#58: Rukia Takanori

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I was walking on a thin line between hope and despair. Each day was a balancing act for me, as I fought against myself to keep the fleeting hope that one day I would see Yza again.

Even though I was enlisted to kill him, when it came down to it, I couldn't do it. While he's alive, I sometimes wondered if it was better if he was dead. If we were better off both dead.

Imagine living in a world where the person you love most who was also your boyfriend disappeared. Then, you find out they're alive, but they're stranded on another planet.

That less than 1% chance situation happened to me. It was my karma for everything I did to him.

When I was Яeversed, I did so many horrible things to Yza. So many sins— I tricked him, toyed with him, and broke him to the point his alter reemerged.

Yet, he was ready to cast away his humanity if it meant being by my side. He was ready to become a slave to the Яeverse, if it meant he could be with me.

He knew I wanted to kill him. Regardless, he chose death if it meant being by my side again. That much, warmed my cold heart.

Even though I was Яeversed, I could still fee, I could still think. I could still remember those precious memories and the time we spent together.

But because I failed to kill him, Yza became the sacrifice necessary for the portal to open. When Backlion dismissed me from the Яeverse, he enacted his plans to open the portal shortly thereafter.

It was there, on the school rooftop, where I saw a sight that was forever burned deep in my retinas.

Spectral Duke Dragon was tearing Yza apart, who was drowning in a sea of his own blood and nailed on a cross, screaming in unthinkable pain while the beast hacked away at his body to the point his organs were almost spilling out.

If I killed him earlier, then he wouldn't have suffered that torture. A quick death was painless compared to what Spectral Duke was making him go through.

If I killed him earlier, then Backlion wouldn't be able to open the portal using him as a sacrifice. I felt incredibly guilty, because I was the reason he was used like this.

Luckily, we managed to free him, and he managed to make a full recovery. If the barrier between Earth and Cray wasn't collapsing, then Yza would've died for sure...

Even though it was a short moment, we were united as our true selves. No Яeverse. No alter. Just me and him.

How it used to be.

But that moment was short lived... we had to save the world from Backlion.

I watched him cardfight from a distance. He was just like a knight, gallantly charging into the final battle against the big boss. He was so cool...

But even when he slain the enemy, our worlds didn't return back to normal. It was still collapsing, still on the verge of breaking.

Yza recognised what was wrong, and gave me one last kiss. The feeling of his lips against mine still linger to this day...

And even though I selfishly screamed for him to stop, he still jumped into the portal.

Yza sacrificed himself to save everyone...

I thought fate was playing a cruel joke on me. Even though I had tried so hard to keep him alive, Yza's selflessness meant he was ready to give up his life if it was in exchange for everyone else's.

In the end, Yza was gone. It was my nightmare scenario, coming to life.

A cloud of negative emotions stormed over me. Sadness, despair, betrayal... a whirlwind of so many cursed feelings that blamed myself.

I pushed everything onto myself. It was the least I could do for him...

I didn't want to blame him.... I knew I couldn't blame him...

How could I blame the man I love, my closest friend, and the saviour of our world?

Without Yza, there would be no tomorrow. If I killed Yza, then we would've all died...

That's why, I...

I still... a part of me just... a small piece of me couldn't...

Trying to rationalise these spinning thoughts in my head created a demon that slumbered in the sea of darkness hidden in my heart. A demon that embodied everything I didn't want to happen. I didn't want something like this existing within me.

Yet, that demon... that "me" who I refused to accept... grabbed a hold of me and began forcing idea after idea into my head, shoving blame onto Yza constantly instead.

...and I could understand every twisted emotion.

Feelings of betrayal, bitterness and anger flowed through my ears and into my brain.

It force fed me poison drop by drop, until it accumulated to the point of lethality.

It congealed and released into my veins, churning me inside and out.

Why couldn't someone else sacrifice themself instead of Yza... Why did you leave me behind Yza... This is all your fault Yza...

Those terrible, inhumane thoughts held me down.

I had no right to think such disgusting, vulgar things. Blaming Yza for his sacrifice when he saved all of us... how pathetic did I become?

Was I that incapable of living without him? Was I truly that deprived? Was I going to let myself become this demon?

The demon's resentment for Yza clashed with my love for him. These two conflicting emotions chewed away at my mental well-being. I knew that Yza was someone I should treasure, because of what he did not only for me, but for everyone else.

But another part of me resented that he left me alone in this world. Even though I did a lot of cruel things to him, this felt even crueller. He left me behind for good. He discarded me without second thought...

That's what it honestly felt like... even if he didn't mean it to feel that way... I was so weak...

I did my damnedest to keep him alive... But in the end, what was the point?

Disappeared or missing, what was the difference? He might as well be dead...

We would've been better off dead. If I killed him earlier, than the two worlds would collapse. If that happened, then neither of us would be alive.

Death was a better option than suffering. We would be reunited in the depths of the afterlife. Our frayed souls would find each other in the pits of purgatory, or the sandbox of heaven.

I wouldn't have to be alone anymore. I wouldn't have to suffer these destructive emotions that followed his sacrifice.

I understand that these emotions of frustration and anger are things I thought of. I can't ever take back those emotions because they were something I created.

These were things I felt, because I was a horrible human being. These were things that I thought about my boyfriend. How could I ever deserve someone like him?

I was a nasty girlfriend. What kind of person thinks of the man they love in such a way? Clearly, I somehow did, and I felt disgusted with myself afterwards. Even now.

I kept these emotions hidden to myself. I didn't let anyone else see these dark feelings. I shut up and bit my tongue about this.

Sitting on my hands was better then letting everyone see how much of a toxic person I became.

I grew sick and tired of fighting against myself constantly. These worn-out feelings of hate were getting on my nerves.

I never wanted these fucking feelings in the first place.

I didn't have a single reason to think this way. I was going to destroy these feelings and change myself.

I wasn't going to let the darkness pin me down and consume me...

...I didn't want his sacrifice to be in vain!

He died so I could live!

So why couldn't I live properly...?

Why was I such a rotten person...?!

Ha... ha... ha...

I broke myself thousand of times over trying to find an answer...

An answer to all of my weakness.

In the end, I decided I would search for Yza.

I couldn't let myself sink in this cesspool of trash any longer.

If I did, I would become someone I never wanted to become.

I would find him, because I know he was alive. Somewhere on Cray, Yza was wandering alone.

If he saved me once, then I'll save him ten times over. I'll keep saving him, because I can't bear to see him in pain anymore.

I was going to find Yza, no matter what it takes. That hope was my drive, and the only thing pushing me to get out of bed each morning.

Together, me, Zeon and Shika began looking into different ways of finding him.

My highest point during this emergence from the darkness was when Ayato returned from Cray.

My spark of hope exploded into something bright. Something I could call mine. We would find Yza, because if Ayato made it out of Cray alive, so can he.

Frantically, we continued our search. Hints were being dropped from all sides, both friend and enemies, and each lead brought us closer to finding him.

I felt... strangely excited. A bittersweet pang in my chest came up every time we got closer to Yza.

Even though there were months where I continued to fight against myself, or times when nothing new came up... the times where a scrap of information was useable made all this waiting and suffering worth it.

I just had to be patient... I just had to be patient.

I wanted to pre-occupy myself, so I wouldn't let those vengeful feelings take control of me. I was in charge of myself, and no one else.

That's why I wanted to help Zeon while we searched for Yza.

The day I saw his cuts... I had to do something. I couldn't ignore this problem, because it would only get worse if I did.

Just like me, Zeon was suffering too. He had his own reasons to self-harm, and his own reasons to be consumed by negative feelings.

However, this time, I would make sure that he wouldn't end up going down the same route I did.

When I was alone, no one saw the swirling darkness that boiled inside of me.

I just wanted someone to reach out to me, and connect with me. I wanted someone to understand how I felt.

I'll be that "someone" for Zeon. He doesn't have to be alone. Not when the pain hurts to the point he considered suicide.

I couldn't let someone else slip through my fingers. I don't want to see another one of my friends go...

It'd be... it'd be Yza's sacrifice all over again...

Just how much guilt could my broken heart take......?

I selfishly wondered that... even though I had no right to.

But... when Zeon completed the portal to Cray, all those dark emotions resurfaced suddenly.

My "hope" was running out. My "despair" was taking over me.

If I continued to wait, I'd be dragged back down.

Everything I did to prevent this would be for nothing.

Unlike last time, I was going to hold out against fate.

I would take charge of my life... not someone else.

That's why I hurt Zeon... and left him behind.

I Imaginary Dived to find Yza. For no one else's sake but mine.

...when I performed this act, I understood how Yza felt at that time.

It hurt... betraying my friends...

I knew the risks yet... I did it anyways...

But... I couldn't go back...

I was in too deep...

I pushed my pain onto Zeon unfairly.

In the end, everything I did was for my sake...

...who was I fooling?

I was a horrible, rotten, disgusting person.

Even though I truly wished to help all of them out, everything I did somehow went back to "me".

Why was I so self-centred?

I want someone to recognise this unpleasant side of me.

I want someone to call me out on all the evil I've done.

I want someone to see how much I was truly worth—

I figured it out by myself.

I was worth nothing.

This was how much of a vile person I've become.

In the end, I was selfishly doing things for myself.....

...but I'll continue walking forward, with this bitter contradiction.

I want to be with you, Yza.

Not for our sake... but for mine.

(Opening here)


"She said something." Shika knocked Zeon's arm.

"...Huh?" Zeon opened his weary eyes slightly.

The temperature of the air had dropped considerably as it was nighttime. The faint smell of smoke and the gentle crackle of fire filled the room Shika and Zeon sat in, while Rukia laid on a makeshift bed of leaves. Akari was in the side of the small room, adding pieces of wood to keep the fire burning.

"Sorry, did I disturb your sleep?" Shika said.

"I was on the verge of sleeping... keep me awake for me, will you? Or someone brew me some coffee." Zeon said.

"Do they have coffee on Cray?" Shika looked at Akari.

"You'd be surprised. Coffee is especially popular in Zoo, and you know which nation Backlion comes from right?" Akari said.

"...well then." Zeon rubbed his eyes and looked at Shika. "What's up?"

"Rukia said something in her sleep." Shika said.

"What did she say?"

"I dunno. Sounded like pizza though." Shika turned to Akari. "Do they have pizza on Cray?"

"You'd be surprised. It's a popular street food in Dragon Empire."

"What's this deja vu..." Zeon muttered.

"Zeon, we gotta try this Dragon Empire pizza out!"

"Knowing it's from Dragon Empire makes me think they make it out of elf meat or something,"

Shika quivered.

"Actually, a lot of dragons are vegetarian." Akari said. "Eating meat is pretty uncommon in Cray. That's how Neo Nectar thrives. They produce most of Cray's food, so they get money from nations purchasing from them in bulk."

"Sleazy tree hugging businessmen! I'll start a meat-eating revolution in Cray!" Shika exclaimed. "Bacon will rule over all!"

"Good luck trying to slaughter the Great Nature animals then." Akari said.

"On second thought... maybe not." Shika said.

"They can't be that big brain. After all, they accepted Backlion into the university." Zeon said.

"That's a bit..."

"I say it how I see it. There's no point in sugarcoating the truth."

"Why don't you like Backlion?" Akari asked.

"You know what he's done."

"That was the Void. Besides, you're no better than him. You killed Izo, didn't you?"

"I know I'm no better."

"Then give him a second chance. He's really not that bad. Just a bit stupid, but harmless really."

"...there's no point trying to explain this to someone like you."

"What's that supposed to mean? Aren't you acting a bit mighty, Zeon?"

"I'm trying not to. But honestly, my reasons are something that I don't want a stranger to find out."

"Well... fair enough."

Shika scratched his neck. "So... since I'm a friend, can I find out?"

"No, Shika. This is something... too personal to talk about."

"Well, let's not have that much animosity towards him. Even if he's done some bad things, if we want to survive on Cray, we should follow his and Akari's lead. After all, they lived here longer than us."

"I can't argue against that." Zeon sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Damn it, just stay awake..."

"Eat some food. That'll help."

"I want to save our rations for mealtimes. Eating in between would set our rations off track."

"Actually, Backlion's cooking some food right now." Akari said.

"Eh? Really? This is great news, Zeon!"

"...yeah, I guess."

"You don't sound very excited." Akari said.

"Isn't it clear why? I just... I just don't like him, okay." Zeon said.

"I know that. It's hard for me to sympathise if I don't know why though."

"I don't need your sympathy."

"...Zeon..." Rukia mumbled.

"Dude, she said something again!" Shika said.

Zeon looked at Rukia with furrowed eyebrows. His mouth went agape slightly, but he shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"What did she say?" Akari asked.

"I think she said Zeon." Shika said.

"Your name? That's interesting." Akari looked at Zeon.

"Zeon?" Shika looked at Zeon.

"...sorry. I kind of, just went out of it for a moment." Zeon said. "I'm going outside to get some fresh air."

Zeon left the room. Shika glanced at Akari with worry.

"Is he gonna be okay?" He asked.

"I don't know what's up with him, honestly. You know him better, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what's wrong either... though, I think Zeon doesn't want to be here."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, he only Imaginary Dived to find Rukia. Now that he's on Cray, he's probably regretting it. He's also being taken care of by Backlion, someone he doesn't like."

"Hmm. I thought him and Backlion were close friends though."

"Same here. I didn't know he actually hated him."

The curtain to the room was pulled back. Backlion popped his head in, carrying a pot of soup in his hands.

"I could hear you guys from the kitchen..." Backlion said, placing the pot down in the centre. Stirring the soup gently, he began pouring it out into wooden bowls.

"You have any ideas why Zeon hates you?" Akari asked, taking a bowl and handing it to Shika. "Be careful, it's hot."

"I already burnt my tongue today, I won't tell the pain." Shika said, drinking some of the soup. He then spat it back into the bowl. "Okay, maybe not..."

"Dude. Gross." Backlion cringed, pouring out another bowl. "I can only think of one reason why he hates me."

"What would that be?" Akari said.

"When I was being controlled by the Void, I promised Zeon I'd revive his little sister. Obviously, I couldn't, but by making a false promise, I was able to make him do anything I wanted. That included killing Izo."

"He can't really blame you, though, can he? The idea of reviving something is absurd to start with."

"You were revived twice..."

"That was on Cray. On Earth, something like that doesn't exist. Besides, now that you can revive people, can't you revive his dead sister as payment now? You might be a bit late, but you still kept the promise."

"That's... a good idea. I honestly forgot I could do that now."

"Wait, Backlion, you can revive people?" Shika said.

"Kuku... yeah. There was this Progenitor Dragon that revived people. I absorbed that Dragon's power, so I gained the ability to revive the dead."


"Progenitor Dragon. They're like... Messiah Dragons, I guess."

"I only know Zeroth Dragons, sorry."

"Zeroth Dragon? I haven't heard of them before either."

"They were used to summon a big fat Satan of Vanguard. Though, my Zeroth Dragon was from Dark Zone, made the opponent's units grade and power turn to 1. I even named my deck after him! Dusting H8ters."

"That's nasty. I haven't played Vanguard in ages though." Backlion picked up a bowl of soup. "I'm gonna deliver this to Zeon. Wish me luck."

"Be careful of his katana." Shika said.

"He still has that?"

"Nah, just kidding, he stored it away or something."

"I hope he doesn't try stabbing me with a stick or something then..."


Zeon sat at the edge of a flat mountain top, looking out to the distance. His knees were pulled up to his chest, and his face was hidden in the crook of his arm.

"Dinner's ready." Backlion said, walking up to him. "It's cold outside. Wouldn't it be better to eat inside?"

Zeon looked up at Backlion, and took the bowl of soup handed to him. "You can actually cook?"

"Nope. I just know how to make a good vegetable stock." Backlion said.

"It looks decent." Zeon said, using a spoon to try some. "That's... really creamy."

"That's what she said." Backlion sat down next to him.

"You know what I mean." Zeon jabbed Backlion's arm with the end of the spoon.

"Ouch. Seriously, why are you out here?"

"I dunno. The night sky's pretty, I guess."

"You hated nature."

"I hated bugs, actually."

"Do you still have trauma from the time I stuck a stick up your ass by accident?"

"I had haemorrhoids for a week because of that. Of course I do."

"Forgive me for that time."

"You're not pardoned."

"Oh c'mon, that was pretty funny though."

"I couldn't sit down for like a week. My shit was eighty percent blood. My asshole will never be the same." Zeon picked up a large stick lying next to him.

"Kuku..." Backlion's eyes widened. "H-hey man... it was like ten years ago... put the stick down and we'll be fine..."

"But Backlion, it's super funny when this gets shoved up someone's ass. Wouldn't you agree?"

"We don't have haemorrhoid medicine on Cray! If you make my ass bleed, I'm a goner for good!"

"Too bad. Repent!"

Zeon tackled Backlion to the ground, flailing the stick in his hand. Backlion was laughing, wrestling to get Zeon off him.

"I'll shove this so far up your ass it'll come out of your mouth!"

"Kuku! Dude, I can't take this! Stop!"

Backlion pushed Zeon off him, and continued to laugh.

"Kukuku... what the hell was that? You were seriously trying to shove a stick up my ass."

"You'd look better with one."

"Kuku... kuhahaha!"

Zeon shoved the stick into Backlion's mouth.

"I hope you get splinters in between your teeth."

Backlion spat out the stick and started coughing. "That tastes like wet moss... also, I think I have splinters in my tongue instead."

"Even better."

"I can't tell whether you're joking around or being serious anymore."

"I was serious."

"...you were actually gonna try and give me haemorrhoids, huh..."

"I could've just tried to push you off the edge of the cliff instead."

"I guess I'll take the haemorrhoids."

Backlion watched Zeon drink the rest of the soup.

"You made a surprisingly good meal."


"Now, take the bowl and leave me alone."

"Fine, fine. But, can I ask you something first?"

"What is it?"

"Do you hate me?"

"What do you think?"

"Figures. If I revived your sister for real this time, would you stop hating me?"

Zeon's eyes widened, then narrowed. He shot a glare at Backlion.

"I'm not falling for the same trick twice."

"I'm not lying this time. I can actually revive people."

"No you can't."

"I can. I'll show you, if you want..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zeon grabbed Backlion by the collar.

"I said no. Get a hint."

"...you have no intentions forgiving me, then?"

"Backlion. You're a piece of shit."

Zeon shoved Backlion and walked back inside the cave.

Backlion gritted his teeth, and punched the floor.



"Oh hey, you're back Zeon." Shika said. "This soup is good! Did you have some?"

"Yeah. The difference in temperature inside and outside is kind of impressive." Zeon said. "Is Rukia awake yet?"

"Nope, but she mumbled "Yza"." Akari said.

"Figures." Zeon sat down, leaning against the wall. "Pah... I'm so sleepy."

"I still have energy." Shika sat next to him.

"You're Shika, of course you have energy."


Backlion entered the room. "Is alright if I join you guys?"

"Yeah." Akari said. "You two?"

"Sure. We have some serious catching up to do after all. I need to flex my rugby skills!" Shika said.

"I don't care." Zeon said.

"Thanks." Backlion sat down next to Akari.

As Backlion and Shika conversed, Akari listened in. Zeon closed his eyes, peacefully drifting asleep. One by one, each person was turning in for the night.


A gentle rustle woke Zeon. Rubbing his eyes, he grumbled to himself and blearily looked around. The fire from earlier was put out, and the cave was plunged in complete darkness. He could make out three sleeping figures: Shika, Akari and Backlion.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a shadowy figure move towards the curtains. Standing up, he followed the figure and grabbed it's shoulder.



Rukia whipped round, squinting at Zeon. She sighed in relief, and relaxed her tense shoulders.

"It's... just you... Zeon." She said, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah. Just me." Zeon let go of her shoulder and pushed the curtain aside quietly. "Let's see the night sky."

"Well... that's..."

"It's better than you running away trying to find Yza."

"...I suppose."

Zeon and Rukia headed outside, sitting on the flattened mountain top.

"The stars are more prettier and clearer here on Cray than on Earth. The moon, not so much." Zeon said.

"I can't really tell the difference, honestly..." Rukia said.

"My sister loved astrology. She'd talk about it all the time." Zeon looked at Rukia. "Can... we have a talk?"

"...yeah. Let's talk."

"You should've been quieter if you were planning on escaping the cave. In the darkness, moving slowly and distributing your body weight will help in being stealthy."

"That's... what you want to talk about?"

"If you didn't make that noise, we would've lost you for good. So be grateful that you didn't end up like Yza, or literally anyone else from our school who went missing suddenly."

"What if I wanted to disappear?"

"No one wants to see you disappear, Rukia. Whether you know it or not, you'd be hurting a lot of people by disappearing."

"I know. I know that the best..."

"There's one person in particular who'd hate to see you disappear."

"Who would that be?"

Zeon paused.

"...Yza, obviously."


"Look. When... when you Imaginary Dived behind my back, I got... worried. That's why I dragged Shika along with me to this stupid planet."

"You guys didn't have to do that. You should've just let me do things my way. You didn't have to worry about me, or chase after me."

"Rukia, you're missing the point completely."

"Well... I hurt you, didn't I?"

"Yeah. You betrayed everyone's trust."

"I... know. I'm sorry about doing that, Zeon."

Zeon paused again.

"...you also hurt me, Rukia."

"I did, didn't I..."

"...yeah." Zeon's voice became a whisper. "I didn't want to lose you. I didn't want you to face this alone."

Rukia's eyes widened. She smiled wobbly. "Yeah... I guess... that's true..."

"I know that... I was unfair, by saying that I wouldn't let you Imaginary Dive to Cray. That's the reason why you did things on your own accord, right?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry, Zeon. I really am. About all of this, I just..."

"You just wanted to find Yza. I don't blame you. I don't hate you. I understand fully. I should've just... decided on who was going sooner."

"Who would've you decided on?"

"Me and you, together. We would've dived into Cray and found him."

"...I really messed things up, huh?"

"Maybe it was better if things were this way, honestly. Even though he's a skull-head, Shika's company is valuable. He kept my rationale cool when we met Akari and Backlion. If I was just by myself, I would've refused their help and be in a much worse situation."

"I see..."

"Well... while we're here, we might as well try and find Yza. If Akari and Backlion can survive here, I'm sure he can too. After that, we're going home though."

"Heh... okay, that's fine by me."

"Do you have anything on your mind?"

"Well... I guess I owe you plenty of things. A sincere apology is one of them."

"Two sorries are enough. Anymore, and it loses its meaning."

"Then... I'll skip straight to the thank you. Because, even though you have plenty of reasons to hate me, you still gave me a chance, and you still want to go along with my selfish request of finding Yza."

"It's nothing, really... I just wanted to make the most of our trip here."

"You've always been one for efficiency."

"Wasting time is worse than wasting money."

"That's why you work harder than anyone else..."

"...I suppose."

Rukia scooted closer to Zeon. Zeon looked away, up into the night sky.

"Are you okay?" Rukia said.

"...I'm fine."

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

"I'm just tired."

"Alright... I suppose I'll believe that for now. But if something's troubling you, please tell me."

"Yeah. I will."

A shooting star passed the sky.

"Zeon, did you see that?!"

"The shooting star?"

"Yes! It was so pretty!"

"Yeah... it's cool, I guess."

"Did you make a wish?"

"Not... really."

"Quick, you only have ten seconds to make one!"


"What wish did you make in your head?"

"If I tell you, it won't come true. Though, I'm guessing your wish is finding Yza."

"I can't confirm or deny it, or else it won't come true."

"It's written all of your face."


Zeon chuckled.

"I wish for... Rukia's happiness."

(Ending here)

Next time on Z World:

#59: Back Space

Sin: The only way for you to atone for your sins is... to be deleted from this world.



Half of this chapter is just Rukia's monologue... and here I was struggling for five days straight on what to write for it.

Your incompetent author, Fox here.

Firstly, I owe the readers an apology. I was unable to update Z World last week due to external reasons, so I couldn't get this chapter out in time.

I really rushed to get this chapter finished. Even though I technically had two weeks to complete it, I... well, I started writing this on the second week Thursday, and only finished editing on Friday, just a day before my deadline.

My work ethic really went down the drain, but slowly it's improving, bit by bit.

Secondly, this will be the last Z World chapter for awhile. I have some mock exams I need to prepare for first, so they take priority. I'll try to update when possible, but expect a wild and varying release schedule.

With that being said, I might also take a short break from writing altogether in late November/early December. Again, contribute this to my exams... and honestly, writer burn out.

I want to relax in my life a bit more and read more books. I'm pretty unhappy with my current writing style, so I need to expose myself to more literature to improve it.

Anyways, I hope 59 will come out soon. I don't want this book going at a snail's pace, considering all the things I've got planned...

That's all, Fox out!

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