yeah yeah Ayaza Clone." Zeon smiled at Ayato.

"Oh lord, don't tell me I don't want to show emotions because of that freak. It's bad enough I look, smell and have a similar personality."

"I doubt it." Zeon looked at the setting sun. Without realising it, his hand guided towards Ayato's and grabbed it. "Hey sis, it's time to go home." He mumbled.

"You fucking gay?" Ayato turned his head and gave a sharp glare at Zeon, before taking his hand away and slapping Zeon's.

"OH SHIT I'M SORRY!!" Zeon shouted, his face dark red in embarrassment. "...oh lord oh dear lord..." Zeon turned away. "Sorry. I thought you were her for a minute."

"Was she was edgy and quiet as me?" Ayato asked sarcastically, facepalming at how Zeon spaced out.

"No... she was way more loud and caring." Zeon laughed. "I miss holding her hand and saying it's time to go home after staring at the sun setting."

"How sad." Ayato stood up and looked at Zeon whose face paled with regret.

"..." Zeon looked at Ayato. "...you can go. I'll be here for awhile."

"...drown yourself in mourning then. It's not gonna do you any good anyways." Ayato spoke to Zeon.

"You wouldn't understand." Zeon stood up and looked at the sky. "I loved her way too much to let her go. So, even if I try to get over it, I doubt it." Ayato grabbed Zeon's coat roughly and pulled his up to his face and gave a deep stare, before chucking him down.

"Look, you better get over that shit. It's been a good five years since the incident, don't let it keep you stranded in sadness you piece of crap." He shouted at Zeon, frustrated.

"Don't talk about that kind of shit to me. I've tried. I've tried my goddamn hardest to forget about what happened to her, but it still replays in my mind." Zeon gave a sharp glare at Ayato, his breathing becoming faster. He stood up, fists closed. "I want to forget about it like you said... all it's ever done is give me grief but YOU'D NEVER UNDERSTAND THE PAIN THAT HAUNTS ME FROM THAT FEELING." He burst into anger, tears nonexistent. His teeth were gritted hard and he stormed towards a calm looking Ayato. "I SAW MY OWN SISTER DIE IN FRONT OF MY EYES. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?! WAKE UP ONE DAY AND FORGET ABOUT IT? I VOWED TO PROTECT HER... BUT INSTEAD, SHE LEFT DEAD. THE ONLY REASON WHY I'M WITH THIS REVERSE SHIT IS TO BRING HER BACK TO LIFE! MY LIFE FEELS MISERABLE WITHOUT HER." Zeon slammed his fist in Ayato's face, but Ayato moved back and caught the flying fist.

"Well, you aren't trying hard enough." Ayato bent back his fist and swept his feet under Zeon's legs, tripping him up. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I don't get it because I'm a clone. See ya." Ayato walked away, before Zeon jumped on his back with ambition to kill, his breathing getting faster and his emotions burning stronger.

"Shut up...." Ayato fell to the ground and Zeon got smashed by grey pavement. Ayato's impact was softened by Zeon's body.

"Again, I'm the stronger one. Without your Katana, you're unless. I'm leaving. Don't do that shit again." Ayato looked at Zeon angrily. "Or else." He walked away simply, as Zeon's cut and bruised face wobbled and shook, with his hands in tight fists.

"...yeah... whatever..." He stood up and wiped the blood on his nose. "...it's whatever..." He took off his gloves and wiped his eyes. "It's nothing..."

After that....

Ayato: Hey


Ayato: uh-huh

Ayaza: What's your fear?!

Ayato: The Sun

Ayaza: No wonder he hates Gold Paladin :/

Ayato: I mean the newspaper

Ayaza: Nani the fuck?!



yeah, this canon and can be considered as plot development

While this wasn't a go happy fun lucky chapter, I like it.

Uh, I don't have much else to say so

Fox, out!

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