Turn 69: Your Choice

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Kyle shook with a smile, his face showing confusion between sadness, regret and happiness and insanity. He had shoved the knife between her breasts, bang in the middle of her heart, as she wheezed. Red spilled onto the blade, her blood being a similar shade to Kyle's.
"I'm... Sorry?" He replied, as a single tear went down his eye as Hiyori choked on her own words.

(Opening here)

(Play song in media)

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...?!" Kyle spluttered, his agonising emotions twisted his logic. His smile stained his face, as he cried. Tears rolling down his cheeks. Red had covered his hands. "I'm SoRRy??" He gasped, as he gripped around his body, restraining himself as he fell to the ground. He laughed. His eye twitched. Sitting up, he saw Hiyori gasping for her life, trying to live.
"R-ryu..." She wheezed, trying to call for her brother. Blood stained her blue suit. It was now a dirty purple. Kyle quickly sat up and dug through the pockets of Hiyori, his eyes widened, his smile crooked, his tears not stopping. He hated himself, but the other side of him was the puppeteer. He was the puppet. He grabbed the deck of Hiyori and her FICA, and looked around. When he turned around, he saw Ryu drop his drinks in his hand as he saw Kyle's bloody hand and Hiyori, her head turned to try and face him.
"Ryu..." She gasped for air, Ryu charging straight at her.
"HIYORI!!" He screamed, tripping over himself to be by her side. "NO, WHAT HAPPENED?!"
"Ky... E... Stabbed...." She pointed at herself weakly, blood leaking. Her skin was pale. Her breaths were slow.
"KYLE...?!" Ryu shot his head to Kyle, who was running away, crying. "It's going to be okay Hiyori... It's going to be okay..." He breathed in and out, trying to calm himself. He tried not to panic, or else his panic attacks would start. "I'm gonna... Call an ambulance..."
"Ryu... Tell... Mom... Dad.. Love them... Love... You." She said her last words, as she dropped to the floor, eyes lifeless. Ryu felt a sick feeling burn inside him. He grabbed Hiyori's hand, as tears started to fill his eyes.
"Sis... SIS, DON'T DIE NOW!! SIS, NO, NO, NO, NO! DON'T LEAVE ME! DON'T LEAVE ME!!" He rested his forehead on her cold, dead hand, crying, his shoulders raising up and down in agony. "Hiyori...?" He said, through the sobbing. He continued to cry, not stopping anytime soon.

"Hi, does a Mai Heatwave live here?" Kinjuzo asked, as he faced a receptionist.
"Yes, she does."
"Cool, what room number?" He asked.
"121." The receptionist replied.
"Thank you." Kinjuzo walked in and went to search to room 121, trying to find Mai. Eventually, he had found the room and knocked on the door. The short Mai opened it and looked up, to see Yza's face and immediately slammed the door shut. Dax opened the door after.
"Hi Yza." He waved.
"Hi...?" Kinjuzo drew a blank.
"Dax, nice to see you." He shook Kinjuzo's hand.
"Oh... Bluish Flames guy." He nodded.
"Yes! Come in, come in. Sorry about Mai, she's a bit salty that she lost to you." Dax giggled. He whispered in his ear, "Infact, she has a bit of a liking to you."
"Eh?" Kinjuzo raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing." Dax sat down. "Mai, Yza's here."
"I know..." Mai peered from the stairs, her face red.
"Oh. You're embarrassed aren't you?" Kinjuzo snickered. "I slammed you in a Cardfight, after all."
"Shut up..." Mai replied quietly, going downstairs and sitting down, her face showing anger.
"You want a match?" Kinjuzo showed off his deck.
"No thanks. Maybe later." Mai replied. "I want revenge. But not now. It's lunch... I'm hungry." Mai walked to the kitchen fridge and opened it, trying to find her sandwich.
"Need help?" Kinjuzo followed her.
"No, I don't." Mai replied sharply, grabbing her sandwich and started to eat it as she walked back to the main room.
"Whatever you say..." He sweatdropped.
"Why are you here, Yza?" Dax asked him.
"I'm here to talk to Mai?" He shrugged. Dax grinned brightly.
"Wha-?" Mai was stunned.
"You two, go upstairs into her room, I don't need to be here!" Dax whistled as he made a "shoo" signal.
"Fine." Mai sighed as she finished her sandwich, before leading Kinjuzo upstairs, and into her room. It was goth looking, a black painted wall, coupled with closed curtains which were red, and tinted the room the same colour. On the walls were posters relating to satanism and her bed was surprisingly normal. Plain white sheets with a normal pillow.
"Woah, this is..."
"I get that a lot." Mai sighed, not caring about how she was judged over the room.
"This is awesome! I feel like I'm in a haunted house!!" Kinjuzo cheered. Mai stared at him, blinking.
"Are you insulting my room?"
"No! I find it pretty amusing."
"Whatever you say, idiot." Mai went on her tip toes and flicked his forehead, leaving Kinjuzo confused.
"What was that for?" He raised a brow.
"Because your an idiot." She replied with a deadpan look.
"Can you smile?"
"Eeee." Mai tried to smile, but it looked too forced. She had her eyes closed and her smile was rough and unattractive. Her lips were twitching from this unnatural position for her.
"It looks like it came from the depths of hell..." Kinjuzo murmured. "We'll need to fix that." She let go of the smile and sighed.
"Whatever you say." She walked over to the curtains and opened them, revealing light and making the room more brighter and less evil feeling. "Yza." Mai went over to her table and picked up her deck, before shoving it in front of his face.
"You're a stalker." She stated simply.

Ryu had an angry face on as he walked down the streets, trying to find Kyle. Inside his bag was the knife used to kill Hiyori. His bloodthirsty revenge on Kyle had started. He was ready to kill him, and avenge his sister.
"It's my choice... That is what I want." Ryu growled, anger bursting from his face as he stomped hard on the ground, people walking by giving him weird looks. "I'll kill Kyle..." He said with little emotion. Devoid of any feeling, bar anger and resentment, that he couldn't let go.

"Eh? M-me? Stalker?" Kinjuzo brushed it off, as he started to get embarrassed. "Crap, that's right! I find about her address!"
"And your also a pervert for all types of girls." Mai sighed. "You disgust me."
"No I'm not! I'm not a pervert or a stalker! I just... Uh..." He was at a blank, his face at this point cherry red.
"Yet, at the same time." Mai lowered her deck and breathed in, and out, before looking straight into his eyes sharply.
"W-w-what?" Kinjuzo started to become flustered as he wasn't sure what to do next.
"You interested me, quite greatly." Mai leaned in, and snatched a quick kiss on his lips.

Ayato sat in his favourite cafe, drinking some coffee, hands in his leather jacket.
"This is the pinnacle of boring."
"Morning," Payic walked in and waved at the manager.
"Hi Payic."
"Oh... Payic Ikuo... Isn't she Ryuzaki's girlfriend or something?" Ayato tched with a smirk. "Let's have some fun messing with him." He grinned, looking at Payic who took a seat at a table. "Oi, Payic."
"Hm?" She looked up from her phone and Ayato adjusting his mask, to show his rabbit mask instead of his real face. "Oh, its you from the tournament! Uhm... Ayatou, wasn't it?"
"Ayato. No need to elongate the "to". Let's have a game of vanguard. I saw that Genesis got new support and wanted to see the best Genesis player I know use it."
"Sure, that sounds cool." She moved from her seat and sat across Ayato. "Let's fight!"

"Eh?" Kinjuzo blinked, his face completely and utterly red. Mai had a slight blush on as she smiled lightly. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED???"
"You won't tell your girlfriend about this right?!" Mai grabbed his shirt and said quickly, before realising what she had accidentally done.
"Oh... I don't have a girlfriend anymore..." Kinjuzo lied.
"Oh thank goodness..." She sighed.
"That's way out of the blue though! Warn a guy next time...." He said.
"Sorry..." Mai replied quietly.
"I guess it's fine..." Kinjuzo rubbed the back of his head quickly. His heart beat fast. He couldn't look at Mai without blushing. "The hell am I feeling?!"
"Anyways... Do you want to Cardfight?" Mai showed him her deck.
"Yes... Let's do that." Kinjuzo coughed to try and regain any amount of composure he had lost in those few seconds of love.
"Alright then." She sat and started to shuffle her deck.
"I've got this..." Kinjuzo sat down and pulled out his Shadow Paladin deck. "Isn't that right, Luard?" He smirked and shuffled as well.

"Stand up, (the!) Vanguard!" They both declared.
"Commanding Knight, Gnesa!" Kinjuzo shouted, vanguard circle expanding purple.
"Knight of Early Dawn, Coel." Mai replied, vanguard circle expanding gold. "I'll go first. Stand and draw. Riding, Gorboduc and moving Coel. End."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, I ride Night Sky Eagle and move Gnesa back, calling Abyssal Owl and using skill, checking top seven and grabbing a Luard, before dropping Morfessa and Branwen from hand. Abyssal Owl attacks! (7000)"
"Guard with Flame of Victory. (7000 > 17000)"
"Night Sky! (7000 > 12000)"
"No guard."
"Drive check! (Comet Witch, Serva)"
"Damage check. (Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit)"
"Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 1

Hand: 4
Damage: 0

Kyle rushed through the city, his expression changing from insane, to normal. The puppet, the real Kyle, was being thrown around by the Puppeteer, the Яeverse Kyle.
"Kyle." Backlion in a hoodie appeared to talk to him.
"Backl- Void?"
"Yes. Did you kill her?" He asked, Kyle nodding in response. He trembled and gave him the deck.
"You won't kill them... Right?"
"Yes, I won't. Thank you, for the 5th Piece. The rest are with Kinjuzo, Aya, you and me." Backlion smirked. "The nine decks needed for the Gate... And I have 5 of them, 6 if you give me yours." He looked at Kyle.
"What are the pieces anyways?"
"The pieces... Are units not originally from Cray. Born because of the Crisis of the barriers breaking. The Stardust Knight was born from it. The Super Strikers were born from it. The Ancient Flames were born from it. World End was born from it. Dimension Paladins were born from it. Spectral Duke Annihilation was born from it. Fallen Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon was born from it. Liliana was born from it. Forbidden Chains were born from it. The biggest threats are the defenders of Cray. I must kill the, all, and use them as the Eight sacrifices for the Gate. And that includes me..." Backlion giggled.
"What about... Ayato?" Kyle raised a brow.
"His cards were genetically made from basing the units off the defenders. I know that someone by the name of Jinsei Owari has made his own for the Shadow Paladin clan." Backlion grinned.
"Oh..." Kyle mumbled. "So... My life will be taken...?!"
"Not by me. But by someone else." Backlion said. "Give me your deck and FICA." Kyle handed it over. "Now I need your flesh and blood." He cracked open the top of the FICA to reveal a blood red gem. "Thankfully, you cut yourself in the leg, so I can take it from that." It started to absorb the blood inside it, Kyle gasping.
"What... What?!"
"You're still under my command, okay? But if anything happens to you... I'm not responsible. Also, stay here. I'll be right back." Backlion walked away, as Kyle nodded.



Exposition and two upcoming fights and Ryu's Revenge Story.

Oh boy, I'm scared...

Leave questions and dares for the Q n A segment!

Also, like the explanation for why your character died? I guess everyone now knows whose going to die. XD
Also, check the Chapter Names and see if you can spot something :p

Question of the Turn:
Which is your favourite Ship in the Book?

That's all, Fox out!


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