Turn 28: Explosion Blue & Inferno Ritual

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Yza was in bed, his eyes blinking as he shifted his legs slightly. His hands rested on the bed itself, but his face was millimetres away from Rukia's. Pink rose to his cheeks and his heart beat started to speed up significantly.
"We're so close to kissing! Oh no, what if we kissed in our sleep?! Shit, that'd be my first kiss gone! But atleast I could say I'm not a kiss virgin anymore... No, screw it all to Hell to that, I nearly kissed a girl! Should I celebrating?! Or taking chance?! Wait, that'd be like rape! Wait, Yza, why are you thinking about doing that to her?! Your not in love you idiot... But to be fair shes really cute while sleeping... No, no, I musn't think of her that way! We're just friends, thats all we are! It'll stay that way! Shit I want to do this so bad! But then you'll be no better than raping her and than Ryu can ship us even more... Total bs..." Yza sighed in his mind as he had closed eyes, Rukia was now ontop of him, sitting upright and poking his cheek.
"Hey Yza," She sang. "Yza~"
Yza blinked and looked at the Rukia who was ontop of him, the blanket keeping the two from making physical contact.
"What?" Yza groaned, trying to sound sleepy.
"Morning." She smiled. Yza then realised where she was then said,
"This feels so wrong, yet so right..."

(Insert theme song here)

Yza was brushing his teeth as Rukia started to wash some rice.
"What does that idiot mean by "This feels so wrong, yet so right"?! I knew he was a pervert, but jeez, he coulda atleast kept it too himself..." Rukia huffed.
Yza rubbed his slapped cheek after he brushed his cheek. "Note to self, never do that again when a girl is ontop of you, or else..." He sighed as he looked at his red marked cheek. He walked into the main room as his feet pressed onto the soft carpet, making no noise.
"Hey... Sorry about that." Rukia said as she apologised for the rude thing she had done.
"Nah, I needed that wake up call," Yza stretched and picked up some tags on the ground. "Hey, your facing Shika first round. And I'm facing a dude or dudet named Payic."
"Hey, we actually made it into the top thirty two!" Rukia cheered. She gasped. "What time?! The tournament starts at 9am earliest time!"
"Its 9:04..." Yza yawned. "Don't worry, I have my match at 12 and you have yours at 3."
"Phew..." Rukia breathed a sigh of relief. "Its also being streamed live on TV."
"Yeah, I know." Yza walked over and turned on the flatscreen TV they had in their hotel room.

"Whats up Vanguard fans, me and Dr. O will be doing the talk over this tournament!!" Said an exicted commentator.
"This'll be-O-so exicting!" Dr. O commented, making his signature "O" sign.
"Today in the blue corner, we certainly have a fiery young man, and its the blue kind! Dax Heatwave!!" An ernomous rage of clapping and cheering was heard.
"I'll beat you with my deck, and you don't stand a pityful chance." Dax smirked as he walked up, a blue light followed him.
"And in the red corner, is the master katana user, his blade is sharp, but can his deck cut through the enemy in one strike? Its Zeon Ishima!!" More cheering and clapping came from the exictable crowd.
"Yes, I'll make it a swift defeat." Zeon smirked as a red light followed him.
"Bring it on Katana Boy." Dax smirked.
"Come at me Fake Punk." Zeon said.
"Both fighters ready?" Zeon and Dax nodded. The lights in the stadium flickered off one by one and was replaced with two lights shining on the two. The GIRS activated and Zeon and Dax said,
"Stand up (the!) Vanguard!"
"Amon's Follower, Barmaid Grace!" Zeon exclaimed.
"Flaming Passion Liberator, Guido!" Dax exclaimed.

Rukia handed Yza a bowl of ramen. "Here."
"Wait, you made me breakfast?!" Yza exclaimed.
"Least I could do for slapping you so hard..." Rukia said blushing. "Now take it before it gets cold..." Yza laughed and took it.
"Thanks. Your a great friend." Yza said. "Did I just friendzone her?!" He screamed in his mind.
"He just friendzoned me..." Rukia deadpanned.
"Shit." They both thought.

"Ride, Dimension Creeper, pull back Maid, call Dollmaster and attack! (14000)" Zeon exclaimed.
"Dax started his turn by riding Bruno and pulling back Guido, while Zeon is already going offensive!"
"I guard with Ketchgal! (7000 > 17000)" Dax countered.
"You run Legion. I run Legion. A battle between Legion and Legion. I like it." Zeon smirked. "Trigger check! (Amon's Leader, Astaroth) Nothing. Your go."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 4
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, I ride Magnus, and call Aglovale, skill, soulblast and check top five to add Percival to hand. Then, attack! (9000)" Dax declared.
"Guard with Dimension Creeper! (7000 > 12000)" Zeon exclaimed.
"Then the vanguard! (9000 > 14000)" Dax exclaimed.
"No guard." Zeon replied.
"Trigger check! (Knife Throwing Knight, Maleagant) Nothing." Dax grumbled.
"Damage! (Amon's Follower, Hell's Nail)" Zeon said.
"End." Dax replied.

Hand: 4
Damage: 1

Hand: 4
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, ride Ron Geenlin and use Dollmaster's skill, place into soul and soulcharge! (Demon World Marquis, Amon, Amon's Follower, Hell's Draw) Then I use Dimension Creeper's skill! Soulblast and soulcharge! (Amon's Follower, Grausam, Amon's Follower, Hell's Nail) Then I call Hell's Deal and soulcharge! (Devil Child, Amon's Follower, Cruel Hand) Next, I use Barmaid Grace's skill, rest and soulcharge! (Amon's Follower, Cruel Hand, Flag Breaker) And give Ron Geenlin a skill where he gets 1000 power for every card in soul! (9000 > 18000) Then, with a boost from Deal, attack! (18000 > 25000)" Zeon smirked.
"Nearly as powerful as a G Unit... No guard." Dax said.
"Well no shit. Trigger! (Devil Child) Nothing." Zeon sighed.
"Damage! (Flaming Passion Liberator, Guido) Damn, nothing." Dax said, growling.
"Your go." Zeon said.

Hand: 4
Damage: 1

Hand: 4
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Blue flames that dance and risk everything to protect their pride, burn them all to the ground!" Dax exclaimed. "Ride my avatar!! Imprison them! Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominence Glare!!" The vanguard circle expanded dark blue with streaks of gold.

A blue dragon clad in golden armour with bright white hair appeared on the battle field, wings protruded out of the back and blue flames whipped and danced around him.
"Die, by my flames."

"Call Aglovale and use skill! Counterblast and look at top three, call Josephus. Place rest on bottom of deck in any order. Skill of Josephus, soulblast a Liberator and draw. Then, with a boost from Josephus, attack! (9000 > 16000)" Dax exclaimed.
"No guard. (Flag Breaker) Nothing." Zeon sighed.
"Then the vanguard! (11000 > 16000)" Dax exclaimed.
"No guard!" Zeon exclaimed.
"Twin Drive!! (Armed Liberator, Gwydion, May Rain Liberator, Bruno) Draw trigger. Power to Aglovale and draw! (9000 > 14000)" Dax said sternly.
"Damage check! (Amon's Follower, Hell's Trick) A heal. Healing a point of damage and power to vanguard. (9000 > 14000)" Zeon said.
"Grah, Aglovale! (14000) Skill, add 2000 power! (16000)" Dax exclaimed.
"No guard, damage check. (Amon's Follower, Ron Geenlin) Nothing." Zeon replied calmly.
"End." Dax said with a glare.

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 7
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! To all followers of Amon, a new leader from Hell has come to aid to find the legend! Ride! Amon's Leader, Astaroth!!" Zeon exclaimed as the vanguard circle expanded dark purple.

Astaroth appeared, a dark aura emitting off him.
"I had to get out of bed at 8 for this match, and I have a serious case of panda eyes!! So you better not piss me off anymore than I already am!!"
"Shove a tampon, I woke at 6 to rally the troops ya lazy bastard." Glare growled.
"Grah, your annoying!" Astaroth moaned.

"Get set to visit Hell and back, Legion and seek mate!" Zeon exclaimed as a card flew from the deck next to Astaroth, vanguard circle expanding dark purple, and a Legion symbol appeared between the two. "The Legend is here, Inferno Ritual!!" Zeon exclaimed as the vanguard circle expanded further. "Demon World Marquis, Amon! Skill of Amon, counterblast and shove Deal into soul, I retire Guido! Skill of Astaroth, soulcharge three! (Dark Knight of Nightmare Land, Dimension Creeper, Amon's Follower, Hell's Deal) Then, I use Creeper's skill, soulblast and soulcharge! (Killing Dollmaster, Amon's Follower, Hell's Trick) And then I use Barmaid Grace's skill, counterblast, rest, new skill to Astaroth and soulcharge! (Amon's Follower, Hell's Draw, Amon's Leader, Astaroth) Then, the three CONT skills!!" Zeon cackled evilly.
"Proffessor O, what does he mean by three CONT skills?" Asked the announcer.
"This is-o-so bad for Dax, the three skills he is referring to is two power up skills, and another an adding critical! Will Dax survive it? We'll have to watch and see... This is-o-so exiciting!" Doctor. O said with exictment.
"I have sixteen cards in soul! Add 16000 power to both Astaroth and Amon! (11000 > 27000/10000 > 26000) And it makes a grand total of 53000 power!" Zeon smirked. "Then Astaroth's skill! Every ten cards in soul, add 1 critical! (1★ > 2★) Call Devil Child and Ron Geenlin. Vanguard, attacks! (53000 > 63000, 2★)"

"63k?!" Yza said in shock.
"Thats gonna be tough to guard without a perfect guard..." Rukia commented as she ate some rice.

"Too bad, perfect guard!!" Dax smirked wildly.
"Alright, twin drive!!" Zeon smirked. (Monochrome of Nightmare Land) "Ah, a stand. Stand Grace and power! (5000 > 10000) Second! (Flag Breaker) Nothing." Zeon sighed. "Then, with a boost from Grace, Geenlin attacks! Skill, add 3000 power! (9000 > 12000 > 22000)"
"No guard, damage check. (Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival) Nothing." Dax said.
"Turn end!" Zeon smirked.

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! Generation Stride!! Golden Knight of Incandesence, Ebraucus! Skill of Ebraucus, counterblast, soulblast and check the top two cards of deck. Superior call, Bruno, and then Aglovale will attack! Using skill, add 2000 power! (11000)" Dax exclaimed.
"No guard! (Amon's Follower, Hell's Deal) Nothing..." Zeon gritted his teeth.
"Then, with a boost, Ebraucus will attack! (26000 > 33000)" Dax exclaimed.
"Flag Breaker, perfect guard!!" Zeon exclaimed.
"Triple Drive!! (Bluish Flame Liberator, Promience Glare, Ketchgal Liberator, Oath Liberator, Aglovale) Stand trigger! Stand back up Aglovale and add 5000 power! (9000 > 14000) Then attack! Skill, 2000 power added! (14000 > 16000)" Dax exclaimed.
"Dammit, his other line will attack for 16 aswell, I have two cards left in hand, one for stride and one to guard... Either way, I'll be forced to five damage, might aswell take this one." Zeon thought. "No guard! (Killing Dollmaster) Grah..."
"Then Aglovale! (9000 > 16000)" Dax exclaimed.
"Monochrome guards! (11000 > 21000)" Zeon exclaimed.
"Your go." Dax did a mocking smirk.

Hand: 1
Damage: 5

Hand: 8
Damage: 2

"After the seventh turn, Zeon is pushed to 5 damage and 1 card in hand, while Dax is strong with 8 cards and 2 damage!" The announcer exclaimed.
"This looks-o-so bad for Zeon." Proffessor O shook his head sadly.

"Stand and draw!" Zeon exclaimed. "Its all or nothing now... He's probably got a perfect guard, so I think I'm better off striding anyways. No, he'll think I'm doing that... Total bs, I kept this card to stride, but I don't even have-" Zeon realised it. "Liberating the Generation Zone!! Generation Stride, Rebellious Retainer of Fresh Blood, Frederick!!" Zeon cackled. "Skill of Frederick, shoving a card from hand into soul!" (Dimension Creeper)
"Dumbass, you don't have cards in hand anymore!" Dax exclaimed.
"I wont need to... Add 1000 power for every card in soul! There are seventeen cards!! (26000 > 43000) Since over 10000 power was added, my front row gets 5000 power! (9000 > 14000) (43000 > 48000) Then I use Dimension Creeper's skill! Soulblast and soulcharge! (Amon's Follower, Hell's Deal, Amon's Follower, Hell's Nail) Then I use Barmaid Grace's skill, counterblast and rest her, I soulcharge two! (Amon's Leader, Astaroth, Amon's Follower, Grausam) Add a new skill! (48000 > 68000)" Zeon cackled.
"68k by itself?!" Dax was in utter shock as Zeon laughed and laughed.
"Vanguard attacks!! (68000 > 78000)" Zeon cackled sadistically.
"No way in Hell could I guard that without a Perfect Guard! I'm gonna need to take it for the counterblast for my Explosion Blue anyways..." Dax thought. "No guard!!"
Zeon smiled sadistically and flipped the top three cards. (Amon's Follower, Cruel Hand, Amon's Follower, Hell's Trick, Amon's Follower, Hell's Draw) "Critical and heal... All power to Geenlin, Critical to vanguard and heal one. (14000 > 24000) (1★ > 2★)"
"Damage check! (Knife Throwing Knight, Maleagant, Holy Mage, Bryderi) Nothing." Dax said.
"Geenlin!! (24000 > 27000)" Zeon cackled sadistically.
"No guard, damage check! (Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus) Nothing." Dax said simply.
"Turn end." Zeon calmed down.

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

Hand: 8
Damage: 5

"Eight turn over, Dax is on 5 damage!! Why did he take it Proffessor O?" The commentator asked.
"Its-o-so simple. He's going to end his this turn using Promience Glare!!" Proffessor O cheered.

"I hope you like the salty taste of defeat, doing your stride was reckless! Stand and draw!!" Dax announced, cocky smirk on his face. "Blue flames, burn brighter than before, Legion, and seek mate!!" He exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding dark blue with streaks of gold. "Regulation Liberator, Aglovale! Call, Aglovale and use skill! Counterblast and call Zorron! EXPLOSION BLUE!!" Dax exclaimed.

"Explosion what?" Yza asked confused.
"Just watch and be amazed." Rukia laughed.

"Counterblast, discard a "Bluish Flame" card! Whenever I superior call, I can do this to gain one critical and glory skill! (1★ > 2★)" Dax exclaimed.
"Big whoop, so?" Zeon asked, umimpressed.
"Skill of Bruno, add 3000 power! (7000 > 10000)" Dax exclaimed.
"Better Doreen clone, okay..." Zeon said.
"And I use Zorron's skill, into soul, look at top three and superior call Guido! Explosion Blue! Counterblast and discard! (2★ > 3★) After that, Bruno's skill! (10000 > 13000) Then Guido's skill, into soul and superior call Ketchgal, Explosion Blue!! (3★ > 4★) Skill of Bruno! (13000 > 16000)"
"Looks like you ran out of counterblast and you just discarded three cards!!" Zeon exclaimed.
"Then Ketchgal's skill, superior call Josephus, and use skill to soulblast and draw a card." Dax grinned. "Lets start this off hurtfully, vanguard attack!! (20000 > 36000, 4★) You can't guard with grade 1 and above!!" Dax exclaimed.
"I Generation guard!! Nighttime Gentleman, Saint-Germain! Add 10000 shield and give all my units Resist! (11000 > 36000) I also guard with Cruel Hand! Two to pass! (36000 > 46000)" Zeon exclaimed.
"Two to pass? I play Gold Paladin, we'll only need one to pass!" Dax smirked. "Twin Drive!!" He exclaimed with confidence ringing in his voice.
"He wont get it, I know he wont..." Zeon gritted his teeth.
"Graaaah! (Steel Blade Liberator, Alwilla, Steel Blade Liberator, Alwilla) Twin triggers!! All effects to vanguard!! (36000 > 46000/4★ > 6★)" Dax smirked. Zeon's world shattered.
"I play Gold Paladin, we only need one to pass!" Dax smirked.
"GRAAAAH!!" Zeon exclaimed as he flipped his top six cards of his deck in blind rage, hoping for heal triggers. (Amon's Follower, Hell's Nail, Amon's Follower, Grausam, Amon's Follower, Ron Geenlin, Demon World Marquis, Amon, Amon's Leader, Astaroth, Dimension Creeper) Tears fell from his eyes as he found nothing but a critical. "How... How... How did I lose to a loser? A nobody?!" His eyes were shaking with rage and his body felt nothing but embarrassment and anger. "I was supposed to win!! NOT THIS NOBODY!!"
Dax walked up to Zeon and gave a hand. "Its just a game of cardfight, chill out."
Zeon growled at Dax and slapped his hand anyway. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU, NO ONE BUT AYATO SHOULD WIN AGAINST ME, NOBODY!! I AM UNDEFEATED, I AM ZEON ISHIMA, YOU HEAR DAX HEATWAVE, YOUR A LOSER, NOBODY LIKES YOU!!" Zeon exclaimed in blind rage as he started attacking Dax, holding his collar and shaking him.
"Hey, hey, cut it out you two!!" The security had to restrain Zeon and Dax.

"Woah, I never seen Zeon rage like that before..." Yza said in surprise.
"I can see why, this is on live television and he has a pretty good track record of beating people. He just can't accept a lose except if he faced Ayato." Rukia shook her head.
"Zeon must have some mad respect for him then." Yza said.

"Well ladies and gentleman, we're not glad to announce that Zeon Ishima will not be able to join anymore tournaments, until the end of next year. He is banned from official tournaments." The announcer said sadly.
"Its such a shame to see talent wasted..." Proffessor O shook his head.

"Sis... I swore that I'd win this tournament for you... But... I failed..." Zeon looked at Dax as he had his hand out, security guards pulling him back and tears streaming from his eyes.



Hot damn, that was madness XD
Oh yeah, these are the tournament match ups for this tournament.

Round 1
Dax vs Zeon

Round 2
Sanda vs Zak

Round 3
Kaiko vs Kazue

Round 4
Backlion vs Inu

Round 5
Rachel vs Sakura

Round 6
Rino vs Max

Round 7
Yza vs Payic

Round 8
Mai vs Riku

Round 9
Maxios vs Neko

Round 10
Wyvon vs Kane

Round 11
Shika vs Rukia

Round 12
Kyle vs Kurakuya

Round 13
Aya vs Ayaza

Round 14
Serena vs Ayato

Round 15
Ryu vs Nhis

Round 16
Tai vs Maverick

So yeah, look foward to that XD
Thats all, Fox out!

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