Chapter 8: The Curtain Rises

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It was break time.

I received a message from Shinomiya asking me to come to 2-E.

I got up and made my way to the 2nd floor, where I was abruptly stopped by Oozora in the hallway.


He started approaching me with a nasty glare. I tried to shrug him off and walk past him, but Oozora slammed me into the wall, stopping me.

"Don't ignore me. How did you do it?"

" did I do what?"

"Pay for my expulsion."

It's finally happening, huh? I'm surprised it took the school this long to get it done. Then again, I bought it in the middle of exam season, so I guess the staff was more preoccupied with that.

"You only just found out?"

"Momiji-sensei told me this morning. When I asked who paid for it, she told me it was you."

"Yeah... it was me."

Oozora narrowed his eyes at me further. The bags under his eyes got worse as he did.

"How the hell did a Drachma dropout like you get 20 million?!"

"I don't think you calling me that insult works anymore."

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you. It's my last day of school here, so I can do whatever I want and get away with it..."

"If you're thinking about fighting me again, I'd suggest reconsidering it. Remember what happened last time?"

"You knocked me down once, but I got back up and choked you. If it weren't for that monkey Asukai, you would've been knocked out. It's clear who's stronger between the two of us."

"I was holding back. Between you and me, I'm the stronger one."

"Don't start getting cocky just because you managed to expel me! In the first place, I'm certain those private points aren't yours."

"You're right. They aren't."

"I knew it... someone's using you as a shield to cover their own ass."

Oozora growled and let me go.

"What, are you looking for them?"

"Obviously. I want to know the bastards who did this to me!"

"I wouldn't recommend it if I were you."

"Why not? If I'm being expelled, I might as well go out with a bang."

Oozora grinned, snickering mischievously.

"You'll end up regretting it."

"Ah, I'll regret it more if I don't give them a piece of my mind. Tell me, who set you up to expel me?"

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I physically can't. Someone anonymously donated me 10 million Pr to expel you. I don't know who they are."

"...what? They gave you 10 million?"

Oozora gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Yeah. Do you know anyone that rich in school?"

"It's obviously someone from A Class... don't tell me, my own classmates ratted me out?"

I shrugged.

"I know as much as you do."

"What about the remaining 10 million? Who gave you that?"

"Do you really want to know that badly?"

"Yes. If you know who they are, then tell me!"

I sighed. I tried to warn him, but it seems he was hellbent on getting revenge.

It was probably easier to name drop my benefactor so I could get him off my back. It's clear he only came up to me so he could get the real names behind who expelled him.

"Fine. Kaido-senpai paid for the rest of your expulsion."

Oozora's eyes widened before gritting his teeth.

"No way... it was Kaido-senpai...? But how... he doesn't help anybody... how did you...?"

"Shocking, I know."

All his raging vigour from earlier had disappeared instantly after hearing that name.

"You're kidding me... but I thought he hated you!"

"I guess he hates you more?"

Oozora clicked his tongue, punching the wall next to me. It left a small dent as his knuckles began bleeding slightly.

"And here I thought it'd be Nibiiro who would try getting rid of me by force... why did you go so far in trying to expel me?"

"Because that was what was decided in the trial. You can't escape your fate, Oozora."

"You really are a god damn simp...!"

"I'm just looking out for my senpai, that's all."

"Ahh... that's what virgin losers like you all say."

He pulled his fist away from the wall, sighing.

"...what am I gonna do now, then?"

Oozora muttered to himself, looking up at the ceiling in an air of despondency.

"You should enjoy your time here while it lasts."

He laughed at my response, glancing at me with a dubious grin.

"Are you telling me to have my way with Shinomiya-san before I leave?"

"Turning yourself into a rapist wont make your case any better."

"I suppose. Let me tell you this, though."


"An old friend once told me that bitter enemies will cross paths again. I still believe in that quote."

Oozora frowned, turned around, and began walking away, hands in his pockets.

"I don't know where you'll go, and I don't know where I'll end up, but I'm certain I'll see you on the other side of hell someday, Takanori. And when I do, I'll get my revenge ten times over."

That was the last time I ever saw Oozora.

"...what a deranged psycho."

I sighed and walked to 2-E, where upon opening the door I was greeted by strange looks and murmuring whispers from the other students. However, in the far distance, Asukai excitedly shot up from his chair and pointed at me with a wide grin.

"Yo, it's Takanori-san!"

Immediately, Shinomiya, Nozomi, Nibiiro, Asukai, and Jouji all gathered around me.


I raised my hand lightly to greet them.


Shinomiya hugged me tightly. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Thank you... for expelling Oozora."

Hearing those words eased my quick thumping heart.

"I don't know how you did it, but we all heard about it today!" Asukai said.

"It was really a shock to hear about it this morning..." Nibiiro said.

"How did you even manage to get 20 million points?" Nozomi said.

"Maybe he has some kind of sugar daddy." Jouji said.

"Even so... don't do something like that ever again. You could've used those 20 million points on something else... something better than helping me."

While Shinomiya appreciated what I did for her, she still scolded me anyways for acting recklessly.

I shook my head and found the courage to hug her back.

"No... I think spending those 20 million points were worth it. You're always protecting me, so... let me protect you for once, Shinomiya-senpai."

It was the first time I was holding her this closely to me... somehow, I felt safe in her arms.

"Jeez, you sure found yourself a cool kouhai huh, Mai?"

Nozomi teased her, nudging her back.

"Watch out Suzui."

"You're about to get NTR'd!"

Asukai and Jouji snickered at him. Nibiiro shot a glare at the two of them.

"Come on guys, not in front of Takanori-san... he'll get the wrong idea."

Shinomiya sighed, looking at the two of them disappointedly.


"Apology accepted."

Shinomiya broke our hug then looked at me with a smile.

"Do you want to spend your break with us, Takanori-san?"

"...yeah, sure."

I nodded and joined their group in playing Vanguard together.

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