- Part 2

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I decided I'd check out the Vanguard shop on board to see what games were going on. Because I left my deck in my suitcase, I couldn't participate, but watching was fine too.

As I began walking around to find the Vanguard shop, I witnessed something peculiar. A meek looking boy wearing glasses was walking down the corridor while reading a novel. He bumped shoulders with a boy who had the face of a delinquent but the build of an athlete by accident.

"Sorry." Novel boy said. His eyes never left the pages for a second.

"Oi." The delinquent boy turned around and grabbed him by the shoulder. I stiffened, hiding behind a corner as I watched this go down.

The look on his face was terrifying. It was a scowl... no, even worse. The ways his eyebrows furrowed made him look more like a demon. I wonder why he's so angry over a little shoulder bump... shouldn't you be filled with joy after getting to board a cruise ship? Perhaps he got seasick easily and was having a rough time.

One thing I did note however was both boys were in Drachma Red, like me. While novel boy had his uniform on perfectly, looking like an honour student, the delinquent didn't even have his tie on. It was mushed in his blazer pocket, with the tip poking out.

"What is it...?" Novel boy looked at the delinquent.

"Look where you're going."

"I said I'm sorry..."

The delinquent flipped the book out of novel boy's hands. He snorted.

"I don't care. You bumped into my shoulder. Stop reading books while walking and look where you're going!"

Novel boy nodded and groaned. I felt bad for him. His poor book was splayed on the floor and the delinquent was furious at him. As novel boy leaned down to pick it up, delinquent boy shoved him.

With a crash, the novel boy fell to the floor, tumbling on top of his novel. The delinquent shoved his hands into his pockets, and walked away with a satisfied expression.

"O-ow..." The novel boy winced, holding his arm.

No longer able to stand watching, I stepped out to help novel boy out. As I did, me and the delinquent crossed paths, and cast a quick glance at one another. Then, that same demon-like expression returned.

"What are you looking at?"

Quick, I need to think of a reasonable response.

"...Nothing, don't worry. Nice to meet you, by the way. We're both in Drachma Red." I flaunted by tie. Something pleasant like that should calm him.

Well, I was wrong. Delinquent boy stomped up to me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

"Huh? Nice to meet you? Are you mocking me?!"

I took a quick glance at novel boy who had helped himself and his book up. He looked at me, then looked away with a facial expression saying "I'm sorry for being so useless...". He ran away, hiding his face in his hands. Poor guy.

I turned my attention back to my current enemy. The delinquent. I gulped, and grinned awkwardly, shaking my hands.

"N-no, that's not it..."

This guy had a really strong grip on my shirt. Even though I tried to wriggle out of it, his hand wouldn't budge at all.

"Then don't act so cheeky!"

As the delinquent was about to shove me like novel boy, someone walked in on us. With his palm freezing mid-strike, both me and the delinquent looked at the witness.

Just by the boy's looks alone, I determined he was the pretty boy type. After all, he had a nice smile, wore a calm appearance and was extremely good looking. If I was a girl, I'd unintentionally scream "save me!" and fall in love with him. Not to mention... his tie was also red.

What a strange coincidence. To meet three of my fellow classmates in this terrible situation.

Being an ikemen meant he was probably good at communicating, unlike me. I'm sure he'd be able to talk to the delinquent and calm the situation.

But... I severely miscalculated. Delinquent boy's grip... worsened. It looked like he was even more mad that someone walked in on him threatening me.

"What the... give me a damn break!"

Delinquent boy threw me against the wall regardless, and marched up to ikemen boy. As I sat against the wall holding my shoulder, I prayed that ikemen boy's communication skills would stop this rampaging beast.

"Get the hell out of my way!"

Delinquent boy grabbed ikemen boy's collar, snarling. He seemed even more mad with him than me.

"I'm sorry... Yukimura-kun, was it?"

"Huh? How do you know my name?!"

So delinquent boy's name was Yukimura. That's helpful information on who I should avoid at all costs.

"I'm currently trying to learn all of my classmates names, that's all. Someone from your middle school told me about you. I apologise if I upset you."

Ikemen boy bowed his head. Yukimura pulled the ikemen closer to his face, and you could see smoke come out of Yukimura's nose.

"I'm Matsushita Isogai. You can call me Isogai, though."

There it is. That's the ikemen charm. Matsushita the ikemen. Even though he was being attacked, he was able to talk with confidence.

"I don't care for your name..." Yukimura let go of Matsushita and slammed him into the wall like he did with me and novel boy. However, the impact this time was much greater, and Matsushita's beautiful smile was replaced with an agonising frown.

Yukimura huffed and turned around, glaring at me. Ah, a silent death threat... how nice of him. He then left, storming away with his back hunched and hands deep in his pockets.

Shortly after, Matsushita slightly laughed, wincing. Feeling obliged, I stood up and walked over to him. I extended a hand.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." Matsushita grabbed my hand and helped himself up. "It seems we have a troublesome classmate. No matter."

Matsushita was still smiling, even though he got roughed up. However, he didn't exhibit any fear.

I just nodded in agreement. It seemed he was an optimist.

"Like I said before. I'm Matsushita Isogai. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry I don't know your name."

It's introduction time, I guess.

"It's fine. I'm Takanori Yuuto. Likewise."

"Where were you headed, Takanori-san?"

"To the Vanguard shop."

"Ah, I see. Let's spend some time together as classmates, then. It'd be nice getting to know you."

Well, I should get friends whenever I can. After all, this cruise ship was the golden opportunity to do so, and a sociable ikemen had landed at my door step. I decided I was going to become friends with Matsushita.

"Sure. Do you know where it is?"

"It's on the floor below us. Let's hurry."

As we walked to the next floor, Matsushita began striking up small talk with me. I learnt that we both used Narukami, and that Matsushita was a good football player in middle school. It seems par for the course, considering the kind of man he looks like.

While the topic of family was broached, I wanted to steer away far away from it. Matsushita was respectful and didn't trudge on the subject when I derailed the conversation.

After all, the less people who know about my personal life, the better.

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