- Part 13

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"Thanks for having us over today!"

"Let's all hang out like this again sometime!"

Now that our revision session was over, Mikitaka, Shouko, Sakigamiya, and I waved goodbye to Nora and Katsumi.

The four of us started to make our way home. I stayed near the back, walking behind the three of them.

"Phew, I'm beat."

Mikitaka yawned while stretching his back.

"How are you tired? We barely even studied."

That was an understatement. Me and Sakigamiya talked the entire time, Mikitaka took care of a "sick" Katsumi, and Shouko ended up crossdressing Nora. Afterwards, we didn't study at all, and instead ate dinner courtesy of Nora's cooking.

"I dunno. Just am."

Mikitaka shrugged off Sakigamiya's question indifferently, making her laugh.

"I feel like we completely missed the point of going over to their house. Don't ya agree, Yuu-yuu?"


Not expecting to be dragged into the conversation, I was caught off guard when Shouko called my name.

"Were you listening?"

"Uh... I was, sort of."

To be honest, I was concentrated more on my thoughts than anything else.

Shouko gave me a blunt look whereas Sakigamiya giggled under her breath.

"He he, Yuu-yuu..."

"What? It's a cute nickname."

Getting offended on my behalf, Shouko switched her blunt look at Sakigamiya.

"It doesn't fit a gloomy guy like him. Besides, isn't "Yuu" fine?"

"Like you're one to talk, you still call him by his family name."

"Hm, true. How about we change that?"

Sakigamiya looked at me over her shoulder with a smile.

"Is it okay if I call you by your first name, Takanori-san?"

"Huh... sure."

As long as it was respectful and not rude, I didn't mind how people addressed me to be honest.

"Great! You can call me Alice too, by the way."

Somehow, it felt like the distance between us had shrunk again a lot today.

While this wasn't very impressive, as Sakigamiya was used to letting people call her by her first name (like Shouko), this felt like a huge achievement to me since our relationship was so complicated.

"Alice-san, huh...?"

I mumbled her name, feeling a high amount of satisfaction.

"Now that I have permission to call him by his first name... how about Toyuu?"

"Ew, god no! That's an ugly name and you know it!"

In the first place, I don't know why the girls were trying to come up with a new nickname for me. Did the name "Yuuto" not suit me that much?

"Guess switching around his kanji didn't work. Hmm... Haruka?"

"That's a girl's name." Mikitaka said.

"Haruka? Where the hell did that come from?" Shouko asked.

"I got it from first kanji of his name, "Yuu". The regular reading is "Haruka"."

"I think I'd rather call him Yuuto than Haruka."

"Yuuto's also shorter."

Thank you, Shouko, Mikitaka... I don't know what I would've done if people started calling me Haruka.

"How about Hito?"

"Oh, from his second kanji? I kinda like that."

Mikitaka, please take that back. Hito is a way easier name to make fun out of than Yuuto...

"Ha? Are you two crazy?" Shouko exclaimed.

"What? I don't see a problem with it."

"That's just calling him a person!"

"Eh, Hito is a cool name. Besides, it fits Yuuto-san."


"It kind of sounds like hit, and you know, that's his speciality."

I'm starting to think that Alice doesn't actually feel bad about the rumour if she can make that kind of joke...

"Oh my god, it's a pun..." Shouko pinched her nose from the cringe.

"Yo, that's kind of a low blow, Madame Alice." Mikitaka called out her distastefulness.

However, it didn't work, as Alice just shrugged it off.

"Eh, it's just a joke."

"The name or the reasoning?"

"The reasoning, duh. I still think Hito is a good nickname. Or maybe we can call him Jin?"

That's just another reading for the kanji...

"Or even better, Yuujin!"

I'm not a playboy either, damn it! What was she going to suggest next, Harukahito?

"Stop, stop, stop! My god, how are you so bad at making nicknames?! It's not that hard!"

Shouko screamed, no longer able to take hearing Alice's terrible suggestions any longer.

"It's not my fault Yuuto has such a difficult name to work with!"

"Then make a nickname for me or Mikitaka-san. That'll determine whether or not you suck, or Yuu-yuu's name is just weird."

Hey, don't call my name weird... my mom gave it to me. It's special.

"For Mikitaka-san... Mikkun. For Fujimura-san... Fujimucchi."

"Oh my god, they're also horrible..."

"I'm praying for your children in the future." Mikitaka clapped his hands together in prayer.


"Because they're going to get scuffed names from you. Latom."

"Ahhh, I get it! I suck at nicknames! Stop rubbing it in!" Alice whined, playfully shoving them away with a pout.

While everyone else headed for the dorms, I quietly broke away from them to take the train to visit Rina's Restaurant.

It was just past 10:45pm when I arrived. They close at 11pm, so I just made it in time.

When I entered the restaurant, it seems like they were getting ready to close up the place. There weren't many customers left, and the waiting staff were cleaning down the tables.

Since I didn't want to dirty a table they already cleaned, I sat myself at the countertop bar.

"Welcome to Rina's Restaurant. How may I help you?"

I turned to look at my waiter, who was coincidentally Keisaki. He didn't seem ecstatic about serving me, but since Tsuji was busy cleaning the tables, he didn't have any other choice.

"Oh, perfect. I wanted to talk to you, Keisaki-san."

"You did...?"

Today must have been really busy, since he looked exhausted. He didn't even have the energy to make a snarky remark about me being an E Class student.

"Yeah. I just wanted to ask you a couple questions."

A look of worry surfaced on his face. He bitterly looked away and started muttering.

"Look... if it's about what happened on Monday, I was against those B Class guys from joining us from the start."

"I'm not talking about that."

I didn't blame Keisaki for thinking that was why I came here to visit him. After all, it was the only connection we had that was recent.

"...huh? You aren't?"

"I heard from an acquaintance that you attended Minanohara."

"Yeah, I did. And?"

"I'm researching an incident that happened at the school."

Keisaki raised a brow and took a seat next to me.

"Do you mean the one where Kouji got pushed off the balcony?" He asked in a low voice.

I nodded.

"Why are you interested in this?"

"Both Kouji-san and Matsushita-san are my classmates. They've been getting into a lot of fights recently and I wanted to know why. I think this might explain their hostility to each other, but I don't know what exactly happened."

I made up a reasonable lie to explain why I wanted to know more.

"Huh. How dumb of them."

Keisaki let out a low sigh from under his breath.

"Do you know anything about it?"

"I know the basics of what happened, but I assume you already know that as well."

"I know Matsushita-san pushed Kouji-san off the balcony, but I don't know the reason why he did that. Do you?"

"Because he's dumb?"

I mean... he's not technically wrong. However, I was looking for something more rational.

Seeing that I didn't take his joke well, Keisaki replied seriously.

"Jokes aside, I don't know. I wasn't in their class."

While it was worth a shot asking him for more details, it seems Keisaki won't be of any help after all.

"Is that so..."

"Yeah. If you want to know more, you should ask Sakigamiya."

However, a single thread of hope was dangled in front of me.

"Alice-san? Does she know?"

"Yeah. She was in their class. She was also Matsushita's girlfriend."

Woah, Matsushaita and Alice had already dated before in middle school? That was surprising to hear.

No wonder she was the only one who could calm him down after he pushed Kouji.

"I'm guessing they broke up then? Since they're not a couple now."

"Yeah, they did. I think it was after Kouji nearly died?"

I always found it strange how Matsushita and Alice never became a couple despite seeming to be perfect for each other.

I guess this explains why they never hooked up at GEN. They don't want a repeat of what happened in Minanohara.

"Makes sense. I don't think anyone would want to be the girlfriend of someone who's willing to kill somebody else."

"Willing, huh?"

Keisaki lingered on my wording with furrowed brows.

"Matsushita-san pushed Kouji-san off the edge on purpose, didn't he?"

"I've heard both. Some people said it was an accident. Some people said it was on purpose. Personally, I don't care enough to have an opinion. He's still dumb and messed up to do it either way."

So that's why Keisaki never went out of his way to expose Matsushita like how Shigeru did to Kawaguchi. He didn't want to get involved in the situation since he saw it as a cut and dry affair.

"I see. Thanks for the help."

"You're welcome."

Keisaki got up and went back to helping Tsuji clean up the tables.

In the end, I didn't gain much new information. However, the most important thing I learnt from Keisaki was the fact Alice went out with Matsushita during middle school.

At face value, this fact looks pointless. However, it's importance is actually quite high considering what Alice told me earlier this evening. She claimed to not be that close to Matsushita, yet what Keisaki said seemed to suggest the opposite.

While it may seem like she has lied to me, I don't think that was the case.

Although seeming contradictory, there was a string of internal logic that explains both Alice's feelings and her actions neatly. I think the most reasonable explanation is they had a fake relationship.

I think she was probably being truthful regarding her feelings towards Matsushita. She did express that she only became friends with him because it was expected of them, so it's not a stretch to say she also dated him for the same reason, meaning their relationship was one for appearance, and not of love.

Plus, most middle school romances don't last very long anyways. A break up is bound to happen. That would explain why it ended.

"Yuu-kun my dear, it's lovely to see you again!"

Breaking my train of thought was auntie Rina, who warmly greeted me with a smile from across the countertop bar.

"Auntie... hey."

"What are you doing here so late at night?"

"I just wanted to talk to Keisaki-san about something."

"Ooh. Wouldn't a text suffice?"

"He might ignore it or forget about it. It was sort of urgent, you see."

That, and I don't think Keisaki would appreciate an E Class student messaging him out of the blue.

"I see, I see. Was that rascal of any help?"

"Yeah, he was."

"Good, good. Would you like anything? It's on the house."

"Eh? Please auntie, just treat me like any regular customer..."

"It's fine! I don't want you to waste points unnecessarily if it's my cooking. Would you like your favourite ramen?"

"Ah, I'm good, really... I already ate dinner."

"Ha ha, is that so? Alright, but next time, come on an empty stomach."

"Will do..."

If there was one thing I could flaw auntie for, it's the fact she thinks all problems can be solved by eating food.

Feeling sad? Eat. Feeling angry? Eat. Feeling happy? Eat. Feeling full? Eat!

...I'm surprised I haven't become fat from eating so much of her food when I was in middle school.

"You must've came a long way here. Do you want me to drive you home like last time?"

"If that's fine with you... yes please."

Nodding with a smile, auntie let me enter the staff room adjacent to the kitchen to wait for her. As I took a seat, I noticed there was a Vanguard deck laid neatly on the table.

It was a Gear Chronicle deck with Chronoscommand sitting at the top.

What was that deck doing there by itself anyways? Did someone leave it behind by accident? Was it one of the staff member's decks? It felt extremely out of place here regardless.

It was around 11:30pm when auntie came back into the staff room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"It's fine."

I was killing time by playing games on my phone, so I wasn't too annoyed.

"Let me just grab my stuff, and then we can go."

"Alright. Is Keisaki-san and Tsuji-san joining us?"

"Nope, another waiter is driving them home."

"Ah... so it's just going to be me and you then."


I was relieved to hear that, since I felt more comfortable being alone with auntie.

"So, how's school?"

"It's been the same old-same old."

"I heard that your class got into some trouble from Chabashira-san."

"We had some internal conflicts, but that got sorted out."

"That's good! It's such a shame you guys lost in the war though... I was rooting for your class to win!"

"Yeah... it's kind of my fault, since I was the commander. I should've done better."

"I'm sure you were a brilliant commander, Yuu-kun. You did your best with what you had."


Hearing auntie say all these kind things to me was nice, but it felt hollow since I didn't have the courage to tell her what was really going on.

I trust auntie a lot, and I've confided in her plenty of times in the past, but when it came to something like this, I couldn't tell her.

I would feel ashamed admitting to her that my incompetence with basic time management was ultimately the reason we lost.

"Those are some lovely sunglasses, by the way."

"Oh... thanks."

Ever since I started wearing them regularly, I sometimes forget that I have them on. I've really gotten used to how comfy they are.

"When did you get them?"

"A senpai gave them to me."

"Ooh, you've made friends with an upperclassmen now?"

"Kind of? We're more like... acquaintances, I suppose."

I'm not sure what my relationship with Kurosaki is honestly. Even though I haven't known her for that long, I think about her and her actions a lot. It's almost like she lives in my head rent free.

"Who are they, if you don't mind me asking?"

"If I tell you, you'll just start making fun out of me for it."

If I told auntie it was Kurosaki, she'd start teasing me about my non-existent love life.

"Ah, so it's a girl! That narrows it down by quite a bit."

"Oi, this isn't a game of guess who..."

Auntie nodded sagely, but I was more freaked out that she inferred that much from one measly response.

"Which class are they in?"

"I'm not telling you."

"Ooh, so she's in A Class? Gotcha."

I should probably change the subject before she finds out anymore.

"A-anyways! Don't you think it's kind of silly that I'm wearing these sunglasses even though it's evening, auntie?!"

Out of embarrassment from her teasing, I accidentally raised my voice.

"What's the harm? It's called making a fashion statement."

"I don't know about that..."

I was someone with no fashion sense whatsoever. At least I got her to stop guessing though.

"If it makes you feel better, I was that one kid in school who obnoxiously wore headphones all the time."

"Really? I can't imagine you looking like that, auntie."

"I was quite the rebellious kid! At least, I think I was..."

"What's the worst thing you've ever done at school then?"

"Hmm. I'm not sure if it counts, but... I was ranked at the bottom of academics in my year, he he..."

In order to hide her embarrassment, auntie turned away from me.

"That's... really bad."

"Ahem! I guess I was what you kids would call... a "tsundere"? Yes, a tsundere! Did I get that term right, Yuu-kun?"

Despite not having any interest in things like anime and manga, auntie tried to learn about these things in order to connect with me better, since she knew I liked it.

"No... you didn't."

"Bah! I could've sworn that tsundere meant someone rebellious..."

While it could be cringe at times, such as now, there was a wholesomeness to her efforts which I found endearing. It made me appreciate how auntie cared for me like I was her own child.

I understand why though. Despite desperately wanting to have a child of her own, auntie couldn't physically have any. It's such a shame too, since she would've made for a wonderful mother. Anyone would be lucky to have her.

"A tsundere is someone who's prickly on the outside, but lovey dovey on the inside."

"Hang on, didn't you just describe yourself?!"

"I didn't..."

Seriously, first it was Ken, and now it was auntie... what's up with people calling me a tsundere these days?

As I watched auntie collect the rest of her things and put them away in her handbag, I noticed that she picked up the deck left on the table.

"Auntie, is that yours?"


"Those Vanguard cards."

"Ah, these? Yup, it's my deck."

"Wow... you play Gear Chronicle?"

"I have been from the very beginning. Gosh, I'm so old!"

Auntie laughed about her age, but she still looked very youthful. No one would've guessed that she's in her forties.

"I had no idea..."

"Well, I was always busy with work, so I never got to play with you or show you my cards."

That was true. During the time I spent with auntie in middle school, I would be sitting in the staff room preoccupying myself while she worked tirelessly in the kitchen. Sometimes I'd help out if things got really busy.

"We should play sometime."

"I'd love to!"

I clenched at the deck box holstered on my belt.

"...how about right now?"

I took off my deck box and showed it to her.


Auntie looked at me in surprise.

"I have my deck with me right now. I basically carry it with me wherever I go."

"Aw... you really love Vanguard, don't you?"

Auntie smiled and took out her deck.

"Okay, Yuu-kun! Let's play!"

Even though it was nearly midnight, it was the perfect time for us to play Vanguard for the first time together. There was nothing distracting us.

Plus, since it was just me and her, no one would disturb us. We could focus completely on the cardfight and enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

"I haven't played in ages, so forgive me if I'm rusty."

Despite acting like a novice, auntie had the body language of an expert as she riffled her deck. I guess there's no need to hold back.

"Are you ready, auntie?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, Yuu-kun."

We booted up the TTS system.

Auntie's visor was purple. I wondered what her Skill was.

"Stand up, Vanguard!"

"Promising Knight, David!"

"Chrono Tigar!"

Judging by her starter, it seemed she used Chronofang rather than Chronojet. What an odd combination.

"Say, Yuu-kun."


"I'm surprised to see you're using Shadow Paladin."

"Is it weird?"

"No, no, of course not. It's just... I thought you'd never want to use that clan."

There was one obvious reason why auntie came to that conclusion.

"...is it because of him?"

"Well... yes, partially. Yza-kun also used Shadow Paladin."

I felt my fists tighten under the table.

This is why I hated talking to family members.

His presence always slips through the crack somehow.

I can't stand it.

"Please don't mention anything about him anymore during this fight."

"Ah... okay. Sorry for bringing it up. I just thought... maybe you were starting to accept him a little bit more now."

Auntie looked at me with sincere, guilty eyes. I sighed.

"I'll never accept him. You should know that better than anyone else, auntie."

"I know... I know, sweetie."

Rina gently stroked my head to console me.

"Anyways... would you like to go first or second?"

"I'll go second."

"Alright, then I'll start us off. Stand and draw! I ride Chronotooth Tigar! I draw a card and turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride Apocalypse Bat, draw a card, and get a Quick Shield ticket!"

Since last time, I switched out the Branwen in my Ride Deck for Bat, since it had a more useful skill on the vanguard circle.

"Bat's skill, I call David to rear-guard. Next, I call Nemain and use her skill to superior call Lluails. Boosted by David, Bat attacks! (7000 > 13000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Cherishing Knight, Branwen)"

"Damage check! (Steam Breaker, Dudu)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 0
Ritual: 1

"Stand and draw! Tigar's skill, I draw a card! Then, I ride Chronobite Tiger! Next I call Digul and Ring Ring Worker!"

While I could understand calling down two rear-guards to turn off Blaster Dark's skill, what I didn't understand was why she called two triggers.

"Boosted by Ring Ring, Digul attacks! (5000 > 10000)"

Then, even more strangely, she was rushing me with them. At least this poke was easy to guard.

"I use my Quick Shield ticket! (12000)"

"Chronobite Tiger attacks! (10000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Steam Scara, Gigi)"

"Damage check! (Grim Revenger) Critical, all to vanguard."

It was a wasted trigger though, since auntie had no more attacks lined up for me.

"Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Ritual: 1

"Stand and draw! Glorification is only fitting for those in the light. Arise from the abyss, and ride! Blaster Dark!"

Unfortunately, since auntie had two rear-guards out, I didn't see the value in using either of Dark's skills. However, since I discarded Awalgin for the cost of riding, I could use his effect.

"Awalgin's skill, I scry three and put Rimmon into my drop zone. Nemain's skill, I rest her and superior call Abyssal Owl! Owl's skill, I soulblast to draw a card! Boosted by David, Blaster Dark attacks! (10000 > 16000) Crossing Diablo!"

"Diablo... he he. No guard!"

For some reason, auntie giggled to herself at my attack name. Did she find it weird? Personally, I thought it was quite cool.

"Drive check! (Abyss Healer) Heal trigger! I heal a damage and give power to Owl! (5000 > 15000)"

"Damage check! (Chronobite Tiger)"

"Boosted by Lluails, Owl attacks! (15000 > 20000)"

"No guard! (Steam Guard, Kastilia) Draw trigger! I draw a card!"

"Turn end."

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

Hand: 8
Damage: 0
Ritual: 4

"My turn, stand and draw! Chronobite's skill, I draw a card and discard a card. Now, distort reality and bend the future into my own! I ride my avatar, Chronofang Tiger!"

"Imaginary Gift: Force I! To the vanguard circle! (13000 > 23000) Next, I call Uluru! Then, I'll use Chronofang's skill! By discarding cards from my hand so they equal grade 3 or greater, I can liberate the Generation Zone!"

What an antiquated phrase... auntie's age really was showing. I wondered why she kept calling triggers though.

"The past doesn't matter, the present is nothing, the future is now, and you won't stop this! Pouring all my pride and dreams into this revolution! I generation ride my true avatar, Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Dragon! (15000 > 25000)"

Auntie's purple eyes started glowing with multi-coloured swirls.

"Chronoscommand's skill! I counterblast, soulblast, and discard a card! I put all of my rear-guards to the bottom of my deck to scry five and call any number of cards from among them to rear-guard! I superior call Chronobite, Dudu, Curiophase, and Gigi!"

So this is why she called all those trigger units... she was planning to return them back to deck with Chronoscommand. How sneaky.

"Ribbul's skill, since she was discarded, I soulblast to call her with +5k! (8000 > 13000) Then, I put a normal unit from my drop zone to the bottom of my deck, and draw a card! Chronobite's skill, I discard a card to make him go critical! (10000/1 > 2) Dudu's skill, since I discarded cards this turn, her column gets +5k! (10000 > 15000) (8000 > 13000) Boosted by Curiophase, Dudu attacks! (15000 > 28000) Curiophase's skill, he gives Chronoscommand +5k! (25000 > 30000)"

"Abyss Healer guards! (30000)"

"Chronoscommand attacks! (30000) Gigi's skill, when my vanguard attacks, I soulblast and retire her to draw a card and give it +5k! (30000 > 35000) Spread your wings and fly, Explosive Sublimation Rush!"

Since I was at zero damage, this attack was safe to take.

"No guard!"

"Twin Drive!! (Steam Maiden, Ishbie, Steam Maiden, Uluru) Heal trigger! All effects to Chronobite, and I heal a damage! (10000 > 20000/2)"

Summoning the face of a large blue clock with a wave of his gearstick wand, Chronoscommand dunked his hand into the transparent frame, before twisting his wrist to unleash an explosive flare of tapered light at me.

"Damage check! (Claret Sword Dragon)"

I froze up, realising I had made an amateur mistake. I had let Chronoscommand's attack hit.

"Chronoscommand's skill! Since the attack hit, I spin all of your rear-guards to the bottom of your deck!"

I completely forgot it existed since no one uses it.

"Damn it..."

With a single click, auntie made all the advantage I built up over the last few turns disappear.

"Boosted by Ribbul, Chronobite attacks! (20000 > 33000/2)"

"No guard! (Belial Owl) Critical, all to vanguard. (Blue Espada Dragon)"

Yet another wasted damage trigger.

"Turn end! I retire Chronoscommand Dragon and ride Chronofang from soul, getting another Force I marker."

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

Hand: 7
Damage: 3
Ritual: 4

"Stand and draw! Only the strong have the right to wield this sword! A true dictator overcomes adversity with strength, and strength alone! I ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"Imaginary Gift: Force II! (13000/1 > 2) Claret's skill, I scry three and discard any grade 1 from among them! I discard three and Claret gets +30k! (13000 > 43000/2)"

I managed to hit the jackpot and milled all grade 1s, fulfilling the seven bind condition for Claret. However, after gusting my board away, I needed to call down cards to start remaking columns again.

"I call Nemain, Branwen, and Espada! Branwen's skill, I scry five to add a grade 3 to my hand. I whiffed, but she still gets +5k with her other skill! (8000 > 13000) Espada's skill, I scry three for a Claret and add it to my hand. The rest goes to the drop zone, and he gets +10k! (8000 > 18000) Nemain's skill, I superior call Dead Armour Dragon!"

Thanks to the Ride Deck, I now had space to run this tech card.

"Boosted by Branwen, Dead Armour attacks! (5000 > 18000)"

"Gigi guards! (23000)"

"Claret Sword attacks! (43000/2) Septimum Eraser!"

"No guard!"

It was a bold move from auntie, considering she knew I had Dead Armour on board.

However, since her deck was Chronofang, she didn't mind if her hand went low.

That was because it only made herself stronger.

"Twin Drive!! (Skull Witch, Nemain, Dark Heart Trumpeter) Critical trigger! Power to Espada, critical to vanguard! (18000 > 28000) (43000/2 > 3)"

That one strike would push auntie to five damage. I only needed to hit once more to win.

"Damage check! (Steam Maiden, Ribbul, Steam Maiden, Uluru) Heal trigger! Power to Chronofang, and healing a damage! (13000 > 23000) (Interdimensional Dragon, Time Leaper Dragon)"

Or, I guess two more hits. I forgot she returned a Heal to deck earlier.

"Claret's skill! I counterblast and bind seven grade 1s to restand the vanguard with drive -1! (43000/3/2d > 1d) Skill, activate!"

My visor started glowing claret red.

"Third Fist! When I bind a card, my vanguard gets drive +1! (43000/3/1d > 2d) Claret Sword attacks again! (43000/3) Dead Armour's skill! I soulblast and retire him to make Claret go Battledore! Nihil Bloodriver!"

"Kastilia, perfect guard! I also add Ishbie to guard!"

As expected, auntie wanted to stop Claret's second swing from hitting her.

"Twin Drive!! (Strict Order Knight, Lluails, Belial Owl) Critical trigger! All effects to Espada! (28000 > 38000/1 > 2) Blue Espada attacks! (38000/2)"

"Uluru guards! (23000 > 43000)"

"Turn end."

Auntie was tough, I'll give her that.

Hand: 2
Damage: 4

Hand: 9
Damage: 3
Ritual: 2

"Stand and draw! A crimson beast shadows over all in a march against reality and time, spinning the gear of fate! I persona ride my avatar, Chronofang Tiger!"

"Imaginary Gift: Force I! To the rear-guard circle! (10000 > 20000) Next, Chronofang's skill! By discarding cards from my hand so they equal grade 3 or greater, I can liberate the Generation Zone!"

I braced myself for what was coming next.

The determination in auntie's swirling purple eyes told me everything.

She was going to end the game right here, right now.

"When time has stopped, the armageddon begins! Break open the gate and show yourself, feral almighty deity! I generation ride my avatar next, Chronotiger Rebellion! (15000 > 25000)"

"Chronofang's skill! I discard a card and give Rebellion an extra critical and drive! (25000/1 > 2/2d > 3d) Ribbul's skill! When she's discarded, I soulblast to call her with +5k! (8000 > 13000) Then, I put a normal unit to the bottom of my deck to draw! Chronobite's skill, I discard a card, and he goes critical! (20000/1 > 2) Dudu's skill, since I discarded, all units in her column get +5k! (20000 > 25000) (8000 > 13000)"

Auntie went jazz hands.

"Boosted by Ribbul, Chronotiger Rebellion attacks! (25000 > 38000/2/3d) Rebellion's skill! Since I have five or less cards in hand, I retire your front row!"

Blue Espada was my only front row rear-guard, so I retired him.

"Since I have three or less cards in hand, my front row gets +10k! (25000 > 35000) (38000 > 48000/2/3d) (20000 > 30000/2)"

Next, Rebellion's real effect would kick in. This is what I feared the most.

"And since I have one or less cards in hand, I turn all the cards in my damage zone face down to make all your guardians lose 5k shield!"

What a nuisance.

Since I didn't run any perfect guards, Rebellion's skill would tear through my hand, forcing me to use everything to stop her.

Auntie really did sell herself short earlier.

Rusty? Yeah, right.

She was still as sharp as ever.

"Distort reality and bend the future in my vision! Gate Breaker Commando!"

Sparks of electricity flooded the air as a gigantic gear on Rebellion's oversized mechanical tiger arm reached out to crush me.

"I guard with two Belial Owl! (13000 > 73000 > 63000) Two to pass!"

Under normal circumstances, this would've been a three to pass, but losing that 10k shield made all the difference.

"Triple Drive!!! Gosh, it's so nostalgic saying that! (Steam Guard, Kastilia) Draw trigger!"

Auntie paused and thought about it carefully.

"Hmm... I never was much of a betting woman, but..."

The glow in her eyes rippled out.

"I think today, I'll take a chance! I draw and give power to Rebellion! (48000 > 58000/2/3d)"

She only needed one more trigger to break my defence.

"Second check! (Steam Sweeper, Nahram)"

With each drive, Rebellion's arm inched closer and closer to me.

"Third check!"

The limiting gear flew off, making electric sparks fly everywhere.

A faint crackling rang in my ears as Rebellion released the true form of his arm with a heaving grunt.

A choir of inorganic angels began to sing a robotic hymn together.

Deconstructing itself, the bright red colour faded as neon blue lights and shiny silver overtook his massive claw.

Stretching out into a grotesque mess of twisted wires and deformed pipes, Rebellion's bubbling arm flattened me like a metal pancake held together by sticky black oil and mangled pink innards.

Yet, despite the shock I received from being slammed upon, when the dust settled...

I was unharmed.

"Aw... no trigger. (Steam Scara, Gigi)"

I don't know why, but I breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though it was my imagination, Rebellion's attack felt all too real.

It reminded me of the time I fought Kishou...

"Yuu-kun, is everything okay? You look tense."

...no, it was exactly like when I fought Kishou.

Instead of attacking Claret, Rebellion was going after me.

That was the difference.

Just like Kishou, she dragged me into her world against my own volition.

Was there something about auntie that I didn't know about?

I could still feel the tips of my fingers buzzing with adrenaline.

Even so, my entire body felt numb, like it was paralysed.

Rebellion really did land on me...

I don't understand... what the hell did I just experience?

I relaxed my stiff shoulders.

There's no reason to get worked up over this.

I clenched my fist to dispel my resignation and harden my instincts.

"I'm tense because... this is a really great fight, auntie."

Auntie smiled.

"Boosted by Curiophase, Dudu attacks! (35000 > 48000)"

Since Chronobite's attack would be easier to guard, I decided to take this attack.

"No guard! (Blue Espada Dragon)"

"Boosted by Ribbul, Chronobite attacks! (30000 > 38000/2)"

"Dark Heart Trumpeter, Grim Revenger, Awalgin, and Nemain! (13000 > 63000 > 43000)"

If I had another trigger, I wouldn't have had to waste an extra card to guard.

"Oh dear... turn end. I retire Rebellion and ride Chronofang from soul, getting another Force marker."

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

Hand: 3
Damage: 4
Ritual: 5

OST: Gluttony Fang II

"Stand and draw! Nemain's skill, I rest her and call a Lluails from deck! I move Branwen up and call Lluails and Owl from my hand! Owl's skill, I counterblast to draw! Since I have three grade 1s in drop, Branwen gets 5k! (8000 > 13000) Since I have all grade 1 rear-guards, both of my Lluails get +15k! (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000)"

I know auntie would perfect guard my vanguard attack, but that would leave her with one card in hand.

If I could break through with my other three swings, I would win.

Right now, this was all I could do.

"Boosted by Owl, Claret Sword attacks! (13000 > 18000/2) Septimum Eraser!"

"Gigi guards. (13000 > 23000)"

For some reason, she was trying to hard guard this attack.

"Are you sure? It's a one to pass."

Auntie nodded at me with determination in her eyes.

"Do it, Yuu-kun. Show me how much you've grown."

She wanted this.

All I needed was one trigger...

Come on, work with me!

I flipped the top two cards of my deck over.

"Twin Drive!! (Cherishing Knight, Branwen, Strict Order Knight, Lluails)"

Neither of them were triggers.

"You hesitated..."

Auntie frowned, but I shook my head.

"It's fine... I still have this. Claret Sword's skill! I counterblast and bind seven grade 1s in drop zone!"

"But you only have five?"

"That's where Awalgin's skill comes in. When he's being bound by Claret Sword's skill, if I have seven or more grade 1 cards bound, he's regarded as seven grade 1 cards!"


"I restand the vanguard with drive -1! (13000/2/2d > 1d)"

With a damned smile, Claret Sword Dragon rose up from the ashes once more.

"Claret Sword attacks! (13000/2/1d) Nihil Bloodriver!"

Since she hard guarded my vanguard attack, I predicted she was going to intercept with both Dudu and Chronotiger to stop this one.

That way, if I get a critical trigger here, she'd be able to save her perfect guard for whichever column receives it, and take the other attack coming her way, since she was at four damage.

However, my expectations were completely shattered when she put Kastilia down on the guardian circle.

"Perfect guard!"

Auntie had practically handed me the win.

"Drive check! (Belial Owl) Critical trigger, all to Branwen! (13000 > 23000/1 > 2) Boosted by Lluails, Branwen attacks! (23000 > 43000/2)"

Not even an intercept could stop this. However...

"Skill, activate."

Her visor started glowing light purple.

After all this time, auntie decided to use her skill now.

"Ephermal Reform! Since I have zero cards in hand, I can send all of your rear-guards to the bottom of your deck!"


In an instant, my field disappeared, leaving me with no more attacks.

"But, that's..."

I froze.

"I'm sorry for tricking you, Yuu-kun... I was saving my Skill for a situation like this. You played really well, though!"

"I had it... in my grasp..."

A wave of shortcoming fell over me.

It's always like this, isn't it?

How many times... have I ended up like this?

Kaido crushed me.

"Violence Flanger attacks! His skill, I soulblast a grade three and discard my entire hand. He gets 5k and you can't call sentinels or cards with the same grade as the ones I discarded. I discarded a grade of each, so you won't be able to guard, period."

Zyriot squashed me.

"Boosted by Hornet, Stag Beetle attacks! Insect Railgun, Full Burst!!"

How many times... have I been so close to victory, only to lose it?

Kishou obliterated me.

"Chatura attacks."

Mikazuchi-sensei annihilated me.

"My Shadow Army token attacks! Countless Twelfth overSLAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

How many times... have I made a simple mistake that cost me everything?

Why don't I ever learn not to underestimate my opponents...

"Yuuto... I'm sorry. Alter Ego Messiah attacks."

Get out of my head...

I was too sure of my victory to see anything past that.

When did I become so full of myself...?

"Chaos Breaker Dragon attacks! DIE, YUUTO!"

I said get out...!

Because of my bloated ego, I was once again about to lose.

If you assume you're on the back end of every situation, you'll always be prepared to win.

That was my philosophy, wasn't it?

"Yuuto. You need to win."


And yet... I couldn't even follow my own advice.

I really am useless...

Nothing's changed...

"You know, even the sand beneath our feet can become stardust if it tries hard enough. You're the same, Takanori-san."

...once again, she's saving me from losing myself once again.

How much of my life is indebted to you now...?

I stared deeply into the reflection of myself in the water.

Is this who I am?

Is this who I want to be?

Is this really the face of a masterpiece?

If he saw me now... he'd laugh at me.

"Yuu-kun...? Is everything okay...?"

I could hear auntie's frightened whisper, but I was too focused on what was bubbling up inside of me.

This feeling...

This emotion...

This hatred...

It was all for myself.

Something clicked within me.

I've had enough of being pushed around by everyone else.

I've had enough of feeling sorry for myself.

I've had enough of failing again.

No longer would I settle for mediocrity anymore.

It was time to firmly seize what was mine.

A win... in this shitty card game!

It doesn't matter who it is.

They could be my allies, they could be my family, they could be my enemies...

None of it matters.

As long as they stand in my way, I'll kill them.


The Claret Sword Dragon on Cray had become the me on Earth.


To break into heaven, one must first touch the sky.

"I put all of my bound cards into the drop zone... AND RESTAND THE VANGUARD WITH 10K FOR EACH GRADE 1 IN DROP ZONE AND GET DRIVE +1! (13000 > 133000/2/1d > 2d)"

To fall into hell, one must first commit a sin.


To touch the sky, I committed a sin.

"N-no... g-guard!?"

I sold myself to the Devil so I could obtain enough power to become God.

"TWIN DRIVE!! (Darkside Trumpeter, Death Feather Eagle)"

The sword was stuck in my hands.


That's why...

"D-damage checks...! (Chronotiger Rebellion, Chronofang Tiger)"

Claret punched Chronofang in the face.

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