Omake SS Yukimura Fudou: The Only Way I Know How to Fight

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On May 7th, I received a letter summoning me to the student council room on May 12th. I was gonna have a trial against Yahagi Kyoji from A Class. I was supposed to gather evidence for my case, and me, someone who would be my defendant, and my homeroom teacher were to appear after school to resolve the issue.

They're all just jealous of my football skills. On the pitch, they'd do whatever they can to stop me from playing. They'd call me names, try to get me to hit them, attack me in frustration, etc. I fight back, because it's the right thing to do. I'm not scared of jealous people like them, or will I let myself lose to their pettiness.

However, fighting back was the reason Yahagi reported me in the first place. I beat up one of his classmates, Kurase, after he was talking trash about me and football. It went out of control, and Yahagi snitched on the other things I did on the pitch, like strangling Hiraoka, hitting Nakajima, insulting Yamamoto, etc.

On May 9th, I decided I should take this seriously since I didn't want to lose more points for my class by not attending or trying to defend myself. If I lose the trial, I might negatively affect our points, and I'm already pissed at the fact we have 0 Cl for this month.

Though, I really struggled to find people who would help me. Even though I turned to my friends like Mitsuba and Kawaguchi, none of them could do anything since they weren't there with me when these incidents happened. I got Ishima as someone who could testify in my defence, but he refused to be my defendant in the trial.

Eventually, Sakigamiya saw me get frustrated and asked what was wrong. I felt better because a cute girl like her cared about a guy like me. I explained the situation to her, and she told me to leave it to her to find me testimonies since she had more friends than I did. I thanked her for the help.

With that, I decided to forget about the dumb trial since it was a waste of time to stress over. I played some football, ate some food, and after school, me, Mitsuba and Nora decided to go to the mall. While there, we crossed paths with Yahagi, Keisaki and Kurase in the sports department.

Kurase had bandages and plasters on his face from when I beat him up. His lip was still swollen and busted. I sniggered looking at his fear-ridden face.

"Yahagi-san, look over there. It's Yukimura-san." Keisaki said, pointing at our group. He has balls, calling out us like that.

Mitsuba caught notice of this and started pulling stupid faces in their direction. I laughed and shouted at them.

"The hell do you want? Piss off."

"Keisaki-san, let's leave them. There's no point in talking to these blockheads." Yahagi said.

Huh? What did he just call us?

"Hmm, guess you're right. We can save the talking to tomorrow, huh? After all, we're going to that trial with you."

I balled my fists, clicking my tongue. Of course I had to be reminded about that stupid trial when I was just on the verge of forgetting about it.

"Don't give me that crap. You're scared now, huh? Also, shut up with the blockhead thing. Nora scored a 88 on his mock exam!"

"Y-Yukimura-kun..." Nora said, trying to pull me away.

I shoved him to the side and stomped up to the three A Class students.

"And? I scored 100. Don't think one of you being slightly good at academics is enough to talk down us." Yahagi said.

"Aren't you the one telling those two to not bother talking to us, yet you're talking back? Practice what you preach, hypocrite."

"Talking to a blockhead and letting yourself get disrespected by garbage are two different things."

"I'm not garbage! You're the garbage at this school! I'm actually good at football, unlike you! If you were good, you'd be on the front lines, playing striker, not playing defender! Losers play defender!"

"Your classmate, Ishima Akihiro-san, is a defender. Do you think he's a loser?"

"Of course he's a loser. But he's a better loser than you are!"

"Here I thought your logic might've made sense... but I guess I was wrong. Defective products will always stay defective."

"Why you..."

"Yahagi-san, forget him. Talking to Yukimura-san is like burning brain cells. It's not worth it." Keisaki said.

"Huh? You wanna say that again you little punk?!"

"One small insult and you want to pick a fight. You've verbally abused Yahagi-san more than once, but he's showing self-restraint. Get a grip on your attitude man."

"You should get a grip on your attitude first, before I smack the shit out of you like I did with Kurase!"

"Come at me then. I'm not scared to fight with a dumbass like you!"

"You're asking for it, shit-head!"

Just as I was about to punch Keisaki, Kurase spoke up.

"Keisaki-san, why are you trying to provoke him? Just leave him alone."

I smirked.

"Yeah, listen to your friend. He's scared shitless cuz I beat him up once."

"I'm not scared of you. It's just getting into trouble with you is a waste of time."

"Then why the hell did you guys file for a trial? Isn't that a waste of time?!"

"It's not a waste of time since it's dealing with a troublesome student like you." Yahagi said.

"Give me a break. Those D Class delinquents are worse than me and you know it."

"Those delinquents don't break out in obscene violence, unlike you."

"And that makes them less bad than me? Gimme a break. Takenaka, Nakajima and Hiraoka are always bullying Nora whenever he comes out to play football with us. It's because of them that he doesn't bother to play with us anymore. Do you honestly think I should be reported before those three? Huh?! Especially when they drove someone off the pitch!"

"It's Nora-san's responsibility to report it. Not mine."

"Then you're just a selfish bystander."

"I'm not selfish. I'm going into a trial with you for the greater good of our football community. Yukimura-san, you're good at football. No one denies that. But you're a menace. You don't play nice."

"Like they play nice either! They kick Nora on purpose and they-"

"This isn't about Nora-san. It's about you."

"...I could give less than two damns about me when my friend is getting bullied."

"Then why don't you do something about it? If you're not helping his situation, then aren't you just a bystander too?"

"I'm helping by beating them up. This school doesn't care about what happens to E Class students after all. Teachers don't do shit. I have to take things in my own hands!"

"If the school doesn't care, then me reporting it would have no effect. Think about the reason why you ended up in E Class in the first place. Isn't this just karma?"

"Karma for what?!"

"For being a bad student. Also, you should be more mindful about your friend's feelings."


Yahagi pointed over my shoulder. I turned around and saw Nora crying into his hands.

"I'll see you tomorrow after school." Yahagi and his friends waved goodbye arrogantly, running away from our confrontation.

"Cowards! I'll win the trial and kick your asses! You better watch yourselves!" I shouted at them as they left the store.

After calming down, I turned my attention back to Nora.

"Man, that was reckless of you to say all those things, Yukimura-san." Mitsuba said.

"Shut up for a bit, Mitsuba. Nora, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm sorry..." Nora mumbled.

"For what?"

"For making you... fight for me... again..."

"Don't give me that shit. I'm fighting for you because you're my friend. Stop crying, you're a man, aren't you?"

"It's just... I've never..."

"Huh? Speak up, I can't hear you."

"...n-nothing. I'm sorry to trouble you... like always..."

"I already said to not give me this shit. I don't care if you think you're a burden to me. I do things for me, and for me only. If beating the shit out of your bullies is what I want to do, then it's what I want to do. I'm never wrong."

Nora laughed a little, wiping his eyes. He still looked a bit sad though.

"Ah, screw it. I got some spare points. I'll buy you something to make you feel better. What do you want?"

"Um... you don't have to... go that far, Yukimura-kun..."

"Whatever helps to make you stop looking so sad. I hate it when I hang out with crybabies, it makes me look weak."

"O-oh... um... let's get some... burgers and fries then...?"

"Now you're speaking my language."

We went into WcDonalds and ordered our meals. Since Mitsuba couldn't even buy a bottle of water, Nora offered to split his meal with him. I got annoyed since I was buying the food for him, not Mitsuba.

After collecting the food, we sat down on one of the tables upstairs. I unwrapped my cheeseburger and started eating it, giving a shifty glance at Mitsuba who took Nora's fries for himself.

"Sheesh, Yukimura-san, are you really that mad over us splitting the food?" Mitsuba asked.

"Yeah, I am. It's Nora's food, not yours. Stop being greedy."

"I-it's fine, really, Yukimura-kun... I don't eat much anyways... which is why I offered... to split. I don't want to waste... any of your points." Nora said.

"Gah, whatever. Mitsuba, just pay me back when we actually get points. Also, Nora, stop being so nice to others, it's gonna bite you in the ass one day."

"There's nothing wrong in being generous though. Nora-chan's a kind person, so that's why he's like this!" Mitsuba said.

"A-again...? C-chan?" Nora said.

"What? Sakigamiya-san and the other girls call you it. Why can't I?!"

"Well... it's weird, isn't it?"

"It's a dumb cutesy nickname made by dumb cutesy girls. Mitsuba, you're a man, so act like one." I said, pointing a fry at him.

"Hey, at least I have enough respect for another person to use honourifics. Being a man doesn't mean acting disrespectful. Could you pass me the ketchup?"

"Do you want to get beat up?"

"Not exactly, no..."

"Then shut up and eat. Here's your ketchup, by the way." I picked up the ketchup packet and squeezed it, popping it open and squirting over Mitsuba's fries.

"Woah, that's good aim!"

"I practice for the ladies."

Mitsuba laughed while Nora cringed. I laughed at my joke and continued to eat my burger. Yeah, this was the shit. Though, I was about 1000 points less rich, which was annoying. Since when did eating out get so expensive? Agh, I really hate it.

"That's so crude, Yukimura-kun..." Nora said.

"Who cares. Aren't you spending a lot of time with that girl with red hair in our class recently, Nora? The one with big tits and is a good athlete."

"I'm starting to think you only know our female classmates by their breast size." Mitsuba said.

"I told you to shut up. Besides, you were the one who compiled the list of girls with the biggest breasts to the smallest breasts. You even posted it in the group chat!"

I laughed, remembering how he put Chabashira-sensei at the top. He wasn't wrong, though. The girl with the biggest boobs in our class (according to him anyways) was Kazuraba. Though, the accuracy of the list is up for debate, since he ranked them based on how he sees them. It's the closest thing we've got to an official list anyways, unless we can find something better.

"Do you guys mean... Kou-san?" Nora said.

"Huh?! You and Katsumi-san are on a first-name basis?! How is he beating us!! You're not fair, Nora-chan!" Mitsuba said, flailing his hands at him.

"You should ask her out. She seems into you." I said.

"Is she...?" Nora shook his head. His face was all bright red. "N-no way... it's not that kind of relationship... we're just friends... no, more like teacher and student..."

"That just makes it more kinky." Mitsuba said. "Speaking of teachers, I want to bury my face in Shizuka-chan-sensei's huge boobies~!"

"Same though." I squeezed the wrapper in my hand as if I was groping breasts. Nora still didn't look impressed. "In any case, the girls like Nora because he's cute and effeminate. Girls like cute things. We'll catch up soon enough. I just need to impress them by showing off my athletic skills more!"

"I'm not cute... or effeminate!" Nora said.

"You're lying to yourself."

"B-but what about me?! I have no flashy skills whatsoever!" Mitsuba cried.

"You're forever alone, my friend. Girls are gonna get turned off by your spending habits. A boyfriend who can't provide is doomed to fail."

"Nooooooo! But I don't wanna sell my Vanguard collection!!"

"Tough. Maybe if you stop buying cards you'd actually have points. That's why I only use commons. And the single rare you gave me."

"Card games are a less expensive hobby than sports though..."

"Then I guess I manage my points better than you do, dumbass."

"Yukimura-san's so mean!"

"Nora's splitting his food with you, you should be grateful such a nice guy is treating a sleazy pervert like you!"

"You're one to talk! You perv just as much as I do!"

"You're the number one pervert!"

"You're the number one pervert idiot!"

"Say that again and I'm confiscating your fries and giving you a black eye!"

Mitsuba shivered, shoving his mouth full of fries frantically. Nora laughed slightly, finishing his burger. Man, he was a slow eater.

"Thanks for paying for my meal... Yukimura-kun." Nora bowed after eating.

"Not a problem. You better not cry again, cuz I'm not doing this every time you start bawling your eyes out."

"I... I'll try..."

"If you're crying cuz of bullies, come tell me and I'll beat them up for you."

"Thanks but... I don't think violence... is the answer."

"You'd rather let yourself get bullied than deal with them? What the hell?"

"N-no... it's just... I'm being a bother... in your life. It's not like they're bullying me anyways... they're just harassing me..."

I clicked my tongue and slammed the table. I'm annoyed by how little self-worth Nora has for himself. It pisses me off, since he's such a good guy and has more brains than me and Mitsuba combined.

"Don't think like that. They're bullying you! Those guys are repeatedly targeting you to make you feel miserable. Thinking that it isn't gives those stupid bystanders in other classes an excuse to call this "harassment" and look away, because your saying there's no problem. That means they won't take action to prevent this disgusting behaviour and it pisses me off."

I faintly remembered Matsushita and how he cried that "bullying was wrong" on the day our lives got turned upside down. I still laugh scornfully at his idiocy, since he's done absolutely nothing for Nora, or anyone else, that's being bullied in E Class. I've done more than him - that's a fact.

"It's obvious you can't deal with that crap passively. You gotta take action and show you're not a weak target who can be messed with. So don't ever think that you're annoying me by asking for my help. If you're annoying me, I'll tell you loud and clear. If you need me to fight for you, I'll do it. I'll beat those guys enough for the both of us. You're not a nuisance in my life, because I want to help you!"

Nora stared at me with wide eyes. His eyes softened, and he nodded.

"I... it's not... in my nature..."

He began speaking, closing one of his eyes as he wiped it. I stared at him dumbfounded. Why was he crying again? I didn't understand.

"To hurts others... so... even if you do... want to help me... I don't want to... hurt them..."

"Even though they hurt you?! C'mon Nora, you gotta get them back!"

"That's... the wrong way to think... Yukimura-kun..."

"No, that's the right way to think. Don't let them get away with it. You're worth more than you think!"

Nora flinched, and looked away. He covered his face and stayed silent. Mitsuba glanced between us, panic arising on his face. I just stayed focused on Nora, who ran away from my words.

Was it out of fear? Anger? Sadness? Spite? Self-loathing?

Or was it my selfish imagination that vaguely remembered those resentful emotions that burned in my lonely heart?

I simply said the words I wanted to hear back then.

When he finally looked at me, Nora smiled.

It was a sad smile.

I tightened my burning fists.

I knew I couldn't fix everything, but I tried my damned hardest to give Nora some sort of happy school life.

When I stared in his eyes the first time we met on that cruise ship, I could see a former husk of my old self inside him, which made me even more pissed off. In that split-second of clarity, I realised that, unlike me, he couldn't move on from those rotten middle school days. He couldn't become a man who was strong enough to stand on his two feet.

When I slammed him into the wall in my blind state of anger, I probably didn't help his already weak mental state back then. I probably made it worse by making him scared of me. That's why when our friendship first started, he was afraid of me. I was part of the problem. I was just like those bullies.

Pathetically, I forgot to apologise to him day after day. It took me two whole weeks before I did. But unlike everyone else, who would brush me off as a delinquent, in fear or spite, Nora reached out to me and wanted to know "why" I did those actions. Something no one else has ever done before.

That's why I wanted to do things right. I wanted to make-up for all the wrongs I did to Nora.

But did I achieve that?

Was I just doing it for my own self-satisfaction?

I couldn't tell them apart anymore.

"U-um... Yukimura-kun... for the trial... I want... I want to... be one of your, um... testimonial speakers..."

I was snapped out of my unusual thoughts when I heard Nora speak up. I grinned at him.

"Thanks man. Though, you'll need to contact Sakigamiya, since she's handling everything for me."

"I see... then I'll tell her... the next time I'm sitting near the girls."

"Alright. Let's get outta here guys, I wanna go home."

Nora and Mitsuba agreed with me, and we went home for the day. Me and Mitsuba went to the dorms, while Nora went to his house, which he shared with Katsumi through some strange deal. I don't know what deal it is, but I'm jealous, because he gets to live with a hot girl while I don't.

I'm starting to seriously think he's gonna get a girlfriend before all of us...

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