- Part 2

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Me and Ichinose had been playing for about an hour now, and while we were singing our hearts out, it became lunchtime. I had some other important things to take care of, so I had to end this session.

"Hey, Ichinose-san. Should we end it here now?" I said, placing my microphone down.

"Ah, Takanori-kun's finished for today?"

"Yeah, sorry. Even though I called you out here, I still have some other things I need to take care of today."

"That's a shame. I wanted to ask if you wanted to eat lunch together after this."

Me and Ichinose eating lunch together would make me feel like I was going on a date with her. It was slightly embarrassing, but going out with a bijin like her would make me happy.

Even though I didn't mind it, I need to conserve some energy for my plans tonight. Though, I can't help but think some people would bully me because I did spend time with her so intimately, since she was in B Class, and I was in E Class.

Whatever the case, talking to Ichinose was pleasant. I wouldn't mind playing with her again.

"Next time, then?"

"Nya! For sure!" Ichinose made a cat-like noise and grinned. Standing, she clasped my hands together with her own. I was stupefied by this, and instinctively backed off. I wasn't really used to people being so forward, so I was surprised. "Let's trade phone contacts!"

Even though we could talk to each other through the school app, people still traded phone numbers to have even more personal conversations. I had a very small contact list that comprised of Yukina and Nora. Ichinose would be my third number.

"Um... yeah."

We traded our phone numbers swiftly, then went ahead to leave. As my hand wrapped around the door handle, Ichinose stood next to me.

"I hope one day we'll be in the same class." She said. I looked at her, and she laughed. "Nya ha. I think you'd be great as an assistant, Takanori-kun. You're quite reliable."

"I hope I didn't bore you..."

I said some honest words on my mind.

"Not at all! It was nice getting to know you."

I nodded, opening the door. Me and Ichinose left the room and closed it behind us. An employee was standing outside, ready to clean and reset the room now that we were finished. Exiting the karaoke bar, Ichinose stepped onto the pavement and began waving at me.

"Thanks for today, Takanori-kun! It was fun! Let's do it again sometime!"

"Thanks for coming out today. See you at school." I said, waving goodbye to her.

We left our separate ways. For me, I was headed to the underground train station. Since Higashi Mall was close to the station, it wasn't a long walk.

It seems the trains weren't a very popular mode of transportation. There were only three trains that operated in this entire city, and the line that I was using was the Stark White Line. After purchasing my ticket, I sat down at the bench and waited for the electric train to arrive.

Saturday was looking really busy for me. Every time I went outside to play with others, it felt like a huge event that I was participating in. That's how sad my life had became after a month being in GEN Academy. I don't hate that I'm alone most of the time, but I really wouldn't mind friends either.

Well... I did have the three people in my contacts list. I would consider them friends, but close friends is something I've yet to find.

The train arrived, and I boarded on it. It seemed someone else was on-board the train today too. It was a student in casual clothing. He looked like a foreigner, because of his face and dyed hair. If I had to guess where he was from, I'd think it would be maybe England. He was definitely a westerner, though. I had no clue what class he was in since he was wearing a hoodie.

While I sat on one end of the train, the boy was sitting at the other end, staring out of the window with a huge smile. Since this train was headed to Stark White, I'd assume he's an A Class student. Perhaps he had a good date with his girlfriend today, or that he was going to meet up with his friends.

The train had stopped at it's destination, and the tannoy announced that we were at the Stark White station. I got out of the train immediately, but the boy stayed in the train. I wonder where his destination was.

Exiting the Stark White train station, I walked up the stairs to the Stark White area.

My first thought was how clean and beautiful this place was. Sure, it had similar facilities to the Drachma Red area, but something about how perfectly and neatly everything fell into place here was mesmerising. It was as if I was on a completely different island.

The quality of the streets, the wildlife and the buildings were all superior to what I was used to. Even if an A Class student spent all their points, surely they could still live in lavish while in an area like this one. To be honest, this was segregation at it's finest.

The difference between Stark White and Drachma Red was night and day. It was like comparing a modern, urban city with the ghetto countryside. Since this part was up north, it was also the face of the school for when visitors arrived. Since we were down south, no one could see how derelict our area was.

I felt a bit jealous, but one day, our class is going to reside in this area. I was going to make sure of it.

I started walking around, following the map on my phone half-heartedly. The letter I received earlier today instructed me to come to the Stark White docks during lunchtime. The person who signed the letter was Kaido.

Since Mikazuchi-sensei wants me to defeat him, the quicker I do it, the better. That's why today, I had brought my Vanguard deck with the bag I carried.

"Boya-san, are you lost?"

A teasing voice called out to me. I looked over my shoulder, and saw a girl with long brown hair walking to me. I turned to face her, and scratched my cheek.

As she walked up to me, I could get a clearer view of her appearance. It looked like she was playing outside today, since she was dressed in casual clothes. Admittedly, she had a cute face.

"Um... not really."

"You're not from Stark White, are you?"


"Then, Boya-san, what are you doing here?" She placed her hands on my shoulders and leaned in.

She was being even more direct than Ichinose... I stepped away and averted my gaze. Without a doubt, she was an A Class student. I had to hide my class status as much as possible.

"I'm here to visit... an acquaintance."

"Would you like me to guide you?" She let go of my shoulders, twirled, and flashed a cute smile.

Even though I would rather be on my own, I didn't want the chance to examine an A Class student slip past my fingers.

"Sure. I'd appreciate that. Um, if it's okay, what's your name?"

"My name? I'm Yogen Emica."

What a strange name.

"Boya-san's name is Takanori Yuuto. Is that right?"

"How did you know?"

"I matched the face to the name. You were in that feature match against Mikazuchi-senpai."

I guess this means she knows I'm an E Class student too. In that case, why isn't she kicking me to the ground and treating me like dirt? That mischievous glint in her eyes might mean she wants to toy with me instead.

"But, calling you Boya-san is okay too, right? I'll even let you use my first name if you say yes."

"Call me whatever you want. I don't care."

"Boya-san it is. Where are you going anyways?"

"To the docks."

"Oh, what a coincidence. I was going there too today."


"There's a nice little cafe next to the docks. I like eating my lunch there. The view of the ocean is gorgeous! Perhaps, are you meeting your acquaintance there?"

"No... but I guess that cafe sounds nice."

I can't tell whether this girl was oblivious or cheeky. Then, she latched her arms around my arm.


"You should join me for lunch! Your acquaintance won't mind waiting a little, right?"

Yogen pushed her body against mine. What kind of scenario is this? Was she some sort of loner who failed to make friends in A Class? Is she trying to seduce me? Is she trying to make fun out of me? I blushed a little the more I stared at her.

My head was spinning, not because this girl was so unpredictable, but because I could smell her fragrant shampoo from here. It was really nice.

"I'm... going to decline."

Yogen let go of me and started playing with the ends of her hair. "Another time then, perhaps?"

"We only just met. It's not like we're friends."

"I guess we shouldn't be... but company is fun."

I looked at her. "So you're aware I'm in E Class?"

"Yes, but I find you tolerable."

"You're in A Class, aren't you?"

"I am. Don't tell me, you think I should be following the school's caste system or something?"

"That's really your choice."

"You know, if someone on the bottom of the social ladder like you, went out with someone high up the social ladder like me, you'd climb up the social ranking very quickly."

"This is important because...?"

"You're in E Class. I'm in A Class. Do you see my proposition here?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"Maybe. Would you like to date me?" Yogen was smiling cheekily.

"What benefits do you get from dating me?"

"I don't really get any benefits. All it does is change how others perceive me. They'll either look at me more positively, as I've so kindly gave scum like you a chance to go out with an elite student such as myself, or they'll look down on me the same way they currently look down on you, because I'm associating with E Class. For you however, there's only benefits. I'm sure you're aware that our Tamaki-chan has persuaded everyone not to bully her precious little brother, who's in E Class, right?"

"Of course."

"Well, that's because Tamaki-chan is a central figure in our class. Even our leader supported her selfish plead."

"What are you trying to get at?"

"If you dated me, not only would you climb the social ladder, you'd also receive protection from the harassment of A Class. Not only that, you'd be able to access to A Class luxuries through me. With the way the school works, you might even rise to a higher class for having a social relationship with me. It's a very sweet deal, right?"

The way she worded her sentence made it seem how we interact with other people also effected our placement in the classes. While it was a sly hint from Yogen, it was a useful one if I wanted to figure out how the school system worked.

"Yeah. It sounds too good to be true."

"Teehee. It's just a hypothesis. I don't actually know what would happen if an A Class and E Class student began dating. Maybe... we should do it as an experiment~?"

Yogen leaned in, and whispered into my ear.

"Nee, Boya-san. Would you go out with me?"

I was paralysed by her sweet words and warm breath.

"I'm not some kind of guinea pig... go ask someone else."

She continued to talk into my ear, making me tense up because of the ticklish feeling.

"I could, but the quality of the boys in E Class is really bad. You're the most respectable man there, in my humble opinion."

Considering I somehow ranked 5th in the boys who'd the girls most likely date, I can see why.

Since Matsushita would end up with Sakigamiya most likely, and the rumours of Ayano and Kita going out are still prevalent, that would mean Kawaguchi or Akihiro would be the next best picks.

Since Kawaguchi admitted before that he would put Vanguard as a priority over more a girlfriend, he'd be no good. Then, since Akihiro is Tamaki's brother, it would be weird to go out with him. I guess I really am the best choice...

"Though, I had a hunch that you were going to decline. You don't seem like the type to enjoy romance without actual romance." Yogen said, pulling away. "Still, want to join me for lunch? The cafe here sells some great sweets. You should try some."

"My answer is still no."

"God, you're boring." Yogen pouted. "A forbidden romance between an A Class and E Class student doesn't excite you at all. A chance to visit a Stark White building is something you're not interested in. I thought Drachma Red trash would die for the chance to experience these things."

There it is. Her true colours. Strangely, her words felt teasing rather than spiteful.

"I'm not materialistic. E Class is fine, as long as I retain my education."

"What are you, a compulsory liar? You're not fooling anyone, Boya-san."

"I'm being honest-"

Yogen thrusted her finger forward, pointing at my heart. She smirked. "You want to get to A Class, don't you?"

I stared at her, and raised an eyebrow. "You're a confusing person. I can't tell whether you like me or hate me."

"I hate you. E Class students are the bottom of the barrel, after all." Yogen said. "Though, you were a little cool in that fight against Mikazuchi-senpai. You play Vanguard better than some of my classmates."

I looked at her for a bit, contemplating whether to reply or not. Hiden-sensei did mention something about weak A Class students before, but with a girl as volatile as her, I'd doubt I'd gather any useful information on A Class.

"If you're not interested in helping me to the docks, then I'll go there by myself." I said, walking away.

Yogen grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. My face was centimetres away from hers.

"Rise up to A Class for me, Boya-san."

"...I'll do things on my own accord."

Snatching my arm out of her grip, I looked away from her. Yogen smiled.

"Come. I'll show you where the docks are."

I reluctantly followed her. She was only useful for one thing in the end, and that was guiding me to the docks.

Self-reflecting on my way there, I realised that I had shown an ugly side of myself to her. If A Class is my enemy, then I can't let them see any weakness in me. If I'm going to defeat that class, then I need the element of surprise.

But that Yogen Emica... she's her own bag of surprises. She acts on a whim. If a girl like that can be in A Class, then I wonder what the other students were like. Especially their apparent leader, Ryouta Hane.

I stood at the edge of the dock, looking out to the ocean. Yogen was right about one thing. This view was absolutely breath-taking. As I stared out towards the vast ocean, I took a deep breath. The salty scent of the seawater tickled my nose, and the mid-morning breeze was refreshing.

As the surrounding environment began to drift me to a state of peace, my calm thoughts were ruptured by the unexpected appearance of a yacht sailing towards the dock. I raised an eyebrow and squinted at it. Faintly, inside that yacht, I saw Kaido stand at the front of it.

The yacht parked itself against the dock, and Kaido opened an entrance for me. He waved his hand, welcoming me to come inside the yacht. I boarded the yacht and looked around. Kaido closed the entrance and the yacht began moving on it's own again. Self-drive technology these days was really impressive.

"Yuuto. You made it." Kaido sat down on a deckchair.

"What's the meaning of calling me out here?"

"You should feel blessed to stand here. After all, this is my home."

Did I hear him correctly?

"Your home is...?"

"This yacht. I live here with my girlfriend, her sister, and my best friend."

Coming from the bottom decks of the yacht were two girls and one boy. The two girls had bright pink hair, and looked like European foreigners. The boy had blonde hair and sunglasses.

"Kaido, this is the guy who fought you in the war? He looks really unimpressive." The sunglasses boy said.

"He's nothing compared to my Hikaru!" One of the girls said. She had bigger breasts than her sister.

"Kaido, you should've told me we had guests! I didn't prepare at all..." The other girl said. She had a cuter face than her sister.

"Emma, you always look your best, regardless if you prepare or not." Kaido said.

The cuter faced girl began blushing at Kaido's smooth comment. She must be his girlfriend.

"Anyways, I'm Onibitenbu Sakate. Sakate's just fine, though." The glasses boy said.

The best friend. I wonder how often he's been the third wheel.

"I'm Strelzia Bucciarati! I'm from Italy." The bigger breasted girl said.

I remember her. She defeated Matsushita in the war.

"And I'm Emma Bucciarati. We're sisters."

One energetic sister, one calm sister. This yacht crew feels like a bunch of tropes...

"Together, we're the top four students in 3rd Year A Class." Kaido said, crossing his legs. Emma sat next to him, and he put an arm around her shoulder. "You're in our territory now, Yuuto."

"Kaido, you're gonna scare the guy... look, we aren't that bad. I'm only in the top four because of my ability in cooking." Sakate said.

"What? You play Vanguard better than almost everyone else in our year. Stop doubting yourself." Kaido said.

"I'm not that good."

"It's probably because you play Vermillion, then."

"That hurt..."

Kaido was even cold to his own friends. What kind of crew is this...

"Anyways, Yuuto. I called you out here today because I heard that my father instructed you to defeat me."

"Yeah. He did."

"To think you of all people would actually accept his offer. You're either weak, stupid or both."

I stared at Kaido and narrowed my eyes.

"Don't be so desperate to resort to him straight away. Read between the lines. Though, I guess it must be hard for you guys in Drachma Red to even read normally."

Sakate covered his mouth and began laughing. Emma looked up at Kaido with knitted brows.

"Let me remind you that you're the worst student in this entire school as it stands. It's even a miracle you haven't been expelled already. If you're serious about defeating me, then go right ahead. After all, what other ambitions does a drop out like you even have?"

Kaido looked up at me with a sharp icy gaze. I looked down at him.

"If you can defeat me, then I'll see you as my rival."


I saw Kaido smile for the first time. It was a cruel smile, though. Even though I didn't like him, there was still one question in my mind that I had to ask him.

"Why does 3rd Year A Class only have eleven students?"

"Everyone else didn't make the cut. That should be obvious."

His side insults were getting on my nerves.

"Though, it's not usually like this." Strelzia said. "Usually, there are more A Class students than any other class. Our year however, is an exception."

"Since this school is all about improving young people, by the 2nd Year, there should be students that have already climbed the ranks to A Class, thus increasing the number of students there." Sakate said.

"But... out of the 120 students in our year..." Emma said.

"72 of them are E Class failures." Kaido said.

There was no sympathy in his voice at all. I was staggered by this new revelation. That's over half the year in E Class... how did so many students end up there?

"There used to be 77 students in E Class, but five of them got expelled." Sakate said.

"For the other classes, we have 15 in D Class, 6 in C Class, 13 in B Class, and 3 of us are in the Royalty." Strelzia said.

"Though, the Royalty attend in our A Class. They just count in being a different nation." Emma said.

With all this information being revealed, more of the puzzle pieces clicked. That's how we had control of so many buildings in the malls. For whatever reason, I feel like Kuwahara knows more than he lets on. Could X be the mastermind behind the amount of E Class students for the 3rd Years?

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's the 3rd Years politics, so don't get involved in our business." Kaido said. "You 1st Years have a lot more to worry about than us. We'll be graduating in a couple months anyways. When that happens, those 72 will all be expelled."


"I shouldn't be telling you this, but..." Kaido shrugged. "Any student who is in E Class during graduation day gets expelled and does not graduate."

"...that's insane."

"This whole school is insane. Welcome to reality." Kaido opened the entrance of the yacht. While we had been talking, the yacht had parked at the Drachma Red docks. "This is where we'll be parting. I've said enough for one day."

"Wait... before I leave, can I cardfight you?"

"You want to embarrass yourself again?"

"No. I want to beat you."

"I suppose I'll play one game, just to crush your spirits."

How bitter was this man? He really hated me.


A few minutes passed, and I was already at the edge. On the brink of loss once more...

...I was totally unprepared.

"Skull Dragon, finish this. (72000)"

"I lose... (Supreme Army Eradicator, Zuitan)"

"Good. Leave."

"...can we play again?"

"Just how many times do you want to lose?"

...I was extremely foolish.

"Critical trigger. All to Cocytus. (32000/2 > 42000/3)"

"Again... (Lightning of Hope, Helena, Exorcist Mage, Lin Lin, Detonix Drill Dragon) I want another one."

"I don't have time to waste with people who can't read cards."


"Persistently annoying. This will be the last one."

...I was completely outmatched.

"Violence Flanger's skill. I discard a grade 0, grade 1 and grade 2. You can't guard with those same grades and sentinels. (22000 > 27000)"

"In other words... an unguardable attack. (Dragonic Deathscythe)"

"Have you had enough now? We've been playing for an hour."

"No... I want one more game. Please."

"I've beaten you three consecutive times now. Accept your losses."

I gritted my teeth and shook my head.

"I don't have time for this. Sakate, kick him off for me."

"Kaido-senpai, wait-" I reached my hand out, but Kaido turned around, ignoring me with his hands in his pockets.

"I want you to beat me in the next war. Don't go knocking on my yacht asking for a challenge. Do that, and I'll sue you."

Somehow, that threat sounded scarier than it should be.

"...alright. In the next war, I'll beat you."

"You won't beat me before graduation. That's the truth."

I gritted my teeth and headed to the entrance. Onibitenbu was waiting there, opening it for me. I left the yacht, walking onto the Drachma Red docks. Onibitenbu closed the entrance behind me, and the yacht began driving off into the distance.

"Hope to see you soon, Yuuto-kun!" Onibitenbu shouted.

I never gave him permission to use my first name. Damn A Class students.

On the docks, there was a small crowd of people who was watching Kaido's yacht intently. When they saw me board off, they looked really surprised. While most of the crowd dispersed, the ones who stayed behind began to flock me with questions. Kaido was strangely popular with Drachma Red.

I ignored most of their questions and only answered the obvious ones, as a means to protect both of our privacy. I pushed pash the nosy upperclassmen, and decided to go back to my dorm. As I walked back, I felt frustrated at myself.

There was still so much to this school I don't know about. I need to get answers to my questions somehow. One thing I know for sure is... I'm going to defeat Mikazuchi Kaido.

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