- Part 3

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I watched as the A Class students, Sakigamiya and the two sensei left first. When they were all gone, I solemnly walked out of the student council room, my back hunched and hands deep in pockets.

After I left, Masamoto came out of the student council room and locked it. He sent a dirty look my way, then went off. I was going to hit him, but after the trial I had to put some self-restraint for once.

For some strange reason, Sakigamiya and Chabashira-sensei was waiting outside.

"What the hell are you two still doing here?" I asked.

Admittedly, I did feel a lot better seeing those two lovely ladies standing outside, waiting for me. It was like I had my own mini-harem. The super sexy Chabashira Shizuka-sensei, and the thigh goddess Sakigamiya Alice. Yeah, I was pretty happy with this strange outcome.

"I think that's the first time I saw you look weak." Chabashira-sensei said.

"Huh? Don't screw with me, I didn't look weak in that trial."

"Sticking up for your friends, showing regret, and begging not to get expelled. How uncharacteristic of you."

I flinched at her borderline sarcastic response. I didn't do all those things, did I?

"Huh? I'm not like that, sensei. You know that I'm a strong man."

"And that's the reason why this incident occurred in the first place. It's because of your foolish pride that any of this happened. Whether you're in the right or wrong is trivial. In any case, let this trial serve as a lesson to not let something stupid like this happen again. You were nearly on the brink of expulsion. You do understand that, don't you?"

I lowered my head.


"You're lucky that Tachibana-san was in charge of overseeing this trial. If it were anyone else on the student council, I can almost assure you that you would've been expelled. It seems he's also changing as a person too."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Even though I didn't care about him, I just wanted to talk to sensei a bit longer.

"The Tachibana-san of last year would've definitely agreed with expulsion. It seems he's taken pity on you after his own incident."

"Taken pity on me? Hah, like I need stuff like empathy from others. I would've fought with my last breath to overturn my expulsion if it did go through. Even if everyone else abandoned me, I would've gone to fight against the current of fate by myself!"

"And that sort of stubborn behaviour landed you in this situation in the first place. I don't think you've truly reflected on your actions, even after all that."

"Being stubborn can be a good quality."

I smirked and rubbed my nose. Chabashira-sensei gazed at me disappointedly.

"You're a ridiculous boy. Try to admit your mistakes, rather than shove blame to someone else, Yukimura-san. There's strength in recognising your own faults, and getting stronger from that as a person."

I scratched my head. I don't think I understood what she said, but at the same time... I feel like I grasped what she meant. Admitting my mistakes though... that's so unlike me.

As Chabashira-sensei was about to leave, Sakigamiya called out for her.

"Wait, sensei! I was wondering still... about Tachibana-senpai. What did you mean by "his own incident"?"

Chabashira-sensei looked over her shoulder.

"He was accused of sexual harassment by two girls. That's what I meant."

Me and Sakigamiya were both stunned by what she said. I flinched, hearing the same guy who saved me was apparently a sexual harasser. How was he still in A Class?

In any case, I watched Chabashira-sensei walk away from us, leaving just me and Sakigamiya behind. I turned towards her, and grinned sheepishly.

"I regret asking now." Sakigamiya said.

"Eh, it's not like it affects us anyways. Oh, and, uh... thanks for helping me out today. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. If any trouble arises again, feel free to contact me. Just... please stop using violence."

Sakigamiya face flashed with sadness. I gritted the back of my teeth, nodding.

It was uncool of me to make a girl I like sad.

"I promise I won't use violence from now on."

"I hope you'll keep that promise, Yukimura-kun. You're my valued classmate and friend. You're easily E Class's best athlete and one of our shining stars. You could probably become an A Class student if you put in the effort. So please... don't throw all that talent away so recklessly!"

I laughed a bit when she complimented me. Sakigamiya was seriously cute and kind too. Though, in the back of my mind, I knew I was going to get worse with my skills since I was banned from the football pitch and couldn't play anymore.

"I... won't. I won't throw my future away anymore. I got too carried away because this school gave us freedom. Now that I've seen my actions have severe consequences... I need to change. I need to start over. I'm probably a big reason why we lost all of our class points. I was a stupid idiot by beating them so brutally. But not anymore. So, it's uncool of me to ask but..."

I scratched the back of my head and swallowed the lump of embarrassment in my throat.

"But... Sakigamiya... san, will you help me start over? To become a proper student."

Is this what Chabashira-sensei meant? Admitting my own mistakes and getting stronger from it? Was I doing it by asking for her help?

Sakigamiya's face was emblazoned with happiness. She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Of course I will! You can definitely rely on me, Yukimura-kun! I'm so happy that you're finally reaching out to us!"

"Hey, I've always reached out to my classmates. I hang out with plenty of friends."

"I mean showing us a sensitive side. We know you best for one feeling: anger. To think you could be such a thoughtful and compassionate person made me happy. The way you defended Nora-chan was super cool. Today, I've seen a lot of different emotions swirling inside of you. I think that you've changed in my eyes, no matter what everyone else thinks."

I lost my words for a second, standing with my mouth slightly agape as I stared at Sakigamiya's stunning face in disbelief.

"Sorry, was that too much for me to say?"

"Nah... I appreciate those words."

Me and Sakigamiya exchanged smiles. For some reason, I could feel like my school life was going to become a lot better.

"Um... if it's okay for me to ask, why did you get mad when Isogai-san came to defend you? Masamoto-san said that he was probably E Class's best defence..."

My happy mood was snatched away by the mention of Matsushita. I was seeing red, my fists throbbing with anger.

But I couldn't lash out. I couldn't, after I promised Sakigamiya I'd never act in violence anymore. I gritted my teeth and began speaking, trying to keep my composure.

"I just don't like him."

"Oh... um, why's that? You've never been friendly towards him since the first day of school."

"Sakigamiya, I know he's your osananajimi, so I don't want to tell you why. I don't want to hurt your feelings."

I was trying my hardest to calm down. But it didn't work.

"I don't mind. You can say whatever you want about Isogai-san. I won't tell him, I promise."

I took a deep breath, mentally trying to fight the searing hate bubbling up from my heart.

"Ikemen like him... are the most fakest trash living on this world."

I refrained from saying he should die. I didn't want to throw away any slim chance I had to become Sakigamiya's boyfriend by making her hate me.

However, she stood there, with no change in her expression to my words. It's like she wasn't shocked or surprised.

"I see... well, that makes sense. I guess I was expecting a more complex reason, rather than just a simple explanation. Sorry."

I didn't want to tell her about my past. After seeing her reaction to Ryouta's video, I didn't want to see the face she'd make when I told her I broke another person's legs before.

I let go of the pent up rage the best I could. I faced Sakigamiya with a smile. The best one I could force right now.

"It's alright. Thanks for concerning yourself about me, but I don't need someone else to worry over me. I'm fine by myself."

"Really? But your friends care about you too, Yukimura-kun. People like Nora-chan, Aki-kun, Mitsuba-san... you shouldn't push them away. If you do, you'd be all alone. You'd be no different to Takanori-san or Ikesugi-san. Would you really want to live like that?"

I blinked, feeling a dark memory resurface.

Wasn't being a lone wolf cool? If it was, then why did I feel so empty back then?

"Ha ha ha. Yeah, like I'd ever become like those losers. I've never been alone before. I've always had friends to mess around with."

Sakigamiya just laughed along with my vicious lie.

Why was my past coming back to haunt me slowly?

I tried to kick it away.

It pisses me off.

That I'm too damn weak.

"In any case, we should get going. You haven't eaten lunch yet, have you? Let's get it together at the konbini!"

For now, I'll just appreciate what I have.

I'll appreciate the strength I've managed to display up until now. The school I was nearly expelled from. The few friends who haven't left me, despite being scum born from scummy parents.

I'll appreciate every fleeting moment of my reckless youth.

Those things matter more than my dumb pride.

I grinned at Sakigamiya's suggestion.

"Hell yeah! You're paying, though."

"Aw, what? I'm running tight on points too, Yukimura-kun!"

I laughed, feeling a fluttering in my heart.

Oh no... I think I might be in love with Sakigamiya...


Osananajimi: Childhood friends.

Konibini: Convenience store.

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