- Part 11

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It was 3:10pm, ten minutes after school ended.

I was waiting at the top of the stairwell leading to the school roof.

During last period, I had Yukina excuse herself from class early so she could black out the security cameras pointing at the stairwell with spray paint, similar to how Kasai did when Machida's faction trashed our classroom.

I also ordered her to snip the protective mesh fencing with clippers to create an opening for Kouji to enact his revenge.

Meanwhile, I set up a honey trap to lure Matsushita up here. To do so, yesterday I asked Rinbayashi to send him a romantically suggestive message asking to meet on the roof, like she was going to confess to him.

It must've worked, because when school ended, instead of going home with his friends, he immediately headed to the rooftop. Five minutes later, I followed him upstairs, confirming that he was alone and waiting.

Everything was set. I sent Kouji the message and waited.

Worst case scenario, Matsushita decides this isn't worth his time and leaves. However, I doubt that, since it's obvious he has a crush on Rinbayashi.

In May, he tried to get her on his platoon, and when Mikitaka asked what kind of woman was his type, he answered a girl with long black hair and a modest body. Rinbayashi was the only girl in our class who perfectly fit that description.

If he did try to leave, I wouldn't mind intervening. By that point, Kouji probably wouldn't show up, so I could take the centerstage without worry.

However, my backup plans were for naught as Kouji arrived at the stairwell a few minutes later.

"You weren't kidding about this, huh...?"

With a heavy sigh, Kouji peeked through the gap in the door. He narrowed his eyes, spotting Matsushita waiting on the bench. I put my finger to my lips, signalling to him to hush his voice.

"Not in the slightest."

"I'll admit... I'm impressed."

"Whenever you're ready, the stage is yours. Yukina snipped the fencing straight ahead of us. If you push Matsushita through that, he'll fall through."

Kouji stared at the fencing with a distant look in his eyes.

"...I see."

"Are you having second thoughts?"

He clenched his fists and shook his head.

"...forget it."

With a deep sigh, Kouji stepped onto the rooftop. I peered through the crack in the door to watch.

Slowly, Kouji walked towards Matsushita with an indifferent look on his face.

As his dull footsteps echoed in the air, Matsushita lifted his head to see who was there.

When he did, he stared at Kouji with mild surprise.

"...you're not Rinbayashi-san."

"Guess I'm not, huh?"

The moment they made eye contact, Kouji's face contorted into disgust. Then, into anger. Then, into rage.

"What are you doing up here?"

I could feel the tension rise between them as Matsushita stood up to assert his dominance over Kouji.

"...to get my revenge!"

Even though he was shaking, Kouji shouted bravely with resolve.


"I said... I'm here to get my revenge!"

Kouji's throat must've been burning as he spat those words out. However, a small snicker escaped from Matsushita's lips.


"What... what's so funny?"

Kouji backed off as Matsushita began laughing brazenly in front of him.

"Ha ha... ha ha ha, a ha ha ha ha!"

"D-don't... don't laugh at me!"

Matsushita ignored Kouji and continued to laugh at his face.

"Ha ha... did you seriously think you'd look cool saying that? You just sound like a corny twat, ha ha ha!"

"S-shut up! I, I don't care! I came up on this rooftop to finally get my revenge against you!"

Kouji boldly pointed his finger at him. Matsushita sighed, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"What kind of delusional fantasy is that? Even if you wanted revenge, the fencing on this roof is taller than both of us. If you came here to push me off, it's impossible. Though, if you wanna look like an idiot, go ahead. I'd like to see you try."

With a smirk, Matsushita opened himself up for an attack. Kouji saw red and charged in immediately, screaming.


Kouji grabbed Matsushita by the collar and pushed him back with a powerful head butt.

"Tch... you really are wrong in the head!"

Matsushita grabbed a hold of Kouji's blazer to try and stop him, but Kouji powered on, his pent up rage giving him a burst of power.

"I'm the one who's wrong...? I'm the goddamn one who's wrong in the head...?! You're the one that tried to kill me, you braindead bastard!"

Matsushita grunted as Kouji head butt him again.

"You and me both know I only did it because that bitch Alice told me to. If you want someone to blame, go blame her!"

To my surprise, Matsushita revealed his true opinion on Alice here. Just like Kouji, he also hated her.

"Then you're even worse than a bastard! You're a simp! A goddamn, stupid simp!"

"What? I only dated her out of pity. She was ugly, but also the most popular in class, so I didn't have a choice."

Considering his type was a traditional Japanese woman, Alice being half French was probably a major turn off for Matsushita.

"I don't care, you're just the same as her! When I'm done killing you, I'll kill her too! I'll kill all of you!"

Screaming those words from the bottom of his lungs, Kouji shoved Matsushita against the fencing Yukina cut.

"Ha... ha... ha... ha ha ha ha ha!"

"You son of a..."

Kouji began laughing as tears fell from his eyes. Matsushita growled, trying to shove him away.

"Get the hell off me! You're so god damn persistent! Maybe the bullying wouldn't have gotten so bad if you just shut up and took it!"

"Oh... so now you acknowledge you bullied me when you're on the verge of death, huh?! Is that it?!"


Before Matsushita could finish, Kouji head butt him forward one more time.

When that happened, the entire fencing behind Matsushita became loose. If it weren't for the tiny bit of fencing sitting behind his head and Kouji holding onto him, Matsushita would've fallen to his death.

Matsushita's eyes widened as a gust of wind suddenly blew up his back. Kouji slammed his head onto Matsushita's chest again.

"...h-how did you...?"

"I was serious, Matsushita... I'll kill you! I'll really, really kill you! Right here, right now!"

Looking down, vertigo hit Matsushita immediately. He became silent with fear as Kouji was now the one in control of his life.

"Because of you, my life has been ruined...! If you didn't push me off the balcony that day, I'd still have a friggin life! I'd still have a place in this worthless society! I hate you so goddamn much, Matsushita!"

The feelings Kouji kept hidden began spilling out mercilessly to Matsushita, who was unable to do anything but listen while he was trapped between the space of life and death.

"Because of you, everything froze around me for two years! Two goddamn years! Two whole years of my life were stolen from me by a prick like you! I spent my days rotting in a hospital while you got off free without any repercussions... how is this fair?! Tell me, how the hell is any of this fair, huh?!"

Kouji screamed, as if begging Matsushita to respond. However, all Matsushita could do was look away with a shred of guilt on his face. He knew all of this was true, but didn't want to admit to it.

"It's all your fault... everything is all your goddamn fault! Apologise, or I'll shove you off!"

Kouji rattled Matsushita, giving him a taste of what it'd be like to fall. Matsushita gulped, placing a hand around Kouji's wrist.

"...I'm sorry."

Quietly, Matsushita whispered a half hearted apology. Kouji rattled him harder, pushing him closer to the edge.


Matsushita swallowed his pride and took a deep breath. He looked down at Kouji with narrowed eyes.

"...I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for screwing you over... I'm sorry for ruining your life... I'm sorry for everything I did... what else do you want from me?!"

Matsushita spat out an apology, but it was still just as insincere and desperate as before. He genuinely didn't want to take responsibility for his actions two years ago.

If he did own up to it, the weight of his own sin would break him. That's why he kept denying and dancing around it.

Kouji hollowly looked at him.

"You haven't changed one bit... even now, all you're about thinking is how to save yourself..."

The bags under Matsushita's eyes grew as he gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on Kouji's wrist.


Kouji pushed Matsushita off the rooftop.

"If I'm going down... I'm taking you with me."

The moment he fell, Matsushita dragged Kouji alongside with him.



The two of them screamed as they fell off the rooftop together.

I figured something like this would happen, which is why I had Yukina cut the fencing opposite the entrance. That way, I had quick access to them incase of an emergency.

I got to my feet and sprinted in a straight line to catch them. It was a close call, but I was able to grab hold of Kouji's free arm and pull them both back up onto the rooftop.

Kouji and Matsushita were panting as they dropped on the floor, adrenaline pumping through their bodies.

Trauma paralysed Kouji as he thought he was about to relive the worst moment of his life with the person he hated most.


Kouji weakly muttered, looking at me.

"...what's he doing here?"

Despite the relief on his face, Matsushita was more concerned that a third party had shown up between him and Kouji.

"That... Takanori-san is..."

Before Kouji could answer, I took out two decks from my pockets and chucked them at their feet respectively.


"What's this?"

Both Kouji and Matsushita picked up the decks. As they did, their eyes widened.

"Hey, this is mine... how the hell did you get your hands on it?"

"You left your bag in the classroom, so I got it from there."

"What the hell's wrong with you?! Why would you rummage through my stuff like that?!"

"I had to get it one way or the other."

"Ah, so not only are you a woman beating traitor, but you're also a sly thief who likes to paw through other people's stuff... you disgust me."

"The feeling's mutual."

Matsushita snarled at me. Kouji scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"So this is why you wanted my deck, huh...?"

When Kouji said that, Matsushita's eyes widened as he looked between me and him.

"Wait... don't tell me, you two are working together?"

Me and Kouji looked back at him in return. Matsushita gritted his teeth.

"You two losers are, aren't you?!"

"Since you can't sort out your differences normally, sort it out in a fight."

I ignored Matsushita's provocation and told the two to cardfight each other.

"I refuse. Since when has card games ever solved anything?"

"You'd be surprised."

"I don't believe that."

Matsushita got up and began walking away.

"Instead of solving things with violence, you can solve it in a battle of the mind."

"Against someone as stupid as Kouji, I'd win every single time."

"Then why are you running away if you're so confident? Scared you'll lose?"

"Of course not. I just don't see the point in wasting anymore of my time against an unhinged psycho like him."

"Yet you're the one who made him like that."

With that provocation, Matsushita stopped for a second.

"...I keep saying, this is all Alice's fault. If she wasn't so obsessed with those exam scores, none of this would've happened."

Exam scores? What did he mean by that? I looked over to Kouji, who finally found the courage to stand up.

"I don't give a damn who started it... I'll make both of you pay equally. Fight me, Matsushita!"

"I refuse."

"I don't care! I want my revenge!"

"Was shoving me off not enough?"

"What...? Of course not! You didn't even fall off properly!"

"Huh? So you want me to kill myself, is that it? That's going to make you happy?"

"Yeah... it would. A world without you would benefit everyone."

Matsushita narrowed his eyes.

"Fine. I'll fight you, just this once. In exchange, don't ever bother me again."

"As if I enjoy talking to you. Even breathing the same air as you makes me feel sick."

"Oh look, something we can finally agree on."

Provoked by Kouji's ruthless comments, Matsushita was spurred on to fight him. I watched from afar as the two began their cardfight.

"Stand up, Vanguard!"

"Tap the Hyper!"

"Eradicator, Spring Light Dracokid!"

"First Turn: Kouji Tenma."

"Huh, looks like you get to start us off."

"Damn right I am. Stand and draw! I ride Swordbrand Gladiator and draw from Tap! Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I discard and ride, Demolition Dragon! I draw a card and get a Quick Shield ticket! I call Isolation Eradicator, Nusku! His skill, I scry five for an Eradicator and add it to hand. I add Eradicator, Demolition Dragon, then discard one. I call Eradicator Demo behind my normal Demo. Nusku attacks! (8000)"

"No guard! (Star-fighter, Silver Fist)"

"Boosted my Demo, Demo attacks! (8000 > 16000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Dragon Dancer, Vianne) I draw and give power to Demo! (16000 > 26000)"

"Damage check! (Qigong Fighting Hermit, Master Torga)"

"Both Demo's on hit skills! I draw two cards and bind a card from your drop zone!"

"I bind Selnoin."

"Then Demo goes into soul. Turn end!"

Impressively, Matsushita dug through his deck by four cards this turn alone thanks to his starter, Nusku, and both Demolition Dragons.

Hand: 6
Damage: 2
Bind: 1

Hand: 10
Damage: 0

"Tch, what a huge hand..."

"You wanted this fight, not me."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm gonna tear through that soon enough... just you wait!"

"Ho? I'd like to see you try."

To taunt Kouji, Matsushita fanned out his huge ten card hand.

"Bet. Stand and draw! I ride Fusing Striker! Striker's skill, I scry five for a God Hand Dragon... and whiff."

"Ha ha ha, you're even unlucky in card games! I almost feel bad for you."

"Shut it! Striker attacks! (9000)"

"Hmm. No guard."

"Drive check! (Steel Fist Dragon, Frioul Dragon) Nice, a heal trigger! Who's the unlucky one now, huh?"

"I don't mind. That's one less heal I'll have to deal with later."

Whenever Kouji tried to make fun out of him, Matsushita always had a snappy comeback ready to reply with.

"Whatever... healing a damage and giving 10k to Striker! (9000 > 19000)"

"Damage check! (Dragon Dancer, Anastasia)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 7
Damage: 1
Bind: 1

Hand: 10
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw. I discard and ride, Eradicator, Spark Raze Dragon! Spark Raze's skill, he gets +5k (9000 > 14000) and I scry five for an Eradicator! I add another Demo, discard one, and call him behind Nusku. Raze attacks! (9000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Cho-Ou)"

"Damage check! (Grit Bengal)"

"Raze's on hit, I soulblast to draw. Boosted by Demo, Nusku attacks! (8000 > 16000)"

"No guard! (Hate Reflector) Crap..."

"That's a nice sentinel. Demo's on hit, I draw a card, bind a card from drop zone, and put him into soul."

"I bind Torga."

"Turn end!"

Hand: 7
Damage: 3
Bind: 2

Hand: 12
Damage: 1

Somehow, Matsushita's hand grew even bigger than last time. Not even I could get that many cards in hand when I played Narukami.

"Damn it, this is tougher than I thought..."

Kouji bit on his fingernail as he thought about what to do next. Narukami was a really bad matchup for a rear-guard heavy deck like Nova Grappler.

"What, did you think this would be easy?"

"Like you said, it's just a card game. How hard could it be?"

"Grr... that attitude of yours is something I always hated."


"Acting like you're better than everyone else just because you're a little smarter... I've always hated that about you."

"But it's true though. I was the smartest in our class."

Kouji proudly bragged about this with a thin smile.

"Keyword here being was. You're not the smartest anymore, Kouji... that title now belongs to Nora-san, so stop acting all high and mighty!"

There was genuine anger in Matsushita's voice as he shouted that.

"I know I'm not the smartest anymore... but compared to an idiot like you, I'm a genius."

"Did your brain rot to mush while in hospital? I don't know what you're seeing, but it's obvious I'm kicking your ass right now."

"Not for long you will. It's time for a rude awakening! Stand and draw!"

"Oh god, I'm sooooo scared."

Matsushita rolled his eyes as Kouji slammed a card into the drop zone.

"You're nothing against the warrior who crushes every wall in his way with a single earthquaking punch! Unleash the knuckles that rain down hell, my avatar! Fighting Fist Dragon, God Hand Dragon ride!"

"Imaginary Gift: Accel II! I draw one! I call Fusing Striker! (9000 > 14000) His skill, scry five for God Hand... got one! I discard to add him. I call Exclusive Mechanic, Strogeeni as well! Boosted by Strogeeni, God Hand attacks! (12000 > 20000) Rocket Punch!"

"Heal Guardian, Blitz Knuckle Dragon! I make your vanguard lose -2 critical!"

Since Kouji was playing God Hand, Matsushita was almost certain he didn't run any critical triggers. That's why he felt it was safer to make God Hand go down to -1 critical rather than add +10k to Spark Raze, since a single front trigger would blow through it.

"Damn it... (20000/1 > -1)"

"For such a "smart" person, you play such a linear deck. It's obvious you don't run crits."

"So what? I like God Hand's art."

"It's childish. You should play a deck because you enjoy what it does, not for the pretty colours."

Matsushita had a point. Skills matter more than artwork. A card could have beautiful art, but it's worthless if it's bad.

"Ah, shut up! So what, you like binding people, huh?! Fetishistic freak!"

"I just enjoy isolating and getting rid of people who bother me."

When those cold words left Matsushita's mouth, Kouji's eyes widened in realisation.

"Your deck... is exactly how you are in real life..."

It looked like he was going to throw up.

"They say you become the Vanguard, so of course I'd choose a deck that best represented me."

Indeed, Matsushita played a deck that perfectly embodied the way he did things.

Just like how he bullied his targets by isolating them from their friends, his deck bullied the vanguard by binding rear-guards to isolate them. In each case, he gradually became stronger by gaining power over his victims.

The same was true for Kouji. He and God Hand were both loners who dodged Matsushita's bind by fighting alone. The little backup he did have was me and Yukina, like the two rear-guards he had on field.

"You son of a bitch... you make me sick."

"Bet you regret fighting me now, don't you? Vanguard is just another way for me to bully you."

Matsushita smiled. Kouji roared in anger.

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face, asshole! Twin Drive!! (Odd Puncher, Selnoin, Cannon Ball) Crap, a front...!"

It wasn't ideal to get a front trigger at this moment as he only had one front row rear-guard out, but thanks to his unit's skills, these triggers were going to give a hefty +25k.

"Ha ha ha! Get cucked, idiot!"

"Ah, whatever... God Hand and Striker's skill! My fronts are boosted by +10k and +5k respectively! (20000 > 45000/-1) (14000 > 39000) Striker attacks! (39000)"

"No guard! (Martial Arts Dragon)"

"Turn end..."

A look of disappointment pervaded Kouji's face as he checked a badly timed front.

Hand: 9
Damage: 3
Bind: 2

Hand: 11
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! Bolt forward without hesitation, harbinger of widespread ruination! Reduce everything to dust with a single stroke of your tremendous blade, my avatar! I discard to ride Eradicator, Vowing Sword Dragon!"

"Imaginary Gift: Accel II! I call Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Cho-Ou! (9000 > 14000) Cho-Ou's skill, I counterblast to bind Fusing Striker! Vowing Sword's skill, when I bind a normal unit, you can search your deck for a copy of that card and bind it! If you do, one of my units get +5k. If you don't, it becomes +10k instead!"

"Tch, I bind another Striker from deck."

Kouji made the correct play here. There was almost zero reason to give your opponent +10k when binding from deck actually benefits more than hinders you. It was free deck thinning, which was good for Kouji since his deck relied on pulling triggers.

"I give Cho-Ou +5k! (14000 > 19000) I move back Nusku and call Eradicator, Spark Rain Dragon! Spark Rain gets +1k for each of your bound cards! (9000 > 13000) I also call Dragon Dancer, Anastasia. Cho-Ou attacks! (19000)"

"I guard with Cannon Ball! (27000)"

"Boosted by Anastasia, Vowing Sword attacks! (12000 > 19000) Tempest Ring Slash!"

"Hate Reflector, perfect guard!"

"Twin Drive!! (Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant, Wyvern Guard, Guld) Draw and give power to Cho-Ou! (19000 > 29000) Cho-Ou's skill, since you have no front row, I counterblast to stand him! Boosted by Nusku, Spark Rain attacks! (13000 > 21000)"

"Frioul Dragon guards! (27000)"

"Cho-Ou attacks! (29000)"

"No guard! (Exclusive Mechanic, Strogeeni)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 4
Bind: 4

Hand: 12
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw..."

Kouji gritted his teeth and glossed over his hand before looking at Matsushita.



Kouji sighed. As much as he wanted to get his revenge, he knew that the flow of this fight was currently in Matsushita's favour. If something didn't change, he'd be the one to lose.

"If you've grown tired of this, then quit already. You were never the type to put effort into anything."

Kouji narrowed his eyebrows and squeezed his fists. Deep down, he knew it was true.

Ever since the incident, he hasn't cared about anything, taken anything seriously, or even worked hard. To Kouji, life had become a monotonous cycle of silently wishing to die whilst doing the bare minimum to coast by.

With no motivation to go forward, Kouji has been stuck in the same place as he was two years ago. His lack of care, pride, or preservation only worsened his situation. It gave him an excuse to continue going down this path, even though it was reckless.

However, things have shifted slightly since this fight.

OST: Dissonance

"...you're right. I don't put effort into anything."

"And that's why you'll lose."

"No... that's why I'll win."

"What? A ha ha ha!"

Matsushita covered his face as he laughed at Kouji's declaration.

"Earlier, you looked just about ready to give up... where's this bravado coming from, huh?"

"For a moment... I really was. I didn't see the point in continuing this if I was going to lose. I asked myself, "What am I getting out of this? Would I be happy getting my revenge this way?"... but in doing so, I realised something."

Kouji looked at Matsushita dead in the eyes.

"When it comes to beating you... that's what I care about the most! Kneel down before the warrior loved by god, or be punished by his divine intervention! Break down the concepts of heaven and hell with a single strike of your furious fists, my avatar! Fighting Fist Dragon, God Hand Dragon... PERSONA RIDE!"

Just a little bit, Kouji seemed more lively before.

"Imaginary Gift: Accel II! I draw a card! I call Qigong Fighting Hermit, Master Torga (12000 > 17000), Odd Puncher, Selnoin (8000 > 13000), Star-fighter, Silver Fist, Exclusive Mechanic, Strogeeni, and Fusing Striker! Striker's skill, I scry 5 for a God Hand... found one! I add it to hand, then discard it!"

Kouji was committed to win this turn. He called his entire hand down, save for one card so he could pitch it with God Hand's skill.

"Master Torga attacks first! (17000)"

Since Torga could restand, Kouji opted to swing with him first.

"At the start of your battle phase, my skill activates!"

Matsushita's visor began glowing electric orange.

"Thunderous Decree! Until end of turn, my vanguard gets +2k for each of your bound cards! You have four, so I get +8k! (12000 > 20000)"

Just like his old avatar, Great Composure Dragon, Matsushita's skill was a defensive buff to his vanguard. That was enough to shut off almost all of Kouji's attacks. That is, unless he gets a front trigger.

"Tch... boosted by Strogeeni, God Hand attacks! (12000 > 20000) God Hand's skill! I counterblast and discard a card to give him drive +1! (20000/2d > 3d) And since you're at grade 3, he gets a crit too! (20000/1 > 2/3d)"

"Come at me. No guard."

Matsushita smiled thinly, wagging his hand to taunt Kouji.

"You and your goddamn arrogance... skill, activate!"

Kouji's visor began glowing metallic bronze.

"Black Hole! The next time I check a non-trigger unit, it becomes a front trigger!"

"Big whoop, you get one guaranteed front. It still won't be enough to kill me this turn."

I wouldn't be so sure of that.

"Maybe not one... but two's more than enough. C'mon deck, don't fail me now!"

"I hope it does. It'll be hilarious!"

"Triple drive!!! First! (Grit Bengal) Black Hole, it becomes a front trigger! God Hand, Torga, Striker, and Silver Fist's skills! My fronts are now worth +35k! (17000 > 52000) (9000 > 45000) (20000 > 55000/2/3d) (8000 > 43000) (13000 > 48000) Torga's skill, I discard a card to restand him! Selnoin's skill, he gets a crit! (48000/1 > 2) Both Strogeeni's skills, they get +10k! (55000 > 65000/2/3d) (43000 > 53000) Second! (Turboraizer) Front trigger! (52000 > 87000) (45000 > 80000) (65000 > 100,000/2/3d) (53000 > 88000) (48000 > 83000/2c) Both Strogeeni's skills! (100,000 > 110,000/2/3d) (88000 > 98000) Third—!"

Matsushita's eyes widened in shock.

"W-what the hell..."

"Hell yeah... (Eight-language Announcer, Blabber) GET, FRONT TRIGGER! (87000 > 122,000) (80000 > 115,000) (110,000 > 145,000/2/3d) (98000 > 133,000) (83000 > 118,000/2) Both Strogeeni's skills! (145,000 > 155,000/2/3d) (133,000 > 143,000)"

Kouji had done the impossible and checked three front triggers in a row. With this, all of his front row units had broken the 100k benchmark. Going to guard four 100k attacks would be difficult, even for Matsushita and his defensive play style.

"This is... all my effort... put into one blow! BLAST OFF, ROCKET PUNCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Like a flash of lightning, God Hand tore through Vowing Sword with a devastating punch deep from the stratosphere. When the blows settled, Vowing Sword's sabre was shattered into irreparable fragments.

"Tch... you just got lucky! Damage checks! (Martial Arts Dragon, Yellow Gem Carbuncle) Critical! All to vanguard! (20000 > 30000)"

"I've been saving my luck for the past two years for this moment... to kill you! Selnoin, attack! (118,000/2)"

"You really are screwed up in the head! Guld, perfect guard!"

"You're the one who made me this way, asshole! Strogeeni attacks! (143,000)"

"I already said it's Alice's fault! Don't blame me! No guard! (Eradicator, Spark Rain Dragon) Damn it..."

While Matsushita might've had a massive hand, Kouji's attacks were infinitely larger. He was holding out on damage triggers to make guarding easier, but only one came out of three checks.

"Huh? Both of you are equally at fault, idiot! Her for proposing that idea, and you for following through with it! Boosted by Silver Fist, Fusing Striker attacks! (115,000 > 123,000)"

"It's not my fault... it's not my fault, and it's never been my fault! I was manipulated and tricked as much as you were... everyone wanted to see you get pushed off! I didn't have a choice... I was swallowed up by the atmosphere... stop blaming me for things that I'm not responsible for!"

Matsushita screamed as his face contorted and twisted with denial over his actions two years ago.

"Anastasia's skill! I soulblast to move her to guard, and she gets +5k shield since you have three bound units! (30000 > 45000) I also guard with two Djinn, Carbuncle, Blitz Knuckle, Anastasia, and Vianne! (45000 > 60000 > 75000 > 90000 > 105,000 > 120,000 > 125,000)"

And with that single blow, Matsushita was reduced to four cards in hand. A third of what he originally had.

"I don't give a damn about your excuses... you were the one who pushed me off that day! You're at fault whether you like it or not!"

A smile verging on insanity broke out on Kouji's once lifeless face.

"It's time to reap what you sowed all those years ago... Master Torga, attack! (122,000)"

"Rgh... I guard with Demolition, Nusku, and Cho-Ou... and both my rear-guards intercept... (30000 > 40000 > 50000 > 55000 > 65000) And... and... a-and..."

In the end, the rest of Matsushita's defence wasn't enough. He dropped all his cards and slammed the table in frustration.

"...I WISH I NEVER MET YOU, KOUJI! (Eradicator, Vowing Sword Dragon)"

And following that sixth damage, a swift sucker punch to Matsushita's face came courtesy of Kouji.

"And I wish you never existed."

Matsushita fell to the floor, staring up at Kouji in horror.

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