- Part 2

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Class with Mikazuchi-sensei was the worst. Our lessons with him was sex education, one of my least favourite subjects. While his crude sex comedy resonated with the boys like Mitsuba and Yukimura (he was their favourite teacher by far), the girls were mostly creeped out by it.

I felt really uncomfortable hearing him teach all of this. Even though it's useful information, every time I think about this stuff, an image of him appears in my head.

"Oh yeah, have I ever told you guys about this guy named Joe?" Mikazuchi-sensei asked.

"Umm... Sensei, this is the third time you've mentioned him this lesson." Matsushita said.

"Ha ha... don't worry about it, Matsushita-san. Anyways, you guys get back to work. I want that detailed story on how Kazuraba-san and Nora-san reproduce by the end of this lesson, and if you guys don't finish I'm deducting private points away."

"Y-Yes sir!"

Seriously, who was Joe? Why did Mikazuchi-sensei hold such a grudge against him? I'll never find out the answer to this question, will I...

I turned my attention back to the disgusting assignment we were given. Mikazuchi-sensei wanted us to write a short story where Yukina and Nora have... and describe in detail how their baby is made.

I made the stupid mistake of choosing them. Earlier in this lesson, Mikazuchi-sensei asked me to choose a boy and a girl, and I chose those two because they were my friends. I had no idea that he was going to do as something stupid as this.

Although, I suppose it's my fault for not seeing it coming. This wasn't the first time he pulled a stunt like this, as last week we were supposed to write a steamy love story using Yukimura and Demiza, showing the effects of hormones on both of them.

Our class ended, and it was break time. Exhausted, both physically and mentally, I slumped to the floor, closing my eyes.

When I re-opened them, Yukina was looking down at me with a smile.



I jumped a little, but managed to keep it together. Her long lavender hair brushed my face gently, and I could feel her warm breath spread across my cheeks.

The distance between our faces was small. From here, I could smell how wonderful she was. She slowly backed away, and I sat up.

"The floor looks like an uncomfortable place to nap." Yukina pressed her hand against the rough floor.

"It's always been my dream to sleep on tatami mats."

"Wouldn't it be more comfortable to sleep on my lap instead?" Yukina patted her lap.

Admittedly, it did look comfy. The chance to rest on her lap was strangely enticing.

Ah, I was getting weird thoughts. Besides, that's something Yukina should offer for her boyfriend. Not a guy like me.

"If I did that, then half of the first year boys would murder me for doing something so sacred to you."

"I'm not that popular."

"I think you are. You're the most beautiful bijin in our class. You're kind, care a lot about others, and somehow my friend."


I turned around and leaned against my chabudai. It was seriously uncomfortable, but I wanted to look cool.

Selfishly, I wanted to feel cool as well. I wanted to be like an ikemen in front of Yukina, for some reason...

"Well, it's whatever. I don't need a lap pillow or anything like that."

"Really? Your face looked like it did want it for a few moments there."

"I was considering it, that's all."

"You want to rest your head on my lap, don't you?"


"Are you sure?"


"Are you sure~?"

"Stop being a tease."

She laughed a bit, and Yukina scooted to sit next to me.

"This reminds me of middle school."

"It does, doesn't it?"

"Say, Yuu-kun. You never told me why you changed."

Just as I was about to give my stellar lie of "I don't know", I was saved by the door rattling. Mikazuchi-sensei stepped inside, and scanned the room. Our eyes met, and he grinned.

"Ah, you're still here. Takanori-san, come with me to the faculty office."

"Sorry, Yukina-san... looks like Mikazuchi-sensei needs me."

"No worries. See you in class, then."

I followed Mikazuchi-sensei outside.

Earlier this week, I sent him an email saying I wanted to talk to him in private. It seems now is my time to do so.

I followed him to the faculty office where a few other sensei was inside enjoying their break. Toujou-sensei in particular was friendly to me, since she saw me as the best English speaking student out of the first years, if we ignored the foreigner students.

"Takanori-kun! Good morning!" Toujou-sensei smiled.

Toujou-sensei was a peculiar case. She didn't dislike E Class, nor did she like us. She judged us purely on our skills. As I was good at her subject, she was nicer to me.

"Good morning, Toujou-sensei." I said.

Mikazuchi-sensei led me to a separate room inside the faculty office used for guidance counselling. It was a place for students to talk to their teachers in private, and without anyone else seeing or listening in.

We entered the guidance counselling room and sat down.

"Would you like some tea?" Mikazuchi-sensei asked.

"I'm fine."

"Alright. What's it you want to discuss?"

"Kaido-senpai is your son, isn't he?"

Mikazuchi-sensei smiled.

"Yes, he is. I saw your fight against him. It was wonderful."

"I see."

"Is that all you wanted to know? You could have just asked me that in the email, instead of dragging me all the way out here. I have a company to run outside of being a school teacher."

"No, that's just a question that came to my head after I requested us to talk. The real reason I asked for us to talk in private is so you can't run away."

"Oh? What do you want, Takanori-san?"

"I want to take you on your offer. I want to become your student, and I want you to become my mentor."

Mikazuchi-sensei's face broke into pure happiness.

"Yes, of course! Ha ha ha, I've been waiting for this day! Finally, you've accepted!"

"I'm glad you're enthusiastic about it."

"What made you change your mind?"

"The school revelation. Being the worst student in the worst class in the worst nation is something I'm not going to take lying down. This school makes me sick. I want you to turn me from the worst one to the best one."

"In other words, you want to become King of this school?"

"You could say that. Simply, I want to rise from the bottom to the top."

"What a scary face you're making. It looks like you're serious about this."

"I've never once been serious in my life. Until May 1st, I was an average nobody."

"So the worst one has been reborn."

"Tell me. What do I have to do first?"

"Easy. Beat Kaido. If you do, he'll accept you as a rival."


He wanted me to beat his son?

"Kaido is the strongest non-Royalty at this school. If you can beat him now, then you'll breeze through my other tasks later."

"What are these other tasks?"

"They're a secret."

Annoying. Well, now that I have Mikazuchi-sensei on my side, I can extract information about how the school works from him. I decided to test the waters.

"Say. How did D Class not lose all their points? You're their homeroom teacher, aren't you?"


"Zyriot-san and Takemoto-san had a fight, and a lot of the boys in that class have a reputation of being delinquents. What gives?"

"I can't tell you outright, you know. But you'd be correct in assuming these two factors would drop their class points. What you failed to consider however, is everyone else in D Class."

I had a feeling that not all of D Class were bad people. If they were placed in D, and not E, then there must be more worth to them than our class. What that "worth" is, is what I'm trying to figure out.

Everyone else in D Class, huh? I was unfamiliar with that class outside of the few names like Zyriot and Takemoto. Then, there was the infamous delinquent of delinquents, Takenaka, and Shirogane, the D Class student who got 100 points. Nora's harassers were also D Class students, and their names were Nakajima and Hiraoka. I think Yukimura mentioned a name like Shigeru as well.

There was no mention of any of the girls from D Class, though. It seemed that while the boys of D Class were unruly, the girls were implied to be more well-behaved. In fact, Hono had completely glossed over the D Class girls and went straight for C Class. The criteria on what makes the D Class students better than us was becoming more blurry the more I thought about it.

In comparison, our class was comprised of both good and bad people for girls and boys. While we had upstanding students like Matsushita, who clearly deserved to be in A Class, we also had students like Yukimura who constantly caused trouble. Same with the girls too. Sakigamiya also deserved to be in A Class, but she was somehow placed into E Class with people like Fujimura.

E Class was by far the most confusing class when I thought about it. Some students in our class weren't even that bad - like Yukina and Akihiro - yet they were still considered defective. For students like Yukimura and Mitsuba, I could understand how they ended up here, but for those who were unfairly labelled defective, like Matsushita and Sakigamiya, this was just puzzling.

"What do you think qualifies a defective student?" Mikazuchi-sensei asked.

It seemed he was trying to push me towards to the correct answer, without telling me it.

"Someone who has a defect in some area. Whether it be their personality, grades or whatever else the school measures their merit from."

"I'd think less tangible."

It was a vague sounding piece of advice that could mean a variety of things, but it sounded like the best piece of advice Mikazuchi-sensei would offer at this point, without disclosing the full correct answer to me. Eventually, I decided to think about it another time.

"I'm looking forward to working with you." Mikazuchi-sensei said, extending his hand. I shook it lightly, albeit reluctantly.

"...and I'll look forward to seeing the results of your mentoring."

"By the way, Takanori-san. I need to tell you something, not as a teacher, but as a friend." Mikazuchi-sensei placed his hand on my shoulder.

"What now?"

"I know you hate your dad, but... he once asked if my wife's boobs were real on live TV, and I can assure you that they are real."

"And what he said on live TV is one of the reasons I refuse to believe he's my actual father."

I left the guidance counselling room. Somehow, a part of me was filled with hatred.

"Takanori-kun, you should be careful from now on. Did you know that you've gained their attention?"

Snapping me out of my thoughts was the A Class homeroom teacher, Hiden-sensei. He had a bone-chilling smile as he talked.

Was he talking about X? Or someone else? I ignored his taunt and headed to the door.

"That's quite the scary face you have there. Did Mikazuchi-san say something that angered you?"

"...it's nothing."

"I hope so. I'm quite surprised, since you're never like this in class. I guess the most quiet people do have the most to hide."

"I'm not like this, honestly."

"I see. Ahh, I'm so jealous of Chabashira-san. She has such a powerful student, yet they're not in A Class."

What is he up to? Regardless, I decided to chase his hint.

"There's a student in E Class that rivals the abilities of A Class?"

"Oh, yes, yes. Though, it could just be a mistake in the system, or maybe they really are better off in E Class. Either way, we'll see if they get moved to A Class in due time."

Perhaps A Class isn't as strong as I first thought. They must have a weakness somewhere, a hole that I can exploit. If anyone knows what it is, it's their homeroom teacher for sure.

"Are there any weak students in A Class?"

"I wouldn't call any of my students weak. But are there students not up to standard? Absolutely. They'll need to work extra hard to stay in this class of elites, or else..." Hiden-sensei pointed his finger down and his smile darkened.

If this is true, then E Class might actually be able to surpass this class.

"Takanori-san. Don't listen to his nonsense. You should leave."

Chabashira-sensei strode through the door, looking at me and Hiden-sensei. Hiden-sensei smiled at her and waved, while Chabashira-sensei sat down at her desk without another word.

"Chabashira-san, you shouldn't be so cold. I'm simply telling him the truth." Hiden-sensei said.

Chabashira-sensei narrowed her eyes at him, then looked at me over her shoulder. "What did I say? Leave."

"Sorry, Chabashira-sensei..."

I left the faculty office with more than what I bargained for. Was Hiden-sensei telling the truth, or was Chabashira-sensei trying to cover up how much information he revealed to me?

Even the teachers at this school were unreliable.

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