Turn 40: Heroes and Villains of Star Gate

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"Okay, now for the 12th Round! In the red corner, its the dragon of the lock, the wielder of destruction, the upcoming Star Gate Branch Manager, Kyle Black!!" The announcer exclaimed as Kyle walked foward, a smirk on his face as a red light trailed him. "In the blue corner, its the walking, talking, human wikipedia who gave us like half of the information we know about these players, its Kurakuya Kage!" The announcer exclaimed. A man with a brown straw hat, orange hair and purple-bluey eyes appeared infront of the gears from the shadows, eating chow mein from a container. He wore a yellow suit and had black boots.
"Hey there." He said as he ate the food.
"What the-?" Kyle was distracted at how he instantaneously appeared from thin air.
"Name's Kurakuya Kage, last name means Shadow, I run any deck, but my main is Dimension Police. You are Kyle Black, an upcoming Branch Manager for the Star Gate, which is part of the southern area of Cray. Your avatar is Chaos Breaker Dragon, but a stride version of it. You hold atleast three exclusive cards, and run an Chaos/Messiah build. Because of those exclusive cards, I cannot do my normal tactic. Your girlfriend is Aqua, and your rival is Yza Blade, a boy in this tournament who ran Shadow Paladin and Stardust Knights, Shooting Star Dragon or Tamer and Blaster Dark "Diablo" as their avatar. His Shadow deck was given to him by his older brother, Maxios, who-"
"Please stop, Kurakuya." The announcer said.
"Right then." He sighed.
"You know alot about people." Kyle said.
"I know." Kurakuya replied.
"Now, Stand up (my!) Vanguard!" They both exclaimed.

(Insert theme song here)

"Cosmic Hero, Grand international house of pancakes! A.K.A Grandihop! Real name Grandhop!" Kurakuya exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding bronze.
"Chaos Scythe Bearing Dracokid!" Kyle exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding red. "Stand and draw. I ride Lanthanum and pull back Dracokid. I end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride Grandrope and pull back Ihop. Attack! (7000)" Kurakuya exclaimed.
"No guard." Kyle replied.
"Drive check! (Cosmic Hero, Grandguard)" Kurakuya replied.
"Damage check. (Star-vader, Chaos Bomber Wyvern)" Kyle sighed.
"Turn end." Kurakuya said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride Technetium. Call, Charcoal. With a boost, attack! (9000 > 16000)" Kyle declared.
"No guard." Kurakuya replied.
"Drive check. (Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon) No trigger." Kyle replied.
"Damage check. (Cosmic Hero, Grandrifter)" Kurakuya said.
"Turn end." Kyle said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Ride, Grandfire and attack! (9000)" Kurakuya exclaimed.
"No guard." Kyle replied.
"Drive check! (Operator Girl, Reika) Stand trigger... Oh well, all to vanguard. (9000 > 14000)" Kurakuya laughed.
"Damage check. (Alter Ego Messiah) No trigger." Kyle replied as he shuffled his hand.
"I end." Kurakuya said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 7
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw... START FROM THE DEPTHS OF ZERO, BLACK CHAINS THAT SEAL OUR POWER, BREAK THEM AND SHOW NO MERCY TO THOSE WHO DEFY THE LOCK!!! I RIDE!! Star-vader, Infinite Zero Dragon!" Kyle boomed, vanguard circle expanding black with scattering of red. "Call, Technetium. With a boost from Dracokid, Technetium attacks! (9000 > 14000)" Kyle exclaimed.
"No guard. (Cosmic Hero, Grandrope) No trigger." Kurakuya gritted his teeth.
"Vanguard! Skill, add 2k! (11000 > 13000 > 20000)" Kyle smirked.
"No guard aswell." Kurakuya replied.
"Twin Drive!! (Flowers in Vaccum, Cosmo Wreath, Disorder Star-vader, Iron) No triggers." Kyle said.
"Damage check! (Enigman Warm) Draw trigger. Draw and power to vanguard. (9000 > 14000)" Kurakuya smirked.
"That's all, turn end." Kyle said.

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 8
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw! Great Hero that gallops throughout the universe seeking peace and justice, our mission is here! I ride my avatar, Great Cosmic Hero, Grandgallop!" Kurakuya exclaimed as the vanguard circle expanded metallic bronze.

A gold and silver battleroid with four legs and a large gold and silver sword appeared, a blue cape behind him and blue eyes. He stared at the silver cyber dragon with blood red eyes, five large black horns and a slender body. He had long black nails and two black rings behind him.

"Generation Stride! Super Cosmic Hero, X-phoenix! Stride skill, add 4000 power and a new skill! (26000 > 30000) Then, I use Ihop's skill! Rest it and give Phoenix 4k! (30000 > 34000) Then I call Grandvolver and Grandrifter! Rifter's skill! Counterblast and soulblast! Add 4k to it and vanguard! (9000 > 13000) (34000 > 38000) Then I add a new skill! Volver's Burst!" Kurakuya declared.
"There we go, it's Dimension Police's Burst! Active when a certain power is reached!" The announcer exclaimed.
"It's Burst, counterblast! Him and Rifter get 4k! (9000 > 13000) (13000 > 17000) Then add a new skill! Call, Grandlady! Skill, rest it! Add 4k to vanguard! (38000 > 42000) Then, Volver attacks!! (13000)" Kurakuya exclaimed.
"No guard. (Turmoil Star-vader, Zinc)" Kyle replied.
"Using the skill added, countercharge two! Then, vanguard attacks! (42000)" Kurakuya smirked. "Skill added from Rifter, draw!"
"Cosmo Wreath shuts you down!" Kyle exclaimed.
"Triple Drive!! (Cosmic Hero, Grandvicle, Cosmic Hero, Grandbeat) Critical! Everything to Rifter! (17000 > 22000/1★ > 2★) Then, last check! (Great Cosmic Hero, Grandmantle) Nothing. Skill of Phoenix, since it didn't hit, counterblast and draw a card. Rifter, ATTACK! (22000, 2★)" Kurakuya declared.
"Generation Guard. Death Star-vader, Demon Alexander. (11000 > 26000)" Kyle smirked.
"Damn. Turn end." Kurakuya stratched the back of his head.

Hand: 3
Damage: 3

Hand: 8
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw. BLACK CHAINS THAT HOLD THE DRAGON, BE BROKEN AND UNLEASH TRUE CHAOS!! SHOW NO MERCY, I RIDE MY AVATAR!!" Kyle exclaimed. "CHAOS BREAKER DRAGON, BREAK RIDE!!" The vanguard circle expanded black, with red scattered across the circle.

Chaos Breaker stormed on the field, eyes glowing a blood red.
"Time to reap what I sow... For this is, CHAOS!" Chaos Breaker Dragon exclaimed, his scythe going through Grandvolver and Grandhop, encasing them into a black atom.

"Break Ride effect! Add 10000 power and I lock Hop and Vovler! (11000 > 21000)" Kyle declared.
"Shit..." Kurakuya flipped two cards down.
"Now, it's time... LIBERATING THE GENERATION ZONE!! A DEATHLY WHIRLWIND OF NO RETURN, THE BLACK HOLE SHALL LOCK EVERYTHING THAT STANDS IN ITS PATH!! GENERATION, STRIDE." Kyle smirked. "Death Star-vader, Black Hole Dragon!!" The vanguard circle expanded black with red crackling on it.

Chaos Breaker turned into Black Hole Dragon, the halberd pointing at Grandlady as she was encased in the same atom.

"Chaos Breaker's Stride skill." Kyle smirked.

"Stride skill?!" Yza exclaimed as he flinched.
"Last time I checked, Chaos Breaker was a Limit Break card!" Ayaza exclaimed in disbelief.

"Your infamous Stride version of Chaos Breaker. You truly did break the limits of with your avatar. Must be nice having PSYQualia." Kurakuya laughed.
"Let's not talk about that. Stride skill, counterblast! Lock, Grandlady." Kyle pointed at the card as it was flipped face down.
"Then your gonna use his effect, right?" Kurakuya replied.
"Yes. Black Hole Dragon's skill, all of your locked cards become Omega Locked!" Kyle exclaimed. "Then, I use his other skill. Counterblast and G Persona Blast! For every omega locked card, add 2000 power! (26000 > 32000) And since 6000 or more was added, add a critical! (1★ > 2★) Next, I call Iron and Zinc. Skill of Iron, counterblast! Lock, Rifter! After that, Technetium attacks! (9000 > 14000)" Kyle exclaimed.
"Guard with Warm! (11000 > 16000)" Kurakuya exclaimed.
"Then, vanguard attacks! (32000 > 39000, 2★)" Kyle exclaimed.
"Liberating the Generation Zone! Rush to the scene to protect our last hope, Generation Guard! Super Cosmic Hero, X-carivou! Skill, since the attack is 30000 Power or greater, add 10k shield! (11000 > 26000 > 36000) Then, skill, discard a card! Add 4000 power to vanguard! (36000 > 40000) Then, I also guard with Reika! (40000 > 50000)" Kurakuya declared.
"Triple Triggers? Huh. Triple Drive!! (Star-vader, Null Chameleon) Critical. Critical to Iron and power to vanguard. (39000 > 44000, 2★)(1★ > 2★) Second check. (Disorder Star-vader, Iron) No trigger. Last check. (Star-vader, Jeiratail) Draw trigger. Draw and power to Iron. (9000 > 14000, 2★)" Kyle sighed.
"Sweet." Kurakuya smirked.
"You wont be so happy soon, you wasted four cards already. With a boost, Iron attacks. (14000 > 21000, 2★)" Kyle smirked.
"I was gonna let that one go through either way. Damage check. (Cosmic Hero, Grandvolver, Cosmic Hero, Grandguard)" Kurakuya gritted his teeth.
"Turn end." Kyle sighed.

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 4
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw..." Kurakuya picked up the top card of his deck. "Three units are omega locked, and my least useful unit is normal locked. I can stride into my on-hits and shuffle back a stand or two and use Grandbeat to get back some hand... Either way, I have to wait out for him to burn through his Black Hole Dragon's, Chaos Universe's and Galaxy Sphere's before I can do anything... Wait a sec!" Kurakuya had an idea. "Liberating the Generation Zone! As the fate of the universe is looking bleak, the eternal knight of bravery is here to save us! Generation, Stride!! Super Cosmic Hero, X-gallop! Stride skill, add 4k and a new skill! (26000 > 30000) Then, I call Grandbeat. With a boost from Beat, Vanguard attacks! (30000 > 34000) Skill of Beat! Into soul! Draw a card and add 5k to vanguard! (34000 > 30000 > 35000) And now the Burst conditions are met! Counterblast and G Persona Blast! Drive plus one!" Kurakuya exclaimed.
"Oh wow, a Quaddrive!" Kyle said with sarcasm. "Cosmo Wreath shuts you down. Skill, countercharge."
"Okay, Quadruple Drive!!!! (Cosmic Hero, Grandguard, Enigman Warm) Draw. Power to vanguard and draw. (35000 > 40000) Last two checks. (Cosmic Hero, Grandvicle, Operator Girl, Erika) Heal trigger! All to vanguard and heal. (40000 > 45000) Then, I'll have to end turn." Kurakuya laughed. "Rifter unlocks."

Hand: 2
Damage: 3

Hand: 9
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. Liberating the Generation Zone! And so the clown of Chaos said, "Game Over". Generation, Stride! Death Star-vader, Chaos Universe! It's skill. Counterblast and G Persona Blast! Choose a card from your hand, call it face down as Lock and since I have two or more face up G Units, I lock Rifter!" Kyle smirked.
"Call, and lock." Kurakuya said.
"With a boost from Dracokid, Techentium strikes first! (9000 > 14000) Skill, discard a Star-vader and add 5k and new skill! (14000 > 19000)" Kyle exclaimed.
"Guard with Erika. (11000 > 21000)" Kurakuya replied.
"Vanguard, attack! (26000 > 33000)" Kyle exclaimed.
"Grandguard, perfect guards!" Kurakuya exclaimed.
"Triple Drive!! (Alter Ego Messiah, Demon Claw Star-vader, Lanthanum, Chain-battle Star-vader, Technetium) No triggers. Iron attacks! Skill, add 2000 power! (9000 > 11000 > 18000)" Kyle exclaimed.
"Guard with Warm and Vicle! (11000 > 21000)" Kurakuya replied.
"Turn end." Kyle said.

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone! The powerful hero of the legendary heart that transcends time, open the curtain that blocks hope and JUSTICE! Generation, Stride!! Super Cosmic Hero, X-tiger!" Kurakuya exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding metallic bronze. "Stride skill, add 4k! (26000 > 30000) Attack! (30000) Skill! G Blast! Add 4000 power for every face up card in the G Zone!! I have five, so add 20000 power! (30000 > 50000) Then, since the power is 45000 or greater, add a critical! (1★ > 2★)
"Damn it... I'll have to risk it. No guard." Kyle gritted his teeth.
"You may have locked my units, but our hope will beat you! THIS IS JUSTICE!! Triple Drive!!" Kurakuya exclaimed. "FIRST!! (Cosmic Hero, Grandfire) SECOND!! (Great Cosmic Hero, Grandgallop) THIRD!! (Cosmic Hero, Grandbeat) Get a critical trigger!" Kurakuya smirked. Kyle flinched and gulped. "All to vanguard!! (50000 > 55000/2★ > 3★) Heroes always win, villians always lose! This is our justice!!" Kurakuya exclaimed.
"Damn it... Damage checks... (Star-vader, Chaos Bomber Wyvern, Turmoil Star-vader, Zinc, Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon) I lost..." Kyle sighed.
"That was an unexpected win." Kurakuya was surprised at himself.
"Hey, Kurakuya." Kyle said as Kurakuya looked at him.
"Yes?" Kurakuya asked as he was about to dissappear.
"Are you becoming the Dimension Police Clan Leader?" Kyle asked him as Kurakuya gave a smile and put his straw hat over his face, disappearing as the hate gracefully landed on the floor.



Idk why, but I like the ending to this one XDDD

Kyle: He's a strange kid

I know XD

Next up, is Questions and Answers, be sure to send them in if you haven't yet!

That's all from me, Fox out!

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