- Part 9

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I finished telling her about <that>.

"I think it was some sort of fate that brought us together. So, as a senpai in life, I'll give you some wonderful advice."

She gently caressed my head, patting it.

"It's okay to break out of this small world."

She took me with her soft, delicate hands and laid me down on my back.

"I didn't have a big dream or high hopes for my life either, but I was still able to find meaning for my own life."

Through her swaying black bangs, I saw the colour gold.

"What I think... is that life is here for us to become kinder."

"To become kinder?"

"I live life everyday hoping that I'm a slightly kinder person than I was the day before."

The gentle sound of waves crashing surrounded me.

For some inexplicable reason, I started to cry.

"...is it okay to live my life like you do?"

"Of course it is."

Her smile warmed my broken heart.

"Now that you know of pain that others cannot understand, I'm sure you can become kinder than anyone else, and I'm sure you can be supportive of someone else."

She embraced me tightly.

These values are unknown to me.

But because of her, I learnt what true kindness was.

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