SS Matsushita Isogai: E Class's Future Direction

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In the end, I was relegated into the loser class. Selfishly, I thought "why?" hundreds of times. I hadn't changed one bit since middle school, huh...?

I wasn't going to be like that anymore. I was going to reach my hand out to those in need. I was going to help those who wanted it.

Maybe I was placed in E Class for this very purpose. Everyone in this class needs to be saved. I will save them all.

Even though I was rejected by all of my friends in the upper classes after the revelation, everyone in E Class were still my friends. That's why I'll do anything for the people who accepted me.

As the person most suited to become the leader of our class, I had to step up to the mantle. I was indebted to save all of them from their own defects.

That's right... I'm the leader.

Even Chabashira-sensei entrusted me with this role. She chose me to the be King in the war. She recognises that I'll be the one who will bring us a brighter future— a hopeful tomorrow.

If I want to save everyone in E Class, I must promote everyone to A Class.

That way, everyone can be happy. If everyone is happy, no one is hurt. If no one is hurt, then their pain is gone. If their pain is gone, then I have saved them.

The first step towards our goal was defeating D Class. But with so many weak students, that'll be a challenge.

As a leader, I need to consider all of my allies, and their strengths and weaknesses. One of these allies was B Class, whom I've already secured a friendly alliance with. With their back-up, we'll be able to fight D Class with more stronger friends.

For now, I'd rather focus on the students with most potential to become the stars or key players of our class. People like Alice-chan, Ayano-san, Akihiro-san and Yukimura-san.

Alice-chan was a well-rounded individual with lots of strengths in plenty of areas, such as Vanguard, academics and sports. She was probably our most strongest classmate, and possessed skills better than mine. Not only that, she was also sociable and friendly.

Essentially, Alice-chan was a perfect person. If everyone didn't place their faith in me, then I can see her being the leader. I honestly fear the individual transfers the most, as I can see her be moved up to A Class very quickly just from her skills alone. Losing such a valuable classmate so early would really set us back.

Ayano-san was difficult to talk to, since he's quiet and keeps to himself. However, like Alice-chan, he was a well-rounded individual with the highest academic skills, aside from Nora-san. What made him more valuable was his skills in Vanguard and his quick foot. In sports, he scored the second highest sprint time.

Just like Alice-chan, he would probably move up to A Class very soon at his current skill level. Losing him would be detrimental, but not as much, since he was not very easy to communicate with. Regardless, if he was more social, he'd also be a very good leader figure in my eyes.

Akihiro-san and Yukimura-san specialised in Vanguard and sports respectively. What makes them very important to E Class was their personalities and skills.

Akihiro-san is a very passionate person who doesn't give up easily. He's one of E Class's better Vanguard players too, and scored relatively well in the mock test. He's very much a diamond in the rough, so I'd like to help him.

Yukimura-san hates me for some reason. His aggressive personality was something I needed to straighten out, but his raw athletic skill was incomparable, even to the A Class students. He was the only person to beat Ayano's already astonishing sprint time, and his skills in football was unlike anyone else.

If it weren't for his personality and grades, he'd easily be an A Class student too. I want to support him, but he pushes me away and scowls at me all the time. I'm not sure what I did to him, but maybe he...

That's ridiculous. We went to different middle schools, so no way he'd know about it.

Even though I chose GEN Academy to move away from it all, it still ended up following me here. Alice-chan doesn't want to talk about it, but ignoring the problem in front of us won't solve it...

Something this serious can't be looked away. She stubbornly didn't want to change. One day we'd have to face it. We can't run away from it forever.

I really was the only person in the class without a defect. That's the reason why I was chosen to save everyone else in this class.

I'll save them. I'll save them. I'll save them.

It reminds me of the chant I'd do in middle school...

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