#76: Festival

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No matter where we are, our hearts are connected by Vanguard.

The invisible web that weaves itself between everyone will be revealed here.

When the night of the festival comes to a close, it symbolises the end of an era.

On V22, the Yggdrasil tree springs open with light, ushering in a new generation.

Beyond A to Z, this story will continue on forever in you, the reader.

(Opening here)

An airplane headed to the United States of America took off in the early morning.

Shika Akia, who sat the window seat, peered outside with a small smile as he enjoyed the bird's eye view of his beloved hometown of Tokyo. Hiku Kagure sat next to him, trying to get a peek as well, but was unable to due to her boyfriend's muscular frame.

"Alright... I'm ready to make waves in the world of pro rugby!"

Shika pumped himself up by slapping his cheeks repeatedly. Hiku quickly admired the view while she still had the chance, before turning to Shika and laughing happily seeing his refreshed expression.

"To think were bawling your eyes out a minute ago, look at how confident you are now! Let's do this."

The couple, each headed for their dream job and university respectively, held each other's hands tightly as they flew off into the blue, cloudless sky.

Below, in the Tokyo International Airport which they departed from, Masaru Kurenai, and his older brother, Makoto Kurenai, exited a plane that had just arrived from Malaysia.

"It's good to be back in Japan! I've got some goods to pick up from a warehouse, so come meet me back here in two hours for our flight to England."

Masaru nodded at Makoto's instructions. Opening the map app on his phone, Masaru chose one of his pinned locations and received directions to the shop.

"Sure thing. I wanted to pick up some meat buns for the trip anyways."

Just further down the airport was Izanoku Shinoa, who was carrying tonnes of luggage behind her from her trip around Europe.

"Haa... where are those guys?! I brought them souvenirs, the least they could do is be on time!"

"Isn't better to be stylishly late though, Miss?"

Zak Remashita, Izanoku's younger brother, pulled back his white gloves with a snap, and helped her carry most of the suitcases.

"No it isn't! I can't believe your audacity! Why are you two so late?!"

"I had to submit my latest volume of Circumstances to my editor."

Earlier that day...

Amatsuyu Chabashira, Zak's editor, half-awake and lazing around at home, was playing plushies with his daughter, Shizuka Chabashira, to pass the time while his wife, Sakuya Chabashira, was cooking breakfast.

"Daddy, you can be Vinnie the Zebra and Karmit the Frog! I'll be Kathy the Cat and Woofles the Dog!"

Shizuka excitedly presented her favourite animal plushies to her dad.

"Sure thing!" Amatsuyu's phone started ringing suddenly. "Sorry sweetheart, let me take this real quick..."

Turning away from Shizuka, Amatsuyu answered the call angrily.

"What is it?! I'm spending quality time with my daughter right now Zak, can't it- you finished the volume? We're three days before the deadline and you just completed it now?! Ahhh! Hang on, let me go to the office, I didn't bring my laptop with me last night!"

Ending the call with an annoyed expression, Amatsuyu turned back his angel of a daughter with a bright smile. Patting her head, Amatsuyu explained the situation in baby talk.

"Sorry sweetheart, but daddy can't play with you anymore. Something just came up and daddy needs to go to work... Mommy will play with you later once she's done cooking though, okay?"

"B-but... I-I wanna play with daddy..."

"Daddy would love to play plushies with you too, but daddy has something really important to take care of..."

"M-more important... than me?"

Turning to his wife, Amatsuyu's expression dropped. Suddenly, Shizuka started to cry, making Amatsuyu panic and pick her up out of instinct. Sakuya laughed at his clumsiness, plating up breakfast, and packing some up for her husband to take with him.

"Sakuya, can you please take care of this mess...? I don't know if my heart can handle this stress..."

"Of course I can. C'mon Shizuka..." Sakuya took the crying Shizuka from her husband's hands, cradling her and gently hushing her back to calmness.

"Thanks darling, you're a lifesaver. I'm heading out!"

"Have a good day at work, and make sure to drive carefully! No rushing back home and getting a ticket because of it."

"Ahh, I won't repeat that same mistake again!"

Amatsuyu left his house and drove off to the publishing office.

Back at the Tokyo International Airport, the prisoner Callum Sykes was complaining at Izanoku angrily.

"I took so long because getting permission from the warden to visit you was a pain in the ass! Look at what they made me wear bruv! Everyone's looking at me bare weird! It's pissing me off!"

For the safety of others and visibility purposes, Callum was handcuffed and forced to wear a heavy duty neon orange jumpsuit.

"Be grateful the warden trusts you enough to be let outside. I say some fresh air will do you some good. It's better than staying in the cell all day with that psycho, right?"

Ayato Korastacker, the Narukami Clan Leader, Dragon Empire Branch Manager, and caretaker of Callum, held him back while trying to express the positives of the situation.

"That wasteman's a broken record. Did I shank him too hard in the head?"

The person Ayato was referring to was Kakusei Amehana, who had been imprisoned after being found guilty on accounts of attempted murder and aggravated assault against one of his fellow classmates.

He was put into the same maximum security cell as Callum, who had no qualms of roughing Kakusei up and putting him through the wringer. These days, Kakusei could only mutter one name in hatred and defeat.

"Zeon... Ishima... Zeon... Ishima..."

Zeon Ishima stood in front of Rose Ishima's gravestone. Rose was his younger sister who tragically passed away in her sleep due to a underlying lung disease no one was aware of. Aptly putting a bouquet of roses in front of her, he quietly prayed for her spirit.

"Life is a lot better now, Rose. I wish... you were there to see it too." Zeon said aloud.

Satoru Ishima, Zeon and Rose's father, also put down a bouquet of roses in front of her grave. He prayed as well.

"Sorry, I need to excuse myself..."

Yuzuru Ishima, Zeon and Rose's mother, retreated to their limousine in tears after she placed her bouquet down.

"It'll be alright Ms Ishima. You'll ruin your makeup if you cry too much."

Their personal butler driver, Johan Okabe, offered her some tissues. Yuzuru took it, blowing her nose.


Satoru finished his prayer and returned to the vehicle as well. Zeon's personal and head butler, Daimone Watanabe, who watched over both him and Rose since they were little, put down a smaller bouquet of roses in front of her grave.

"Young Mistress Rose, you were taken from us far too quickly. May your soul rest in sweet peace."

"I'll see you soon, sis."

Zeon stood up, bowing in front of her grave, before returning to his parents. Daimone silently followed.

"Your tea, Master Zeon."

Inside the car, their head maid Aiko Yamada had prepared the family cups of tea to drink, while Johan drove them back home to their mansion. On the way there, the Ishima's limousine passed a rustic maroon car decorated with intricate flames.

Driving the vintage beauty was Shura Helles, a mechanic who worked at his old man's garage, and had somehow harnessed the power of Nova Grappler's Generation Break 8 Fang Dragon King Fist, Driger in his right fist.

"This is the perfect way to spend a weekend morning! Driving a cool car, chilling with a cool bro, feeling the cool breeze against my skin, and having an even cooler pint of cheap ass beer in the back to down lunch with!"

In his passenger seat was his rival and close friend, Shouri Sakini, who needed a ride to the mall so he could go on a date with Harusui, who he'd confessed to on the last day of school.

"Can't this thing go any faster? I really don't have any time to waste."

Since he was an undesirable person, Harusui put the very harsh condition that, if he was late by even a minute, he'd lose the chance to go out with her forever.

"Oi, don't call my ride a "thing" or else you're getting booted from good ol' Stacey. You either take it, leave it, or get a driving license like your blue haired friend did."

"Tch... fine, but if I miss my chance, you owe me big time. And I mean it."

Arriving at the mall, Shouri rushed to the waterfall in front of the entrance where he promised to meet Harusui. He panted, looking around desperately for her. Confirming that she wasn't there, he checked the time on his phone. It was 11am on the dot.

"I-I made it..."

He breathed a huge sigh of relief, before shrieking as Harusui Shinou, his date for the day, came up from behind him and pinched his sides to shock him.


"Good morning Shouri!"

"Why you... what the hell was that for?!"

"It's your reward for being on time."

Harusui smiled innocently while a tic mark appeared on Shouri's forehead.

"I told you already... I'm not a masochist! You friggin— ugh, whatever... where do you want to go?"

"There's a nice little French cafe I've always wanted to visit. Let's go there."

"As long as snails are off the menu, going to the land of baguettes sounds like a plan."

As Harusui and Shouri entered inside the mall, an old man popped out from behind a bush, followed by Kotaro Nogami, Harusui's adopted brother.

"Grandpa, why did I have to come along...?"

The old man put a finger to his lips, hushing Kotaro to be quiet. He was Harusui's and Kotaro's grandfather, Tensai Shinou.

"Have you looked at me recently, Kotaro? I'm an old man, and if that Shouri boy pulls anything funny on Harusui, I'm more likely to get a heart attack than I am to save her! That's why I need you. You'll charge in instead of me while I cover you from the back."

"Shouri is fine though... besides, Haru can defend herself."

"Nonsense! Didn't Eiji teach you it's better to be safe than sorry young man? Now come, we'll lose them if we keep dawdling!"

Kotaro was surprised when his grandfather mentioned his adoptive father, Eiji Nogami. Tensai pulled out his air-soft gun and moved into the mall. Kotaro sighed, following his grandad.

"If you have that, then why do you need me...? Ah, I want to go back home already..."

Kotaro's home resided in Kyoto, which is also where Ryu Jomko lived comfortably after returning home to his family from Tokyo.

"Hiyori-nee, could you tell mom and dad I'm out at the card shop to meet my friends?"

"Sure thing. Before you go, can you pick a card?"

Presenting a deck of Vanguard cards before him was Hiyori Takigawa, Ryu's step-sister. She was a magician that travelled around Japan a lot, so it was rare to see her home like today.

"Practicing for your show later today?"

Ryu picked a card and memorised it. He put it back into her deck.

"Of course. Let me shuffle this, and voila!"

By bridging the cards, Hiyori made one pop out from the deck. Ryu caught the card and smiled in defeat.

"You got it right again. It was Flying Peryton."

Afterwards, Ryu left the house and headed to his locals, Floop and Fight, where Tari Hanaka, his girlfriend, was waiting for him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Is Trio still here?"

"Nope, he's long gone on his date now. I'm so proud of that guy! Can you believe he's on his third date?"

"He's making good progress. What was her name again? I always get her and her sister mixed up."

"Atsuko. The one without the short red side-tails."

"That's such a small difference..."

At the counter of the shop, Haruki Mato, Trio's younger brother, was purchasing a pack of cards from the store owner, Dashizu Ginga.

"Thanks for the discount as always manager!"

"No prob. You and your friends have fun!"

Haruki ran over to Kirisaki Sakini, Shouri's younger brother, so they could open their packs together.

"I can feel the good luck flowing through me! I've done five hours worth of tasks for this moment!"

Kirisaki ripped open his pack and was met with disappointment. Haruki laughed at him before also opening a pack with nothing good inside.

Outside an amusement park, Atsuko Kurenai and her twin sister, Ava Kurenai, were talking between themselves hurriedly.

"Ava, I don't think I can do this... I'm scared of the rollercoasters..."

"You'll be fine Atsuko. I'll be in the amusement park too, so if you need me, just come find me."

"But... what if Trio likes the scary rides...?"

"Just tell him you don't like it. If he's a good boyfriend, then he'll understand."

"I should've chosen somewhere else for our date... I'm going to screw it up...!"

Trio Mato, who had just arrived by running all the way from the card shop, meekly approached the twin sisters.

"H-hey, Atsuko. Sorry I'm late..."

"A-ah! T-Trio!"

Atsuko was caught off guard by him and staggered back, nearly falling over. Ava caught her, giving her an encouraging push forward.

"You two have fun on your date! I'm going to go hit up some rides!"

As Ava ran inside, Trio and Atsuko awkwardly averted eyes. Trio smiled nervously, before speaking up.

"Hey, uh... to tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of things like rollercoasters since they make me sick. Is that okay...?"

"E-eh? You don't like scary rides too?!"

Atsuko's eyes lit up. Trio was surprised she didn't like them either.

"Yeah. So I was wondering... is it was okay if we avoided them?"

"T-that's totally fine! I hate rollercoasters too!"

The two shared a laugh over their dislikes before entering the amusement park.

Back at the date occurring in Tokyo, Harusui and Shouri were sat inside the cafe giving their order to a waiter, Kakahashi Fumei.

"Yeah, I'll take uh... how do I say this?"

"He'll have the pain au chocolat and croissants. I'll have the macaroons and eclairs please. Oh, coffees for the both of us."

"W-what she said... oh, I want my coffee straight black."

"And you say you aren't a masochist. Merci beaucoup."

Harusui paid for their lunch.

"You know French too...? I swear this bougie place wasn't in the mall before."

"That's correct, monsieur. We moved locations from two blocks down the road to this mall since business was booming!"

Kakahashi casually bragged about the store's success, before returning to the kitchen and passing another frequent patron of the cafe, Aniko Gami.

She was drinking a cup of freshly brewed coffee and eating a slice of chocolate gateau while on the phone with her younger brother, Oni Gami.

"Oni, is everything going well?"

"Yeah, the photoshoot's going without a hitch. I'm excited to see the United Sanctuary's new leaders!"

Oni was currently at the United Sanctuary event to take photos for the newspaper and his personal blog. He had to end the call with his older sister as the branch was about to unveil their new administration on the stage.

Kaiko Rimen, the former United Sanctuary Branch Manager who prompted these internal changes due to the resignation of his position, was present at the event to give a few parting words and to introduce the new generation of United Sanctuary leaders.

Standing beside him was his advisor, Jinsei Owari, who handed him a microphone.

"Good luck, Sir Kaiko."

In the crowd was Kazue Yaiba, who was in tears seeing her beloved Kaiko depart from such a respected position. She held up a sign saying "We'll miss you Kaiko!" and waved it passionately while calling his name.

"Kaikoooooooo! You'll always be Branch Manager in my heaaaaaaaaaaart!! I LOVE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!"

A shiver went down his spine as Kaiko heard her distant, shrill cry. He signalled the staff to start the show.

"It has been an honour to look after, take care, and promote Vanguard as the manager of the United Sanctuary branch. However, I was merely a temporary replacement until someone more worthy and suited for the position could step up to this grand mantle. After careful consideration and serious deliberation, the United Sanctuary has chosen someone who is more than capable of taking up the extremely important role of Branch Manager. I can personally testify for that."

Stepping to the side and spreading open his arms, Kaiko pointed to the black tunnel connected to the stage.

"Please introduce to the stage, the brand new United Sanctuary Branch Manager and Shadow Paladin Clan Leader!"

The crowd went wild with applause as Oni took a blitz of photos of the new branch manager.

"Kinjuzo Takami!"

Kinjuzo thrusted his arm into the air, holding up his Luard deck proudly. Kaiko passed the microphone to Kinjuzo.

"Thank you for the extravagant entrance, Kaiko. As new Branch Manager, I swear an oath to return this nation back to it's former glory. That is ultimate goal that me and my fellow Clan Leaders are striving to achieve. To enforce that commitment to the cause, we have brought in new reinforcements. Introduce yourselves, the brand new United Sanctuary Clan Leaders!"

Five people entered the stage one after another, lining up next to Kinjuzo.

"Gold Paladin Clan Leader, Backlion Demiza, at your service! Spectral Duke Dragon, off with their heads!"

"I'm Serena Hasegawa, the next Angel Feather Clan Leader! Holy Seraph, Basasael, cut open a new path forward!"

"Oracle Think Tank Clan Leader, Aya Shinju is here! Scarlet Witch, CoCo, blow them away with your Scarlet Dreadnought!"

"Genesis Clan Leader, Kei Shinju. Devour all obstacles in your way, Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir."

"And I'm the Royal Paladin Clan Leader and Guardian of the Sanctuary, Ayaza Ganki-Vulcan! Knight of Godly Speed, Galahad, tear open a new future with the speed of light!"

In the crowd, the middle school twins Tai Naku and Kane Naku started arguing between themselves about who was the best new Clan Leader.

"Aya is better than that nobody Ayaza. Have you even heard of him before? Everyone knows who Aya is! She's won a bunch of tournaments with a super cool retro Witch deck!"

Tai was biased towards Aya since he also used Oracle Think Tank.

"You want retro? Galahad is even older and even cooler than Witches! Ayaza has to be super strong if he's the Royal Paladin Clan Leader and uses that deck! Plus, he's Guardian of the Sanctuary, which is the second highest position after Branch Manager!"

Kane was biased towards Ayaza since he also used Royal Paladin.

The show continued with explosive cardfights between the Clan Leaders, with Kinjuzo clashing with Aya, Backlion duking it out with Serena, and Ayaza fiercely battling against Kei.

Backstage, Izo Hiiro greeted Kaiko and Jinsei as they came off the stage so the new leaders could take the spotlight.

"Good work out there."

"Thanks, old pal. I'll miss this place." Kaiko ran his hand down the wall bitterly. "But I need a change of scenery."

"A change, huh? What are you planning to do now, Kaiko?"

"I'm going to travel around the world and find even stronger opponents. If I stay in this kiddie pool forever, I'll never improve."

"Sounds nice. Personally, I'll keep it local and stay here."

"Before I leave, would you like to share one last meal together?"

"Thought you'd never ask. Wonton noodles?"

"I know just the place."

Kaiko, Izo, and Jinsei all left to get their lunch at a Chinese family restaurant nearby. Naturally, Kurakuya Kage, the Human Wikipedia, was there, eating his own set of wonton noodle soup.

"Another bowl please!"

Kurakuya called for more. The waiter, Maeda Kawaguchi, looked at the stacks of plates building up around him with concern.

"Sir, excuse me if this sounds rude, but... how are you going to pay for all this?"

"I have a benefactor."

Kurakuya pointed to the white haired man seated beside him. Taking a large sip of his chrysanthemum tea, he smiled happily.

"You guys accept card, right?"

Ryuzaki Mikazuchi's golden credit card blinded everyone around him. He put it away for their own safety.

"Uh... let me ask management..."

"Don't worry. I know for a fact they do." Payic Ikuo spoke up with a confidently beautiful smile. "My dad is the owner."

"...y-you're Master Ikuo's daughter?! Didn't you get asked if your—"

"Do you want to get fired?"

"N-no ma'am! S-sorry ma'am!"

"Who would've thought Payic's old man ran a Chinese restaurant?!" Kurakuya exclaimed happily. "More mapo tofu! More Peking duck! And some more of that delectable special fried rice on the side!"

Maeda nodded and ran back to the kitchen in a panic.

"Can we get a discount because we're your friends?" Maverick Ichinose asked while gnawing on some chicken feet.

"Huh? No, dad and mom need to make a profit somehow. If anything, we should be overcharging you guys because Ryuzaki's that rich."

"Go ahead if you want, I have spare in the bank." Ryuzaki shrugged while picking his teeth with a toothpick.

"Damn rich kids..." Inu Blaze cried as he shovelled siu mai and xiao long bao into his mouth.

"Oi, I'm paying for everyone's meal here, Iku. Do you want me to exclude your portion, you dumpling fiend?"

"Spare in the bank my ass! You cut my pay check this month! Riku broke up with me because of it!"

"Sucks to date a money thot, doesn't it?"

Riku Akusa, Inu's girlfriend if he can pay her enough per month, entered a dingy looking tunnel located under a shady warehouse in a red light district.

As she walked down the tunnel defamed with graffiti and infested with mould, a dim orange light flashed in the distance. At the end of the tunnel was a rusty chained up fence.

Taking out a key, Riku unlocked it and dragged open the shutters. Closing it behind her, she entered an underground plaza situated beneath Tokyo. The frequent patrons of this plaza stiffened in shock and cowered in despair as they laid their eyes upon her.

"I-it can't be..."

"Is she here to take back the throne...?"

"I thought she quit the underground scene!"

"T-the Queen.. is back...?!"

"We're so dead..."

"I-it was nice knowing you guys..."

The tense muttering was silenced as Riku looked down upon them with disgust. Putting on her shock gloves, she challenged everyone present to a cardfight.

In less than an hour, the entire room of men was thrashed on the floor, their cards spilled everywhere in Riku's electrifying carnage.

"Tell them all the Crimson Cutter is back."

Picking up her deck from the fight table, Riku moved onto the next room, where Max Nagito stood in the middle of his own onslaught. Sensing a dangerous enemy approaching, Max sharply looked over his shoulder and was shocked by who entered.


The bellicosity of both players engulfed the room in a haze of red smoke. Max staggered back, feeling the growing intensity of Riku's warlike presence.

"So this is where you went, huh?"

"On the surface, I'll never be accepted again or have the chance to flourish my skills due to what I've done in the past. However, in the underground, they don't care what you've did or what you will do. They only care about one thing: your strength."

Max pulled back his shock gloves and faced Riku with eyes filled with conviction.

"I can make a name for myself in a world that's just as dark as me."

"Then prove yourself by coming straight at me. The former Queen of the Underworld."

Without breaking a sweat, Blue Swirl Marshal Dragon, Last Twister Dragon drowned Ice Flow Swordsman, Nightsnow in the freezing sea. Max fell to the floor, utterly crushed by her.

"King, this is bad! The Crimson Cutter's rampaging through the underground!"

"You have to stop her! She'll dethrone you at this rate!"

Rushing into the throne room was Saaya Yamamoto and Yahame Tsukimora, two elite underground fighters, to alert the King of the Underworld, Kuro Anima.

Like how Riku earned herself the title of "Crimson Cutter", Kuro was best known as "Your Majesty", a title derived from his deck and position in the underground.

"You're afraid of her? This is why you've never beaten me once, Saaya, Yahame. Where's your tenacity? Go hunt her down. I don't have time to waste on small fry."

Riku continued to conquer the endless corridor of underground fighters, before eventually reaching a set of familiar double doors.

"We would, but..."

"She's already here!"

The doors of the throne room were kicked open. A bloodthirsty aura radiated off Riku, who smirked at the sight of the king.

"Well, well, well. It seems the prey ran headfirst to the predator instead. Yahame, go sick 'em."

"Y-yes sir!"

Yahame gripped his deck nervously as Riku stomped inside the room viciously. In less than ten minutes, Torrent of Determination, Valeos Revive squashed Undefeated Mutant, Avectro Zeus into the ground.

"You watched her closely, didn't you Saaya? Go counter her dogged tricks."

"I'll take her down for sure!"

An angered Saaya snapped back her gloves while the raging Riku advanced towards her silently. Ten minutes later, Blue Storm Steel Dragon, Genbold Dragon drowned Star-vader, Dark Zodiac in a steaming hot whirlpool.


A thin smile appeared on Kuro's lips. Riku walked past the collapsed Saaya and Yahame with her target locked in sight.

"If I beat you, the pay out will be in the trillions. Resistance is futile."

"For once, a worthy challenger to the throne. It seems going mainstream increased your skills dramatically..."

Kuro stood up from his throne and met Riku eye to eye. It was like a clash between a dragon and tiger. With fingertips stained in blood, Riku let her savage instincts take control over her. Kuro easily matched that raw level of intensity.

"...but don't forget where you came from. Down here, shrouded in the darkness of the underworld, you're nothing compared to me."

Majesty Lord Blaster clashed swords against Storm of Lament, Wailing Thavas. Ultimately, the storming sea of bloodshed triumphed against the knight of light and dark.

"Some King. Your lackeys are stronger than you are."

"Crimson Cutter... damn you..."

Pathetically humiliated, Kuro crawled out of the throne room while he still had a shred of pride remaining. Taking her earnings from winning against the King of the Underworld, Riku returned to the surface to bank it.

In the corner of the decrepit plaza scattered with limp bodies, Kuro took out a piece of scrap paper he kept in his back pocket. Punching the black number written on it in his phone, he had the last laugh.

"Iqumashi? This is Anima. I have a job for you."

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