Chapter 6: Oozora's Trial

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Saturday, 20th June.

It was finally the weekend. While most students would be sleeping in because it was their day off, I woke up early as usual to do a morning workout with Shinomiya, as it was part of her routine.

On the weekends, she did an hour of exercise starting from 7am. I knew this because she had forwarded her daily schedule to me so we could meet up during those times.

I'll admit, I've enjoyed my time here at the gym more than I thought I would because of Shinomiya. I've been here a couple times by myself before, but it's just not the same as when I'm with her.

"Phew... good work."

After finishing our reps and taking a shower to clean the sweat off our bodies, Shinomiya patted my back rewardingly.

"Thanks... you too."

We made our way outside and sat on a bench, letting the hot summer heat naturally dry our hair. Despite seeing her with loose hair before, I still wasn't used to seeing Shinomiya without her iconic braid.

"Ah... this is nice. I wish this moment would last forever."

While relaxing on the bench, Shinomiya sighed in bliss, taking in how peaceful the morning was.

" too."

I also didn't want this to end. I wanted to stay by her side for longer.

"After this, do you want to get breakfast from the konbini?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah... sure, that sounds fine."

I'll probably just end up buying some cup ramen and call it a day. I've been running low on stock recently, I wonder why.


Shinomiya smiled, beginning to tie her loose hair back into it's usual braid.

"...that looks really difficult."

I'd offer to help, but I would just get in the way since I don't know anything about styling hair. All I do in the morning is comb my bed hair, and that's it, I'm ready for the day.

"Oh yeah, it can be a real pain sometimes, but after doing it for so many years, I've gotten used to it."

Shinomiya laughed, continuing to weave together her silky blonde hair skilfully.

"By the way, Shinomiya-senpai... I want to talk to you about something."

"Hm? Is something on your mind, Takanori-san?"


Before continuing, I looked around to see if her stalker was nearby. I couldn't see or sense anybody, so I figured it was safe. Just in case, I also lowered my voice.

"Yesterday, I bumped into Oozora-senpai."

"Oh? Did you mistake him for Suzui-kun again?"

Shinomiya teased me gently, but stopped seeing my serious face. Instead, she changed the question.

"Did something bad happen between you two?"

"Not really. It's just..."

I sighed. I wasn't sure how to explain the situation to her properly, so I decided to be just straight up with it.

"For some reason, Oozora-senpai is in contact with your stalker."

Shinomiya stopped braiding her hair.

"Oozora-san is... eh? How do you know this, Takanori-san?"

"He had a photo of us together on the day we met each other."

I didn't want to embarrass Shinomiya by bringing up the fact it was of me groping her breasts, so I kept the details vague.

"That's strange... why does he have that?"

"Apparently, someone sent it to him."

Putting two and two together, Shinomiya's eyes widened.

"...I see. That means the person who sent it to him is the one behind it, isn't it?"

Shinomiya lowered her head and bit her bottom lip anxiously.

"Yeah... if you remember, there were three people in the gym that day. Me, you, and some other guy. He's probably the one who took the photo of us and gave it to Oozora-senpai."

"Come to think of it, that was also the day I lost my schedule... I thought I left it at home, but when I checked, it wasn't there either. I chalked it up to me misplacing it, but... if that guy in the gym really is the stalker, he might've stolen it from my bag to make following me around easier..."

Shinomiya's braid started to uncurl as her hands slipped away from her hair. Seeing as the changing rooms were mixed genders with very little privacy protection, this was a very real possibility.

Originally, we had ruled it out as being a theft since no one would find such a thing useful, except Shinomiya. However, if we factor in the existence of a stalker, there was now viable reason to consider it.

"Sorry, Shinomiya-senpai... I shouldn't have brought this up."

I felt guilty for ruining her good mood. She looked so happy earlier, but I... by bringing up this damn stalker, all I've done is ruined her day.

"No, it's okay... I'm glad you told me. At least we now have a solid lead to catch that guy."

Trying to act strong so I wouldn't be worried, Shinomiya flashed a smile full of vigilance. Despite having a stalker, she was being really brave... I can't imagine how scared she must be feeling on the inside, though.

"Did you ask Oozora-san who sent him that photo?"

"Yeah... I did."

This was the part I didn't want to get to. If I told Shinomiya about this, I'd definitely hurt her feelings...

"Who is it then? We can end this once and for all."

I sighed.

I really didn't want to do this, but she's right. This was our chance to put everything to rest. I had to tell her so we could move things forward.

"...he said it was Nibiiro-senpai."

Shinomiya stared at me, her braid going completely undone.

"Nibiiro, as in... Suzui-kun? Are you sure you heard him correctly?"

"That's... that's what he said. He even showed me a chat log of Nibiiro-senpai sending it to him as proof."

For some reason, Shinomiya started laughing, not from nervousness, but from hilarity.

"That's impossible! There's no way Suzui-kun could've taken that picture of us."

"Why's that?"

"While we were working out, Suzui-kun was with Jouji-kun and the others recording a new episode of their podcast. Unless he's hiding some kind of superpower from me, he can't physically be in two places at once."


I became even more confused at the situation. I definitely saw that Nibiiro sent the photo on Oozora's phone, and yet... ahh, I don't even know anymore.

I'm just glad it's not Nibiiro, since I know Shinomiya would've been devastated if it was.

"Either Suzui-kun received the photo from someone else and forwarded it to Oozora-san, or Oozora-san lied to you about his source. Regardless, I think we should meet up with the others to discuss this. I have a feeling he isn't telling you the whole truth."

"Yeah... that sounds like a good idea."

If we continued with my conjecture, then I'd only end up hurting Shinomiya in the process. It was best if we discussed this with everyone so we could figure it out together.

After tying her hair into a braid, me and Shinomiya set off to gather everyone else from the dorms. However, instead of holding the meeting in the lobby or the lounge, we were actually heading to her apartment, since it was bigger and more spacious.

"Ugh... waking up early sucks..."

Asukai groaned, complaining whilst dragging himself behind us. He had woken up literally only seconds ago, not having enough time to even brush his teeth or change his pyjamas. Thankfully, he didn't sleep naked...

"Early bird gets the worm, matey."

Jouji laughed while slapping Asukai's back. Masaoka and Miura nodded in agreement, but I don't think they actually understood what Jouji meant.

"Hey, Sanou-senpai."

"Hm? Something on your mind, Takanori-san?"

I looked over to Sanou, who was walking alongside me and Shinomiya.

"Uh... I have a question to ask."

"Go for it."

"If you and Shinomiya-senpai are here..."


"And Jouji-senpai and Asukai-senpai are over there..."


"And Masaoka-senpai and Miura-senpai are back there..."

"Uh huh."

"Where is Nibiiro-senpai?"

A smug smile suddenly crept on Sanou's face.

"Ehh? I dunno. Maybe you should try asking Mai where that rascal is."


For some reason, Shinomiya looked at her annoyedly.

"Okay...? Uh, Shinomiya-senpai... if you and Sanou-senpai are here—"

"...m-me and Suzui-kun share an apartment."

Cutting through the set up of my question, Shinomiya answered me bluntly.


I don't know why, but that seems way too obvious in hindsight.

"Somehow, I'm surprised, but I shouldn't be..."

"Aw... there, there. Poor thing."

For some reason, Sanou patted my shoulder to console me.

"Nozomi, stop making fun out of him."

Shinomiya sighed.

"What? You're the one who made him like this, take some responsibility."

I have no idea what she's talking about. I'm completely fine.

"You should take responsibility for making me answer that kind of question in the first place."

"He he he, I guess that's true. I'm sorry Takanori-san, I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

It sounded sincere, but it felt insincere. Is this what having a mean older sister feels like?

"I don't know what you're apologising for..."

"For ruining your hopes and dreams."

Seriously, what is she on about?

We arrived at Shinomiya's apartment and headed inside. Shinomiya went upstairs to wake Nibiiro up while everyone else gathered around her... or rather, their dinner table.

"Uuuuu, I'm starving! Mai-san, don't you have any food that I can eat?!" Asukai screamed.

"Just raid their fridge, I'm sure they won't mind." Jouji shrugged.

Meanwhile, Masaoka and Miura were already pawing through their kitchen to find some breakfast.

"...I would object, but those two skinheads are doing it for me already."

Asukai looked over at the two of them and sighed. He slumped forward on the table, clutching his stomach.

"I swear you boys are always hungry in the morning." Sanou sighed.

"Hey, not me. I can skip breakfast, all I need is a cup of coffee in the morning to get my brain juices flowing." Jouji said.

I'm more concerned that Jouji had brain juices instead of brain cells.

"Banchou, we return with food!"

"We hit the stash, baby!"

Returning to the living room, Masaoka and Miura dropped a carton of eggs on the table. Jouji and Sanou collectively facepalmed.

"This can't end well."

"I hope Itsuki-san isn't doing what I think he's gonna do."

"Oh thank god, breakfast..."

Asukai, in his half-sleepy and half-hungry state, reached out and opened the carton. However, instead of grabbing an egg, all he got a handful of egg shells.

"Eh?! Why are they broken?!"

Realising he had dipped his hand in cracked eggs, Asukai started flinging his hand up and down in panic. Raw egg started flying everywhere, causing everyone to duck under the table.

"Jesus, Itsuki— stop!"

While Jouji was trying to stop him, Sanou was laughing.

"B-but, the eggs! I wanted to eat eggs! Why are they broken?!"

Why is no one questioning that Asukai was trying to eat eggs raw?

"The eggs are broken because Masaoka-san and Miura-san dropped them from a height!"

"Wait, eggs do that?" Miura said.

Masaoka then grabbed the carton of cracked eggs and pulled them under the table. Dipping his finger in the egg white, he licked it.

"Huh, guess they do."

"Eh, egg is egg."

Miura scooped up a handful of yolks and started eating... or rather, slurping it.

Seriously, I thought my class was dumb, but this is on a whole new level...

"Mai is so going to kill you guys for making a mess..."

Sanou muttered with a giggle as she hid next to me. Asukai wasn't looking to stop his egg shaking anytime soon either.

"We're so screwed..."

Jouji sighed, crawling over to me and her. The three of us continued to hide under the table, waiting for Shinomiya and Nibiiro to return downstairs.

"So how's the weather down here, aye?"

As Jouji joked, a scream that rivalled Godzilla's echoed throughout the living room. Jouji looked like he nearly pooped himself, while Sanou covered her ears and hissed in pain.

"Uh... oh..."

Asukai, now fully awake from the scream, smiled nervously at the person standing furiously in the doorway.


Shinomiya was trying to hold back the urge of screaming at him again. Nibiiro peered over her shoulder, his eyes rolling back from seeing the mess.

"I think I'm gonna have a heart attack..."

Nibiiro wheezed, clutching his chest and leaning against the door.

"How do you explain yourself, Itsuki-kun?"

Shinomiya crossed her arms and sternly questioned him like he was a child.

"Uhhhhhh, o-ooh ooh ahh ahh?"

To try and spread the blame, Asukai pointed at Masaoka and Miura, who were still chowing down on the cracked eggs in the carton together. Shinomiya looked down at both of them and sighed.

"It's too early in the morning for this..."

Taking a couple of deep breaths, Shinomiya pinched the bridge of her nose and sat down, shaking her head. Jouji and Sanou poked their heads up from under the table, looking left and right.

"Is the coast clear now?"

"I think so."

"Mai, I had no clue you could scream like that..."

"Same. I nearly took a dookie on the floor."

I can't help but feel like that'd be even harder to clean up.

"I'm sorry, I really lost my cool there for a moment." Shinomiya apologised.

"Don't worry about it, I would too if I found egg white splattered everywhere on the carpet."

As Jouji laughed, Sanou pointed at the doorway with a concerned face.

"Uh, Mai..."

"Hm, Nozomi?"

"You might wanna get Suzui's epee pen... he's having a heart attack."

Shinomiya looked over where Sanou was pointing, only to find Suzui collapsed on the floor.

"Oh my god, Suzui-kun!"

Rushing over, she took out an epee pen from her bag and stabbed him in the leg with it.

"I'm still not used to seeing that..."

Jouji winced, praying for Nibiiro's safety.

"While she's taking care of that, let's clean up the mess the idiot trio started."

Jouji and Sanou got up, going to the kitchen to grab some towels and clean up the mess.

Meanwhile, I stayed hidden under the table, feeling really misplaced amongst all these 2nd Years.

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