Chapter 3: Quiet Foosteps

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Tuesday morning.

The start of my day was terrible. I forgot that my uniform had been ruined yesterday when D Class assaulted me, but I didn't get a chance to wash it since I stayed at Nora and Katsumi's house all night helping them sort out their decks.

Unfortunately, most of my time spent there was re-teaching Katsumi the fundamentals, as she was really unfamiliar with the game. Her deck was such a shamble, it made Nora's deck seem like tier 1 in comparison. She didn't even use Mecha Trainer as a starter, she used Cheer Girl, Franny.

And her reasoning was even worse...

"Katsumi-san, why don't you use Mecha Trainer over Franny? Trainer can let you draw a card when you ride it. Franny's skill only works when she's on rear-guard."

"But Takanori-san, I don't want my starter to be an ugly robot! I want it to be a cute cheerleader instead!"

I'm still cringing from that interaction. In any case, I had to scrounge around for a replacement uniform. Luckily, I remembered that we were given summer uniforms, because Yukina was wearing one yesterday. Since I didn't have a spare set of the regular uniform, I had no choice but to wear it.

It honestly felt kind of weird seeing myself like this for the first time. For a little bit, I thought I looked kind of cool, but quickly realised I was delusional. Can't have your ego popped if you pop it yourself.

Though, by wearing this uniform, I was making myself stand out involuntarily... well, there was nothing I could do about it. At least I wouldn't be the only one wearing it. The riajuu were also beginning to wear their summer uniforms, so this could become trendy.

I wonder, am I starting my riajuu phase? Before, I considered myself a loner, but ever since yesterday, I realised that I've become fairly close with a few of my classmates, like Yukina, Tadokoro, Nora and Katsumi. It's like I had something to look forward to today... almost, if the war didn't exist.

When I entered class, things didn't get better. Since I was a bit late getting to school, the class had already become rowdy. At the doorway, I was stopped by Yamaguchi, who was grinning at me eerily.

"Everyone, Takanori had the balls to show his face at school!"

With an obnoxious tone, Yamaguchi shouted across the class to let them know I was here. I knew he was trying to annoy me, so I shrugged it off, but the rest of the class stared daggers at me.

What gives? The atmosphere became sour the moment I walked into the class.

"How'd it feel getting beat up by D Class?"

Yamaguchi openly taunted me. I ignored him, but he pushed me into class by slapping my back. It was an unnecessary gesture, but alright. Everyone's steely glares worsened as I step foot inside.

"Let's give a giant round of applause for this living piece of garbage! Congrats on becoming the most hated person in school!"

Yamaguchi mockingly clapped for me. Slowly, a few people started to join in, including Matsushita and Sakigamiya. This prompted the everyone else to follow their lead, feeding into the spiteful round of applause.

"What's going on?"

Not taking Yamaguchi's harassment anymore, I turned to face him. The difference in our height was obvious, as Yamaguchi's beady eyes looked down on me.

"Who the hell gave you a right to speak after what you did in D Class?"


Yamaguchi's stupid-looking grin widened. I genuinely had no idea what he was going on about.

"Don't play dumb, Takanori. We all know what you did in D Class to get beat up like that."

"What are you talking about?"

"Woman beater."

Yamaguchi leaned in, pressuring me backwards.

"You tried to hit Shimizu in D Class. That's why everyone jumped on you."


Pathetically, that was the only noise I could utter. It didn't help that this was happening at the front of the class, for all of them to see. Everyone stared at me like I was some kind of monster.

While social situations weren't my forte, I knew that keeping silent would make me look guilty in front of Yamaguchi's ridiculous claim. So, I decided fight back while acting calmly as possible.

"That's not true. I never laid a finger on Shimizu-san. You can go ask D Class for the truth."

I could feel my legs shaking, but keeping my breathing steady prevented me from stuttering. The words didn't come out as naturally as I wanted, but the firm tone would be enough to make him back-off.

"And I already did. Oi, Terasaka, mind coming in?"

Or so I thought. It seems this attack was pre-meditated, as Yamaguchi had brought back-up. As he shouted into the hallway, Terasaka from D Class entered on cue. Surprisingly, following him was Hashimoto, someone who actually did lay a hand on Shimizu.

Smug grins zipped across their faces as they flanked me on all sides, pushing me back against the wall. Their tall and bulky figures cast terrifying shadows over me. Through the gaps in their shoulders, I could see everyone in class continuing to watch intensely.

Including... Yukina.

I lowered my head as Terasaka grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and growled in my face.

"Shimizu-san's in tears cos of you."

Oh, that's right... I remember now. Terasaka was one of the guys kicking me to the floor. No wonder he had such strength.

"Oi, Matsushita-san, was it? Your friend man, real prick. Even though he tried to save Hoshimi-chan with you, he instead hunted her down to hit her, cuz she was reluctant to come with you guys. You should've left us alone while you still coulda. Maybe that way you wouldn't see such a crappy side to Takanori."

Hashimoto then slammed his arm on the wall next to me, barely missing my face on impact. He leaned in, making an indirect threat through his crazed eyes. It was disgusting to be so close to him. The veins popping on his fist also indicated what would happen to me if I didn't play along.

"Isogai-san, what did you and Takanori try to do with Shimizu-san?"

It was insulting that Sakigamiya dropped the honorific from my name. It was like I was no longer worthy of basic respect from her. At the very least, Matsushita would clear this up for me. He's a person who'd save anyone in need.

"Well... I think me and Takanori had the wrong idea. Hashimoto-senpai was simply trying to talk to Shimizu-san, but Takanori thought there was something more going on, so he tried to "save" her. Seeing how noble it was, I joined in."

Matsushita... what are you saying...? That's not the truth... it was your idea to join in first!

"But it seems... Takanori wanted Shimizu-san for himself, for some reason. He didn't want Hashimoto-senpai talking to her, which probably means he got jealous. Takanori, do you have a crush on Shimizu-san?"

Suddenly, Matsushita directed his attack on me. Yamaguchi and Terasaka moved to the side to let me talk face to face with Matsushita, who was also standing in front of the class. On my right side, Hashimoto gave me another silent threat with his psychotic eyes.


Was I wrong about him?

"It's a simple yes or no question."

I thought you'd help anyone in need. That's what you told me, didn't you?

"Answer me, Takanori. Silence is the same as admitting your guilt."

Without any mercy, Matsushita also turned on me. I never expected this, especially with what he told me and the action he took to save Shimizu yesterday. Why was I an exception to his morales and values? Did his image really matter more than the truth? Was that how shallow he was?

My perfect perception of Matsushita cracked.

In the end, he was like any other selfish high school student. He was nothing special. He's only leader because of his popular status within the class. Since I'm unpopular, of course he'd side with the popular opinion and act accordingly, even if it was a lie. This was Matsushita's messed up brand of justice.

"No, of course not. Stop lying through your teeth and tell them the truth. I never laid a finger on Shimizu-san. It was Hashimoto-senpai that was pinning her against the wall!"

"Stop trying to save yourself, you damn loser!" Hashimoto screamed into my ear. His words echoed through my head painfully.

Matsushita simply lowered his head in disappointment. Turning to the class, he slammed his fist on the teacher's podium to grab everyone's attention.

"Takanori's a woman beater guys. Be careful around him."

With that declaration, Matsushita cast me to the way side and returned to his seat. My throat tightened up as Matsushita betrayed me.

He was ready to get rid of me this entire time... did he actually want to be friends with me? Or was that just a lie to make himself look better? I mean, the class reps also have to talk to the outcasts of the class... even if they don't want to. It's their job after all.

His flowery words from yesterday became meaningless. I quickly realised that Matsushita cared about nothing more than his own image. He interacted with me only to further his status. I never mattered to him. He never saw me as someone even worthy to save.

"That's... not... true..."

I tried to speak, but the words came out as nothing but a whisper. I felt suffocated by the dark atmosphere that hung over the class. Everyone's murmuring made me paranoid. Their judgemental stares cut deep. All this public humiliation based on a lie.

It was an untruthful rumour that was upheld by the leaders of E Class. Matsushita and Sakigamiya weren't interested in clearing my name, even if I was their classmate. I was worthless to them because of my status in the class. If I fell, nothing else would change.

Who in this class actually cared about me anyways?

Then, a slam caught everyone's attention. I lifted my head slightly. My eyes widened.

"Yuu would never hit a girl! He's too kind and quiet to do something like that!"

Standing in the middle of the class, Yukina proudly shouted for my innocence. Everyone's turned to face her, including Yamaguchi, Terasaka and Hashimoto. With those three out of my view, I could fully see how bright Yukina shone in that moment.

Just like she told me yesterday... she was trying to protect me... because she cared.

"Yukina-san, what are you doing, defending that woman beater?"

Sakigamiya snapped back with her hands on her hips. She was visibly unhappy that her best friend was siding with me.

"He's not a woman beater. He's my friend. I believe he's innocent, because Shimizu-san said herself that he didn't lay a finger on her. Not just her, but Zyriot-san and Horie-san too, the leaders of D Class! Everyone, you're better than this, aren't you?!"

"Stop being delusional. You have to understand the victim's mentality. Because Takanori hit her, Shimizu-san's afraid to tell the truth out of fear. She's denying it because she doesn't want to face his wrath again. That's why all of her D Class friends had to do it for her! Everyone believes he's guilty, Yukina-san. Just ask the class. Raise your hand if you honestly think Takanori is innocent."

Yukina obviously raised her arm. Everyone else didn't. It was proof that no one was on my side... until, to my surprise, one hand was raised reluctantly. It was Nora.

"I... agree with Kazuraba-san. Takanori-kun... would never do that."

Even though it was a small whisper, I was glad that Nora supported me. Then, an even more unexpected hand was raised.

Rinbayashi held her hand up in support. Not only that, she also said something about it.

"Where's the proof that he hit her? It's nothing but a rumour. Matsushita-san and Sakigamiya-san, you two should know better than supporting a baseless accusation, considering your influence on the class is exponentially greater than Takanori-san's."

I had forgotten how chillingly beautiful Rinbayashi's voice was. I honestly appreciated her support, since she almost never states her opinion or thoughts on anything. She attends class like a ghost.

In response, Sakigamiya clicked her tongue and directed her next attacks at Nora and Rinbayashi.

"Nora-chan, he may act good, but Takanori is very capable of doing bad things too. That's the key word here, act. There has to be a reason why Takanori's in E Class, right? It's obvious. He used to be like Yukimura-kun, getting angry over small things and becoming violent as a result. However, unlike Yukimura-kun, who's gotten better at managing his anger, Takanori is finally letting his true colours shine. Also, Rinbayashi-san, why out of all times to comment on a matter, did you choose to comment on this one? I'm surprised such a dignified girl like you cared about drama like this. As for the proof, isn't the video posted by Yoshimatsu-san enough? D Class attacked Takanori for injuring their weak, helpless classmate. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?"

Sakigamiya had also spun a lie into her defence. She theorised on the reason why I ended up on E Class and framed it as fact rather than a suggestion.

"Alice-san, what are you saying...? Stop with the lies! Yuu isn't in E Class for being violent. Back in middle school... everyone considered him a loner. You can even ask Ichinose-san about it, as they were in the same class!"

"Yukina-san, stay out of this. I'm trying to spread awareness for your sake. You might be his next target. Takanori's dangerous for us girls, can't you see that?!"

Nora, who didn't have the courage to speak up against Sakigamiya, stood down with a powerless expression. However, Rinbayashi decided to fight back.

"The video starts at the beginning of the fight and doesn't give context about why it happened. Only the comments do, but it's not reliable evidence either. Also, I suggest you don't bring personal attacks into this. It makes you look childish."

Ouch, that response was cold as ice.

"He's not dangerous! He's been nothing but kind and thoughtful to me and everyone else he talks to! I don't believe this rumour for a second, and neither should you!"

Sakigamiya was being flanked on two sides, one by Yukina and one by Rinbayashi. However, when Matsushita was about to step in, the stubborn Sakigamiya fought back against both like the fierce leader she was.

"Rinbayashi-san, instead of ignoring my questions, try answering them. I never insulted you once, but sure, whatever keeps you warm at night. There's a point where enough people speak out that the words become proof. Why would everyone testify to a story if it never happened? If people really did think Takanori was innocent, they'd speak out. Zyriot-san and Horie-san don't count as they're on damage control mode. Also, Yukina-san, I know it might be hard for you to accept, since you guys went to the same middle school, but it's true. The fact is, Takanori hit Shimizu-san. Even if he's been kind to you, it doesn't mean he can't be cruel to someone else behind your back. Not everyone is good natured, and that includes that two-faced woman beating snake."

"I'm disappointed in you, Alice-san... why do you believe that rumour so much? You're acting like it's fact. You know that Yuu didn't go to D Class to hit Shimizu-san, right? He went to D Class because you assigned him there to help Isogai-san and Aki-kun out."

Yukina fought back with a strong counter. Slowly, she was finding her footing in this argument. It must've been especially hard for her, because Sakigamiya is the reason why she's so popular in class. She was biting the hand that feeds her... for a guy like me.

Meanwhile, Rinbayashi didn't bother replying to Sakigamiya. Even though she could easily counter Sakigamiya's argument, she chose to stop engaging. In fairness, Rinbayashi seemed like a sceptic, and probably didn't want to get into a big argument over it.

Still, it was really strange to see her defending me when we weren't even friends. I guess being a neutral party in the class made her judgment unbiased.

"I didn't know he wanted to hurt Shimizu-san... no one did. You know, I regret tasking Takanori with D Class, because if I didn't, then Shimizu-san wouldn't have gotten hurt... and it's my fault. At the same time though, we exposed Takanori for who he really is, and that's a good thing."

"What about Yuu? Didn't you see how badly he got hurt in that class? Can't you see the scar on his cheek? Aren't you sorry to him at all? If you didn't tell him to go to D Class, then he wouldn't have gotten beaten up so badly!"

"Yeah right, Takanori deserved that beat—"

"No he didn't! No one deserves to be beaten like that! Nobody should ever have to endure getting kicked to the floor, punched in the face, and public humiliation! That video... is cruel and inhumane!"

I could feel how passionate and desperate Yukina's cries were in trying to prove my innocence. It made my heart hurt, honestly. To see her fight so hard for me when she knows this would kill her own reputation. It didn't feel right.

I wanted to tell her to stop and that it'd be okay. That I can endure this, because I've always lived my life being hated by everyone. There was no point sacrificing herself over this.

Yet at the same time... I wanted her to continue fighting for me. It was selfish, but... for once I felt wanted by somebody else. I didn't want that to go away.

"Yes, it's painful to watch, but that's just karma."

"That wasn't karma! That was D Class unfairly ganging up on him!"

"For a justified reason! You can't trust Takanori, Yukina-san! You know that he hid information about the war from us!"

Immediately, Sakigamiya used this as a chance to further slander my name.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention on the class group chat yesterday. Takanori knew about the war before all of us, and only bothered to tell Yukina-san and Nora-chan. Can you believe this scumbag? It's like he wants our class to fail!"

I was more surprised that a class group chat even existed. I never heard of it before until now. I guess they really did hate me from the beginning, as I wasn't even added to it. This would be the perfect chance to get rid of me.

"Yuu never hid anything from us! He found out about the war by accident from Zyriot-san. If anything, he was trying to help us!"

"That loser was colluding with D Class behind our backs! Serves him right!"

"You two, cut it out."

Recognising the situation was getting out of hand, Matsushita firmly inserted himself in between the increasingly aggressive Sakigamiya and Yukina.

"You guys are friends, aren't you? Don't get so heated with each other over this. It's not worth falling out over Takanori. Alice-chan, keep your cool. You'll say something that you'll regret."

Sakigamiya huffed, crossing her arms. Even though she was slandering me earlier, I could tell her frustration from fighting with Yukina was genuine. She seemed hurt to squabble with her friend like this.

"Yukina-san, I'm sorry, but there are more testimonies against Takanori than there are in support of him. I know it's hard to swallow down, but—"

Before he could finish, Yukina cut him off while smiling sadly.

"Isogai-san... I had the wrong idea about you this whole time... didn't I?"


"I thought... you wanted to be Yuu's friend. I thought... you were a kind person. But... I was wrong."

"No, that's wrong! Takanori, he—"

The sound of the door opening shut the class up. The atmosphere froze over, submerging the class in inky darkness.

"You three morons, shut up and sit down. I don't want to hear about the petty drama that's going on in your pathetic lives."

It was Chabashira-sensei. I was brutally reminded about how she was like in class with that ruthless entrance. She looked genuinely irritated walking into their spat.

"What are you doing in my class, Terasaka-san, Hashimoto-san? Get out of here, homeroom is about to start."

Her tsurime eyes and terrifying aura made even the confrontational Terasaka and Hashimoto back away from me.

"S-Sorry! I-I'll go now!"

Hashimoto, scared out of his wits, was the first to leave. Terasaka sighed while following him, clicking his tongue at Chabashira-sensei. Another firm glare from her made him regret his decision, as he hurried his exit.

"Sorry, Chabashira-sensei."

Matsushita bowed and returned to his seat. Sakigamiya gave once last glance at Yukina.

"Do you honestly believe that Takanori didn't hit Shimizu-san?"

"With my whole heart. I stand by him."

With a sneer, Sakigamiya returned to her seat. Yukina did as well.

"Yamaguchi-san, Takanori-san, hurry back to your seats as well."

Yamaguchi grunted and shouldered me in the ribs before leaving. Instinctively, I covered them in pain. My body was especially sensitive today due to the beating I received yesterday.

"Thanks, Chabashira-sensei..."

I softly thanked her for saving me and deescalating the situation. Her eyes met with mine briefly. Despite her cold exterior, when I looked at them, they softened a little bit.

Unconsciously, I walked in an ashamed manner back to my seat, despite knowing I didn't do anything wrong. I probably acted this way to cope with the tense and suffocating mood that surrounded me.

Collectively, everyone's nasty glares penetrated me with each step I took. They hoped to catch me slip up and laugh at me with their fixated stares. This constrictive pressure was a testament to how much the class hated me.

I knew that I wasn't popular in the class, so I tried to not get in anybody's way. But they probably viewed me as an eyesore, so when the chance arose to estrange me from the class came, they took it. Everyone had kept their negative opinion on me in their heart this entire time.

Now, when labelled a woman beater over an unproven rumour, they could finally let loose and express their hatred towards me. The one that's been building up in their hearts from the moment I stepped in this room. For the first time, while sitting at my lonely corner desk, I felt completely isolated from the class.

They didn't want or need me. If I disappeared, they'd be happy. How will I ever achieve anything in this school if my reputation keeps getting smeared and dragged down?

I tuned myself out as Chabashira-sensei took the register. When it came to my turn, I responded just loud enough for her to hear. The rest of the time, I have a side long glance at Yukina, trying to make sense of how she felt, and what she was thinking. At the very least, I can keep my mind occupied by doing this. That way, I won't revert back to those heart-wrenching thoughts.

To my surprise, she also looked at me. It was brief, but I could see it in her hollow eyes. A silent apology for not being able to sway the class's opinion.

"It's not your fault."

Yukina bit her bottom lip and lowered her head. Seeing as Chabashira-sensei was about to speak to the class, we would have to talk later when it was more suitable.

"Good morning everyone. For today's homeroom, we'll be heading to the War Preparation Room. You may have already found out from your peers, but you guys in E Class will have the prestigious honour of having your first official war with 1st Year D Class."

Even though Chabashira-sensei had dropped what should've been a bombshell on us, our class didn't react poorly to it. Instead, there were only some frustrated groans and low mutters from the usual culprits. Seeing our unusually obedient behaviour, Chabashira-sensei raised an eyebrow, but smiled nevertheless.

"Keeping your calm, hmm? We'll see how long that'll last."

She coldly dismissed us. I guess she thought about whether our class had finally learnt how to behave, or if the information she gave me yesterday had spread to everyone. Seeing as she gave a brief look at me before turning towards the doorway, I'm assuming she surmised it was the latter.

"I'll explain more once we arrive. For now, follow me."

Everyone made their exit from the class. On my way there, Tanaka went out of his way to bump me in the shoulder. Joining him in the shoving was Ayano. I was pushed to the back of the group. It was like they were trying to exclude me.

On the trip to the room, Yukina shuffled towards the back of the group. Due to the bad blood between her and Sakigamiya, no one stopped her from siding with me. In fact, people started ignoring her for standing up for me.

"Yuu..." She gently called out for me. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine."

I blatantly lied. If Yukina went out of her way to stand up for me in class, then the least I could do is alleviate some of her worries about me.

"You don't look fine..."

For the first time in my life, I felt the muscles in my face twist and tighten in ways it's never done before. My neutral expression had been completely destroyed from this experience.

"I'm going to get to the bottom of this and clear my name." I muttered. "I'm not going to be dragged through the mud anymore."

Yukina's eyes widened slightly. She looked both surprised and happy at my declarations.

"I'll help you anyway I can. If you fell here, it'd be a bad thing."

"No, you don't have to. If you get involved with me... you'll be ruining your relationships with Sakigamiya-san and Matsushita-san even more. You worked so hard to become friends with them, I'd feel guilty if it was me who drove you guys apart."

"I think they're just being ignorant. In my opinion, real friends can rebuild their friendship even after a fight. If someone can admit when they're wrong, then they aren't completely a bad person, because they can recognise their mistakes and learn from it. That level of humility doesn't come to people naturally, and is indicative of what type of friend that person is."

Friendships were still a foreign concept to me, but I vaguely understood what Yukina meant. Back in elementary school, I faintly remembered a memory of me and Suzune getting into a fight. We spent a whole week ignoring each other, before making up and becoming friends again.

"If we clear your name, then Alice-san, Isogai-san and everyone else too, will have no reason to hate you anymore. For now, let them believe what they want to believe. Since it's still new, a lot of information, both true and false, has been thrown around. If you stay patient and let the dust settle, the truth will come to light. When it does, and those people refuse to admit that they were wrong, then I don't want to stay friends with them."

Yukina was going to use this rumour to her advantage to start seeing whether or not her friends are actually good people or not. She's probably hoping that Matsushita and Sakigamiya are good people, but her firm tone established that she wasn't afraid to cut ties with them if necessary. I think that, even though they adamantly believed in the false rumour, Yukina could change their minds. If the class reps started defending me, then their wide-spread influence would change people's perception of me too.

"You can be scheming too, huh?"

It was meant to be a compliment, but Yukina looked annoyed at me instead.

"I'm just trying to make the best out of our situation... I'd be sad if they don't want to be friends with me anymore over this."

I didn't feel the same way. Yukina's feelings came from the connection she's made with them, which I didn't have. If anything, after today's homeroom, I started realising how just how poorly Matsushita and Sakigamiya have treated me.

Of course, I would never say this out loud. If I did, everyone would jump on me for dissing the most popular people in class, and I'd hurt Yukina's feelings by talking about her friends like that. Basically, my resentment towards these two had no place to go except my heart.

"I guess. Well, thanks for helping. I honestly appreciate it."

"I am for you, you are for me."

"Eh... you remembered that line? I thought I was the only one."

"Of course I did. It perfectly describes us, doesn't it?"

"It does... it really does."

Seeing her cheerful smile and airy laugh helped me calm down. Yukina had strange healing properties. If anything though, I'm glad that we talked about our feelings yesterday. If we didn't... would any of this have even happened?

Would Yukina have been afraid to speak out? Would I be fighting this by myself? Would I be standing by her side right now? Once again, one single choice rippled out and affected my future. This time though, it was a good change.

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