Ride 2: Chains

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"Let us go, Shouri Sakini!!" A dragon with black, scaled skin and large, silver wings appeared in a flash of grey clouds which brooded the sky. Amber eyes looked at his opponents, and he roared viciously at them, a clear, crystal like vanguard circle appearing above his head and spinning wildly.

"Now, I discard a card with Grade 3 to the drop zone..." Shouri smirked as he grabbed a white backed card in the G Zone, fanning it in the air, before revealing it. "Generation, stride."

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

Hand: 4
Damage: 2
Soul: 9

(Opening here)

"I stride, Dark Forbidden Chain, Seal Keeper!" The vanguard circle expanded a clear crystal, a slight rainbow shimmer on the circle.
"Ooh, fancy." Rikishi said.
"Stride skill. Pull and bind the opponent, I counterblast one and bind face up Shima. Your vanguard loses 5000 power!" Shouri declared.
"W-what?!" Rikishi exclaimed, his vanguard power lowered. (11000 > 6000)

Glanzend was tied up by silver chains, tugging at him and restricting him. Seal Keeper, a large black scaled dragon with bronze highlights, tied the chain around him ferociously as Shima, a young male with white hair and pink eyes, shot his white chain forward, grabbing onto Glanzend aswell, and wrapping it around his head.

"Skill of Shima. I soulblast one, and your vanguard loses another 5000." Shouri smirked.
"Holy crap... (6000 > 1000)" Rikishi was in shock.
"Now, I also use Seal Keeper's skill. I counterblast one and bind Forbidden. You lose another 5000 power."
"... (1000 > -4000) I'm on negative numbers...?!"
"At the cost of two counterblasts, one soul and two of my rear-guards... Seems fair. I call, Cheney. Skill, I soulblast once more and bind face up Rygart. Your vanguard loses another 3000 power and your rear-guard loses 3000 aswell. (-4000 > -7000) (9000 > 6000) Now, with my three cards in bind zone achieved, Cheney gets 2000 power. (9000 > 11000) Cheney, attack! (11000)" Shouri declared.
"I don't care how many resources you burnt, you brought my Vanguard down to -7k!! I only have four hand cards!!" Rikishi shouted.
"Three cards, quit your whining, you have two damage." Shouri sweatdropped.
"Still, that's... That's dumb!! I no guard! (Dark Knight of Nightmareland) Oh thank the lord, a critical! Power to vanguard! (-7000 > -2000)"
"Tch, that can't save you from Seal Keeper!! (26000)" Shouri smirked.
"I don't guard!!" Rikishi replied.
"Triple drive!!" Shouri declared. At that moment, a faint glimmer was in his eyes, as the deck seamlessly bent to his will. "This is what you need, right?" Dead End asked as Shouri nodded. (Forbidden Keeper, Moving Golem, Defence-proof Chain Dancer, Misa, Arbiter of Revival Chains, Efil)
"Two triggers, a stand and a heal." Shouri smirked. "Standing Cheney and putting all effects to him. Healing one. (11000 > 21000)/[< ] > [^]) Now, attack again! (21000)"
"Damage check... (Doppel Vampir) And I'll shut you down with a G Guard!! Agrat bat Mahlat! Skill, I soulcharge two and she gains 5k shield since I have more than six cards in soul! (Scharhrot Vampir, Flying Librarian) (-2000 > 18000) And I'll add Dimension Creeper! (18000 > 23000)"
"Impressive. Turn end. The three cards bound return to my hand." Shouri said.

Hand: 9
Damage: 3

Hand: 2
Damage: 4
Soul: 11

"You're at nine hand cards... Great." Rikishi said with sarcasm. "Stand and draw. The one who dances in the night, as the orange-red butterflies bend to your will! I ride my avatar, Scharhrot Vampir! Now, I stride!! The abomination that has been spawned from the darkness, consume my soul and use it to finish... Abominable One, Gilles de Rais. Stride skill. Counterblast one, and I soulcharge two (One-eyed Succubus, Flying Librarian) and I add a skill to vanguard! Imma punish you for what you did to my field! I call, Doppel Vampir, and I activate Rais' skills. I G Persona Flip, and now, since I have ten cards in soul, he gets 10000 power! (26000 > 36000) And since I have fifteen cards, he gets Glory! And since there's two face up G Units, he gets 1 critical! (1★ > 2★) Now, since it's the beginning of my attack phase, I call both Enigmatic Assassins alas Darkness, and they get 15000 power each! (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000)" Rikishi smirked. "Honestly Shouri, don't under estimate me!!"
"I'm not... Bring it on!!" Shouri replied.
"Doppel attacks! His Darkness, since there's six cards in soul, add 5k! (9000 > 14000) And since I have fifteen, he goes Silent Tom! (14000 > 34000)"
"No grade 0 to try to guard a 34k bulk line? No guard. (Forbidden Aggression)" Shouri replied.
"Wow, I think you shoulda just noticed that my vanguard is on glory! I attack! (36000 > 56000/2★)" Rikishi shouted. "Skill gained by Scharhrot, I retire Cheney!"
"Shouri's lost..." Akane yawned.
"No guard." Shouri smirked.
"I've won! Triple drive!! (Serpent Charmer, Succubus of Avarice, Demonted Executioner)" Rikishi cheered as Shouri smiled as his eyes glimmered a rainbow colour.
"Damage check... (Shackle Destroyer, Risaa, Arbiter of Revival Chains, Efil) Oh look, a heal trigger." Shouri smirked. "Alrighty, I heal a damage."
"What the-- No way!!" Rikishi shouted.
"So you've burnt through so much to get this far? Man, I feel kinda bad," Shouri rubbed the back of his head.
"How'd you do that?" Akane pondered.
"I call cheating!!" Rikishi shouted, angered that Shouri pulled a heal.
"No, the deck merely bent to my will... Somehow." Shouri replied.
"Grr... Turn end!" Rikishi shouted.

Hand: 9
Damage: 5

Hand: 3
Damage: 4
Soul: 13

"Dammit, I was betting the whole game on that Gilles! If he did what he did to me last turn, then I've lost...!!" Rikishi gritted his teeth.
"Stand and draw. I ride, another Dead End. Generation, Stride. Chains, gather round to bind a single opponent. Make them weak and suffer, as they drown in a symphony of loneliness. I stride... Cloudy Symphony of Swift Chains, Dead End "Respawn"." Shouri declared, the vanguard circle expanding clear crystal.
"Respawn?" Rikishi questioned him.
"I call, five units from hand. They aren't important for what I call. Skill of Dead End "Respawn". I counterblast 1, soulblast 1 and G Persona Blast. I bind every rear-guard on my side of the field, and each one returns to my hand by the end phase. For every card bound using this effect, I cripple your vanguard by making it lose 3000 power. 5 times 3 is 15. He loses 15000 power. (11000 > -4000)" Shouri said robotically.
"...!!" Rikishi was in shock. "You killed me to minus 4000....!!"
"Minus four thousand power... But no glory skill. Rikishi can turn it around." Akane said.
"Be glad I can't disable even more. I call Split Angel. Attack for 9000. (9000)"
"No guard... (Dimension Creeper)"
"Vanguard. (26000) Skill of "Respawn". Counterblast one and soulblast one, when he attacks, I can discard my entire bind zone. If I do, for every card put into drop zone, he gets 3000 power. (26000 > 41000) Unfortunately, I didn't reach eight cards to drop zone. If I did, he would've gotten a critical..." Shouri said.
"This deck is insane... I perfect guard with Avarice!!" Rikishi replied.
"So be it. I'll finish it with Split Angel." Shouri said with an intense gaze. His eyes shimmered. (Forbidden Keeper, Moving Golem, Forbidden Runner, Arbiter of Seven-hit Chains, Daumier) Stand, draw and critical. I stand Split Angel and give all effects to her. (9000 > 24000/1★ > 2★/[< ] > [^]) And now, attack. (24000, 2★)
"..." Rikishi was in a state of surprise. Somehow, Shouri had pulled triple triggers, the ones he needed, and what Shouri said was right. Split Angel was going to finish the game. "No guard? (Scharhrot Vampir)" He swallowed.
"And that's how you play Forbidden Chains." Shouri stood up with a smirk.
"Did you trigger stack?" Akane asked.
"Nope, the deck bent to my will." Shouri smiled. "Thanks, Dead End." He scooped the cards up.
"No problem, Shouri." Dead End replied.
"No freaking way..." Rikishi sighed as the bell went off.

At the end of school, Darien and Nakuru waited at the gates for Shouri.
"See you guys." Shouri waved as Darien and Nakuru ran over to Shouri and grabbed him by the arms, and pushed him out to the road, where a car sped by.
"Oops!" Darien laughed as Nakuru snickered, Shouri turning to look at his left as a car was charging straight at him.
"Shouri!!" Dead End shouted as Shouri stared at the car, his eyes glimmering as he smiled.
"Chain to a halt..." He muttered as the car suddenly stopped, as it was frozen suddenly, a jerky stop, almost.
"Oh my God!!" Crowds of people stared at Shouri who barely scraped death.
"..." Darien tched and Nakuru stopped laughing.
"Are you okay young man?!" Teachers ran over to Shouri as the driver went out of his car and went to apologise to Shouri.
"Yes, I'm fine..." Shouri looked around and saw Darien and Nakuru casually walking away. "Excuse me, I need to go home. Sorry and it's okay." He mumbled as he followed the path of Darien and Nakuru, walking behind the two.

"I'm kinda thankful he didn't die..." Nakuru said to Darien.
"Well, we wouldn't have murdered him if the car hit him, the driver would. Besides, we chucked him too hard, next time lower down the pow-" Darien froze.
"Hey, I can't move!!" Nakuru shouted.
"What the Hell?!" Darien shouted.
"Konnichiwa, minna-san~" Shouri said in a cheerful voice as he walked past them.
"Shouri, what did you do us?!" Darien replied, angry.
"Fuck you." Shouri grabbed Darien's head and dug his fingers into his hair.
"Let me go!!"
"So, microphone head, how's it feel now? You're in my hands now. Does it hurt that you can't retaliate?" Shouri asked, staring into his eyes. "Ya know, how they say. "Stand up for yourself" and stuff. Well, it's not easy, you know. Just until today, I've found something new. Something that will bring you to submission. I'm lucky enough to get this chance, but not everyone does. I don't understand why you bullied me, but I don't care. Have fun rotting out on the streets, Darien, Nakuru." Shouri let go of Darien and walked away.
"...SHOURI SAKINI!!" Darien shouted, fuming.

Shouri returned to his house, taking off his shoes at the hallway.
"Mom, I'm home." He called out.
"Shouri, come into the living room!!" A young male voice called out. Shouri walked into the living room and saw his younger brother there, looking through his usual deck of cards; which was his ghetto Oracle Think Tank deck.
"What are you doing, Kirisaki?" Shouri asked, his younger brother looked at him. He had lighter coloured hair than Shouri, but had darker eyes.
"Looking through your Battle Maidens." He replied.
"Oh, yeah, my ghetto deck. You can have it." Shouri said.
"Really?" Kirisaki raised a brow.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Shouri shrugged.
"You okay?" Kirisaki asked.
"Fine." He replied.
"You're a bit different, Sho."
"Maybe you're a bit paranoid, Kiri." He walked away.



This chapter did not really go the way I planned XDDD

Eh, meh. Shouri kinda became edgy. Meh.

That's all, Fox out!

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