SS X: Takanori Yuuto

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I'm going to use Takanori Yuuto for all his worth.

He might be labelled as the worst student, but he's far from that.

He's a dormant monster, pretending to be an average boy.

If someone will tear down the system, it's him.

I've been waiting for a student with this sort of power.

I'm going to use Kuwahara to tease out all the potential wracked up inside him.

It's imperative that I obtain Takanori as the ace up my sleeve.

After all, when Nibiiro graduates, he'll need a successor, and Takanori will be the one to carry that torch.

So for now, I need to keep him dancing in the palm of my hand.

I must keep him incubated in E Class until he matures and develops.

I have only a year to use him for all he's worth.

I'll make him learn what failure tastes like time and time again.

I'll force him to rise back up with each knock down.

Until to the point I can't beat him down anymore.

That will be when the monster inside of him awakens.

When that happens, I'll set him free into the world.

So that he can burn everything down.

Unfortunately, he's already trying to seek my true identity.

Just be patient.

I know what I'm doing.

Someday, me and you will meet face to face.

When that day comes, you'll understand all the moves I've executed up until this very moment.

But until then, don't hate me for what I've done.

I slipped a letter under the door of his dorm room.

On the paper, I requested him to become my internal ally for 1st Year E Class.

I even gave him a very generous offer of 1,000,000 private points if he accepts.

Let's see if he accepts this gracious offer.

I need someone inside 1st Year E Class to be my information source.

I already have ties set up in A Class and B Class.

Using Takanori, I'll have ties set up in E Class too.

That makes ten classes I can use at my disposal.

Eventually, I'll monopolise all the classes.

I might not be King at this school, but with all the support I've received, I might as well be.

That's just how flawed this entire school is.

No... that's just how flawed society is.

Nevertheless, entertain me some more, Takanori Yuuto.

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