Turn 4: Cooks' Battle

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(Insert your favourite vanguard theme song here)

When Yza walked into Card Capital 2, he was greeted with a line up of cooking materials and stands.
"Ah, Yza!" Shin said, looking at the confused boy. Two people were already at the stands preparing. One had spiky blonde hair, and wore purple headphones, a small red flame on the sides. He had blue eyes, a purple shirt with "burst into a nightmare" written on it in magenta, black trousers and gold and black shoes, which were tied neatly. He was putting on his apron, tieing it together. The other boy had spiked orange hair, and an orange short sleeved vest, which had fake fur at the end, along with a red undershirt with a dragon head design on it, and more fake fur on the collar. He had orange tracksuit pants with red lightning patterns on there, and black sneakers as he flicked through a cook book.

Shin walked over to Yza, pointing at the two boys.
"Whats going on?!" Asked a shocked Yza.
"You see, Card Capital 2 is in work with Zoo branch. All card shops in the Dragon Empire are holding a cooking contest, using ingredients from Zoo." Shin said. "The one who has blonde hair is Rino, and the orangr hair is Sanda. Would you like to partcipate?"
"Sure," Yza said, dazed.
"Great. Fill this in first." Shin smiled. Kamui put on his apron as Wyvon bursted out laughing.
"Your seriously competing?!" Wyvon sniggered.
"Yes, so what? This'll be fun, right?" Kamui grinned.
"What if Emi comes," Wyvon sniggered more.
"Emi..." Kamui said in a dazed state. Yza ran up to a station and looked at what he had.
"Hmm..." Yza determined what he could and couldn't make. "Steak? No, to complicated. Noodles? To simple..."
As Ryu entered to see the food stations lined up, his mouth drooled.
"Ryu, good to see you. Do you want a special task?" Shin asked. Ryu nodded his head as he turned his head to see the food infront of him.
"Great!" Shin replied, telling Ryu what he would do.
Wyvon stopped laughing and looked at the competition. "Interesting." He mumbled, as Rino looked at what he could make and Sanda getting a bunch of ideas.

Soon enough, 8 brave people decided to cook for the judges, which were Ryu and Shin.
"On your marks," Ryu said, wiping away drool. "Get set, and cook!!" And at that moment, Shin fired a blank and the 8 competitors scattered and cooked.
Yza was crushing up biscuits, Rino was smirking, dicing onions without crying, and Sanda was breaking a lobster to get its meat out.
Wyvon watched in awe as Rino and Sanda were making food quickly. The other competitors weren't as good, but the aromatic smells were good enough to make Wyvon smile. Especially when Kamui accidently set himself on fire, trying to get rid of it, Wyvon grabbing a fire extingishuer and sprayed it on Kamui, putting away the flames and ruining his steak, meaning he had to do it all again.

Shin fired another blank, meaning everyone had to stop. Yza looked at his lemon cheesecake nervously, as he brought it up to the table. Ryu and Shin tried it out first.
"Hmm... Lemon is nice, and the biscuits balance it nicely," Ryu said, taking another spoon.
"Nice zing from the lemon sauce and well made cream. I think Yza's passed." Shin said.
"Agreed." Ryu smiled. Yza fistbumped in happiness. After a failed dish of dumplings and flavoursome noodles, Rino brought up his beef lasange.
"Its still piping hot, so be careful." Rino warned, as Ryu didn't take the advice and went straight in, burning his mouth.
"GOOD FLAVOURS, BUTS ITS STILL PIPING HOT!!" Ryu gasped, tongue burning, as Wyvon got a glass of cool water and splashed it on his tongue. "Much better..." He sighed. Shin was careful, blowing his food to cool it down, and eating it.
"Thats fantastic Rino! Perfectly cooked meat, nice sauce, good use of onions and cheese. Well done." He smiled.
"He should go through," Ryu suggested. Shin nodded in agreement. With a smirk on his face, Rino walked away. Kamui then came up, disappointed on what he made.
"What is that?" Ryu asked.
"Steak..." Kamui said, a burnt piece of steak infront of them. Shin used his fork and knife to pierce through it, red juice streaking out, as the inside was uncooked.
"How did you burn it, but then not even cook the inside?!" Shin exclaimed in confusion.
"I don't know!" Kamui cried, walking away.
"Yeah, he's not passing, and I'm not gonna eat that..." Ryu said, pushing away the plate. After a delicious plate of mac and cheese, (which was named "Big Mac" n' cheese, as it used ingredients from the famous Big Mac from McDonalds and combined it with mac and cheese) Sanda walked up, presenting some crab meat.
"Is this plate named anything or?" Ryu asked.
"Just something I do." He replied, smiling.
"Ok then, lets dig in." Shin smiled, taking some crab meat, and placing it into his mouth. "Mm, a seafood explosion of flavour in your mouth, try some Ryu!!"
Ryu took a bite. "Wow. That is amazing!" He cheered. Sanda smiled in victory, as Rino gave a death glare to the orange haired boy. Wyvon patted Rino's back to calm him down.
"There, there. You know your the better cook, no need to rage quit." He reassured.
"I'm fine!" Rino said, throwing his arms up, gritting his teeth.
"Yeah, he needs a spot in the next round!!" Ryu cheered.
"Okay then, we have our 4 people going through! Yza, Rino, Sanda and Josh! Good luck in the next round." Shin exclaimed. Yza breathed a sigh of relief as he made it through.

Rino looked through his cookbook, trying to keep his cool as his main rival was Sanda.
"I'm gonna beat fur boy, no one can stop me and my dreams!!" Rino thought, teeth gritted. Sanda looked quite happy, as he prepared his next dish.
"So if my cheesecake was decent and no one else is doing a dessert, I guess I'll make... Ah yes, thanks mum!!" Yza grinned, grabbing custard, whipped cream, ingredients for a cake, jelly powder and strawberries.
"I wonder what he's making." Sanda thought, looking at Yza, as he cooked his steak.
Rino grabbed taco shells and heated them up, then grabbing a colourful array of foods and started preparing them.

After quite some time, Shin fired another blank, siginaling it was over. Josh failed on making a pasta bake, Rino make tacos, filled with taco meat, cheese, an array of vegetables and sauces, along with a salad. Sanda made a steak, cooked to perfection and a nice seasoning, with vegetables and a sauce on the side, while Yza made a strawberry trifle, the cake layer didn't bake in time, so he missed out on that.

"Now, that was delicious." Ryu said, patting his stomach. "Now, only two of you can make it through to the final fight. And that is..."
"Rino and Sanda!" Shin congratulated the two.
Rino gave a death glare to Sanda.
"You wont beat me!!" He exclaimed.
"Nah, I'll cook my ass off if I have too!" Sanda retorted.
"Bitch please, I'm the better cook here!" Rino exclaimed.
"Sorry, but the only bitch here is you!!" Sanda replied angrily.
"Why you little!!" Rino started, Wyvon trying to restrain him from using his fists.
"Calm down!!" Whimpered Wyvon.
"This dude is seriously getting on my nerves!!" Rino shouted at full volume.
"What did I ever do?!" Sanda asked.
"Be... The... Better... Cook. AND I WONT FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT!!" Rino shouted, getting out of Wyvon's nelson, grabbing a melon and throwing it at Sanda's head.
"Woah!!" He exclaimed, dodging out of the way. "What was that for?!"
"All ladies and gentleman, please hide as a food war is about to begin. Thank you." Shin said, ducking under the table, Ryu grabbing out his camera and recording the scene.
"Take my bacon shurikens!!" Rino exclaimed, throwing bacon shaped shurikens at Sanda, who was blocking with a cookie.
"This is the chocolate-chip cookie shield!! Try and break through this soft and delicious snack!!" Sanda challenged.
"I will!!" Rino exclaimed, grabbing lasange pasta sheets and running up to Sanda, jumping high in the air. "LASANGE MUGGING SHEETS!!" Rino lunged foward, lasange sheet covering's Sanda's head, snapping in half.
"Take this!!" He responded, grabbing a cucumber and attacking Rino.
"Tomato smoke bomb!!" He shouted, throwing a tomato on the floor, exploding into pieces, creating a distraction as Rino covered Sanda's mouth with his hand, putting a banana to his chest.
"Hush now. I have a banana katana ready to stab you, and I have you done for," Rino said. Wyvon got up and sweatdropped.
"Rino trying to mug Sanda looks like he's trying to seduce him..." Wyvon thought, imagining what would happen next if he was. Wyvon shook his head, and Sanda stayed still as Ryu blurted out,
"Lame, have a cardfight!!" Rino smirked and let go, Sanda flying foward, regaining his balance, as Rino grabbed out his vanguard deck.
"Lets play!" He smirked.
"Ok, ok!" Sanda replied, coughing. They both set up, Rino eager to play.
"I'll show this Sanda guy how good I am at cooking AND vanguard!" Rino thought.

As Sanda and Rino setted up, Wyvon took a glance at Sanda's G Units.
"Super Striker. A new sub-clan? Damn Bushitroll, first its Stardust Knight and Ancient Flames, now its Super Strikers... Why doesn't Granblue get something cool like this?!" Wyvon thought, moaning in his head.
"Fyi," Rino said, "I'm not gonna lose to you!!"
Sanda smiled. "Give me all you got, don't hold back!!"
"Whats up with you? Aren't you at least bit scared?" Rino pouted.
"No, not really. I'm exicted to play someone I never met before." Sanda explained, grinning.
"Alright then, are you ready?" Rino asked, slightly pouting in annoyance.
"Mhm," Sanda replied.
"Stand up vanguard!!" They exclaimed, Rino's vanguard circle a light purple, Sanda's a bright orange.

As a purple dragon appeared, green and gold guns held, a lightning dragon appeared opposite to him.

"Gunner Gear Dracokid!" Rino exclaimed.
"Super Striker, Thunder King Dracokid!" Sanda exclaimed.
"I'll go first fur-boy!" Rino said. "Stand and draw, ride, Timebreak Dragon, Dracokid moving back and I end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Gear Chronicle? This'll be a fun match. Stand and draw. I ride Super Striker, Bolt Trainer Dragon, moving back Thunder King and call V-spark! With a boost from V-spark, my vanguard attacks!! (7000 > 14000)" Sanda exclaimed.
"No guard!" Rino declared.
"Drive check!!" Sanda shouted, flipping over the top card. "(Super Striker Dancer, Rin) A wasted heal trigger!! All effects to vanguard," Sanda pouted softly.
"Damage! (Steam Battler, Kug-Bau) No trigger!" Rino said.
"Turn end." Sanda smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

As a thunder dragon shot an explosive electric ball that hit the green and brown dragon and sended it flying back, Time break regained his balance and was replaced with a golden dragon with a large sword.

"Stand and draw. Ride, History-maker Dragon, call Upstream! Upstream attacks!!" Rino commanded.

A blue dragon with golden gears surronding him, shot a ray of gears, the dragon pulling back in pain.

"No guard, damage check! (Super Striker Dancer, Vianne) Stand trigger. Power to vanguard, and I stand my vanguard's booster. (7000 > 12000)" Sanda said.
"With a boost from Dracokid, my vanguard attacks!! (9000 > 14000)" Rino smirked.
"No guard!" Sanda exclaimed.
"Drive check! (Steam Battler, Kug-bau) No trigger." Rino said.
"Damage check!" Sanda exclaimed. "Super Striker, Magnetic Boom Dragon, no trigger."
"Thats turn end." Rino said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw," Sanda said. "Ride, Cross Shockwave Dragon, and call Thunderstorm Dragon. With a boost from Thunder King, he'll attack!! (8000 > 13000)" Sanda declared.
"No guard, damage check (Mist Geyser Dragon) No trigger." Rino said.
"With a boost, my vanguard attacks!! (9000 > 16000)" Sanda exclaimed.
"Guard with Paradox-cannon! (9000 > 19000)" Rino said.
"Drive check (Super Striker, Thousand Electron Fist Dragon) No trigger. Thats my turn over to you." He said.

Hand: 4
Damage: 2

Hand: 4
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. Spread your wings as space time distorts! I'lp be the one to shape my future! Ride my avatar, Reform-calling Gear Eagle!" Rino exclaimed, slamming down the card, vanguard circle expanding a purple.

Purple submerged the golden dragon, as a golden eagle shot up into the sky, its mechanical wings flapped and it roared.

"Give me all you got!" Sanda exclaimed.
"Alright! I call Timebreak Dragon. Now, my vanguard attacks!! (11000 > 16000)" Rino exclaimed.
"No guard!" He grinned.
"Twin drive!" Rino announced. "First (Steam Maiden, Arlim) Second, (Steam Battler, Dadasig) Critical trigger! Critical stays with vanguard, power to Upstream! (9000 > 14000)"

The gear eagle charged foward, a ray of purple light surronded it, as it entered a paradoxic wormhole, and as a red and yellow dragon turned around, a wormhole appeared, as the eagle shot out, headbutting him, Upstream then attacking it with a flurry of gears.

"Damage check, first (Super Striker, Sparking Enforcer) Second (Super Striker, Fortune Dragoon) Draw trigger! Power to vanguard (9000 > 14000) and draw!" Sanda exclaimed.
"With a boost, Upstream attacks! (14000 > 21000)" Rino declared.
"Guard with Vianne! (14000 > 24000)" Sanda declared.
"Grr... With that I end." Rino growled softly.

Hand: 4
Damage: 2

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

"Its been fun playing with you, Rino. Now the fight is only beginning," Sanda smirked. "A electric shock and a single and a thousand fists, I ride my thunderous avatar!!" The vanguard cirvle expanded a golden orange.
"Aw crap..." Rino thought, gritting his teeth for the worst.

Just then, lightning struck on the field, engulfing what was the dragon, as a larger red dragon with ice blue eyes, that pierced the enemies heart with a cold glare.

"Can you feel it yet? The heat of the endless thunder! Generation Stride! Volcanic Discharge Dragon! His stride skill! My vanguard gains a new skill and I call Sparking Enforcer, and Gold Gem. With a boost from Enforcer, Gold Gem attacks Upstream! (4000 > 10000)" Sanda smirked.
"Calling Sentinels? Is he really that desperate?" Rino thought. "No guard," He placed Upstream into the drop zone.
"Vanguard attack!! (26000 > 34000) Gold Gem's skill, putting him into soul, giving 5000 power to vanguard and I draw a card. (34000 > 39000) Sanda declared.

The dragon who was peacefully sleeping suddenly awoke, the volcano on his back couldn't hold the black magma, as he got up, and the hot sticky lava oozed out of the volcano, burning the ground, as it spewed up and hit it mercilessly.

"No guard!" Rino smirked.
"Triple drive," Sanda said, as he flipped over the top 3 cards. (Super Striker, Sparking Enforcer, Super Striker, Meteor Fist Dragon, Super Striker, Gold Gem Carbuncle) "Critical, applying power to Thunderstorm, and the critical goes to vanguard!" Sanda smirked.

The eagle cawed in shock, as it then was submerged by a shock of thunder and lightning from the large mouth of the red and black dragon.

"Damage check... (Luckypot Dracokid) A draw trigger. Power to my vanguard (11000 > 16000) and I draw. Second! (Reform-calling Gear Eagle) No trigger." Rino grumbled.
"Skill time! I retire Gunnergear with Volcanic's on hit skill and I counterblast 1 to retire Timebreak. That was my added skill from Electron Fist. Now, with a boost from King, Thunderstorm goes in to attack Upstream! (8000 > 13000)" Sanda smirked.
"N-no guard," Rino stuttered. "Upstream to drop zone."
"And thats my go!" He smiled innocently.

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

"Worst position to be in right now. My formation is gone, and I don't know what to stride into. I can't use Gear Eagle's stride skill, thats for sure..." Rino thought carefully. "Stand and draw. Generation Stride! Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Dragon!" Rino growled.

Gear Eagle shot up majesticly, as he burnt up, a green light shot across Cray, as a figure floated down softly, a intense stare at the thunder dragon. This golden dragon had his legs crossed, green highlights on him and a large staff.

"Call Mist Geyser, Dracokid and Timebreak! Timebreak's skill, time leaping Dracokid into Steam Breath Dragon, and I call History-maker!" Rino panted.
"He just used all of his hand for this assualt. What is he planning?" Sanda thought, gritting his teeth.
"History-maker attacks Thunderstorm! (9000) Skill, time leaping Timebreak into Kalibum! His skill, sending your vanguard's booster to the bottom of your deck and you can call a grade 0!" Rino said.
"Thanks for the offer, but he can go. Guard with Fortune Dragoon! (8000 > 13000)" Sanda narrowed his eyes.
"Now, Mist Geyser's skill! It gets 5000 power! (6000 > 11000) Next up, with a boost from Mist Geyser, my vanguard attacks!! (26000 > 37000)" Rino snarled.

As three magenta-red vanguard circles appeared above Chronoscommand, the higher up, the smaller it was. A bright beam shot through the vanguard circles, as it came colliding on a gold shield.

"Perfect guard with Sparking Enforcer." Sanda smiled innocently.
"Triple drive! (History-maker Dragon, Steam Maiden, Uluru) Heal trigger! A point of damage healed, power to Kalibum! (8000 > 13000) Now my last check! (Luckypot Dracokid) Draw trigger! Power to Kalibum and draw. (13000 > 18000) Now, Kalibum goes in for the kill! (18000 > 25000)" Rino exclaimed.
"No guard," Sanda said.

A large boomerang was thrown, as the dragon barely caught it, the frictiom causing his gloves to burn slightly, as it stang him.

"Damage check. (Super Striker Tamer, Lightning Fist Dragon) No trigger." Sanda smirked.
"Thats my go." Rino gritted his teeth in dissapointment.

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 2
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw!" Sanda announced sternly. His eyes opened wide with relief. "GENERATION STRIDE!" He exclaimed, discarding Super Striker, Bolt Trainer Dragon. "A black and stormy night, with thunder and lightning that never stops, a tainted fist of thunder! GENERATION... STRIDE!!!" Sanda smirked. "Super Striker Destroyer, Master Fist Dragon!"

Lightning and thunder sparked through the dust, the rocky plains of Cray. Arising with glowing blood red eyes was a dragon, scales a pitch black, with a tint of murky blue.
"What is he?" Gear Eagle mumbled to himself, as the land was shattered with a ear piercing earthquake. "What the hell?!"
Master Fist Dragon had a spiky gold head piece, and two golden orange fists, that had a blue crystal that sparked with electricity.
"Gear Chronicle!" He boomed, a claw pointing at them menacingly. "Meet the TRUE thunder of the Narukami!" He growled.
"I'll be prepared to take you on, caw!" Cried Gear Eagle, as his face shrunk slightly, as he scrunched it up.

"Calling Meteor Fist and V-Spark! Next up, Master's skill! G persona blast, and he gains a new skill. Each time a rear-guard is retired, he gets 3000 power, and one extra critical! His next skill, I give my front two rear-guards an extra crit! (1★ > 2★/1★ > 2★) Then, I'll use V-Spark to retire Thunderstorm and he gets 4000 power, along with my vanguard! Then he also gets an extra 3000 power and extra critical! (7000 > 11000)(26000 > 33000/1★ > 2★) Then, Thunderstorm skill kicks in! Counterblasting one, retiring Timebreak, and I draw a card, not to mention my vanguard's skill! (33000 > 36000/2★ > 3★) Then I call Crosswave. Skill, counterblast 1, soulblast 1, it gets an extra 2k (9000 > 11000) and I give a new skill to V-spark! Now, with a boost from Enforcer, Meteor goes in to your History-maker! (9000 > 15000) Skill, counterblast, retiring Enforcer! His skill, soulblast and add him to hand. (15000 > 9000) My vanguard's skill kicks in! (36000 > 39000/3★ > 4★) Retiring Dracokid so you can't use his skill! Vanguard's skill, kick in! (39000 > 42000/4★ > 5★)"
"You gotta be kidding me! A penta crit vanguard, not to mention he now has a perfect guard and he's ridding my formation." Rino thought as he gritted his teeth. "No guard." He breathed grimly, retiring History-maker.
"Skill of my vanguard." Sanda said.
"No! I forgot about that..." Rino gritted his teeth.
"3000 more power, and more critical. (42000 > 45000/5★ > 6★) Now, with a boost, my vanguard goes in! (45000 > 56000)" Sanda smirked.
"Great, I either guard and lose horribly or risk on heals... Damn you Sanda!!!" Rino thought, as he could feel anger flow through him, hand twitching slightly. "I have to stop you. For the sake of my pride!!"


Cliffhanger! Whoo, I hoped you liked this crazy battle between Sanda and Rino. I want to thank Goldinator for letting me use Sanda, and YudaiMatsuro for Rino's decklist. If he didn't post the Gear Chronicle "Chronoscommand" deck, Rino coulda been playing who knows what?! Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. Fox out!

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