Turn 15: Climax

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Yza stared at Izo intensly, he taking the FiCa on his belt; detatching and showing it to Izo.
"I'll beat you!!" Yza snarled. Izo chuckled softly at his remark.
"Then try!" He smirked.
"I'll do more then try!!" Yza exclaimed.
"Whatcha gonna do then?" Izo asked.
"I'LL MAKE YOU CRY A RIVER THAT CAN BREAK A DAM!!" Yza exclaimed as Izo, Shika, Rukia and Kaiko either anime fell or sweatdropped.
"One, are you being serious? Two, lets just fight already..." Izo sighed.
"Your on!" Yza smiled.

(Insert favourite vanguard theme song here)

"Man, Yza gets another fight against an awesome deck and I don't get slack..." Shika complained.
"Then you can fight me. I don't want to waste my time watching a beatdown. Plus I'm wantin' a fight." Kaiko smiled.
"Yeah, a beatdown of me dealing six damage!!" Yza smirked.
"I was thinking differently. Lets fight in the next room Shika." Kaiko smiled as they went to the next room.
"Why does no one think I can beat this Natsu looking guy?" Yza asked.
"I'm flattered you think I look like Natsu..." Izo said sarcastically. "Not." He mumbled as he drew five cards.
"Well probably this is someone YOU NEVER FACED BEFORE!!" Rukia exclaimed at Yza.
"Yeah, so? He can't be that strong..." Yza said.
"ARE YOU NUTS?! This is the Ancient Flame USER!!!" Rukia exclaimed. "He's famous for using it and can't be beaten easily!"
"Yeah, well with my plot armour this should be eaaaaasy!" Yza sniggered.
"P-plot armour? Dude, your not a main character in a book or something..." Izo sighed.
"Well maybe I am!!" Yza exclaimed.
"Whatever. Stand up vanguard, New Ember Wyvern." Izo said as his vanguard circle expanded crimson.
"Wait, we're starting?! Ah, stand up vanguard, Starknight of First Dust!" Yza exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding white with a tint of light blue.

"Ride, Boron." Kaiko said. "We attack!"
"No guard!" Shika replied.

"I'll take the first turn. Stand and draw!" Yza exclaimed. "I ride Starknight of Second Dust, adding Third to hand and I call Starblade Shooter. That'll be my go."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. Riding Hiyori, pulling back Ember, and attack!! (7000 > 12000)" Izo exclaimed.
"No guard!" Yza said bravely.
"Trigger check! (Dragonic Remnant) No trigger." Izo smirked.
"Damage check! (Shooting Star Dragon) No trigger." Yza gritted his teeth. "I don't have Shooting Star. It looks like I may have to do the complete ride chain."
"Turn end." Izo said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

"Ride Treasured, Black Panther, calling Zachary! Then he rushes your vanguard!!" Shika exclaimed.
"No guard," Kaiko taunted him. "Damage check! (Shade Star-vader, Sulfur) No trigger."

"Stand and draw! I ride Starknight of Third Dust, call Julia to rear-guard! Then she attacks!" Yza exclaimed.
"No guard. Damage check! (Blasting Dragon, Aghero) No trigger." Izo said calmly.
"Next up, my vanguard! (10000 > 18000)" Yza said.
"No guard." Izo replied.
"Trigger check! (Twinkick Starknight) Lady luck is here with me tonight! All effects to vanguard! (18000 > 23000/1★ > 2★)" Yza cheered.
"Damage checks. First, (Blizzard Dragon Ruler, Altivira) second, (Volt-fang Knight Dragon) neither were triggers." Izo said.
"Turn end." Yza said in confidence.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

"Ride my avatar!! Demonic Lord, Dudley Emporer!!" Shika exclaimed.
"Dudley huh?" Kaiko smirked.

"Stand and draw. I ride Mithrial and call Aghero and Artisius to rear-guard. With a boost from Artisius, Aghero goes in! (9000 > 13000)" Izo exclaimed.
"No guard. Damage check! (Shooting Star Dragon) No trigger..." Yza said. "WHAT IS IT WITH MY LUCK TODAY?!"
"Vanguard strikes in! (8000 > 13000)" Izo smirked.
"No guard!" Yza said bravely again.
"Drive check! (Element Fusion Dragon) Draw. Power to vanguard and draw. (13000 > 18000)" Izo smirked.
"Damage check! (Shooting Star Dragon) T-three in a row?!" Yza said in shock.
"Wow, looks like your avatar hates you this match," Izo said.
"W-why Shooting Star? W-why?..." Yza thought in sadness.
"It seems like your fading away in Shooting Star's perspective." Izo said.
"So... We're not avatars?" Yza asked.
"Maybe..." Izo said. "Or maybe not. You could just be unlucky."
"Its probably that..." Yza said downhearted.
"I end." Izo said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

"Stride! Death Star-vader, "Omega Loop" Glendios!" Kaiko smirked.
"Omega Loop?" Shika wondered.

"Show a new path for my future and break any obstacles along the way, I ride! Starknight of Perfect Dust! Using Third's skill to add Twinkick Dracostar to hand!" Yza said. "Then I call Eric and Bashful. Bashful goes in! (10000)"
"Guard with Fusion. (8000 > 13000)" Izo replied.
"Then vanguard! (11000 > 19000)" Yza said.
"No guard." Izo replied.
"Twin drive! (Starknight of First Dust, Stardust Medic) Heal trigger active! Healing and power goes to Julia. (10000 > 15000)" Yza declared.
"Damage check. (Dragonic Remnant) No trigger." Izo said.
"Then Julia and Eric! (15000 > 23000)" Yza exclaimed.
"No guard either. Damage check! (Wyvern Girl, Vyra) Heal trigger. Power to vanguard and heal!" Izo said.
"Tch, I activate Eric's skill to shuffle back Bashful and I'll end it there." Yza muttered.

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

"Limit Break!! Counterblast two, placing two cards from hand to soul, searching my deck for two Juggernaut Maximums and superior call!!" Shika exclaimed.
"Perfect Guard!!" Kaiko smirked.
"Twin Drive!! (High Speed, Brakki, Medical Manager) No triggers... Then Juggernaut rushes in for 11! Skill, soulblast and he gets an added 5000 power!! (11000 > 16000)" Shika said.
"Guard with Dysprosium! (21000)" Kaiko replied.

"Stand and draw... A black inferno that can't be put out, the ancient flame that has been REBORN! I ride my avatar, Dragonic Remnant! Purge them with your dragonic flames!" Izo exclaimed. The vanguard circle expanded a lava red.

Dragonic Remnant appeared on the field as he gave a glare with his yellow eyes that shone in the light.
An older looking Starknight of First Dust who was a full knight now, stepped back.
"A dragon huh? I'll have to slay him." He smirked.

"Generation Stride!!" Izo declared. "Conquest Dragon, Black Flare Dragon! Stride skill! Counterblast and retiring Artisius, calling another one and my vanguard gets 2000 added power! (26000 > 28000) Then skill of the retired Artisius, counterblast and draw. Next up, I call Pyromage. Then I use New Ember's skill to counterblast and soul it to retire Mage and superior call Hiyori to rear-guard! Then I call Mithrial. With a boost from Hiyori, my vanguard attacks!! (28000 > 35000)" Izo declared.
"No guard!" Yza exclaimed.

A scaly black dragon with blood red eyes with an orange tint to them shone as they glared at the knight. The dragon rose up, and charged at the defensless knight.

"Triple drive! (Volt-fang Knight Dragon, Element Fusion Dragon, Dragonic Remnant) Draw trigger. Power to Mithrial and I draw. (8000 > 13000)" Izo said.
"Damage check! (Speeddust Dragon) No trigger..." Yza gritted his teeth.
"On hit skill, activate. Retiring Hiyori to superior call Pyromage to rear-guard and add a Crystal Shield Wyvern Guardian to hand." Izo said.
"Crap! He had a perfect guard now, and I don't have bull..." Yza thought.
"Then with a boost from Pyromage, Mithrial attacks!! (13000 > 20000)" Izo declared.
"No guard! Damage check... (Twinkick Starknight) Critical, all effects to vanguard!! (11000 > 16000)" Yza declared.
"Aghero, attack Julia! (9000 > 13000)" Izo declared.
"No guard!" Yza said as he retired Julia.
"Turn end." Izo said.

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

Hand: 8
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw!" Yza said. "Don't have many options. Lets just go with the flow." He thought. "I call Dustbau and Stardust Angel to rear-guard! With a boost from Eric, Dustbau lets go! (9000 > 15000)"
"I wont let you get 3 good moves on me! Guard with Knight Dragon! (16000)" Izo replied.
"Tch. Now my vanguard attacks!! Now I use his Limit Break!!" The vanguard circle expanded light blue and the cards in his damage zone shone  a bright white as a light blue vanguard circk span fast ontop of the card. "Skill, counterblast 1, returning Angel and Eric to the deck, shuffling my deck and he gets an added 5000 power!! (11000 > 19000 > 24000) Next up, I check the top two cards of my deck and superior call any grade 1 or greater cards to rear-guard! Hah! (Shooting Star Dragon, Starblade Shooter) Perfect! Calling them to my empty row!" Yza smirked.
"I'll Perfect Guard!!" Izo declared.

Perfect rushed foward, trying to attack the red dragon, but a blue wyvetn was guarding it and taking the hits.

"Twin Drive!! (Shooting Star Shield, Stardust Angel) Critical trigger!" Yza smirked. "All effects to Shooting Star!! (10000 > 16000/1★ > 2★) NOW MY AVATAR ATTACKS!! (16000 > 23000, 2★)" Yza exclaimed.
"Guard with Element, Lucky-star and Aghero! (11000 > 26000)" Izo exclaimed.
"Grrr..." Yza muttered. "I end."

Hand: 7
Damage: 4

Hand: 2
Damage: 4

"You've been fun to play against, but your locked out of all situations." Kaiko smirked.
"I'm finished this turn..." He mumbled.
"Lets see how well you do when... MY VANGUARD'S GENERATION BREAK SKILL IS ACTIVE!!!" He smirked. "Counterblast and discarding two! Locking all other rear-guards then your two back row units!"
"I wasn't able to retreat them in time..." Shika said with gritted teeth.

"I have to say you've done well. But this is where it all ends... This is it for you! Stand and draw!! LIBERATING THE GENERATION ZONE!!! Reincarnate black ashes and flames, evolve further!! Burn up the land, evaporate the sea and scorch the sky! Create an inferno with your intense power!! GENERATION STRIDE!!!" Izo cried out. "Overlord Dragon, Dragonic Remnant Inferno!!" The vanguard circle expanded a lava red.

The volcanoes spewed up lava and erupted suddenly, the red dragon was submerged in a red light, as rock and rubble exploded off the dragon it roared, as it was covered in flames and emerging in its new form. Inferno simply looked at his opponents to make them scared.
"What... What are you?!" Perfect exclaimed.
"I am an Inferno... One that can't be stopped!!" He boomed.

"Skill activate! Counterblast, soublblast, retiring Mithirial and G Persona blast! Power plus 5000, critical plus one and drive minus one! New skill added!! (26000 > 31000/1★ > 2★) Retired Mithirial's skill! Binding him and superior calling another from the deck!" Izo declared, smirking.
"What are you planning?" Yza asked curioisly.
"Nothing much... But my vanguard attacks! Skill activated, ATTACKING THE FRONT ROW!!! (31000, 2★)" Izo exclaimed.
"T-this is like against Ayaza!!" Yza exclaimed through his mind.

"Attacking the front row!!" Ayaza declared.
"Not this again! Your gonna get powet boosts aswell..." Yza sighed.

"Whatcha gonna do?" Izo asked with a smirk.
"Retiring my rear-guards... And PERFECT GUARD!!!" Yza exclaimed.
"I thought you'd pull a stunt like that. Twin Drive!!" Izo declared. "First! (Pursuit Breaker) Critical trigger. All effects to Mithrial! (8000 > 13000/1★ > 2★) Second check! (Wyvern Girl, Vyra) Heal trigger. Healing a damage and power to Aghero! (9000 > 14000) Then with a boost, go in Mithirial!! (13000 > 20000)"
"Shit..." Yza cursed. "Guard with Starblade and Cargo! (21000)"
"So desperate... With a boost from Artisius, Aghero attacks! (14000 > 18000)" Izo declared.
"Guard with Twinkick! (11000 > 21000)" Yza said.
"You managed to survive, thats impressive. Turn end!" Izo said with a smirk.

Hand: 2
Damage: 4

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

"Reap him. To his end." Kaiko said with a cold and deathly smile.
"This is where I end huh? No guard..." Shika laughed.
"Twin drive! (Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon, Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon) Perfect! Critical trigger! All effects to vanguard! (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★)" Kaiko laughed.
"Damage check!" Shika cried out. "Tiara... I need you more then ever now!!" He thought. "First! (Cheer Girl, Tiara) Heal trigger! Healing a point, power to vanguard! (11000 > 16000) Last check... (Demonic Lord, Dudley Emporer) No trigger... You win."
"Nice work... You use Spike Brothers quite wisely but in this meta this Limit Break deck doesn't quite cut it." Kaiko said. "I have a little something for you."

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!! Burn 'em away, Starflare Shooter!!" Yza grinned.

Blue flames spewed around the knight as white light covered Perfect, Starflare Shooter appeared with his weapon.
"Lock, loaded and shoot 'em down... STARDUST BLASTER!!!" He cried as the arrow with a blue flame on the tip shot out, firing foward to the red dragon.

"No guard." Izo said.
"Two crits to beat you? I'll risk my chances! Triple drive!! (Brave Starknight, Julia, Stardust Angel, Stardust Charger, Cargocarrier) Draw and crit! All power to Eric, and crit to vanguard and draw! (6000 > 16000) (1★ > 2★)" Yza said. "Didn't get that double crit, but whatever."
"Your holding up pretty nicely. Damage checks! (Blasting Dragon, Aghero, Strong-willed Pyromage) No triggers on either..." Izo sighed.

The blazing arrow hit its target, as it scolded the dragon in blue flames.

"On hit skill, shuffling back 5 cards and superior call the top 3! (Shooting Starmecha, Infinifire, Stardust Strategist, Twinkick Dracostar) Alright, calling all of them! And Startegist's skill lets me shuffle back two grade 1 cards!" Yza grinned.
"Huh, lets see how this plays out." Izo smirked.
"With a boost from Strategist, Dracostar attacks!! (8000 > 15000)" Yza declared.
"Guard with Lucky Star! (11000 > 16000)" Izo declared.
"Then skill, counterblast, and shuffling a card from the drop zone to deck, restand Dracostar! Then Draco attacks Mithirial! (8000)" Yza said.
"No guard!" Izo replied as he retired Mithrial.
"Then with a boost Starblade, Infinifire attacks the vanguard! (7000 > 15000)" Yza exclaimed.
"Guard with Pursuit. (11000 > 21000)" Izo said.
"Turn end!" Yza declared with a smirk.

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

Hand: 2
Damage: 5

"Your time here with me will be ending soon. Please deport to the nearest exit." Izo joked. "Stand and draw! I'm still amazed your not cracking under pressure."
"Well I'm defending my best friend, so theres alot at hand here." Yza replied.
"I see. Your pretty good at vanguard. But this is the final straw! Liberating the GENERATION ZONE!!! Reincarnate black ashes and flames, evolve further!! Burn up the land, evaporate the sea and scorch the sky! Create an inferno with your intense power!! GENERATION STRIDE!!!" Izo cried out.

Inferno appeared once more as the units backed off.

"Overlord Dragon, Dragonic Remnant Inferno!! Stride skill. Counterblast, retiring Pyro, giving my vanguard an added 2000 power and superior call Hiyori! (26000 > 28000) Then I activate Inferno's skill! Counterblast and soulblast, retiring Artisius, Hiyori's skill, adding 3000 power until end of turn! (7000 > 10000) And G Persona blast! You know the drill, right?~" Izo smirked.
"Yeah, yeah..." Yza grumbled. (28000 > 33000/1★ > 2★)
"Sweet. NOW MY VANGUARD ATTACKS THE FRONT ROW!! (33000 > 43000, 2★)" Izo smirked.
"43k?! Dang, I don't even have a perfect guard... Guard with Stardust Angel, Stardust Medic, Cargo, Julia and Eric! (11000 > 46000)" Yza said.
"One trigger to pass?" Izo asked. Yza nodded his head as he retired the front two rear-guards. "I know my deck will pull through." He smirked.

Kaiko threw him a Spike Brothers deck.
"G Era Spikes should help you hold up." Kaiko smiled.
"Wow, thanks!" Shika said. "But why are you giving me this?"
"Protect Yza no matter what. Those Яeverse creeps are bound to want the Stardusr Knights, and you seem like a strong enough cardfighter to fend them off." Kaiko said. "Here are my contacts if you need any help." He passed his phone number.
"Protect Yza? But why just me?" Shika asked.
"Its your destiny," Kaiko chuckled.
"Sorry?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing. Just keep the deck and protect Yza, k?" Kaiko asked.
"Sure, sure." Shika sighed, not entirely satisfied with answers, and no clue what was going on.

"Twin drive! (Dragonic Remnant, Element Fusion Dragon) Draw trigger!" He smirked. "Power to vanguard and draw! Take 2 damage! (43000 > 48000)"
"Crap... Damage checks... First! (Starknight of Perfect Dust) And second! (Shooting Star Dragon) I-I lose..." Yza said in dissapointment.

The person that stalked Izo smirked.
"Well done... Very well done." He laughed as he watched the beatdown. Kaiko and Shika walked back in.

"Yo, who won?" Shika asked.
"Izo," Yza nervously laughed.
"I bet the game was good." Kaiko commented.
"It was so tense!" Rukia said.
"One trigger depended who won and who lost!" Yza exclaimed.
"Very." Izo sighed out in relief. "Thanks for the stay here guys, I enjoyed it. I'm going back to investigate. Later!" And with that, Izo left as the stalker followed him quietly, he was like a shadow.

"You guys can go now, theres nothing left." Kaiko smiled. They left and were talking in the hallways.
"This was one of the most stressful days of my life!" Said a flustered Yza.
"It was a fun day!" Shika said. "3 old friends just hanging out! I also got a new deck!"
"WHAAAAA?!" Rukia and Yza said in shock.


Yay, another one is done XD
Intense beatdown! Anyways, I'm thinking about making this updated reguarly as I have a lot of spare time on my hands. Thats really all I have to say XD
I hope you enjoyed! I'll see everyone in volume 6! Peace out!

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